Links (14)
“ ) LQS ycagel ot ylno ylppa srotaroced elbaT ). We should support a mechanism for querying a table at a particular point in time or over a range in standard SQL as well. ”
“ tnaem I ,"LQS dradnats" yB -- I'm interested in having the feature of "range based table decorators" in the newer "standard SQL" grammar. ”
“ - "rotaroced tohspans" dellac saw ti LQS ycageL nI .emit deificeps ta elbat eht fo tohspans a si ti .e.I .oga ruoh na elbat taht deireuq uoy fi nettog ev'dluow uoy taht atad eht teg uoy - snaem yllaretil "oga ruoh fo sa" ”
“ ta debircsed yciloP noitacerpeD duolC elgooG ot tcejbus eb lliw yeht - eb lliw meht fo yna fi tub ,erutuf eht ni detacerped eb thgim serutaef hcihw tciderp ot elba eb ot won morf emit gnol a si "reveroF" .detacerped ton si tI .eno "dradnatS" ot derapmoc sa tcelaid tnailpmoc dradnats ssel dna suoiverp si ti taht thgilhgih ot "ycageL" dellac si tcelaid ehT ”
“ ) ytiralunarg etad yb gninoititrap stroppus yreuQgiB yltnerruC .esaelp ,noitseuq erom eno - seilper rof sknahT ). If BigQuery supported by hour granularity - would you be able to use that as replacement for range decorators. I.e. query data in the last hour (or 2 hours) partitions - such queries will be only billed for data scan in these hourly partitions. ”
“ ) tcurtsnoc dradnats "FO SA EMIT METSYS ROF" hguorht LQS dradnatS ni detnemelpmi ydaerla era srotaroced tohspanS ) - see update #50 in this issuetracker. ”
“ :ereh debircsed sa ,elihw a ecnis LQS dradnats rof detnemelpmi era srotaroceD tohspanS ”
“ :yrotsih egnahc hguoht dedivorp si siht ,yllautcA , which is in preview. We do not plan to add special decorators to table names to access history. ”