Status Update
Comments <> #2
Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. UQ1A.240205.002)
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Are you reporting this as a Developer or User?
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method
Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Note: Please upload the bug report to google drive and share the folder to, then share the link here. <> #3
Please provide the requested information to proceed further. Unfortunately the issue will be closed within 7 days if there is no further update. <> #4
We are closing this issue since we didn't receive a response. If you are still facing this problem, please open a new issue and add the relevant information along with reference to this issue. <> #5 Restricted <> #6 Restricted <> #7 <> #8
Both reports should be the same. I’ve tested the scenario twice, and these are the bug reports from those tests. Let me know if you need any further details. <> #9 <> #10
Sure, Please update us on this. <> #11
Following update has been received from the engineering team:
- Reg #1, No Login Prompt on Game Launch, yes this is intended.
- Reg #2, seems like a bug, We will look at the bug report. can you please share a video for this bug? <> #12 Restricted+ <> #13
I have shared the video above. Let me know if you need any more information. <> #14
Hi Google team, Is there any update on this issue? <> #15
+1. We are encountering similar issues with Google Play Services v2. <> #16
Bumping this up to see if their is any update from the Google team on this?
I’ve recently migrated our game from Google Play Services v1 to v2 as per the official documentation ( ). However, I’m encountering a couple of issues related to the sign-in process:
No Login Prompt on Game Launch:
When there is no Google account signed in on device, the game does not prompt the user to sign in during the launch. Is this expected behavior in v2?
Issue with Interactive Sign-In:
I attempted to use the interactive sign-in option as described in the documentation ( ). Here’s what I experienced:
The sign-in popup appears correctly after manually calling the login button inside our game.
After entering the correct Google account credentials, instead of being redirected back to the game, the login screen reappears, asking for credentials again.
I manually tried navigating back to the game by pressing the back button, the login success is not immediately recognized.
However, when I check the login status again, it shows that the login was successful.
This behavior is causing confusion and a poor user experience. Could you please provide guidance on whether this is a known issue or if there are any additional steps I should follow to resolve this?
Environment: Google Play Services Version: Platform: Android All Android Devices( Mi, Samsung, Pixel etc)