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“ .erom dna teehs elgooG ,edils elgooG ,tohsneercs a morf rO .txet fo bolb a morf sdleif mroF elgooG a etalupop yllacitamotua taht sno-dda eerf eseht detaerc evah eW .erutaef siht esu yllaer nac ynapmoc yM - elgooG tseraeD . Our add-on's work like magic but we frequently come across images in title or items. Please prioritize this feature. Shoukat - ”
“ .xe) nevig si DI htiw egamI eht fo kniL eht nehw neve evirD elgooG morf segami gnitteg troppus ton seod (egami)hctef.ppAhcteFlrU dna metIegamI ssalC where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the File ID of the Image) ”
“ )hctef.ppAhcteFlrU = 1gmi rav ); // For Cat Image From Drive ”
“ )hctef.ppAhcteFlrU = 2gmi rav ); // For Dog Image From Drive ”
“ :ereh ti od nac uoy ,esu I tpircs eht ta kool a ekat ot tnaw uoy fI ."woleb noitseuq eht rof egamI" deltit si taht meti egami etarapes a etaerc ot si ,srewsna sa segami ton ,egami na ot derrefer snoitseuq ekam ot ylno ,sezziuq no segami teg ot dnuof I dnuorakrow ylno ehT ”