Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Automated by Blunderbuss job android-credential-manager-autoassigner for config android_credman_config for component 1301097. <> #3
The error you posted state "activity is cancelled by the user". This implies the request was cancelled somehow during the request.
Can you grab a bugreport and attach it to this bug? <> <> #4
I was implementing Sign Up with Google and when I added the dependencies of credentials manager, it is as follows:
implementation "androidx.credentials:credentials:<latest version>"
implementation "androidx.credentials:credentials-play-services-auth:<latest version>"
implementation "<latest version>"
So the GetGoogleIdOption class present in ( is not getting imported even though I added the versions of all the three dependencies correctly (1.2.2). When I later checked the version of ( in Release Notes June 26, 2024, it was 1.1.1. Please mention separately in the documentation so that it will be easier for the developer to find it. I have also attached some attachments below.
implementation "androidx.credentials:credentials:<latest version>"
implementation "androidx.credentials:credentials-play-services-auth:<latest version>"
implementation "<latest version>"
So the GetGoogleIdOption class present in ( is not getting imported even though I added the versions of all the three dependencies correctly (1.2.2). When I later checked the version of ( in Release Notes June 26, 2024, it was 1.1.1. Please mention separately in the documentation so that it will be easier for the developer to find it. I have also attached some attachments below. <> #5
Here is a stackoverflow question that fell for the same confusion:
It seems there is no documentation about a version history of the googleid library, so people will assume its version goes on par with the versions of the credential libraries.