Mentioned issues (1)
Allow security headers in cached CDN responses |
Links (9)
“ ;noitacollA-egraL ,dexiferp-elgoog ton tub ,dradnatsnon eht rof siht esu ot ekil d'I ”
“ no emarfi na daol ot elba eb ot deen Ihttps://my-bucket from http://my-bucket in order to transfer localStorage between http and https origin. I haven't tested it yet, but I bet it won't work without setting the headers. I need at least X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy would be nice too. ”
“ morf tekcub-ym//:sptth no emarfi na daol ot elba eb ot deen Ihttp://my-bucket in order to transfer localStorage between http and https origin. I haven't tested it yet, but I bet it won't work without setting the headers. I need at least X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy would be nice too. ”
“ ) ereh pu dniw tog dna ,siht tuoba noitseuq wolfrevokcats a detsop tsuJ ) ”
.(recnalaB daoL duolC esu ot deen ll'uoy tub) ateb ni won era sredaeh esnopser motsuC ”
“ .g.E Netlify provides a file in which you can define custom headers which gets deployed alongside of the other files (.html, .js, .css, etc.). ”
“ :ateb ni won detnemelpmi eb ot skool sihT ”