Feature Request P2
Status Update
pa...@google.com <pa...@google.com> #2
Why do you expect the suite/apartment to be shown?
Please readhttps://developers.google.com/maps/faq#geocoder_queryformat
It looks like suites/apartments are not taken into account for address formatting.
Please read
It looks like suites/apartments are not taken into account for address formatting.
API access to the BigQuery 'Saved Queries' in the BigQuery Console, as well as the ability for other project users to see 'Saved Queries' in their individual BigQuery Consoles for a specific project.
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
Users must traverse the list of jobs to find previously ran queries.
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
For collaboration of used and working queries tested, saved and shared by different project users in the BigQuery console, and to provide access to these saved queries at the application level through APIs to be run by end-users.