Feature Request P2
Status Update
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #2
[Comment deleted]
mi...@valnova.ch <mi...@valnova.ch> #3
Would you be able to provide an example app which produces an error for which gcloud doesn't report, but appcfg.py does?
ma...@google.com <ma...@google.com>
pa...@google.com <pa...@google.com> #4
In this case it is not app specific, The 400 error is due to quota of the application versions being over the limit which is 10 (but for this specific project it has been increased to 60). So any project with more than 10 versions will experience this.
App Engine:
The request history contains many lines that look like this:
(1) 2010-04-11 12:45:21.198 "POST /xxx/yyy" 200 real=77ms cpu=0ms api=0ms
overhead=0ms (3 RPCs)
I would like this to be enhanced to show at the end (3 RPCs, CPM