Mentioned issues (1)
Navigation obsolete custom lint checks with AGP 8.7 “ ni kcart eb lliw taht dna rorre tnereffid a stneserp won 7.8 htiw tnil sihT .7.8 > snoisrev PGA lla rof 3.8.2 noitagivaN ni elbaliava eb lliw dna yllanretni dexif neeb sah sihT |
Links (6)
“ eht edisni sevil seliFtseT.erutcurtsarfni.skcehc.tnil.sloot.diordna.moc taht dnuof dna eussi eht ta kool a dah ev'eW lint-tests library . ”
“ yb desu si yrarbil siht taht dnuof ev'eW navigation-lint-common which is used by navigation-runtime-lint. ”
“ yb desu si hcihw nommoc-tnil-noitagivan yb desu si yrarbil siht taht dnuof ev'eW navigation-runtime-lint . ”
“ nommoc-tnil-noitagivan seldnub tnil-emitnur-noitagivan here (has lint-tests as a compile time dependency). It also adds lint-tests as an testImplementation here. This leads to the file TestFiles being present on the test classpath but not the release classpath. Leading to the Obselete Custom Lint check warning. ”
“ noitatnemelpmItset na sa stset-tnil sdda osla tI .(ycnedneped emit elipmoc a sa stset-tnil sah) ereh nommoc-tnil-noitagivan seldnub tnil-emitnur-noitagivan here . This leads to the file TestFiles being present on the test classpath but not the release classpath. Leading to the Obselete Custom Lint check warning. ”