Feature Request P2
Status Update
ik...@google.com <ik...@google.com>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
We definetly need this, because at the moment its impossible to scale to support message sharing between clients. All cloud based persistent http channel providers have this feature!
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #3
We also need this, a call to sendMessage takes 20-60 millis, so if a user sends a message in a chat room with 50 users, we have to split the sending into a bunch of tasks and this also eats instance hours!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #4
very needed! any plans to add it??
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
please please add it.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #6
any news on this?
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #7
this is essential for any kind of chat app as the current impl doesn't scale
pr...@google.com <pr...@google.com> #8
Escalated to the channel engineering team.
an...@mackenzie-serres.net <an...@mackenzie-serres.net> #9
[Comment deleted]
an...@mackenzie-serres.net <an...@mackenzie-serres.net> #10
Before finding this issue I submitted:
NOTE: My request is to not have to track all clients connected to a channel and then have a batch method to send to all of them. I'd like to have a single channel Id shared between many clients. They all connect (open) the same channel and then I send once to that channel and all clients receive the message. Thus the Channel API would track who is on a channel and send to them when a message is sent to a channel. I don't see much value in having each app have to do that, instead of centralizing in the Google Channel code.
NOTE: My request is to not have to track all clients connected to a channel and then have a batch method to send to all of them. I'd like to have a single channel Id shared between many clients. They all connect (open) the same channel and then I send once to that channel and all clients receive the message. Thus the Channel API would track who is on a channel and send to them when a message is sent to a channel. I don't see much value in having each app have to do that, instead of centralizing in the Google Channel code.
sm...@gmail.com <sm...@gmail.com> #11
Let's be careful about what we're asking for here. Since a web page can only have a single channel, if the server uses that channel for 'broadcasting' messages then how are we to get more private messages to that channel. It almost feels like we need 'Topics' (or 'Destinations' or 'Subjects' if you prefer). That is, it would be great to have a mechanism where I could tell the Channel Service that I want my channel attached to some 'topic'. This way, the app can send message to the topic and anyone subscribed to that would get the message. But I could still send messages to the channel directly for individual communication. I can see situations where different channels are subscribed to different sets of topics (e.g. some app where users can construct their own portals to parts of the app that each require specific real-time updates). I've sort of built that for myself on top of the primitive system that's provided. Not difficult but really slow with the current mechanisms. I also hate having to keep track of userIDs/tokens myself in memcache.
jz...@ownersbox.com <jz...@ownersbox.com> #12
I am surprised this request does not have more entries;
current mechanism is cumbersome and does not scale on the application side given the latency for each sendMessage method; at a minimum a method of the form:
ChannelService.sendMessage(Set<ClientIDs> clientids, String message)
is needed; please make it available soonest;
current mechanism is cumbersome and does not scale on the application side given the latency for each sendMessage method; at a minimum a method of the form:
ChannelService.sendMessage(Set<ClientIDs> clientids, String message)
is needed; please make it available soonest;
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #13
[Comment deleted]
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #14
Any ETA on this? This issue has been here for years with no progress.