Status Update
Comments <> #2
I just attached a minimal test application with duplicated and multiline traces. Provided are a couple of logcat files and screenshots.
To me this isn'r really a big problem, since AS compiles my application and lets me debug it. That's what I use it for in my company. I just found it a bit annoying that something that worked one way in AS 2.x and 3.0, suddenly changed in 3.1. The new way results more time-consuming to me while debugging and reviewing the logs.
Could this be made configurable? Not necessarily in the UI, but editing some properties file. Thanks. :)
To me this isn'r really a big problem, since AS compiles my application and lets me debug it. That's what I use it for in my company. I just found it a bit annoying that something that worked one way in AS 2.x and 3.0, suddenly changed in 3.1. The new way results more time-consuming to me while debugging and reviewing the logs.
Could this be made configurable? Not necessarily in the UI, but editing some properties file. Thanks. :) <> #3
I have the same problem. <> #4
I also have the same problem. <> #5
I also have the same problem. <> #6
I also have the same problem. <> #7
I also have the same problem. <> #8
Was it fixed reverting to the old behavior, or was it fixed making the deduplication configurable?
What release version will include the fix?
What release version will include the fix? <> #9
I still have the same problem on my version.
Android Studio 3.1.1
Build #AI-173.4697961, built on April 4, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b02 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 8.1 6.3
Screenshot attached.
Is there any way to customize this kind of behavior?
Android Studio 3.1.1
Build #AI-173.4697961, built on April 4, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b02 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 8.1 6.3
Screenshot attached.
Is there any way to customize this kind of behavior? <> #10 This change in behavior was inadvertent and I reverted it. The fix will go out in 3.2. <> #11
how long before 3.2 is released? or should we just go back to 3.0 while we wait? <> #12
The fix will go out in 3.2 Canary 13 (we're at 11 now). If you're willing to put up with some instability use the canaries. I can't comment on when future stable versions will land. <> #13
canaries defeat the whole idea of wanting a bug fix. I'd get this bug fix plus I'll gain 50 new bugs, so no thanks. guess it's back to 3.0 since you say you aint gonna fix this in an update to 3.1 <> #14
got the same behaviour and i dislike it. I would prefer to always see the complete logcat line. <> #15
I was preparing to submit a similar issue before coming across this one. Along with the problem originally described, I've noticed that the current version seems to be unable to properly filter logcat. For example, given the following log:
05-15 17:04:26.219 000-000/com.example.debug D/testing: onViewRecycled: CardAndTextViewHolder
onViewRecycled: SubtitleViewHolder
onViewRecycled: HeaderViewHolder
onBindViewHolder: 0
Each log statement here has the same tag ("testing"). If the term "onViewRecycled" is applied to the logcat filter, the line containing "onBindViewHolder: 0" (line 4) should not be shown, but it is. I assume this and the original issue are both caused by the same bug, and if so, should be fixed in an upcoming version as mentioned above.
05-15 17:04:26.219 000-000/com.example.debug D/testing: onViewRecycled: CardAndTextViewHolder
onViewRecycled: SubtitleViewHolder
onViewRecycled: HeaderViewHolder
onBindViewHolder: 0
Each log statement here has the same tag ("testing"). If the term "onViewRecycled" is applied to the logcat filter, the line containing "onBindViewHolder: 0" (line 4) should not be shown, but it is. I assume this and the original issue are both caused by the same bug, and if so, should be fixed in an upcoming version as mentioned above. <> #16
Is there an idea on when will version 3.2 be released?
It was last working on the evening of Jan 10th and failed on the morning of Jan 11th with error "Syntax error: TypeError: Cannot find function setWordWrap in object Anchor. line: ? (line 1411)".
This application is used to manage our clinical records and client case-loads and is critical to our operations.
The GAS project is composed of a number of script files, which appears to confound the line ref (1411) in the above error. However, the first occurrence of .setWordWrap for an Anchor appears at line 1416 in one of the script files, as follows
function createCustomerContactPanel(WidgetMaker,Width) {
return WidgetMaker.createVerticalPanel().
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("Customer Details")).
add(WidgetMaker.createVerticalPanel().setWidth(Width).setStyleAttribute('border-radius', '5px').setStyleAttribute('border-style', 'solid').setStyleAttribute('border-width', '1px').setStyleAttribute('padding','2').setStyleAttribute('margin-bottom','8').
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("Name: ",false).setStyleAttribute('margin-right','3')).
add(WidgetMaker.createAnchor("","").setId("CustomerName").setStyleAttribute('color','rgb(86,101,255)').setStyleAttribute('font-size', '0.9em').setWordWrap(false)).
add(WidgetMaker.createAnchor("","").setId("CustomerCompany").setStyleAttribute('color','rgb(86,101,255)').setStyleAttribute('margin-left','3').setStyleAttribute('font-size', '0.9em'))).
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("Customer since: ",false).setStyleAttribute('margin-right','3')).
addItem(WidgetMaker.createTreeItem("Contact Details: ").
addItem(WidgetMaker.createAnchor("","").setId("CustomerEmail1").setStyleAttribute('position', 'relative').setStyleAttribute('left', '-15').setStyleAttribute('lineHeight', '60%').setStyleAttribute('color','rgb(86,101,255)').setStyleAttribute('font-size', '0.82em')).
addItem(WidgetMaker.createAnchor("","").setId("CustomerEmail2").setStyleAttribute('position', 'relative').setStyleAttribute('left', '-15').setStyleAttribute('lineHeight', '60%').setStyleAttribute('color','rgb(86,101,255)').setStyleAttribute('font-size', '0.82em')).
addItem(WidgetMaker.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('position', 'relative').setStyleAttribute('left', '-15').setStyleAttribute('lineHeight', '60%').
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("t: ",false).setStyleAttribute('margin-right','3')).
addItem(WidgetMaker.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('position', 'relative').setStyleAttribute('left', '-15').setStyleAttribute('lineHeight', '60%').
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("m: ",false).setStyleAttribute('margin-right','3')).
addItem(WidgetMaker.createVerticalPanel().setStyleAttribute('color','rgb(86,101,255)').setStyleAttribute('position', 'relative').setStyleAttribute('left', '-15').
add(WidgetMaker.createLabel("Last Comms: ",false).setStyleAttribute('margin-right','3')).
add(WidgetMaker.createAnchor("","").setId("LastCustomerCommunicationLink").setStyleAttribute('font-size', '0.85em'))))));}
Thanks for your help
Mark Spencer
The OT Centre
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On which browser & OS?
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