Status Update
Comments <> #2
reemission of the same liveData is racy <> #3 <> #4 <> #5
fun raceTest() {
val subLiveData = MutableLiveData(1)
val subject = liveData(testScope.coroutineContext) {
emitSource(subLiveData) //crashes
subject.addObserver().apply {
} <> #6 <> #7
I actually have a WIP fix for it:
if your case is the one i found (emitting same LiveData multiple times, as shown in #5) you can work around it by adding a dummy transformation.
val subLiveData = MutableLiveData(1)
val subject = liveData(testScope.coroutineContext) {
emitSource( {it })
emitSource( {it} )
} <> #8
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit af12e75e6b4110f48e44ca121466943909de8f06
Author: Yigit Boyar <>
Date: Tue Sep 03 12:58:11 2019
Fix coroutine livedata race condition
This CL fixes a bug in liveData builder where emitting same
LiveData source twice would make it crash because the second
emission registry could possibly happen before first one is
removed as source.
We fix it by using a suspending dispose function. It does feel
a bit hacky but we cannot make DisposableHandle.dispose async
and we do not want to block there. This does not mean that there
is a problem if developer disposes it manually since our emit
functions take care of making sure it disposes (and there is
no other way to add source to the underlying MediatorLiveData)
Bug: 140249349
Test: BuildLiveDataTest#raceTest_*
Change-Id: I0b464c242a583da4669af195cf2504e2adc4de40
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/restricted_2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/restricted_current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/src/main/java/androidx/lifecycle/CoroutineLiveData.kt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/src/test/java/androidx/lifecycle/BuildLiveDataTest.kt <> #9
Unfortunately my project is very big and it would take days of work to clean up to get an "empty and dumb container".
The code at #6 works in a new project created from scratch, so the issue should be elsewhere. <> #10
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3' <> #11
Re <> #12 <> #13
Hi, I added a sample project.
I also confirm that by manually importing
kotlinx-serialization-json (version 1.7.3 as an example), the compilation ends successfully.
in this project i am using 2.8.4, but it still reproduces.
The problem is definitely on the overload of the setStartDestination method which uses the generic T method, instead of the specific int <> <> #14
Yup java is pulling in the <> #15
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Clara Fok <
Fix wrong setStartDestination overload in Java
Expand for full commit details
Fix wrong setStartDestination overload in Java
Java compiler links to the wrong NavGraph.setStartDestination overload which takes a `startDestination: T` instead of the correct `startDestination: Int`.
The overload that takes `T` is part of the Navigation SafeArgs features for kotlin users, so we hide this overload from Java sources with @JvmSynthetic.
This annotation is binary compatible.
Test: manual testing
Bug: 364634035
Relnote: "The kotlin-specific NavGraph.setStartDestination overload for type safety is hidden from Java sources."
Change-Id: Ic640c37f3cef5578022866529a8e576eba8d745d
- M
- M
- M
Hash: ca3ba4e8cad00096390024507b7db28bbe6e2ed5
Date: Thu Nov 28 16:38:58 2024 <> #16
Fixed and available in navigation-2.9.0-alpha04 <> #17
I have tried this fix by using navigation-2.9.0-alpha03
and removed the temp fix of implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3'
however the same error has returned during build:
"class file for kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer not found"
The build is successful when retaining implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3'
Is this expected, or is there perhaps something else I'm not doing? <> #18
Typo - it is available in navigation-2.9.0-alpha04
. <> #19 <> #20
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
androidx.navigation:navigation-common:2.9.0-alpha04 <> #21
I've tested with the proposed fix and can confirm this is resolved for me.
Version used: 2.8.0
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android 11
Previous working version: 2.7.7
Using Navigation 2.7.7 all works fine but when updating to 2.8.0 I get "error: cannot access KSerializer" ("class file for kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer not found") at this line:
- navGraph.(HERE IS THE MARKED POINT)setStartDestination(
during "Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac".
This piece of code placed in a MainActivity.onCreate() method:
- NavGraph navGraph = navController.getGraph();
- navGraph.setStartDestination(
Those are my TOML libraries versions used in this project:
annotation = "1.8.2"
appcompat = "1.7.0"
constraintlayout = "2.1.4"
flexbox = "3.0.0"
gradle_plugin = "8.6.0"
kotlin = "1.9.24"
livedata = "2.8.5"
material = "1.12.0"
navigation = "2.8.0" (<-- returning to 2.7.7 solves this issue)
preference = "1.2.1"
sdk_compile = "34"
sdk_target = "33"
volley = "1.2.1"
Unfortunately the project is very big and I'm unable to cleanup to create a simple sample project for replicate this error.
I hope it would be enough those info.....