Links (4)
“ a sa ediuG IPA liamG eht yb dednemmocer osla dna) reldnah ecivres stseuqer dehctab siht fo egatnavda taerg a eb ot gniog saw egasu krowten eht gnizimitpo ,revewoH .tnetnoc war eht morf ffuts taht lla dna =?....?q?8-ftu?= eht desrap ydaerla sah edoc dnekcab eht dna 8-FTU si esnopser NOSJ eht esuaceb sretcarahc hcus ro gnidocne refsnart eht tuoba yrrow ton seod resu eht ,esac taht nI best practice ) should the text be encoded in the multipart as it is in the individual requests. ”
“ sdIlebal ro q yb gniretlif sdaerht/{dIresu}/sresu/ TEG IPA eht gnisu egassem siht rof hcraeS users.threads.list . ”
“ ot tseuqer (sredaeh/daolyap,teppins)segassem,teppins=sdleif&tcejbuS=sredaeHatadatem&atadatem=tamrof?{di}/sdaerht/{dIresu}/sresu/ TEG a dneS :tsil denruter eht ni daerht hcae roF get the specified thread . In the output, note that snippet and subject show the non-ASCII characters correctly. ”
“ ot tub ,4 pets taeper uoy fI get specific messages GET /users/{userId}/messages/{id} and using format=raw then decoding the raw content from bas64url yourself, you will find the Subject inside in quoted-printable encoding, so you can still decode it and get the right value. ”