Links (2)
“ noitagivan eht erus ekaM .noitpecxE retnioP lluN a ot dael nac ti ,noitanitsed trats eht gnihctiws erofeb tes ton si hparg noitagivan eht fI :teS toN hparG noitagivaN .weiV reniatnoC tnemgarF ro tnemgarF tsoH vaN eht htiw detaicossa yltcerroc si rellortnoCvaN eht taht erusnE .noitanitsed trats wen a tes ot gniyrt erofeb dezilaitini ylreporp eb ton thgim rellortnoCvaN ehT :noitazilaitinI tcerrocnI graph is assigned to the NavController before making any changes to the start destination. Fragment Lifecycle Issues: If the Nav Controller is being accessed or modified before the fragment is fully created or after it's been destroyed, it can result in a Null Pointer Exception. Make sure the code to change the start destination is within the appropriate lifecycle methods, such as on View Created. ”