Status Update
Comments <> #2
i am using these dependencies for the map
// Maps SDK for Android KTX Library implementation ''
// Maps SDK for Android Utility Library KTX Library
implementation ''
implementation '' implementation '' implementation ''
and also getting some map sdk error as well dab File created: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 dab Couldn't create marker: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_2 dab Marker deleted: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 <> #3
Thank you for posting.
We are currently looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an update. <> #4
Thank you for waiting.
We'll need some more details to troubleshoot this issue - please provide the following, in particular steps to reproduce the issue:
Put together a simplified reproduction case ( ) and add it to a git hosting provider (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities: -
List steps to reproduce the problem
- Maps SDK client library version (used to build your app):
- Maps renderer (Latest or Legacy):
- Devices you have verified this issue on:
- Google Play Services version on the device:
- Android version:
- Manufacturer and model:
- Was this working correctly on a previous version of Google Play Services? (If yes, which client library and SDK version?)
Attach the following:
- screenshots
- sample code
- an APK if possible.
Complete stacktrace when the issue occurs <> #5
Thank you for the additional details, would you be able to further explain the goal of adding the animation to the marker? (e.g. to show a loading state to users, progress, for aesthetic purposes, etc.) <> #6
It's only one at a time maximum, so it's nothing too heavy. <> #7 <> #8
Thank you for the report. We understand that in the Legacy renderer you could call setIcon
repeatedly without flickering, for example to do some animation. However, the method is not officially designed to support that use case, and hence in the Latest renderer implementation we did not monitor this behavior.
Based on that, we are treating this issue as a feature request for the Latest renderer. To register your interest in this issue, please star the issue (click the star icon next to the issue title). This will subscribe you to receive updates on the issue and also provide us with feedback on the interest on the issue, which increases the issue's priority with the product engineering team.
I'm seeing a problem with the markers in the latest renderer. In our project we do animations in markers icons, basically just call setIcon with different drawables multiple times a second. This works perfectly fine in the Legacy renderer, but in the new one, there's a very visible flicker, and (and maybe this is the cause of the flicker) the icon moves very quickly from time to time, and then it goes back to the correct location.
I didn't see any other issue here in the tracker, but in the React Native Maps github I've seen this:
Which I think it's this exact issue, internally. Once they upgrade to using the latest renderer there's flickering issues on markers.
I added a repo to showcase this. The relevant activity is the Kotlin MapMarkersActivity
In this case it doesn't seem to move, just flicker.
Also add the following details: