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“ ])hctef.ppAhcteFlrU , {headers={authorization=Bearer ya29.FQK-iB8gKiQ2Oh6Fvdr54b-6HNtVNzPPWn4fu3i-uZglT0cw39s8j0WTwC62LW3EnbXfcA}, method=POST, payload={devMode=true, function=trythis, parameters=[{sheetName=lookup, id=1f4zuZZv2NiLuYSGB5j4ENFc6wEWOmaEdCoHNuv-gHXo}]}, muteHttpExceptions=true}]) ”
“ : dnuorakrow a eb yam ereht ekil skooL ”
“ htiw ekil) nohtyP ro PHP morf etalupinam uoy taht "sllec egassem lortnoc" emos evah ot eb dluow dnuorakrow enO ) and then have Google Apps script triggers that watch for that and run your GAS. ”
“ :sdooW deJ fo gnitsop siht no trats doog a dnif nac noitpo siht fo sliated rof gnikool ydobynA .oiranecs cilbup a ni noitulos taht esu ton llits dluow I tub ,ydobyna ot elbisiv ton si dna noitacinummoc revres ot revres ni desu ylno si dna desseug eb yldrah nac knil taht deednI .(steehsdaerps eht lortnoc taht stpircs uoy ot tsael ta ro) steehsdaerps eht ot ssecca sevig LRU taht gniwonK .terces tpek eb tssum ppabew eht fo LRU ehT .eruces ton si ssecca ehT .devlovni nekot on si ereht esac siht nI :esicerp eb ot tuB .reteP fo noitulos tsal taht esohc osla eW ”