Status Update
Comments <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #5
For what it's worth, I fully agree. List performance, lazy-image-loading etc. should be under the hood, not re-coded in every app. <> #6
Even when I use a ViewHolder pattern, and code like view.setTag(holder); Ever since I scroll the list ,the view is reused and the tag is missed. which means I got the wrong tag, all the thing going wroing. <> #7
ya i agree... list view should have other features! <> #8
I do agree too~~~ <> #9
As i have passed 1.5 years in Android application development field, i can say it should be more easier to implement or document should give description regarding "section inside the ListView", "Customization of listview using different views", "Lazy loading". So i am totally agree with this. <> #10
i agree with this i spent a lot of time in making my listview scrolling fast while lazy loading <> #11
I am planning to do a listview with images and fast scrolling and its really a pain... <> #12
Agree with developer... <> #13
Lazy loading is especially tedious: - Bitmap.recycle, doing notifyDataSetChanged to refresh *one ImageView*...
Same goes for custom entry functionality.
I suggest (optionally) doing selection (single or multiple) in a similar fashion as an ExpandableListView adds the expand/collapse widgets - they're not part of the view's layout, so any custom one can be used.
Same goes for custom entry functionality.
I suggest (optionally) doing selection (single or multiple) in a similar fashion as an ExpandableListView adds the expand/collapse widgets - they're not part of the view's layout, so any custom one can be used. <> #14
I agree with the original parent.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15
I agree, its quite hard to do it. At least there should exist some templates that manage imageViews. <> #16
True <> #17
@bgskrish, yes you are right, its also working fine for me, but everytime we have to define a custom xml layout file and adapter for the same, which is really time consuming task, instead it should be easy tasks in some way. <> #19
yep, that is so true! <> #20
It would be good to see an update, or as it has been suggested some Templates or Examples on how to manage lazy-loading with ListViews so that there might be some common coding-convention on how we ought to be handling this, rather than every developer rolling their own. <> #21
[Comment deleted] <> #22
The Original Poster is right... The programming for it should be easy. L
I spent a lot time in learning how to use ListView. It was painfull. ListView wasted a lot of my time...
Instead of focusing on creating better applications, time is wasted in ListView.
Its gets really tiring when creating custom layout and adapter for the ListView as pointed by other devs in this post..
I spent a lot time in learning how to use ListView. It was painfull. ListView wasted a lot of my time...
Instead of focusing on creating better applications, time is wasted in ListView.
Its gets really tiring when creating custom layout and adapter for the ListView as pointed by other devs in this post.. <> #23
agree!, the API should do the heavy weight lifting!, let the programmers focus on being creative! thanks! <> #24
I lose sooooo much time working with Listview. Particularly lazy loading images. It's almost like someone doesn't want us to produce good software. Not every developer has a degree in Computer Science. Please take the rest of us into consideration! <> #25
It would be excellent to have a more robust and faster list view that supports
Individual row styling
Styling based on row type
Lazy loading of images
Landscape orientation scrolling performing well
Individual row styling
Styling based on row type
Lazy loading of images
Landscape orientation scrolling performing well <> #26
Can't agree more... <> #27
Apps without lazy loading to speed up list view performance really hurt the overall impression of Android. They make it feel clunky compared to the competition. Please add this support under the hood.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28
There is an absolute point to start this discussion. List Views are not that easy to understand. <> #29
I agree <> #30
totally agree. <> #31
If you're just starting with Android, realizing non-standard ListViews can drive you mad. Even for what seems like a simple list with images in rows you need to write a lot of overhead (double layer caching for the images, threading for loading the images, writing proper adapters etc. etc.)
Although there are third-party libraries that do this, this is such a basic and essential requirement in Android apps that I'd really like to see this implemented in the Android core.
Although there are third-party libraries that do this, this is such a basic and essential requirement in Android apps that I'd really like to see this implemented in the Android core. <> #32
[Comment deleted] <> #33
I agree! <> #34 sucks <> #35
I love programming for Android in pretty much every respect except for these issues with the listviews and images, as well as poor debugging tools for malformed xml resources. This is clearly a common recurring problem with overly complex solutions which should be taken care of in the IDE. I haven't tried it in iOS yet but I'm expecting far less hassle. <> #36
[Comment deleted] <> #37
the ide support for android is still rudimentary ...for example sometimes when you press cntrl+z to undo the last edit a couple of times eclipse throws an exception and trust me if you have used any other ide like visual studio etc you will know how annoying that is for a developer , this may indeed result in loss of work...its not eclipse's fault,its android's... google did a poor job with android and they are not even willing to rectify it X(
Android programming is like rubbing stones to light a fire when you already have a lighter in your pocket cause you were too dumb and full of yourself to think abpout the lighter
Android programming is like rubbing stones to light a fire when you already have a lighter in your pocket cause you were too dumb and full of yourself to think abpout the lighter <> #38
This taking more time for downloading and show that particular image in imageview. <> #39
I would like to see also an easy adapter for carry JSON objets to an item ListView row. A pure native "JSONadapter" if you want to name it. I'm tired to have to code complicated adapters for every list I choose and Internet API that I have to consume.
Just now I'm using a ListView to poppulate it with Facebook friends using Facebook SDK and it is a pain in the as* to consume those JSON objects, doing a lazy load of images and combining it with several texts. Think about doing that in with Javascript and HTML and it is ridiculously faster and easier to do than Android's whole idea of ListViews. So easy is to do this with web patterns that I'm seriously thinking to throw to the garbage pure native Android development and choose a hybrid Phonegap option. Please, make ListView more easy to implement.
Just now I'm using a ListView to poppulate it with Facebook friends using Facebook SDK and it is a pain in the as* to consume those JSON objects, doing a lazy load of images and combining it with several texts. Think about doing that in with Javascript and HTML and it is ridiculously faster and easier to do than Android's whole idea of ListViews. So easy is to do this with web patterns that I'm seriously thinking to throw to the garbage pure native Android development and choose a hybrid Phonegap option. Please, make ListView more easy to implement. <> #40
this is a key component of many apps i think its critical that this is made into a one line of code system wide solution for developers, theres no reason why I should spend a week on something this standard ever <> #41
lazyLoading of images is a pain! <> #42
I to agree with all... <> #43
I do agree <> #44
True <> #45
True!! <> #46
I was very unpleasantly surprised by how annoyingly complicated it is to create a list view. Even just a LinearLayout that automatically ads separators would've been better than this. <> #47
Seriously, there should be a easier way to setup List Views especially custom ones! How about a new item in the widgets to drag and drop as per user needs? <> #48
Make possibilies to add stuff to a listView without opting for the OVERKILL solution, compared with other programming languages.
It should be something like this (example):
ListView V = new ListView();
ImageView im = new ImageView(/* add some stats */);
THATS user friendly, the current way is unnessesaryly complicated, and a hard way to make people develope PROPER apps for android.
It should be something like this (example):
ListView V = new ListView();
ImageView im = new ImageView(/* add some stats */);
THATS user friendly, the current way is unnessesaryly complicated, and a hard way to make people develope PROPER apps for android. <> #49
agree to this change. <> #50
ListView(s) are clearly a critical part of app design and developers expect to have simple and flexible control. ListViews are a nightmare! Big upvote! <> #51
Expandable listviews isn't friendly too. <> #52
agree!! <> #53
The most tedious task I came across was to keep listViews memory friendly and smooth scrolling. With a lot of data, most of the developers ends up with hacks/workarounds. <> #54
[Comment deleted]
Specifically, we're talking about the getView method. The common ViewHolder pattern is recommended. But there are many cases where this breaks. Lets say you have an ImageView inside your holder....fine. But lets say the ImageView has an onClickListener that expands some text in that same row.....guess what...its EXTREMELY difficult to get this to work correctly.
So, I propose that all this efficiency to make listviews work fast be put UNDER the HOOD inside listView where it belongs. So that programmers can focus on making interesting programs and not wasting time understanding very difficult code.