Feature Request P2
Status Update
ik...@google.com <ik...@google.com>
hg...@gmail.com <hg...@gmail.com> #2
Yey! I love to see this log numbers :)
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #3
I would like this feature too.
Does google have some sort of hidden API not available in Google App Scripts? What's available seems so limited.
Does google have some sort of hidden API not available in Google App Scripts? What's available seems so limited.
je...@gmail.com <je...@gmail.com> #4
We would really need this feature. Be able to get current page number of a given paragraph would allow to generate nice Table of contents with page number included
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
Is it possible to even get the total number of pages for a Google Doc using the Document API? This is a needed function.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #7
One solution I found:
function countPages() {
var blob = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getAs("application/pdf");
var data = blob.getDataAsString();
var re = /Pages\/Count (\d+)/g;
var match;
var pages = 0;
while(match = re.exec(data)) {
Logger.log("MATCH = " + match[1]);
var value = parseInt(match[1]);
if (value > pages) {
pages = value;
Logger.log("pages = " + pages);
return pages;
function countPages() {
var blob = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getAs("application/pdf");
var data = blob.getDataAsString();
var re = /Pages\/Count (\d+)/g;
var match;
var pages = 0;
while(match = re.exec(data)) {
Logger.log("MATCH = " + match[1]);
var value = parseInt(match[1]);
if (value > pages) {
pages = value;
Logger.log("pages = " + pages);
return pages;
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
Thanks, Dave. This looks like a promising work around for now. I will give it a shot!
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #9
Some improvement to the API is essential in order to accomplish this sort of thing. The issue I have is that I need to make sure that a table (or any document element) is not split over two pages.
I would propose the following API:
- Element.getPageNumber() : Returns the index of the page that the element begins on
- Element.getPageSpan() : Returns the number of pages that the element is spread across
- Document.getNumPages() : Returns the total number of pages in the document!!
In addition to this, if Google Docs had built-in pagination options(like Microsoft Word: Keep lines together, Keep paragraph with next, etc.), this would also help hugely.
I would propose the following API:
- Element.getPageNumber() : Returns the index of the page that the element begins on
- Element.getPageSpan() : Returns the number of pages that the element is spread across
- Document.getNumPages() : Returns the total number of pages in the document!!
In addition to this, if Google Docs had built-in pagination options(like Microsoft Word: Keep lines together, Keep paragraph with next, etc.), this would also help hugely.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
Getting page number and count is not enough ! Another issue - 2786 - requested the ability to insert the page number and page count placeholders e.g. in footers or headers. This is necessary e.g. for creating company-wide template add-ons: we have one that sets headers and footers appropriately, except that it cannot insert these placeholders. Issue 36758775 was merged with this one - 1656 - a bit hastily, and the requirement dropped.
So the proposed API extensions should also include
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
This change request doesn't require maintaining a full page counting scheme, it is relatively easy to implement and certainly easier than producing the page number of an enclosing element.
So the proposed API extensions should also include
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
This change request doesn't require maintaining a full page counting scheme, it is relatively easy to implement and certainly easier than producing the page number of an enclosing element.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #13
Please add this. Without this functionality, e.g.
...we can't do basic things like table of contents with page numbering in them.
...we can't do basic things like table of contents with page numbering in them.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
Element.getPageNumber() would be awesome!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15
To be honest, this should be a elementary function within GAS. I cant understand that something so simple has not been done after so many years.
So please Google, give us .getPageNumber() & .getNumPages()!
To be honest, this should be a elementary function within GAS. I cant understand that something so simple has not been done after so many years.
So please Google, give us .getPageNumber() & .getNumPages()!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
pls, Is any update about this issue?
pls, Is any update about this issue?
ri...@zzapps.nl <ri...@zzapps.nl> #17
The page number is in the footer of the page. We have a project now that is failing on this possibility. We now count pagebreaks, but they are not always available.
Please, reconsider adding this !
Please, reconsider adding this !
rr...@gmail.com <rr...@gmail.com> #18
Access to page numbers is definitely a needed thing. Just like a table of content WITH pagenumbers. I'm quite amazed this is absent ;(
ya...@gmail.com <ya...@gmail.com> #19
This issue has been running for 3 years now, would be great if it was implemented soon.
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #20
Tell me about it...
rl...@auis.edu <rl...@auis.edu> #21
I have starred this but how do we know if it is on the roadmap for implementation?
ya...@gmail.com <ya...@gmail.com> #22
It isn't and it won't be.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #23
Would like to see this happen, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be on the agenda. Maybe doing something clever with Blob strings and setContent() to add page numbers... I'll post if I have any luck.
pc...@gmail.com <pc...@gmail.com> #24
This is a useful tool.
I am immediately needing the forms like was said above of:
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
I am trying to create a standard footer that will be used with the Modified date, and Page 1 of 5. PageNumber and PageCount are both important.
One thing that puzzles me ... there is a way to insert these tags into the document from the menu ... so it seems that a simple use of that same code should make it easy to give that feature to us.
Thanks Google People for your help.
I am immediately needing the forms like was said above of:
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
I am trying to create a standard footer that will be used with the Modified date, and Page 1 of 5. PageNumber and PageCount are both important.
One thing that puzzles me ... there is a way to insert these tags into the document from the menu ... so it seems that a simple use of that same code should make it easy to give that feature to us.
Thanks Google People for your help.
jr...@gmail.com <jr...@gmail.com> #25
I am just starting with Apps Script. Working on a set of what I thought were very basic features in Excel and figured since they weren't in Docs yet, I ought to of COURSE be able to script them!
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
It's challenging enough to get users to switch tools.
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
It's challenging enough to get users to switch tools.
ml...@click2mail.com <ml...@click2mail.com> #26
We too need to get the page size and page count of any document in google drive (.doc, .pdf, .odt, etc) in addition to google doc. It will greatly simplify our app.
ds...@gmail.com <ds...@gmail.com> #27
[Comment deleted]
ds...@gmail.com <ds...@gmail.com> #28
I've created the following workaround:
Manually create a template document containing the desired headers and footers. Use the following code to copy the paragraph elements from the header and footer of the template document to your other document.
function addHeaderFooterFromTemplate(document){
var body = document.getBody();
var title = body.appendParagraph(titleString);
var headerSection = document.addHeader();
var footerSection = document.addFooter();
var headerFooterTemplateDoc = DocumentApp.openByUrl('insert your own template document url here');
var headerTemplate = headerFooterTemplateDoc.getHeader();
var footerTemplate = headerFooterTemplateDoc.getFooter();
var headerParagraphs = headerTemplate.getParagraphs();
var footerParagraphs = footerTemplate.getParagraphs();
return document;
Manually create a template document containing the desired headers and footers. Use the following code to copy the paragraph elements from the header and footer of the template document to your other document.
function addHeaderFooterFromTemplate(document){
var body = document.getBody();
var title = body.appendParagraph(titleString);
var headerSection = document.addHeader();
var footerSection = document.addFooter();
var headerFooterTemplateDoc = DocumentApp.openByUrl('insert your own template document url here');
var headerTemplate = headerFooterTemplateDoc.getHeader();
var footerTemplate = headerFooterTemplateDoc.getFooter();
var headerParagraphs = headerTemplate.getParagraphs();
var footerParagraphs = footerTemplate.getParagraphs();
return document;
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #29
thanks for the workaround dsuggitt@gmail.com- im a newbie, but modified it a bit since it wasn't working for me... i only needed the footer (and i definitely need an insert header/footer function!).
this one works great- but i love learning new tricks, so feel free to correct. I am using this to add page numbers to my contracts:
var contractsFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('my contract folder');
var doccontracturl = contractsFolder.getFilesByName(contract im working on).next().getUrl();
var doc = DocumentApp.openByUrl(doccontracturl);
var body = doc.getBody();
var footerTemplateDoc = DocumentApp.openByUrl('my footer template');
var footerTemplate = footerTemplateDoc.getFooter().getChild(0).copy().asParagraph();
doc.getFooter().insertParagraph(0, footerTemplate);
... blah blah blah, rest of my code continues
this one works great- but i love learning new tricks, so feel free to correct. I am using this to add page numbers to my contracts:
var contractsFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('my contract folder');
var doccontracturl = contractsFolder.getFilesByName(contract im working on).next().getUrl();
var doc = DocumentApp.openByUrl(doccontracturl);
var body = doc.getBody();
var footerTemplateDoc = DocumentApp.openByUrl('my footer template');
var footerTemplate = footerTemplateDoc.getFooter().getChild(0).copy().asParagraph();
doc.getFooter().insertParagraph(0, footerTemplate);
... blah blah blah, rest of my code continues
ap...@colo-sport.com <ap...@colo-sport.com> #30
Please add any API to GET page index accessible for any element that is located on certain page
vi...@vrtovec.net <vi...@vrtovec.net> #31
API support for pages and numbering is definitely sorely needed!
sc...@gmail.com <sc...@gmail.com> #32
I agree that this is a seriously necessary feature. But you are forgetting that the page count largely depends on the PRINTING SELECTIONS! Has anybody tried to create a Print PREVIEW feature? It could be extended from there! Think about it.
First, the google dialogue allows you to attempt to fit to the page nicely, if you don't select that, there will be ranges that are cut. If you could preview the printout, then check where things get cut, and make your adjustments from that back in your sheets, you're golden. However, with longer sheets, this would become less useable. A simple function built into the print dialog will fix it:
Get last element unfrozen of current Page, get first Element unfrozen of next page, if equal, set first page up to element before last, and second page to start at that element. If you work this across first, you can set it to print out the pages going across, then down for Page-sets. If Pageset1 page 1 goes across 3 pages, they will be set as pagesets 1, 2, AND 3, respectively. Then check each one going down... Now you just print page one from each set, page two from each set, page 3 from each set, etc. When putting these together, some tape on and lining up will make a long ledger sheet, and you can fold it. This is the functionality built in (IT WORKS I"VE DONE IT).
Now, if we could only have SCRIPTING ACCESS TO THE FUNCTIONS THAT COUNT THE NUMBER OF PAGES WITH THE SAME PRINT OPTIONS IN THE FUNCTION, LIKE ANY OTHER : PagesTotal(Option 1, Option 2, Option 3,chosenRANGEORSHEETNAME), and PAGESCURRENT(Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, etc, chosenRANGEORSHEETNAME), the functions that format the printing could be used to place page numbers. The default range could be the current cell in the current sheet in the current page of the document, and one of the options could allow you to specify a print function that only calls up the active sheet! That way different sheets can call data from one another, but print out as different booklets with their own titles and page-counts.
First, the google dialogue allows you to attempt to fit to the page nicely, if you don't select that, there will be ranges that are cut. If you could preview the printout, then check where things get cut, and make your adjustments from that back in your sheets, you're golden. However, with longer sheets, this would become less useable. A simple function built into the print dialog will fix it:
Get last element unfrozen of current Page, get first Element unfrozen of next page, if equal, set first page up to element before last, and second page to start at that element. If you work this across first, you can set it to print out the pages going across, then down for Page-sets. If Pageset1 page 1 goes across 3 pages, they will be set as pagesets 1, 2, AND 3, respectively. Then check each one going down... Now you just print page one from each set, page two from each set, page 3 from each set, etc. When putting these together, some tape on and lining up will make a long ledger sheet, and you can fold it. This is the functionality built in (IT WORKS I"VE DONE IT).
Now, if we could only have SCRIPTING ACCESS TO THE FUNCTIONS THAT COUNT THE NUMBER OF PAGES WITH THE SAME PRINT OPTIONS IN THE FUNCTION, LIKE ANY OTHER : PagesTotal(Option 1, Option 2, Option 3,chosenRANGEORSHEETNAME), and PAGESCURRENT(Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, etc, chosenRANGEORSHEETNAME), the functions that format the printing could be used to place page numbers. The default range could be the current cell in the current sheet in the current page of the document, and one of the options could allow you to specify a print function that only calls up the active sheet! That way different sheets can call data from one another, but print out as different booklets with their own titles and page-counts.
ag...@ortegafamilyenterprises.com <ag...@ortegafamilyenterprises.com> #33
I'd like to add my request for some access to programmatic page number in Documents, especially.
em...@xertica.com <em...@xertica.com> #34
Hi I need know in what page is one table to various tables in a google document using google apps script
ma...@weirdvibe.com <ma...@weirdvibe.com> #35
Access to the value of a page count function to insert it into a table is different than putting a page number and page count field placeholder in the recurring header or footer.
Both would be useful, but I vote for first implementation of field placeholders so they can be put in the header and footer. This seems like a more common usage.
I tried creating a template file with a footer containing (Insert > Header and page number > Page Number), and (... > Page Count) as the text "Page [PageNumber] of [PageCount]". I verified this appeared different on multiple pages. Then I looked at the footer text using getText(). I broke it down to paragraph objects or not, it didn't matter. The result of getText() replaced the placeholder values with empty strings, so it just said "Page of ". Apparently the guts of getText() know about special characters and replace them with an empty string. So I don't see any reason why we couldn't just use the actual codes for the special characters ourselves.
Unfortunately Backup & Sync only syncs a bookmark in place of the actual document, so it's no use trying to view the raw contents of the file. Apparently there used to be a way to trick Drive into giving you the raw contents but that no longer works. So I don't know how to see what the actual characters were. Besides, there probably isn't a way to get setText() to recognize them as control characters even if there were.
Seems like giving access to a table of special fields like page number and page count to insert into text elements would be a pretty nice feature... much more common to building a basic word processor document than equations. (Incidentally, equations seem to be supported but it looks like all the documentation is wrong... someone's pet project of mental fascination instead of answering consumer demand for basic features?)
Both would be useful, but I vote for first implementation of field placeholders so they can be put in the header and footer. This seems like a more common usage.
I tried creating a template file with a footer containing (Insert > Header and page number > Page Number), and (... > Page Count) as the text "Page [PageNumber] of [PageCount]". I verified this appeared different on multiple pages. Then I looked at the footer text using getText(). I broke it down to paragraph objects or not, it didn't matter. The result of getText() replaced the placeholder values with empty strings, so it just said "Page of ". Apparently the guts of getText() know about special characters and replace them with an empty string. So I don't see any reason why we couldn't just use the actual codes for the special characters ourselves.
Unfortunately Backup & Sync only syncs a bookmark in place of the actual document, so it's no use trying to view the raw contents of the file. Apparently there used to be a way to trick Drive into giving you the raw contents but that no longer works. So I don't know how to see what the actual characters were. Besides, there probably isn't a way to get setText() to recognize them as control characters even if there were.
Seems like giving access to a table of special fields like page number and page count to insert into text elements would be a pretty nice feature... much more common to building a basic word processor document than equations. (Incidentally, equations seem to be supported but it looks like all the documentation is wrong... someone's pet project of mental fascination instead of answering consumer demand for basic features?)
ma...@weirdvibe.com <ma...@weirdvibe.com> #36
Can we please have some visibility into the issue that is blocking this issue? Access is restricted.
am...@gmail.com <am...@gmail.com> #37
OMG, started :(
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #38
We have celebrated 6 years of this feature request, maybe it's time for Google to implement it?
hi...@gmail.com <hi...@gmail.com> #39
I would like to have access to the page number of a bookmark, so I can insert a link with a page number.
ut...@gmail.com <ut...@gmail.com> #40
Hi there! 6 years - and we can't have API for access to "Page 1 of 5"? Yeah! this is pain. Why developers not implement it?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #41
Currently building an internal tool for my company, we would love to have this ability.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #42
friendly ping!
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #43
Page layout seems to be fully determined by the client (browser). One way I found to observe this is to create a new document with the text "1234567890-=" repeated 560 times. That was just enough to create a layout difference between my two browsers, such that text is placed in two different places (on Chrome, an extra page gets populated, while on Firefox all text remains on two pages, although a third blank page exists), obviously because of client-side layout differences. I used Firefox 64.0.2 (64-bit) and Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) on a Windows 10 PC (screenshots attached).
I think this means that this issue won't be resolved before the layout engine become browser-independent.
I think this means that this issue won't be resolved before the layout engine become browser-independent.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #44
Isn't the layout supposed to depend on the font, leading, margins and page size? This isn't wysiwyg? Ugh what is this, 1983?
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #45
Oh, yes, I forgot to mention the font and size for my experiment. It's a blank document, so all defaults apply, and the font is Arial, 11.
It is a problem I guess anywhere where you are able to export your document into different formats - each might have different constraints on how precise the typesetting can be, which leads to questions about page numbering.
Interestingly, the Firefox rendering for this document matches the Download As PDF rendering provided by Google Docs, but the Google Chrome rendering does not match.
Here's the document I've been testing.https://docs.google.com/document/d/17nyeSBWIMzdAwjUqBeKfUXGRcOWfWHQmBk_WRqWmqck/edit?usp=sharing
It is a problem I guess anywhere where you are able to export your document into different formats - each might have different constraints on how precise the typesetting can be, which leads to questions about page numbering.
Interestingly, the Firefox rendering for this document matches the Download As PDF rendering provided by Google Docs, but the Google Chrome rendering does not match.
Here's the document I've been testing.
ck...@gmail.com <ck...@gmail.com> #46
I need to break a google document on each page and then create a new google doc for each page. I couldn't find a way to get page number, is there any API which which will help in doing the same? I explored RangeElement, but couldn't figure out on how to get the PAGE_BREAK element and get the content for the page.
var body;
var doc;
function init(){
doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
body = doc.getBody();
function myFunction() {
var searchType = DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK;
var rangeElement = body.findElement(searchType);
Logger.log('Element type: ' + rangeElement.getElement().getType());
if (rangeElement.isPartial()) {
Logger.log('The character range begins at ' + rangeElement.getStartOffset());
Logger.log('The character range ends at ' + rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive());
} else {
Logger.log('The entire range element is included.');
Hopefully this justifies getting access to page numbering. If there is a workaround possible, kindly suggest.
var body;
var doc;
function init(){
doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
body = doc.getBody();
function myFunction() {
var searchType = DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK;
var rangeElement = body.findElement(searchType);
Logger.log('Element type: ' + rangeElement.getElement().getType());
if (rangeElement.isPartial()) {
Logger.log('The character range begins at ' + rangeElement.getStartOffset());
Logger.log('The character range ends at ' + rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive());
} else {
Logger.log('The entire range element is included.');
Hopefully this justifies getting access to page numbering. If there is a workaround possible, kindly suggest.
fi...@gmail.com <fi...@gmail.com> #47
June 2019. The need for this feature is still there.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #48
I need to put current date time and page number to each page footer.
There are no corresponding functions in User Interface (for date and time) and no such feature for get page number in script.
Looks like a problem in a very basic level! Please fix this.
There are no corresponding functions in User Interface (for date and time) and no such feature for get page number in script.
Looks like a problem in a very basic level! Please fix this.
sp...@gmail.com <sp...@gmail.com> #49
This would be a very useful feature, please add with an ability to insert page numbers.
je...@ext.uber.com <je...@ext.uber.com> #50
April 2020 would be a great feature to have!
p....@prosa.nl <p....@prosa.nl> #51
OK, June 18th 2020 then? At least give some feedback as to why this issue is being ignored.
fa...@jcmmetais.com.br <fa...@jcmmetais.com.br> #52
OK, August 3th 2020 then? At least give some feedback as to why this issue is being ignored.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #53
I can't believe that such a essential feature isn't implemented in Apps Script. Especially 8 years after it was initially suggested. So, yeah, big +1 from me for this.
ma...@aramisauto.com <ma...@aramisauto.com> #54
OK, October 12th 2020 then? At least give some feedback as to why this issue is being ignored.
av...@gmail.com <av...@gmail.com> #55
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #56
Would absolutely a very welcome feature
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #57
Re: Issue 181288698 : Google Docs Scripts has no way to extract the page number.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #58
Lets make a party next year in aug2 to celebrate the 10-year old issue :)
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #59
Me and my client waiting for a beautiful feature like this.
Please have look and provide at-least April-2021.
Please have look and provide at-least April-2021.
ob...@obisims.com <ob...@obisims.com> #60
.getPageNumber() is badly needed for a lot of use-cases in programmatic document building. 10 years is wack.
The current solutions are to create a pdf as a string and regex through for /Pages\/Count or what? count all characters widths and heights with line heights and paddings to determine if i need to add a repeated header if there is a new pa... bugger, that's why you guys aren't doing anything about this right? google docs is for digital and you don't want people designing stuff for print, so you can have your non-print view seamless scroll, like having headers at the top of a new page that says "This BS Continued" if there is a pagebreak in my "This BS" section.
every time i add a row to a table or add a paragraph i'm going to have to do the pdf search thing, Every. Single. Row.
The current solutions are to create a pdf as a string and regex through for /Pages\/Count or what? count all characters widths and heights with line heights and paddings to determine if i need to add a repeated header if there is a new pa... bugger, that's why you guys aren't doing anything about this right? google docs is for digital and you don't want people designing stuff for print, so you can have your non-print view seamless scroll, like having headers at the top of a new page that says "This BS Continued" if there is a pagebreak in my "This BS" section.
every time i add a row to a table or add a paragraph i'm going to have to do the pdf search thing, Every. Single. Row.
ma...@weirdvibe.com <ma...@weirdvibe.com> #61
Give up and write macros for LibreOffice or Word bruv... Google don't care
Mark Alan Hedges
please forgive typos
I'm typing on my phone
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 6:00 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
Mark Alan Hedges
please forgive typos
I'm typing on my phone
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 6:00 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
ob...@obisims.com <ob...@obisims.com> #62
you're probably right mate but damn do i like a cloud platform that can work on most any comp or mobile without having to walk a client through how to use, download and update macros. it's just so many hoops to jump through.
pardon if i came off bitchy before, i was drunk coding and this was pissing me off.
there's just so much potential in appscripts and gsuite that gets wasted and wasted potential really bums me out.
btw this is not a P2 issue "An issue that would be P0 or P1 but has a reasonable workaround", this is unreasonable. P1 priority is "if there is a workaround it is partial or overly painful. The impact of the issue is to a core organisational function, or fundamentally impedes another team." - this is a bloody P1 issue.
pardon if i came off bitchy before, i was drunk coding and this was pissing me off.
there's just so much potential in appscripts and gsuite that gets wasted and wasted potential really bums me out.
btw this is not a P2 issue "An issue that would be P0 or P1 but has a reasonable workaround", this is unreasonable. P1 priority is "if there is a workaround it is partial or overly painful. The impact of the issue is to a core organisational function, or fundamentally impedes another team." - this is a bloody P1 issue.
an...@google.com <an...@google.com>
ma...@weirdvibe.com <ma...@weirdvibe.com> #63
It pisses me off too. Why wouldn't they just build the product around the
API in the first place, instead of trying to hack in the API later? It
will never be a fully functional scripting interface. I gave up a long
time ago.
Mark Alan Hedges
please forgive typos
I'm typing on my phone
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 10:58 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
API in the first place, instead of trying to hack in the API later? It
will never be a fully functional scripting interface. I gave up a long
time ago.
Mark Alan Hedges
please forgive typos
I'm typing on my phone
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 10:58 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
ma...@vdab.be <ma...@vdab.be> #64
I would like to have this feature as well!
jo...@google.com <jo...@google.com> #65
Hi everybody!
If you are still needing this request, please click on the star button (at the left side of the title) to show that you too call for this feature. The more stars this gets, the higher priority it will have.
ja...@google.com <ja...@google.com>
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #66
Yes, without these feature, there is no work around. Please give at least some feedback.
There should be
- Element.getPageNumber ()
- body.getNumPages ()
- body.getPage(5) // to access all elements on a particular page 5
- body.insertPageNumbers(format, position) // format might be like this: 'Page. 1' or 'Page 1 of 10', position : "Center - bottom", "right-bottom", "right-top"
Already mentioned by others too:
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
There should be
- Element.getPageNumber ()
- body.getNumPages ()
- body.getPage(5) // to access all elements on a particular page 5
- body.insertPageNumbers(format, position) // format might be like this: 'Page. 1' or 'Page 1 of 10', position : "Center - bottom", "right-bottom", "right-top"
Already mentioned by others too:
- Element.appendPageNumber ()
- Element.appendPageCount ()
- Cursor.insertPageNumber ()
ma...@weirdvibe.com <ma...@weirdvibe.com> #67
My feeling is that this issue is being ignored because it has been turned into a feature request for a complete rewrite of Google Docs, which would be The Right Answerâ„¢. Based on the total re-engineering of Google Drive for Desktop, I bet they're working on one. I hope they include more API features like this. The current version of Google Docs doesn't even have cross-platform WYSIWYG. It's not a word processor. It's a glorified RTF editor with some API hacks. Please, please, Google, tell us you're re-engineering the whole thing. We business customers are paying you a ****-ton of money in subscription fees. A working word processor to compete with 20-year-old features of Microsoft Word seems like a small ask.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #68
Its been more than a decade since the initial request was made, if your passing by annoyed by the lack of a solution to this issue, I hope everything works out for you!
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #69
Hey there, it is May 2023 and I hit on a problem where I can't control a doc creation without being able to obtain the number of pages that "would" be printed, or even determine if multiple pages were present.
I guess, I'll be back here when I am 60. See you in 2033.
I guess, I'll be back here when I am 60. See you in 2033.
sa...@dexterity.ai <sa...@dexterity.ai> #70
lol. Its July 2023... STOP USING GOOGLE'S PRODUCTIVITY SUITE! But seriously, there are other companies that offer competing solutions that actually respect their customers. Leave Google in the past.
is...@google.com <is...@google.com>
jo...@bbva.com <jo...@bbva.com> #71
assigned to "none"... ¿what does it mean?
El vie, 4 ago 2023 a las 9:28, <buganizer-system@google.com> escribió:
El vie, 4 ago 2023 a las 9:28, <buganizer-system@google.com> escribió:
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Think of generating even a simple document like an invoice. If it overflows from a single page, the format of the first page would change to have carry forward totalling.