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“ siht ,ecnerefer a sA .ereh detnemelpmi eb ot erutaef siht rof gniksa larutan ylno s'ti os ,smelborp eht fo %89 devlos ydaerla sah elgooG .weiVbeW eht no detnemelpmi ydaerla era taht SO eht ot skooh suoirav eht lla deen ylbaborp dluow ti dna diordnA rof elipmoc ot ysae ton smees siht tub ,tiKbeW eb ot smees senigne bew tseb eht fo enO .erutxet a no gniredner rof reredner motsuc a tnemelpmi dna enigne bew a gnisu naem dluow sihT .serutxet no segap lmth redner ot si erutaef taerg a (sppa d3 dna semag ,snigulp semag ytinU ,RV/RA) soiranecs emos nI company addressed the same problem using webkit for different platforms (PC, Mac, Linux) but not android. In the ideal world, would be cool if it could be possible to access WebKit on the NDK layer and not be forced to use Java/Kotlin at all. This would be convenient for example on apps using GameActivity. This would imply to have a C/C++ api that internally under the hood call java API as needed (for example for permissions, etc.). An user could access to the relative so setting buildFeatures { prefab true } on the gradle files.
In addition, you could have a WebTextureView on the java side to render to textures. ”