Status Update
Comments <> #2
Tram, can you confirm that the behavior is correct if the modifier is moved to the composable inside the AnimatedPane? <> #3
Hi Max, yes when the modifiers are moved to the composable inside the AnimatedPane, the PB animations are better than when the modifiers are in the AnimatedPane itself
Using 1.1.0-alpha01
We probably need some design input on this, but if a maker sets the anchors as 25%, 50%, and 75%, then dragging the handle toward from 50% to 25% should resize pane 1 and 2 until the handle hits 25%. Dragging more toward 0% should not cause pane 1 to recompose to a smaller size (and probably shouldn't cause pane 2 to recompose to a bigger size). Similarly, the right size at 75% should behave the same way. As it is now, it looks really weird that you can make a pane tiny (e.g., 10px) and Compose tries to fit everything in that really small space even though letting go of the handle will resize it all again.