Links (11)
“ already uses http/2 ”
“ :enignE ppA rof yrarbil hsuP revreS a tliub sah maet emorhC ”
“ ot gniog yb xoferiF ro emorhC ni siht yfirev osla nac uoY and looking at the developer tools network inspector. ”
“ rehtie htiw maerts 2PTTH eht otni tnetnoc hsup nac ew dna ti stroppus tneilc eht fi tropsnart 2PTTH teg od ew ,won sdnats ti sa oS or we can add the Link rel=preload header to the response from our code ourselves which causes App Engine to start pushing the referenced resources to the client. ”
“ tekcit yM got merged into this. It's about support for outbound HTTP/2 requests via the urlfetch library. This would enable apps to talk to Apple's new push notification service over HTTP/2. Could that feature be added? Would be a way better experience for dealing with APNs. ”
“ no sgol eht kcehc I nehW .2/PTTH htiw enod si tseuqer a rehtehw kcehc nac ew woh wonk ot ekil osla d'I I always see: httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1" even though I am confident that the request was made with HTTP/2 (I used a plugin that shows the complete HTTP2 connection) ”
“ no gnikrow ton si hsuP revreS 2/PTTH in Chrome 68.0.3440.106 unless I explicitly disable `Experimental QUIC protocol` in `chrome://flags`. ”