Status Update
Comments <> #2
Sorry - Wrong classification. should be feature request instead. Could somebody move
it to the right place?
it to the right place? <> #3
My scenario:
I run a script from inside the script editor.
-> When the script editor remains open I can stop the script from the "dismiss" link - fine.
-> When I close the script editor (and also close the actual spreadsheet) the script continues to run (great).
-> Is there any way to manually stop the script when I have closed the script editor?
It would be useful to have some kind of dashboard per spreadsheet, where the status of each script is shown and from where you can abort scripts.
After playing a bit more with scripts and triggers I propose:
* A dashboard where running scripts can be aborted (and the dashboard shall also show stats about the script (for how long has it run etc)
* But not only running scripts - it would be great to also have a dashboard for all the current triggers that are active (across all your spreadsheets)
(I have been looking at timed triggers, easy to set up, easy to forget - if you make several versions of a spreadsheet you might end up with a lot of triggers firering, which might not be want you want)
I run a script from inside the script editor.
-> When the script editor remains open I can stop the script from the "dismiss" link - fine.
-> When I close the script editor (and also close the actual spreadsheet) the script continues to run (great).
-> Is there any way to manually stop the script when I have closed the script editor?
It would be useful to have some kind of dashboard per spreadsheet, where the status of each script is shown and from where you can abort scripts.
After playing a bit more with scripts and triggers I propose:
* A dashboard where running scripts can be aborted (and the dashboard shall also show stats about the script (for how long has it run etc)
* But not only running scripts - it would be great to also have a dashboard for all the current triggers that are active (across all your spreadsheets)
(I have been looking at timed triggers, easy to set up, easy to forget - if you make several versions of a spreadsheet you might end up with a lot of triggers firering, which might not be want you want) <> #4
Hi Johan,
As a work around, I put an elapsed time counter inside of my main loop. After some time the user is prompted to continue or cancel the script. it is not perfect, but it works.
As a work around, I put an elapsed time counter inside of my main loop. After some time the user is prompted to continue or cancel the script. it is not perfect, but it works. <> #5
I just ran a script on a big spreadsheet. Realized some thing was wrong. Wanted to stop, but could not. <> #6
My example is different, if you develop the scripts and other user launches scripts, perhaps you don't want that they can stop scripts because it is a long process and updates a block of critical information.
stopping running scripts/triggers could be configured with permissions:
script owner
script editor
anyone launches the script
stopping running scripts/triggers could be configured with permissions:
script owner
script editor
anyone launches the script <> #7
We will only permit stopping scripts from the script editor, by the person who clicked 'run'. We're working on it,
Evin <> #8
We are working on this, but it will only work from the script editor, and will only allow the person in the editor, running the script to kill it. <> #9
Thats excellent <> #10
Could not client-side handlers help in this scenario? The ability to very quickly update the UI client side will greatly improve perceived responsiveness. Even if just to let the user know the following action may take a while.
See Issue 36753207 :
See <> #11
The option to cancel running script, from the script editor only as @leveyevin mentioned above, is now available. When you run a script from the script editor you'll see a yellow bar at the top that says something like "Running function nameOfMyFunction... Cancel Dismiss". Clicking Cancel will stop the script execution. <> #12
Thanks. This is good, but not good enough. Need to be able to stop even if we run from outside the editor. <> #13
It appears that cancelling / stopping the script doesn't release the Lock. I have opened up fix request for this:
Please star the issue if you are experiencing the same issue.
Please star the issue if you are experiencing the same issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
[Comment deleted] <> #15
Why is this marked as Fixed if you're still working on it? If anything causes the butterbar to disappear there is no way to cancel the script anymore.
1. Looping on big rows and colunms
2. Check a true cell value to continue
3. Force such cell content to False
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
1. While running you can't perform any cell changes or trigger any other
On which browser & OS?
Google Chrome/Chromium - Linux and Win XP