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“ ssecca drac trams rof IPA dts a won evah ot smees 6 avaJ ,IF ), ”
“ :hsidews ni egap eht sereH ”
“ :stops eht fo lla fo pam a dna ”
“ :(krowten egnarO no gnimaor yb derevoc si %07 gniniamer eht ,noitalupop hcnerf fo %03 revoc elibomeerF) gnimaor ot gnidrocca tniop ssecca hctiws & (nevig sliated on) noitacitnehtua MIS-PAE eht od *yam* taht tekraM diordnA eht no ppa na desaeler sah elibomeerF ,deednI .ecruoS nepO t'nera sppA diordnA : 66@ ”
“ :diordnA rof noitulos a evah ot smees syug esehT ”
“ : siht ees ,secruoS doMnegonayC ni dedulcni ydaerla si MIS-PAE ”
“ egap siht morf snoitpircsed tcudorp eht ta kool tsuJ and you will see they are all EAPSIM. Hoever, this application is only for APN configuration and national roaming check, no more. ”
“ eht daer ,ecruos nepo si diordnA ecnis ,rO site, discuss your plans on the android-contrib mailing list, work on the feature yourself (or pay someone to do it), and upload your code to the Android code review site. ”