Links (7)
“ kcehc nac uoy u3m fo elpmaxe roF with has few links in it. Works fine in Windows Media Player, VLC, ..., but not on Android. ”
“ eeS .selif st. htiw oediv gnimaerts evil niatnoc yam tsil ehT .htdiwdnab no desab yllacitamotua si noitceleS .tsil a niatnoc nac tsil A .selif 3pm fo tsil a naht erom si 8u3M for more details. ”
“ ees) skcus yllareneg dna maerts elgnis a syalp taht tnetni na reggirt - ), rewrite your music library backend to avoid playlists AND rewrite the frontend to deal with it accordingly, jerry rig it all together ”
“ ”
“ ) maertSevreS ) will play m3u files and it's open source. ”
“ " IRU eht nepO " and then click on the star at the top left. After that you will no longer be notified when new comments are posted. ”