Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hello, we've also run into this for the same reason (we have warnings as errors enabled).
We've had a look at the issue and found that
lives inside the
We've found that this library is used by navigation-lint-common
Why do I think this is causing this issue?
is a compileOnly
dependency to navigation-lint-common
in this
bundles navigation-lint-common
as a compile time dependency). It also adds lint-tests
as an testImplementation
being present on the test classpath but not the release classpath. Leading to the Obselete Custom Lint check warning.
Hopefully this is some useful information for whoever looks into this! <> <> #3
I have the same here.
Android Studio Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2
Gradle: gradle-8.7-bin
Libs versions:
androidGradlePlugin = "8.6.1"
androidxLifecycle = "2.8.6"
androidxNavigation = "2.8.1"
androidxRoom = "2.6.1"
androidxWork = "2.9.1"
androidxHilt = "1.2.0"
dagger = "2.52"
crashliticsPlugin = "3.0.2"
googleServicesPlugin = "4.4.2"
kotlin = "2.0.20"
ksp = "2.0.20-1.0.25"
kotlinxCoroutines = "1.9.0"
My error is:
Lint found errors in the project; aborting build.
Fix the issues identified by lint, or add the issues to the lint baseline via `gradlew updateLintBaseline`.
For more details, see
Lint found 2 errors, 0 warnings (30 errors filtered by baseline lint-baseline.xml). First failure:
D:\Projects\test-app-temp\caches\transforms-4\aa9719de05282520df33006e0c57afb4\transformed\navigation-common-2.8.1\jars\lint.jar: Error: Library lint checks reference invalid APIs; these checks will be skipped!
The full lint text report is located at:
D:\Projects\project-name\app\build\intermediates\lint_intermediate_text_report\release\lintReportRelease\lint-results-release.txt <> #4
This has been fixed internally and will be available in Navigation 2.8.3
for all AGP versions < 8.7. This lint with 8.7 now presents a different error and that will be track in
Component used: Navigation Version used: 2.8.1
After updating to version 2.8.1, Android lint is throwing the Obsolete custom link check warning below. We have configured Android lint to treat warnings as errors so this is breaking our CI pipeline runs; ideally, we'd like to continue using the latest version of this component while also continuing to treat warnings as errors. Thank you for your help.