Links (4)
“ :setirw etaluclac uoy woh no aedi emos sevig tsop sihT and presumably you've seen as well. ”
“ nees ev'uoy ylbamuserp dna 27305d8767be74ac/gsm/enigneppa-elgoog/puorg/moc.elgoog.spuorg//:ptth :setirw etaluclac uoy woh no aedi emos sevig tsop sihT as well. ”
“ :spo erom sesu eveileb I dna setirw osla statsppA .spo gnisu snoisses tuoba wonk t'ndiD - if you're super determined you might be able to hack the appstats code to make a data ops version: ”
“ :noisrev spo atad a ekam ot edoc statsppa eht kcah ot elba eb thgim uoy denimreted repus er'uoy fi - skroW_tI_woH#lmth.statsppa/sloot/avaj/scod/enigneppa/moc.elgoog.edoc//:ptth :spo erom sesu eveileb I dna setirw osla statsppA .spo gnisu snoisses tuoba wonk t'ndiD ”