Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
To prevent confusion from having three different issues in one report, I suggest moving discussion about two of them (or filing new bugs for them):
1) Sounds like Issue 443
3) The Java API speed definitely shouldn't be slower. Is this reproducible? It could be co-incidence that the APIs appeared to be different speeds. Please file a bug with more details on this one if it is happening consistently.
I'm leaving this bug open as a feature request for 2), since that's what the title sounds like. Issue 1797 requests memcache priorities, but I can't find any other issues requesting the ability to pay more for bigger memcache sizes, which is a fair request.
1) Sounds like
3) The Java API speed definitely shouldn't be slower. Is this reproducible? It could be co-incidence that the APIs appeared to be different speeds. Please file a bug with more details on this one if it is happening consistently.
I'm leaving this bug open as a feature request for 2), since that's what the title sounds like. <> #3
Actually, just found a bug for 2), so I'm closing this as a duplicate, please go star issue 6078 and/or issue 1797 instead. Thanks
on GAE for Java.
I would like to have more control/insight over the entries within MemCache.
This includes:
1.) A new menu item in the admin console, similar to the one for the
DataStore that show me statistics over how many entries I have in MemCache,
how much space they take up combined, when the last get/getAll/put/putAll
happened, and maybe what object types that the values and/or keys have.
2.) Probably even more important than the first feature would be more
control over MemCache in general. Here a real life example from my app. I
tried to cache 32,000 entries in MemCache for faster access. Due to the
size limitation of 1MB per put/putAll, I did multiple putAll's after each
other in a loop, only to find out that after the last one was done, entries
of the first iteration have already been evicted again (probably due to
memory pressure) before I was ever able to use/access them. I would be
absolutely o.k. to have a Memory/MemCache quota (size and/or number of
entries) and to pay for more/bigger MemCache sizes. What I asking for is
simply to have more control over how much (number of entities and size of
MemCache in total) I would like to store in MemCache and what gets evicted
first (if eviction is necessary at some point - like a priority). Currently
the great service of MemCache is unfortunately of no use to me because my
amount of data or number of entries (or both - I really don't know) seems
to be too big.
3.) Last but not least, please remove the difference in API speed for
get/put/getAll/putAll between Python and Java. 4 or 5 ms in Python is
great, but 14/16 in Java is less than ideal. If this can not be fixed, let
us at least clarify on the GAE status chart that the times are different,
so that developers have transparency about this (it took me a while to
figure it out).