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“ ) aidnI ni atad stnemyap eht erots ot yrotadnam ti edam sah aidnI ni IBR - dda ot tsuJ ). This is very problematic since we do use AppEngine and datastore in the US region and can't afford downtime to switch projects. This should be of the highest priority to you guys. ”
“ :tropxe/tropmi deganam sah erotsataD - ”
“ :ecivres refsnart eht sreffo SCG - ”
“ ) noitargetni BLCG hguorht emoc lliw taht erutaef a si gnicnalab daol labolG .tcejorp emas eht nihtiw snoiger tnereffid ni sreniatnoc evah ot ytiliba eht dna ,tcejorp rep sreniatnoc elpitlum uoy evig osla ll'eW .(tnereffid si ledom gnillib eht os) orez ot nwod ti elacs ll'ew ,xelF ekilnU .tnemnorivne deganam ylluf a ni reniatnoc a yolped uoy tel lliw sreniatnoc sselrevres ,xelF ekiL :03# ) which is unfortunately not likely to be present in near future. Long term, we do aim to enable global load balancing in a single project through that mechanism though. ”