Status Update
Comments <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
Same behaviour on 2.3.1, tested on the AVD.
Same behaviour on 2.3.3, tested on the AVD.
Sorry I can't test my app on Honeycomb preview because I have an error INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY.
Here is the html code I'm using :
<html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head><body bgcolor="transparent" style="background-color:transparent;">The content of the document......</body></html>
Same behaviour on 2.3.3, tested on the AVD.
Sorry I can't test my app on Honeycomb preview because I have an error INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY.
Here is the html code I'm using :
<html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head><body bgcolor="transparent" style="background-color:transparent;">The content of the document......</body></html> <> #5
same issue on 3.0 <> #8
Just another remark about this issue. In Android 2.1, the transparent background style was working fine, but it was hardly usable because of the refresh problems described here ( ). Basically if you modify the page with javascript calls after the page is loaded, the webview renders over the previous rendering of the page.
I don' know if this issue is still in 2.2 and over as it's not possible to test with the transparent background style being ignored, but don't forget to check the refresh issue too if you correct this one.
By the way, why is this issue status is still in "needs info" ?
I don' know if this issue is still in 2.2 and over as it's not possible to test with the transparent background style being ignored, but don't forget to check the refresh issue too if you correct this one.
By the way, why is this issue status is still in "needs info" ? <> #9
For my understanding this is a high priority issue since the WebView is not usable as overlay for other views. This prevents nearly entirely the development of HTML5 applications where the webview is layered onto other native views (e.g. Camera).
HTML5 and Web Technologies are already real alternatives to cross platform app development. Also these kind of technologies can deal better with different screen
I am surprised didn't arose earlier, but I believe that people just gave up or didn't know that it is possible at all.
I vote to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
HTML5 and Web Technologies are already real alternatives to cross platform app development. Also these kind of technologies can deal better with different screen
I am surprised didn't arose earlier, but I believe that people just gave up or didn't know that it is possible at all.
I vote to get this resolved as quickly as possible. <> #10
I am facing the same problem - WebView is transparent until the page has loaded.
The page contains css setting the background-color: transparent property.
In my case the background is white and not black.
I experienced the issue with Android 2.2...
Personally, I also believe this is a real issue, as I consider the WebView the simplest way to present static text that can very easily formatted and structured, e.g. when you only need particular words to be bold, need some superscript for footnotes and the like. Doing this with TextViews just wouldn't seem right...
The page contains css setting the background-color: transparent property.
In my case the background is white and not black.
I experienced the issue with Android 2.2...
Personally, I also believe this is a real issue, as I consider the WebView the simplest way to present static text that can very easily formatted and structured, e.g. when you only need particular words to be bold, need some superscript for footnotes and the like. Doing this with TextViews just wouldn't seem right... <> #11
I have found a solution for my particular problem, as I don't want to navigate further via weblinks and the like.
If you want to display formatted text from a web page you can use a TextView instead of a WebView, in which you set the extracted HTML-code from your page, e.g.
TextView textBox = new TextView(context);
textBox.setText(Html.fromHtml("<b>" lorem "</b>" + "<br />" +
"<small>" ipsum "</small>" + "<br />" +
"<small>" dolor "</small>"));
and eventually add a picture via the compound view...
If you want to display formatted text from a web page you can use a TextView instead of a WebView, in which you set the extracted HTML-code from your page, e.g.
TextView textBox = new TextView(context);
textBox.setText(Html.fromHtml("<b>" lorem "</b>" + "<br />" +
"<small>" ipsum "</small>" + "<br />" +
"<small>" dolor "</small>"));
and eventually add a picture via the compound view... <> #12
I need to know how to solve the transparent background color problem in WebView. Does anyone has ideas? thx a lot! <> #13
Very dissappointing bug <> #14
I'd love to see this fixed as well. <> #16
I am working with:
Android 3.1 (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1)
I am trying to display formatted text, specifically bullet point lists. I first tried to use a TextView, however the formatting was not nearly good enough (no bullets for starters).
Next step was to use a WebView, which formatted the text very nicely, but failed to have a transparent background. I have both:
<body bgcolor="transparent" style="background-color:transparent;">
and I got a white background until I turned off hardware acceleration:
in the manifest.
After turning hardware acceleration off the WebView had a transparent background. Unfortunately for me, my app is simply to choppy without hardware acceleration, since I am doing a good amount of animation.
hopefully this will help someone else out.
Android 3.1 (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1)
I am trying to display formatted text, specifically bullet point lists. I first tried to use a TextView, however the formatting was not nearly good enough (no bullets for starters).
Next step was to use a WebView, which formatted the text very nicely, but failed to have a transparent background. I have both:
<body bgcolor="transparent" style="background-color:transparent;">
and I got a white background until I turned off hardware acceleration:
in the manifest.
After turning hardware acceleration off the WebView had a transparent background. Unfortunately for me, my app is simply to choppy without hardware acceleration, since I am doing a good amount of animation.
hopefully this will help someone else out. <> #17
I found thatsetBackgroundColor(0x00000000); gives me transparency if it's called AFTER loadUrl()/loadData(). The order seems to be the key. This appears to work on 2.3 and 3.2, anyway. <> #18
I noticed that setBackgroundColor(0x00000000); can even be called before loadURL().
There's also no requirement for a <body style="background:transparent">.
So this works on 2.3.x
There's also no requirement for a <body style="background:transparent">.
So this works on 2.3.x
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
Same thing here.
I'm setting
This works when manifest has android:hardwareAccelerated="false"
When I set it to true, all alpha effects are shown as white, also transparent background is white.
Tried to move those setters after loadUrl and other places, but it seems to have no effect.
This happens with Motorola Xoom, Android 3.2.
I'm setting
This works when manifest has android:hardwareAccelerated="false"
When I set it to true, all alpha effects are shown as white, also transparent background is white.
Tried to move those setters after loadUrl and other places, but it seems to have no effect.
This happens with Motorola Xoom, Android 3.2. <> #20
Same problem here, Asus Transformer HC3.2 Turning off Hardware Accel in my app fixed it. It's not the optimal solution, but it's OK for my particular application. <> #21
Actually it turns out turning off Hardware Accel is not a suitable fix for me, as very quickly I came across another problem that NEEDED hardware accel turned on... <> #22
Currently, we could webview.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT) in onLayout(), and then add 'style="background-color:white;"' into html element. <> #23
Dear Kexian,
I am not clear about what you said. would you please explain your solution in details?
I am not clear about what you said. would you please explain your solution in details? <> #24
Kexian, we want the webview to be transparent. I don't see how setting background-color can be the solution? Can you please explain further? <> #25
You can make everything but the webview hardware accelerated:
Set the flag in the manifest.
<application ... hardwareAccelerated="true"></aplication>
Disable individual views:
findViewById(, null);
Set the flag in the manifest.
<application ... hardwareAccelerated="true"></aplication>
Disable individual views:
findViewById(, null); <> #26
FunkTheM, thank you so much for pointing it out. It fixed my issues and the app is still responsive as it should be with the accel.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #27
FunkTheM, thanks for your suggestion. It is definitely good to know but your fix disables flash in the webView which is a deal breaker for me. Also, I need to position the webView at specific co-ordinates and it seems like the webView renders itself at 0,0 and gets clipped by the layout that contains it when hardware accel is turned on. Any help? <> #28
Hi, I want to display web contents on top of camera, can anyone plz guide me on this....
Any help will be appreciated ...
Any help will be appreciated ...
Regards <> #29
I'm still not able to get transparent webview w/ or w\ hardwareAcceleration on my ICS phone... <> #30
Hi, I am unable to get a transparent webview with hardwareAccelaration on my ICS phone. <> #31
Same problem with ICS and hardwareAcceleration activated <> #32
Pain in the butt! <> #33
Like everyone else I had my transparent background go to white on ics phone.
A not satisfactory thing I did but that saved the day. In the CSS of the html page :
body {background-color:#000000;background:transparent;}
It actually lets the background be transparent for any device that support it and it gives me a black background on device that don't support it. You can change the #000000 to any color and it should work. Not perfect but at least you have a fallback solution.
It very sad when you have to hack yourself through Android as if it was Internet Explorer 6 !!
A not satisfactory thing I did but that saved the day. In the CSS of the html page :
body {background-color:#000000;background:transparent;}
It actually lets the background be transparent for any device that support it and it gives me a black background on device that don't support it. You can change the #000000 to any color and it should work. Not perfect but at least you have a fallback solution.
It very sad when you have to hack yourself through Android as if it was Internet Explorer 6 !! <> #34
I tried everything...
From every google search I found 4 hacks for a workaround:
set after loading webview:
For API 11+
webView.setLayerType(WebView.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
Adding the following to WebView in the layout
Adding this to the activity
Some of them actually worked but if the webview is scrollable it NEVER worked!
From every google search I found 4 hacks for a workaround:
set after loading webview:
For API 11+
webView.setLayerType(WebView.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
Adding the following to WebView in the layout
Adding this to the activity
Some of them actually worked but if the webview is scrollable it NEVER worked! <> #35
I only had the background problem for API 11+.
Solutions that worked for me are:
webView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);(*)
or in the manifest file:
Which basically means to turn off the hardware acceleration for the webView view.
Tested on APIs 8-15
*It worked when the webView is scrollable as well.
Solutions that worked for me are:
webView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);(*)
or in the manifest file:
Which basically means to turn off the hardware acceleration for the webView view.
Tested on APIs 8-15
*It worked when the webView is scrollable as well. <> #36
I can confirm that the following solution works on every droid I tested (2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, 4.1.1, 4.1.2):
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, "<html><body background=\"#00000000\" link=\"white\"><font color=\"white\">" + content + "</font></body</html>", "text/html", "UTF-8", null);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) // Android v3.0+
try {
Method method = View.class.getMethod("setLayerType", int.class, Paint.class);
method.invoke(webview, 1, new Paint()); // 1 = LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE (API11)
} catch (Exception e) {
No other changes are necessary.
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, "<html><body background=\"#00000000\" link=\"white\"><font color=\"white\">" + content + "</font></body</html>", "text/html", "UTF-8", null);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) // Android v3.0+
try {
Method method = View.class.getMethod("setLayerType", int.class, Paint.class);
method.invoke(webview, 1, new Paint()); // 1 = LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE (API11)
} catch (Exception e) {
No other changes are necessary. <> #37
Why is this set to "NeedInfo"? Seems most if not all of the information needed is above. <> #38
I found if there was an image bigger than the screen width then the background will be white(on Android 4.x). Disable hardware accelerate is useless. <> <> #39
WebView is not getting a transparent back ground in 3.0 and highers <> #40
Hi Boli,
I have the same issue( Issue 36949180 :Android 4.1 dose not load more than one background image).
Did you find any solution or work around
Thank you in advance
I have the same issue(
Did you find any solution or work around
Thank you in advance
Atanu <> #41
[Comment deleted] <> #42
[Comment deleted]
Firstly set the background color of the WebView object to transaprent. I also set a background image that I want the html page being displayed over.
Then load a simple page with css styl background-color:transparent
<body style="background-color:transparent;">My text</body>
What happens :
The background color of the WebView is transparent but as soon as the page is loaded, it's overwritten by a black background from the html page. Which shows the Webkit engine ignores the background-color:transparent style.
This only happens on android 2.2, it works on android 2.1.
This issue combined with the issue of the fixed background style (
Again another bug that nobody cares and that will never been addressed by the android team ?