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Comments <> #2
I see same issue and have been debugging it.
NOTE: It DOES NOT happen if not using support package, but use android level 14/15 library. I believe Honeycomb works well too.
My current workaround is to provide my own method, like below:
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag) {
return show(transaction, tag, false);
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag, boolean allowStateLoss) {
transaction.add(this, tag);
mRemoved = false;
mBackStackId = allowStateLoss ? transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss() : transaction.commit();
return mBackStackId;
NOTE: It DOES NOT happen if not using support package, but use android level 14/15 library. I believe Honeycomb works well too.
My current workaround is to provide my own method, like below:
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag) {
return show(transaction, tag, false);
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag, boolean allowStateLoss) {
transaction.add(this, tag);
mRemoved = false;
mBackStackId = allowStateLoss ? transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss() : transaction.commit();
return mBackStackId;
} <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
But Google pls fix this issue, as the expected behaviors must be consistent with ICS DialogFragment + FragmentManager and support package DialogFragment + FragmentManager.
It happens with both Support Package v4 r6 and v13 r6.
It happens with both Support Package v4 r6 and v13 r6. <> #5
I have this problem too.
As a workaround I use a boolean in the onActivityResult to mark the desired dialog and show the dialog in the onResume.
As a workaround I use a boolean in the onActivityResult to mark the desired dialog and show the dialog in the onResume. <> #7
This is definitely not a bug. There are times when onActivityResult() can be called before the Activity has restored its saved state... committing fragment transactions in these situations will simply not be remembered as a result (see this blog post: ).
Try moving your commits into "onPostResume()" instead as described here:
Try moving your commits into "onPostResume()" instead as described here: <> #8
Adding a "super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)" call at the beginning of the method seems to fix the problem. I'm surprised than almost nobody came up with such a simple solution. <> #9
Let's say we have an application where we need to select a picture from gallery, and then when we come back to onActivityResult(), we need to show a DialogFragment asking the user if he really wants to send the file.
How do you propose we can implement this with the current API?
Thank you,
Let's say we have an application where we need to select a picture from gallery, and then when we come back to onActivityResult(), we need to show a DialogFragment asking the user if he really wants to send the file.
How do you propose we can implement this with the current API?
Thank you,
Sabin <> #10
Please also consider how to deal with "Avoid performing transactions inside asynchronous callback methods." problem which is stated in
dismissAllowingStateLoss() is the least resort for dismiss() dialog in onPostExecute(), but there is no solution for DialogFragment#show() in onPreExecute() callback.
dismissAllowingStateLoss() is the least resort for dismiss() dialog in onPostExecute(), but there is no solution for DialogFragment#show() in onPreExecute() callback. <> #11
I have a similar problem, but I show the DialogFragment (not the one of the support library) on the onStart method call.
How could it be? And, how can I solve this?
How could it be? And, how can I solve this? <> #12
Still a bug on android 6
My team is observing a spike in this type of crashes in "Google Play Console -> Android vitals -> Crashes and ANRs" with the latest update of our app:
There might or might not be a bug in the runtime, or maybe one of the library we depending on is "doing something wrong". Presently we are unsure about how to proceed to debug this issue.
We would welcome any guidance on how to approach this. Thanks in advance.