Status Update
Comments <> #2
Also confirmed issue persists on 4.4. <> #3
There are a lot of expensive accessories I've purchased or been gifted that quit workin with android 4.2. Android devs need to get on this. 3 broken versions and numerous minor updates and it hasn't even been triaged yet. Completely unprofessional. <> #4
We are loyal to Android as and they treat us like this.. I have a google device and yet it still is not fixed. <> #5
Please fix <> #6 Restricted
Restricted <> #7
I abandoned iPhone to discover something better, but I'm finding a lot of my Bluetooth paired devices won't work properly on android... I hope this gets fixed soon. I don't want to have to buy an iPhone again and suffer with their long agreements and system restrictions. <> #8
[Comment deleted] <> #9
Comment has been deleted. <> #10
Yes, count me as someone who would like to see this fixed. It apparently isn't fixed in KitKat. <> #11
I have two nexus devices and this is a regular issue. The kid can't play games properly. Way to replace a working stack with a subpar homebrewed one. <> #12
Please roll back previous API. This fratura is importante. <> #13
Android 4.3 killed my super mario :( <> #14
Please fix, pretty please <> #15
I have a device that worked fine with Bluez and now is broken with Bluedroid. Please add support for devices requiring L2CAP connectivity. From the logs, it seems to try and run L2CAP over GATT/ATT even with devices that are not BLE.
Thanks <> #16
Please fix this!! We want to play with us wii u pro controller!! C'mon Google!! <> #17
PLEASE GOOGLE, LET US HAVE BLUETOOTH FREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #18
Google, please fix this issue. many games are unplayable with said issue. <> #19
Please google, can someone please fix this issue. thanks <> #20
Would love to see this resolved. Like a handful of others on here I just wanted to sync a bluetooth controller to my Android device to play some games. (I'm not very good at Megaman X with the touchscreen). I know it isn't a huge system issue, but maybe it could be changed anyway?
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance!
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance! <> #21
Just want to play some Bayou Billy for nes on my Note 3 with wiimote controller please. <> #22
[Comment deleted] <> #23
I was really upset when I went to use a feature that used to work perfectly, this is stupid, what gives Google? <> #24
I, like many others, wish to enjoy computer gaming nostalgia via excellent emulators. Please fix my first world problem... <> #25
Please fix. This is really dissapointing and I think I'm switching to Apple. <> #26
Several Android devices and several Android versions from 4.2 to 4.4 : I cannot use m'y game contrôler I bought especially for my first Android phone under 2.2. Please fix !!
Intent intent = new Intent("android.settings.REQUEST_SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM");
This code takes users to the correct screen on the WearOS 5 emulator, and shows apps that are allowed/not allowed to schedule exact alarms. Alternatively on the WearOS 5 emulator, the user can go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App Info > (app name) > Advanced and can grant permission there. Neither of these options are available however on the actual Pixel Watch 3. The first method just shows a screen headed 'Alarms & reminders' with no apps shown. The second option is missing altogether from the Advanced settings page.
Consequently **there is no way for the user to grant this permission** on a physical Pixel Watch 3. This bug means that any app which requires this permission is completely non-functional.
The correct behaviour is that the Pixel Watch 3 should correctly respond to the code above, so that the user sees a settings screen for Alarms & reminders and can grant permission to an app that has requested this permission.
This is a security issue because it relates to an Android permission that can't be granted on a physical device, and therefore causes certain apps to be non-functional.
This form is only for reporting bugs found in the Android system while
developing Android applications. Use the Developer Tools subcomponent for issues with
the developer tools.
Please describe the problem in detail. Be sure to include:
- Steps to reproduce the problem (including sample code if appropriate).
- What happened.
- What you think the correct behavior should be.
- Is this a security related issue? Yes/No
Don't forget to mention which version of Android you're using, and/or which
device the problem appears on (model and Android version).
Please also run "adb bugreport" and archive the output.
To avoid the possibility of sharing private information, please share bugreports and screenshots from Google Drive. Share files with and include only Google drive links in your bug. If attaching bug reports or other sensitive data directly to issues, please mark the attachment(s) as “Restricted (
Please note, by submitting this bug report, you acknowledge that Google may use information included in the bug report to diagnose technical issues and to improve our products and services, in accordance with our Privacy Policy (
Bug reports include personal information logged on your device or by apps, such as:
File names
Installed apps and usage
Email addresses of the profiles on the device
Device identifiers, such as phone number
Web history information, including URLs / URIs
Location information, including limited location history
Network information, such as IP/SSID/MAC addresses and saved or scanned APNs
System or device information, such as memory and processes