Status Update
Comments <> #2
I see same issue and have been debugging it.
NOTE: It DOES NOT happen if not using support package, but use android level 14/15 library. I believe Honeycomb works well too.
My current workaround is to provide my own method, like below:
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag) {
return show(transaction, tag, false);
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag, boolean allowStateLoss) {
transaction.add(this, tag);
mRemoved = false;
mBackStackId = allowStateLoss ? transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss() : transaction.commit();
return mBackStackId;
NOTE: It DOES NOT happen if not using support package, but use android level 14/15 library. I believe Honeycomb works well too.
My current workaround is to provide my own method, like below:
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag) {
return show(transaction, tag, false);
public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag, boolean allowStateLoss) {
transaction.add(this, tag);
mRemoved = false;
mBackStackId = allowStateLoss ? transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss() : transaction.commit();
return mBackStackId;
} <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
But Google pls fix this issue, as the expected behaviors must be consistent with ICS DialogFragment + FragmentManager and support package DialogFragment + FragmentManager.
It happens with both Support Package v4 r6 and v13 r6.
It happens with both Support Package v4 r6 and v13 r6.
We currently use gtag.js on the frontend and report conversions through the API Measurement Protocol. This setup works well for us in terms of conversion attribution, as conversions are correctly attributed.
However, we’ve noticed that the conversion events lack important data, specifically the "device" and "browser" information.
According to the documentation ( ), it’s not possible to manually add this data to the purchase event. The only way for conversions to be associated with the correct session—and thereby inherit details like the device and browser—is by ensuring they share the same session ID. While this method works for attribution (i.e., medium and source are correctly applied), other session data such as device and browser is not being captured.
To illustrate the issue:
Could you confirm whether it’s possible to include browser and device data in conversions reported via the Measurement Protocol?
Thank you for your time.