Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> <> #3
Dear developer,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please try the following steps for troubleshoot -
As indicated in the
, when adding / removing a device, ensure to do this from your third-party app (not from the Google Home app (GHA)). Do not remove the device if there is only one device in your app that is account-linked, as this will cause a sync error.documentation -
Ensure that
has been implemented correctly.Report State is an important feature which lets the Google Home Action proactively report the latest status of the user's device back to Google Home Graph rather than waiting for aReport State QUERY
intent.You can inspect if the device status is correctly synced on
, and check if the status matches what is shown on the Google Home App.HomeGraph Viewer
If the issue persists after troubleshooting, to help us reproduce it, please share the following information with us:
(JSON format)Sync Response - Relevant
.GCP logs - Project ID.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you. <> #4
The issue still persists.
Currently, both the Check Report State and Query Discrepancy tests are functioning correctly and passing. However, when executing the Request Sync test, the issue remains.
As per your suggestion, I have modified my approach:
I now use the Google Assistant app to add/remove devices.
I use the Google Home app (GHA) for updating devices.
Attached are my operation video and logs for your reference. If there are any errors in my peration process, how should I correctly perform the following test scenarios?
1.Check HomeGraph devices after adding a device => failed (video: adding a device process-20250212.mp4 -
2.Check HomeGraph devices after removing a device => passed
3.Check HomeGraph devices after updating a device => failed (video: updating a device process-20250212.mp4 -
Project ID: zephyr-dev-439505
Sync Response:
GCP logs:
Test suite : Report State and Request Sync : timeout is currently set to 15 seconds
Thank you. <> #5
Dear developer,
Thank you for providing the detailed information. Based on the video, it appears that you unlinked and relinked your project in Google Assistant > Home control. However, this is not the correct approach for the Request Sync test cases in the Test Suite.
For the test cases - Check HomeGraph devices after adding / removing / updating a device
, you will need to add or remove other smart home devices to your project, such as a LIGHT or AC_UNIT. When updating a device, you can change its name. Kindly ensure that this is done from your third-party app rather than from the Google Home app (GHA). For more details, please refer to this link.
If you have any further questions, please feel free reach out to us. Thanks. <> #6
Thank you for your response. I would like to provide some clarification regarding our product. It is a smart range hood, and we have developed the Zephyr Connect App: Zephyr Connect on App Store (
If so, the app was originally designed to allow a single account to be linked to only one smart range hood. When a device is already linked, adding a new device requires unlinking and relinking, which will rebind the originally linked device. The original design also does not support adding additional smart home devices while an existing device is linked.
The app also does not support updating or renaming devices. Therefore, it is not possible to achieve this through a third-party application. Given this limitation, how should we proceed to pass the required test items?
A few years ago, we successfully passed the Request Sync test (
Based on the above explanation, are we still required to complete the test for adding and updating devices in HomeGraph? If so, how should we implement and proceed with the test if it is completed without using the Google Home application (GHA)?
Thank you
Our service is currently registered and operating on Google Home Action. We support Korean and English in the Language settings and are now developing to add support for Chinese (Traditional). We are currently testing the product in the verification environment, and we have encountered two issues that we would like to inquire about:
First Issue: While testing the product, we noticed that the nickname of a product does not change immediately, as shown in the attached screenshot. We would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.
Second Issue: For the availableFanSpeeds, the title is translated into Chinese correctly, but the speed_synonym, even when sent in Chinese as shown in the log, still appears as "Low". We would appreciate your guidance on this matter as well.
Our testing environment is iOS, with the system language set to Chinese and the Google Assistant language also switched to Chinese.
Please find attached our sync log. The agentUserId has been redacted due to user privacy concerns.
{ "requestId": "7271963657488061786", "payload": { "agentUserId": "change_for_secret", "devices": [ { "id": "11302FTV2432100023", "type": "action.devices.types.AIRPURIFIER", "traits": [ "action.devices.traits.OnOff", "action.devices.traits.Modes", "action.devices.traits.Toggles", "action.devices.traits.FanSpeed", "action.devices.traits.SensorState" ], "name": { "defaultNames": [ "Coway AirPurifier" ], "name": "NOBLE2", "nicknames": [ "NOBLE2" ] }, "willReportState": true, "attributes": { "sensorStatesSupported": [ { "name": "AirQuality", "descriptiveCapabilities": { "trackHistory": false, "availableStates": [ "healthy", "moderate", "unhealthy", "very unhealthy" ] } }, { "name": "PreFilterLifeTime", "numericCapabilities": { "rawValueUnit": "PERCENTAGE" } }, { "name": "Max2FilterLifeTime", "numericCapabilities": { "rawValueUnit": "PERCENTAGE" } } ], "availableToggles": [ { "name": "Light", "name_values": [ { "name_synonym": [ "light" ], "lang": "en" }, { "name_synonym": [ "照明", "燈光" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "availableModes": [ { "name": "mode", "name_values": [ { "name_synonym": [ "mode" ], "lang": "en" }, { "name_synonym": [ "模式" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ], "settings": [ { "setting_name": "Normal", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "normal" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "手動" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "smart", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "smart" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "智慧", "自動" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "sleep", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "sleep" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "靜音" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "ordered": true } ], "availableFanSpeeds": { "speeds": [ { "speed_name": "S1", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "low", "level one" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "微", "一段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "speed_name": "S2", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "middle", "level two" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "弱", "二段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "speed_name": "S3", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "high", "level three" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "中", "三段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "speed_name": "S4", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "highest", "level four" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "強", "四段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "ordered": true }, "reversible": false, "pausable": true }, "deviceInfo": { "manufacturer": "Coway Co.,Ltd.", "model": "AP-2023K_BG", "swVersion": "1.0", "hwVersion": "1.0" }, "customData": { "smartHomeProviderId": "", "deviceId": "11302FTV2432100023", "model": "113827" } }, { "id": "TST02FNH22B1000009", "type": "action.devices.types.AIRPURIFIER", "traits": [ "action.devices.traits.OnOff", "action.devices.traits.Modes", "action.devices.traits.Toggles", "action.devices.traits.FanSpeed", "action.devices.traits.SensorState" ], "name": { "defaultNames": [ "Coway AirPurifier" ], "name": "AIRMEGA", "nicknames": [ "AIRMEGA" ] }, "willReportState": true, "attributes": { "sensorStatesSupported": [ { "name": "AirQuality", "descriptiveCapabilities": { "trackHistory": false, "availableStates": [ "healthy", "moderate", "unhealthy", "very unhealthy" ] } }, { "name": "PreFilterLifeTime", "numericCapabilities": { "rawValueUnit": "PERCENTAGE" } }, { "name": "Max2FilterLifeTime", "numericCapabilities": { "rawValueUnit": "PERCENTAGE" } } ], "availableToggles": [ { "name": "Light", "name_values": [ { "name_synonym": [ "light" ], "lang": "en" }, { "name_synonym": [ "照明", "燈光" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "availableModes": [ { "name": "sleepTimer", "name_values": [ { "name_synonym": [ "sleep timer", "timer" ], "lang": "en" }, { "name_synonym": [ "定時關閉", "計時器" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ], "settings": [ { "setting_name": "Off", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "off" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "關閉", "OFF" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "H1", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "1 hour" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "1小時" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "H2", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "2 hour" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "2小時" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "H4", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "4 hour" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "4小時" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "H8", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "8 hour" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "8小時" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "ordered": true }, { "name": "mode", "name_values": [ { "name_synonym": [ "mode" ], "lang": "en" }, { "name_synonym": [ "模式" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ], "settings": [ { "setting_name": "Normal", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "normal" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "手動" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "smart", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "smart" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "智慧", "自動" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "setting_name": "sleep", "setting_values": [ { "setting_synonym": [ "sleep" ], "lang": "en" }, { "setting_synonym": [ "靜音" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "ordered": true } ], "availableFanSpeeds": { "speeds": [ { "speed_name": "S1", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "low", "level one" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "弱", "一段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "speed_name": "S2", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "medium", "level two" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "中", "二段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] }, { "speed_name": "S3", "speed_values": [ { "speed_synonym": [ "high", "level three" ], "lang": "en" }, { "speed_synonym": [ "強", "三段" ], "lang": "zh-TW" } ] } ], "ordered": true }, "reversible": false, "pausable": true }, "deviceInfo": { "manufacturer": "Coway Co.,Ltd.", "model": "AP-1720G", "swVersion": "1.0", "hwVersion": "1.0" }, "customData": { "smartHomeProviderId": "", "deviceId": "TST02FNH22B1000009", "model": "113597" } } ] } }
If there is any additional information you need, please let us know. Thank you.
Best regards,