Status Update
st...@android.com <st...@android.com>
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #2
Agreed - I am an Exchange admin (2007 Ent) and anything running 3.1 Honeycomb exhibits the same issues.
I have run though many iterations of security policies (even extreme open policies = no password required, etc.) with the same issue presenting itself.
Same policy enforced on Droid Inc fully patched continues to work properly.
I have run though many iterations of security policies (even extreme open policies = no password required, etc.) with the same issue presenting itself.
Same policy enforced on Droid Inc fully patched continues to work properly.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #3
have attempted the following on the XOOM itself without resolution:
1: Remove Account.
2: Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/Running Services/ALL:
Clear Data (if available) then Force Kill for each (accept the warning messages): EMAIL, Email Policy, and Exchange Services.
3: Power Cycle.
4: Launch Email app and create account.
I cycled power one additional time after step 4 just to see if it stuck. On average, the failure seems to occur about 6 hours after initial account creation (in my testing).
1: Remove Account.
2: Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/Running Services/ALL:
Clear Data (if available) then Force Kill for each (accept the warning messages): EMAIL, Email Policy, and Exchange Services.
3: Power Cycle.
4: Launch Email app and create account.
I cycled power one additional time after step 4 just to see if it stuck. On average, the failure seems to occur about 6 hours after initial account creation (in my testing).
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #4
It would help to get a verbose log of your interaction with the server. Here's some info about generating logs for Email. You can send any logs to mblank@google.com
To start Email debug logging, go to the Account screen in the Email application and type "debug" (bring up the soft keyboard, if necessary). This should take you to a screen with a number of checkboxes (four most likely).
"Enable extra debug logging" - If checked, this turns on basic logging (no passwords or other content is logged); most useful for debugging crashes.
"Something about sensitive information" (don't have the verbiage in front of me) - if checked, this causes POP/IMAP passwords to be logged. Exchange passwords are NEVER logged.
"Enable exchange parser logging" - If checked, logs a great deal of the CONTENT of mail, contacts, and calendar entries (excluding the text of emails other than perhaps the first line). This information (edited to remove personal information) is helpful for debugging things like missing folders (this bug), missing calendar entries, etc.
"Enable exchange sd card logging" - If checked, puts all of the Exchange related logging onto SD card in a file named emaillog.txt. This file grows continuously until deleted (or the checkbox is unchecked). This can be helpful in finding issues that are sporadic.
Note that the sd card log can be retrieved at any time by putting your device into USB transfer mode. Otherwise, log contents must be sent in a "bugreport", and these reports typically only include the most recent 5-30 minutes of activity (so you won't find yesterday's crash in one).
If anyone needs information on obtaining a bugreport, please let me know.
To start Email debug logging, go to the Account screen in the Email application and type "debug" (bring up the soft keyboard, if necessary). This should take you to a screen with a number of checkboxes (four most likely).
"Enable extra debug logging" - If checked, this turns on basic logging (no passwords or other content is logged); most useful for debugging crashes.
"Something about sensitive information" (don't have the verbiage in front of me) - if checked, this causes POP/IMAP passwords to be logged. Exchange passwords are NEVER logged.
"Enable exchange parser logging" - If checked, logs a great deal of the CONTENT of mail, contacts, and calendar entries (excluding the text of emails other than perhaps the first line). This information (edited to remove personal information) is helpful for debugging things like missing folders (this bug), missing calendar entries, etc.
"Enable exchange sd card logging" - If checked, puts all of the Exchange related logging onto SD card in a file named emaillog.txt. This file grows continuously until deleted (or the checkbox is unchecked). This can be helpful in finding issues that are sporadic.
Note that the sd card log can be retrieved at any time by putting your device into USB transfer mode. Otherwise, log contents must be sent in a "bugreport", and these reports typically only include the most recent 5-30 minutes of activity (so you won't find yesterday's crash in one).
If anyone needs information on obtaining a bugreport, please let me know.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #5
Oops, I now realize that the instructions for getting to the Debug screen won't work on Xoom...
On Xoom, go to Account Settings (from the dropdown menu on the Action Bar) and then tap "Email Preferences" a number of times (10-20) until "Debug" appears in the account list. Tap that and then you'll see the checkboxes.
Sorry about that!
On Xoom, go to Account Settings (from the dropdown menu on the Action Bar) and then tap "Email Preferences" a number of times (10-20) until "Debug" appears in the account list. Tap that and then you'll see the checkboxes.
Sorry about that!
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #6
Priority "medium"? I can't use email without reinstalling accout eveey other day. Please prioritize.
bk...@gmail.com <bk...@gmail.com> #7
Marc was nice enough to let me know of a workaround for this, which may/may not be workable in your environments. Disabling EAS policy refresh will abate the issue.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #8
"Marc was nice enough to let me know of a workaround for this, which may/may not be workable in your environments. Disabling EAS policy refresh will abate the issue."
I have created a new policy with EAS refresh turned off, assigned that to the exchange email account and created the email account on the XOOM.
I will let you know what the outcome is either way. thanks.
I have created a new policy with EAS refresh turned off, assigned that to the exchange email account and created the email account on the XOOM.
I will let you know what the outcome is either way. thanks.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #9
This is hugely frustrating. I cannot disable EAS refresh. This is bad
enough that I want to downgrade. Any way we can get this patched quickly?
Even beta? This issue has made my Xoom not even worth carrying. Is
downgrade a solution? ETA on a fix?
enough that I want to downgrade. Any way we can get this patched quickly?
Even beta? This issue has made my Xoom not even worth carrying. Is
downgrade a solution? ETA on a fix?
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #10
There will be a Honeycomb maintenance release that fixes this; it will probably be available in a matter of weeks (no promises; these things are hard to pin down exactly). And I am completely sympathetic with your frustration; we are trying hard to make sure that this sort of situation can't happen again.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #11
Thanks at least for the shoulder to cry on... Weeks isn't so bad.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #13
I know this isn't 100% relevant, but I'd at least say 90%... Is this maintenance release going to be specific to the XOOM, or will it also be available to other tablets? I have a Transformer, but I follow this thread as the issue seems to apply to all 3.1 devices... I just got done downgrading to 3.0.1 in the interim...
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #14
Thanks for acknowledging our pain. Work fast!!!!! :-)
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #15
The work is done for this, but this isn't the only thing being worked on. And you have to allow for carrier approvals, etc.; unfortunately, these things take more time than anyone would like.
As far as other devices go, it's complicated. We send out OTA's for some devices (Nexus products and Xoom), but not all; in those other cases, it's up to the manufacturer to send out updates. So bottom line: I don't know about the Transformer...
As far as other devices go, it's complicated. We send out OTA's for some devices (Nexus products and Xoom), but not all; in those other cases, it's up to the manufacturer to send out updates. So bottom line: I don't know about the Transformer...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
Thanks for the reply, I completely understand what you're saying... I just wanted to see if the coming fix was specifically for the XOOM or general Android code. It sounds like the latter which bodes well for the rest of us :) While XOOM does have the advantage for direct OTA updates, ASUS (so far, at least) has been staying on the ball ... hopefully the trend continues!
Thank you for the hard work, and the feedback!
Thanks for the reply, I completely understand what you're saying... I just wanted to see if the coming fix was specifically for the XOOM or general Android code. It sounds like the latter which bodes well for the rest of us :) While XOOM does have the advantage for direct OTA updates, ASUS (so far, at least) has been staying on the ball ... hopefully the trend continues!
Thank you for the hard work, and the feedback!
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #17
Any update?
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #18
any update? I have people forwarding for now but they are still getting upset when their reply to all would go to about 30 people and they have to add them in to the forward manually...
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #19
The fix for this needs to be made available soon. I work for a healthcare
company that is demoing apps on a few Xoom tablets and this exchange issue
is a show stopper.
company that is demoing apps on a few Xoom tablets and this exchange issue
is a show stopper.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #20
ETA? Downgrade instructions?
The lack of response to this critical defect has ended Android as a serious business platform. Clearly, neither Google nor Motorola take the enterprise user seriously. Poor quality control has allowed us to see that even for proven, repeatable failures, engaging Motorola is a complete waste of time and Google will let paying customers twist in the wind. Imagine if you had recomended this platform to a Buisiness VIP?
The lack of Netflix and a browser that regularly crashes takes it off the table as an entertainment platform.
The lack of response to this critical defect has ended Android as a serious business platform. Clearly, neither Google nor Motorola take the enterprise user seriously. Poor quality control has allowed us to see that even for proven, repeatable failures, engaging Motorola is a complete waste of time and Google will let paying customers twist in the wind. Imagine if you had recomended this platform to a Buisiness VIP?
The lack of Netflix and a browser that regularly crashes takes it off the table as an entertainment platform.
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #21
One of the users is the President of the company I work for, he daily asks me for updates on this and all I can say is it's in Google's hands.
tw...@gmail.com <tw...@gmail.com> #22
+1 on this problem making my Xoom nothing more than a lumbering media player and not worth toting around day to day. I switched from another Android tablet (two actually) because of the built in Enterprise support on the Xoom. Only to get an "upgrade" a week later that renders my ability to reply useless.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #23
It really is awful, and we have to do better in the future. And, indeed, we are trying to work through ways of preventing this sort of thing from happening in the future.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #24
I deleted the exchange account, then set it up again with sync turned off. Once the email account activated correctly, I turned sync back on. That was yesterday morning and no problems since then. Fingers crossed, but so far so good.
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #25
Keep us posted on how this goes for you. I'm currently using the enhanced email app as I await a solution to this. Enhanced email gets my email like a champ but can't currently sync my exchange calendar in honeycomb (which makes it only a part way solution) .
Would much prefer to have the native client working so I can get my calendar.
Would much prefer to have the native client working so I can get my calendar.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #26
Found this, a free mail client from VMware. It's got some wierdness, but it
works well for a single activesync account. I still miss the native email
functionality and since I have a few activesync accts for different orgs,
this isn't perfect. But it is far better than not having any mail. And
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #27
So...coming up on two months now. Exchange needs to be deleted every couple of days and reinstalled. SD card still doesn't work. FCs all the fricking time. W T F ? I am so disappointed with the xoom, and I'm well beyond 30 days... I have to hard reset twice a week. So sad. Rant over.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #28
There should be a 3.2 update coming within days, and that should help those of you with Xoom.
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #29
[Comment deleted]
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #30
[Comment deleted]
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #31
Can you tell us if the 3.2 update will enable the SD card functionality for
US Xoom's?
Can you tell us if the 3.2 update will enable the SD card functionality for
US Xoom's?
fo...@gmail.com <fo...@gmail.com> #32
If you are not happy with native Exchange support, you can always try Touchdown. I use it on my HTC Hero and Moto Xoom with no complaints.
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #33
Yes touchdown works fine on my tablet but it does not on my N1 running 2.3.4.
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #34
I am receiving updates for google maps constantly... just another one rolled in today, so that's an app they are paying attention to. I do not remember ever receiving an update for my mail client.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #35
Nice to see the 3.2 is coming soon. Does it have SD support?
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #36
No, you're entirely wrong about updates and what we're paying attention to. The Maps app isn't part of the Android platform, so it can be updated at any time; this is now also true of Gmail. The Email (Exchange) app, however, is still part of the platform and tied to OS releases, so it's simply not possible (yet) to update it regularly with bug fixes. This is clearly a big issue, and we're working on it, but - believe me - we're not happy with the current situation.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #37
[Comment deleted]
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #38
I can't speak to features of upcoming releases; sorry. And I'd thought that the 3.2 release was already out, but I was mistaken; again, sorry.
cb...@gmail.com <cb...@gmail.com> #39
I am assuming it's related to the same issue here, the President at my company uses a Xoom and he is having his Exchange email get stuck in the Outbox when replying. And my Xoom is doing the "Unable to open connection to server due to security error". Really looking forward to the update. I hope it comes soon.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #40
So a 3.2 zoom update should not be expected in a few days?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #41
So a 3.2 zoom update should not be expected in a few days?
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #42
Soooo the cool thing is my phone with Gingerbread won't synch the calendar but emails, my Honeycomb tablet won't synch email but calendar..... with both devices I am all set up, makes sense no? :-) :-) :-)
pg...@gmail.com <pg...@gmail.com> #43
What is the timeframe for a fix on this issue?
It is very frustrating, I have an Asus eee pad transformer and have the same issue with connection to exchange 2007. I have tried the asus client, moxier and touchstone all to no avail. A deletion of the account and re create does not even work.
I cant even get the EAS workaround to happen in my organisation...
It is very frustrating, I have an Asus eee pad transformer and have the same issue with connection to exchange 2007. I have tried the asus client, moxier and touchstone all to no avail. A deletion of the account and re create does not even work.
I cant even get the EAS workaround to happen in my organisation...
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #44
At this point Google should credit our market place accounts $20 so we can
buy Touch Down or Moxier Mail.
buy Touch Down or Moxier Mail.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #45
It's very hard to sort out the issues here. Please remember that we only update those devices that run the AOSP client (that's the Nexus One, Nexus S, Xoom, and a few other devices); updates to other devices have to wait for the respective manufacturers to supply them./
As far as #43 is concerned, this could be the SSL issue in Gingerbread that is fixed in a recent update (but again might not be available on any particular device).
As far as #43 is concerned, this could be the SSL issue in Gingerbread that is fixed in a recent update (but again might not be available on any particular device).
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #46
4 days ago you said 3.2 within days. Is the update atill imminent?
4 days ago you said 3.2 within days. Is the update atill imminent?
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #47
I misspoke (I thought it was already out, actually, a process that takes a few days). Sorry for the confusion.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #48
So it is or isn't coming soon?
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #49
I can't say when it's coming, but (like you) I hope it's soon.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #50
I can't say when it's coming, but (like you) I hope it's soon.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #51
(I mean really, what else can I say.)
(I mean really, what else can I say.)
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #52
Gary, your comment in 26 was a good tip. It's definitely a little quirky, but it's free and it works. Thanks.
ak...@gmail.com <ak...@gmail.com> #53
so mbl exactly what did you mean when you said it is(3.2) comming in a few days
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #54
Forums claim it's going around now. Couldn't have come to me first???
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #55
Under my (false) assumption that 3.2 had been released, I meant that users could expect to see it within a few days (it takes a while to get to everyone). I was wrong, as I've said before.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #56
This is just drilling into my head not to use Google products for business.
Officially, Google has no comment. Unofficially, they issue incorrect
information. If it sounds like irate customers are bashing someone who's
just trying to be helpful, please pass along our ire to those who run this
product. We did pay money for this, after all.
As an IT decision maker, Google is on my list of "if it's free and you don't
care if it works - use it". No support is completely unacceptable in the
business world. Other Google products show this trend as well, but this
really brought it into focus.
-Gary Kuyat (who uses Gmail, but not for business!)
Officially, Google has no comment. Unofficially, they issue incorrect
information. If it sounds like irate customers are bashing someone who's
just trying to be helpful, please pass along our ire to those who run this
product. We did pay money for this, after all.
As an IT decision maker, Google is on my list of "if it's free and you don't
care if it works - use it". No support is completely unacceptable in the
business world. Other Google products show this trend as well, but this
really brought it into focus.
-Gary Kuyat (who uses Gmail, but not for business!)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #57
I just want to chime in for a moment. I completely agree with almost all the above; this is a pain in the ass situation for *many*. It's even worse considering that now any fixes will need to not only come from Google, but migrate through the manufacturers, in certain situations. However, there is no need to bash the person trying to help, even if he made a mistake. Google did not intend for him to make a mistake, unofficially or otherwise. He's a human; he's likely already received a lot of flak considering that his "announcement" spread very quickly. Would you rather him apologize, or just delete his comment and pretend it never happened?
This is a company's product, don't make this personal.
This is a company's product, don't make this personal.
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #58
Does anybody in here have any contacts to the press?
Seriously I don't believe I could take weeks and months to fix such an issue. The only thing that would motivate google to speed up here is some bad press, since google is obviously trying to enter the cooperate world....... some nice talk in the press about that complete Outlook failure would do good and help us all.
Seriously I don't believe I could take weeks and months to fix such an issue. The only thing that would motivate google to speed up here is some bad press, since google is obviously trying to enter the cooperate world....... some nice talk in the press about that complete Outlook failure would do good and help us all.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #59
The issue was fixed months ago in the source; to create a new OS version, however (which might include a wide variety of other changes) requires extensive testing, not only in-house, but at the device manufacturer and the carrier. Believe me, we all want this fixed ASAP, and we're all frustrated by the time it has taken - and nobody more than I. We are working on being able to deal more quickly with issues in the Email application, so hopefully this kind of thing won't recur in the future.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #60
That Google is devoting one ill-informed individual to PR this disaster is
what deserves bashing. That the structure Google has developed with its
partners is one that ignores paying customer is what deserves press. I mean
really, I am sending this to android@googlecode.com, not some nice guy doing
me a favor.
Google knows that no matter how mad its very few Android 3.1 corporate mail
users get, they aren't going to hurt the bottom line. They don't really
matter. They're just the proof of concept that failed. Learn and move on.
what deserves bashing. That the structure Google has developed with its
partners is one that ignores paying customer is what deserves press. I mean
really, I am sending this to android@googlecode.com, not some nice guy doing
me a favor.
Google knows that no matter how mad its very few Android 3.1 corporate mail
users get, they aren't going to hurt the bottom line. They don't really
matter. They're just the proof of concept that failed. Learn and move on.
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #62
i've upgraded to 3.2 and i'm still seeing the same issue. has anyone else upgraded with success?
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #63
Say it isn't so. I'm still waiting for the update...
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #64
i have another xoom that i am going to use w/ 3.0.1 on it. is it possible to downgrade the other one from 3.2 to 3.0? might be dumb question, but i just got the devices.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #65
I would be interested to know the downgrade procedure for 3.1 as well.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #66
I've been bitten by this bug too with zibra back end. However, the zimbra web client in Ajax mode actually works fairly well. Not a great work around, but one I can accept for a few weeks. Toshoba thrive, honeycomb3.1.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #67
Unfortunately, we have pissed off the google support guy and he fled the forum. Sucks because i finally got 3.2 and it sucks a$$. Anytime i try to do anything in exchange i get a double FC message.
Now that the retail on a new xoom is so low (wonder why) i cant even sell this pos. I have an ugly $600 paperweight.do i blame motorola or google for this debacle?
Now that the retail on a new xoom is so low (wonder why) i cant even sell this pos. I have an ugly $600 paperweight.do i blame motorola or google for this debacle?
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #68
$20 credit at the market place to all Xoom owners so we can buy Touchdown or
Moxier Mail and allow this tablet to work as advertised?
I am surprised I have not seen posts about this issue on sites like
Phandroid, Engadget, etc...
Moxier Mail and allow this tablet to work as advertised?
I am surprised I have not seen posts about this issue on sites like
Phandroid, Engadget, etc...
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #69
They jumped all over the 3.2 "coming within days" rumor which came from here, so someone is watching... Feel free to contact me for an interview!
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #70
Unbelievable, but true. 3.2 has made mail totally inoperative. FC constantly. Bug introduced that requires your email address and login information to be the same or you cannot create the account. After all this time, you would have thought that proper testing would have been done. It's not like Google would have had a hard time finding volenteers.
Serious question: How do I get back to the original RTM 3.0?
Serious question: How do I get back to the original RTM 3.0?
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #71
Update. I went into Settings> Applications> Manage applications>All, and cleared all data from Email, Email policy, and Exchange services. Set up exchange account from scratch. Rebooted a few times for good measure, and slap me and call me Betty, but damn if it ain't working.
I'll report back after a few days.
I'll report back after a few days.
it...@gmail.com <it...@gmail.com> #72
After having 3.2 for 4 days now, the exchange is still working fine. (Finger-crossed). In 3.1 normally by the 3rd day, it would stop syncing with security error. I did just the same like previous commenter did - clean up everything and recreate from scratch with reboot. Let's hope it stays like this.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #73
If there are issues with 3.2, please open another bug. Specifically, post #70 is something I'm unaware of; a bugreport or other logging would be very helpful. As far as #60 goes, have you tried deleting and re-creating the account?
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #74
I had deleted the email app data, but still FCed like crazy. Deleted the accounts, all of them. Sent many fc reports. Finally, I did the full data wipe (factory reset) and now everything works fine. I'll open another bug on the wizard defect.
For me, deleting all the email app data was not enough. There are still bugs in the setup wizard -but nothing that cannot be worked around by filling out some of the wizard, disabling wifi and finishing the wizard. The original designer of the wizard got it, but whoever revised it just didn't.
-Gary Kuyat
For me, deleting all the email app data was not enough. There are still bugs in the setup wizard -but nothing that cannot be worked around by filling out some of the wizard, disabling wifi and finishing the wizard. The original designer of the wizard got it, but whoever revised it just didn't.
-Gary Kuyat
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #75
I now have 3.2 and it's still not working for me. In fact, mine has never worked with the stock app or any third party app on the Xoom. (The exception is Tuchdown in legacy mode, and it only works with a scheduled polling of the server. Not ActiveSync.) I get an error that my username and password is incorrect, but if I log in to OWA I can see where the device connected and tried to sync. My problem seems to be different, but similar. I can't believe this hasn't be resolved yet.
ja...@sweetcircus.com <ja...@sweetcircus.com> #76
So, with this issue, and going on three years with no Group Name IPSEC VPN, I truly have a $600 paperweight. This deleting the account every day business is crap.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #77
This issue is resolved as of 3.2 which has been out for some time now.... if you are having a similar or related issue using the new version, please file/update a newer bug report.
id...@gmail.com <id...@gmail.com> #78
comment 77, no its still not working, see issue 36904173 .
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #79
This is a different issue with different symptoms. Notice the commentor even says the same.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #80
I received the 3.2 update on my VZ Xoom yesterday. Deleted my exchange
account, wiped out the cacched data, and rebooted. After one day I got the
error again.
What's the deal? This is absurd.
account, wiped out the cacched data, and rebooted. After one day I got the
error again.
What's the deal? This is absurd.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #81
Can you do a log as described in comments 4/5 and attach them here?
Can you do a log as described in comments 4/5 and attach them here?
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #82
I'm experiencing the same scenario as 80 and have attached my emaillog.txt. Please advise.
I'm experiencing the same scenario as 80 and have attached my emaillog.txt. Please advise.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #83
Should I begin the log with a fresh sync or just start it after I have
already received the error? Which is best?
already received the error? Which is best?
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #84
Has this issue been resolved? There's been no dialogue in this thread for over a week, but I'm still having this issue, as posted in comment 82.
ja...@sweetcircus.com <ja...@sweetcircus.com> #85
My Xoom finally updated to 3.2 last Thursday (Aug. 11). I am still getting the error.
I don't really even bother taking it out of my bag anymore. I have already spent too much time screwing around with this thing, and we are hoping to send them back with our Verizon rep when he stops in again.
I don't really even bother taking it out of my bag anymore. I have already spent too much time screwing around with this thing, and we are hoping to send them back with our Verizon rep when he stops in again.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #86
At this point, I honestly don't even know what the issue is here. If someone would like to send/attach a log that demonstrates it (instructions above somewhere) and explain steps to reproduce it, I'd be happy to try. If anyone can provide an account for testing on a server that demonstrates this problem, that would also be helpful.
ja...@sweetcircus.com <ja...@sweetcircus.com> #87
I just removed account, stopped services, cleared data, and re-added account. It is working now, but if it is like before, it will stop syncing by this evening. If so, I'll post the log sometime tonight when I am home.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #88
I attached a log in #82, as requested by #81. The issue has been the same throughout this thread: When using Honeycomb's (3.2) email client to connect to Exchange 2007 EAS, the following error occurs after 2-3 days: "Unable to open connection to server due to security error."
I attached a log in #82, as requested by #81. The issue has been the same throughout this thread: When using Honeycomb's (3.2) email client to connect to Exchange 2007 EAS, the following error occurs after 2-3 days: "Unable to open connection to server due to security error."
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #89
Hmm, yeah. That kind of looping behavior isn't something I can explain at this point (i.e. in MR2), i.e. we can't reproduce that behavior. Perhaps with an account...
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #90
See comment #2 (May 19th) - I went through all of the tests, logging, uninstalling, etc. It is something that I was told had been fixed during my tenure in this 3 months ago BUT couldn't be released until the next update (supposedly 3.2 ... I was on 3.1 at the time).
But apparently it is not fixed in 3.2 either. The gist of the issue is there is a bug in the security banner routine. I was told there wasn't really anything wrong other than the security banner blocked the ability to sync (there isn't "really" a security issue - just a bug in the security banner code)
How I got around this: I ended up rooting my device (warranty voiding procedure - possible bricking) and acquired an unsigned modified version of the email app that deals with the security banner issue. NOT A WORK AROUND THAT IS SUPPORTED BY ANY IT DEPARTMENT.
This is corporate email guys - without it the OS and hardware are gaming toys, and will never be adopted successfully in the corp. world. (see above posts and search for forum topics where IT pros are dropping the product).
But apparently it is not fixed in 3.2 either. The gist of the issue is there is a bug in the security banner routine. I was told there wasn't really anything wrong other than the security banner blocked the ability to sync (there isn't "really" a security issue - just a bug in the security banner code)
How I got around this: I ended up rooting my device (warranty voiding procedure - possible bricking) and acquired an unsigned modified version of the email app that deals with the security banner issue. NOT A WORK AROUND THAT IS SUPPORTED BY ANY IT DEPARTMENT.
This is corporate email guys - without it the OS and hardware are gaming toys, and will never be adopted successfully in the corp. world. (see above posts and search for forum topics where IT pros are dropping the product).
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #91
The bug fixed in 3.2 was found only in 3.1 and specifically related to a policy refresh blocking further sync, and this has been confirmed fixed by numerous people. This seems like something different.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #92
I am an IT pro and cannot recommend the adoption of this product until this issue is permanently resolved. I am also the Exchange admin and a first tester of Honeycomb in our enterprise. What assistance do you need to resolve this problem? I'll be happy to provide help and test, but I cannot offer an account.
@90 Where did you obtain this unmodified version? I'm rooted and would LOVE to try this.
@91 What gives you the impression that this is something different? I have tested accounts with and without EAS policies enabled, all display this issue.
@90 Where did you obtain this unmodified version? I'm rooted and would LOVE to try this.
@91 What gives you the impression that this is something different? I have tested accounts with and without EAS policies enabled, all display this issue.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #93
To #90: how can I get my hands on that modified email app??? Yes I am (now, because of this, rooted)--thought it might help.
To #91: As per #62, 80, 82, 85, and me, the issue described perfectly in #88 still exists. The only info I can add is that it seems to fail faster when moving between wifi routers. In other words, if I am at home for a week, it may stay ok for the week. But when I go to the office, I will get the security error.
To #91: As per #62, 80, 82, 85, and me, the issue described perfectly in #88 still exists. The only info I can add is that it seems to fail faster when moving between wifi routers. In other words, if I am at home for a week, it may stay ok for the week. But when I go to the office, I will get the security error.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #94
I think it's a different issue, because the 3.1 bug was 100% reproducible on our servers and was fixed (and confirmed fixed) by us and by users who we knew were experiencing the exact problem. This may be related somehow, but we've not seen the exact behavior shown in the logs (or we would have presumably found and fixed it).
Your offer of assistance is much appreciated; however, I suspect we'll need to reproduce the problem before any progress can be made.
Your offer of assistance is much appreciated; however, I suspect we'll need to reproduce the problem before any progress can be made.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #95
@94: I do not know if the root cause is the same, but the symptoms are identical. I had the problem in 3.1 and now in 3.2.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #96
I had thought this issue resolved as well, but it is not. I had to take my tablet back to factory specs and redo everything, but email worked! After about a week, I once again got the cannot connect due to security error. If it's a different issue, that symptoms sure look a lot alike.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #97
Re: #96. You don't say which tablet, what OS version, etc.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #98
@97: see 95. Xoom 3.2.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #99
Without logs, I've got nothing to go on; sorry.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #100
It appears that we're all running Android 3.2, as such it appears that this is a cross-platform issue. I have a TF, others have a Xoom, some rooted, some not, but it's happening on all of them. How about looking at other specifics, such as Exchange properties, SSL implementations, web frontends...
Again, if you can let us know which logs you need (and how to generate them), we can assist in troubleshooting this. What is occurring that causes this error message? Like others, this seems to happen to me most when switching networks. Is there a auth token being corrupted?
It appears that we're all running Android 3.2, as such it appears that this is a cross-platform issue. I have a TF, others have a Xoom, some rooted, some not, but it's happening on all of them. How about looking at other specifics, such as Exchange properties, SSL implementations, web frontends...
Again, if you can let us know which logs you need (and how to generate them), we can assist in troubleshooting this. What is occurring that causes this error message? Like others, this seems to happen to me most when switching networks. Is there a auth token being corrupted?
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #101
To debug: go to account screen and type 'debug'
Where do I type this? I see no fields.
Where do I type this? I see no fields.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #102
On Xoom, go to Account Settings (from the dropdown menu on the Action Bar) and then tap "Email Preferences" a number of times (10-20) until "Debug" appears in the account list. Tap that and then you'll see the checkboxes.
On Xoom, go to Account Settings (from the dropdown menu on the Action Bar) and then tap "Email Preferences" a number of times (10-20) until "Debug" appears in the account list. Tap that and then you'll see the checkboxes.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #103
@92 Are you a member of xoomforums.com (assuming since you are rooted)?
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #104
You just type it, then the Debug button magically appears.
You just type it, then the Debug button magically appears.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #105
You can also go to the Debug screen by "creating" an Account with login d@d.d and password debug.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #106
@103 No. xda. ;) I have a Transformer (TF).
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #107
@106 What is your handle there?
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #108
@102: thanks.
@99: so I guess it's running.. Next time I get the error, I can email to you or do I have to post it?
@107: if you're sharing the modified email app I am davidmcw @ xda and xoomforums.
@99: so I guess it's running.. Next time I get the error, I can email to you or do I have to post it?
@107: if you're sharing the modified email app I am davidmcw @ xda and xoomforums.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #109
Here's my log...hopefully this helps. I replaced all references to my corporate email address, server names, etc. with X's. Let me know what you folks come up with.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #110
For reference, I have a Verizon 3G Xoom on 3.2, unrooted. If this issue is unrelated, as the thread owner seems to indicate, let us know what to do to get this issue resolved permanently.
After receiving the 3.2 update, I wiped out the EAS account, deleted all cached data, and rebooted before re-adding my EAS account.
After receiving the 3.2 update, I wiped out the EAS account, deleted all cached data, and rebooted before re-adding my EAS account.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #111
@109 - I don't see other posts from you in the thread; what device and OS version do you have?
@110 - A log would be helpful.
@110 - A log would be helpful.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #112
109, 110, and this comment are from the same person. Please note my
username, 06dynamicduo@gmail.com. Ive posted a few comments here.
username, 06dynamicduo@gmail.com. Ive posted a few comments here.
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #113
@112 - So this log is from 3.2? Is there a notification icon on the screen related to Email? What happens when you reboot? Does syncing start? Is there a notification at that time? Do you respond to it?
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #114
[Comment deleted]
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #115
Really?? "mbl...@google.com" is our only hope? You keep asking nonsensical questions whilst providing little to no resolve. E.g. "So this log is from 3.2?" WTF? They clearly responded 3 posts earlier: "For reference, I have a Verizon 3G Xoom on 3.2, unrooted." We're never going to get anywhere and this is never going to get resolved if this BS perpetuates itself ad infinitum. Help us Obi Wan!
mb...@google.com <mb...@google.com> #116
I asked because I'm surprised that this log could come from 3.2. And my other questions haven't been answered. BTW, if you don't like this "BS", I am happy to leave the thread entirely; it's your choice.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #117
You asked them to post a log when they already had (109). You asked for device and OS ver when it was already provided (110). You suggested ppl create a unique account just to enable debugging (105). You asked in 86 for someone to post a log, which I had in 82, yet I've heard of nothing from it. I post my concerns and you threaten abandonment of an ongoing significant issue that is affecting a considerable user base of your companies product. Yes, that is "BS".
If you can, and are willing to resolve this issue, than I can and am willing to apologize. So... enough of this bickering, I'm sorry, please stay. Now, what else do you need from us to fix this issue?
If you can, and are willing to resolve this issue, than I can and am willing to apologize. So... enough of this bickering, I'm sorry, please stay. Now, what else do you need from us to fix this issue?
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #119
@61 and @118: Unbelievable...
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #120
[Comment deleted]
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #121
Please pile on at issue: 19366
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #122
[Comment deleted]
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #123
What a tool. I rescind my apology. So... anyone know someone competent @ Google/Android Dev?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #124
You guys are a piece of work... somebody gives him shit to the point of making him leave, I finally do my part to get him back in here and you all are a piece of shit again to him. For what it's worth, I fully support him leaving. If you've ever dealt with mass-user tech support before, you know that while he may have gotten confounded at some points, he was at least trying!
I know some of you are not the ones that were hassling him and truly are interested in getting this issue resolved, and I'm sorry we have to put up with the entitled user base.
I know some of you are not the ones that were hassling him and truly are interested in getting this issue resolved, and I'm sorry we have to put up with the entitled user base.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #125
Entitled? I did everything he asked and got sporatic "support" for an issue that has lasted for months and made my xoom a glorified paperweight as far as corporate email is concerned. We ARE entitled to resonable support for a $600 device that is supposed to be cuThere tting edge. If he couldn't handle the issue, he should have brought someone in who could help. What kind of support is this where the one guy gets to just leave??
And for the record, I never hassled him.
And for the record, I never hassled him.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #126
Because one guy does not represent the entire company, but several people seem to think that. Should he have gotten additional help if this was over his head? Sure. But keeping in mind that he just came back to the issue, after having been been given shit already in the same thread, I would have given him a *little* working room, of which he basically got none. Look at the other comments and you will see what I mean. We need to be told exactly when this issue will be fixed? Obviously said person has never developed software before. Google found an issue, and responded with a relatively quick bugfix. There appears to be a different issue, which they were trying to figure out. These things do take time, and require HELP from the user base. If you don't like the idea of being a tester for Android, then go buy an iPad, where there is simply one company that controls all the hardware and the OS. You're not going to have better luck avoiding bugs, but then it'll be easier to blame the company and expect them to be in charge of not only finding fixes, but pushing them out too!
For what it's worth, I'm not responding directly to you but to the users in general that expect things to be fixed immediately. I also own an Android tablet, and this bug affects me, and the only thing I can do is try to help.
For what it's worth, I'm not responding directly to you but to the users in general that expect things to be fixed immediately. I also own an Android tablet, and this bug affects me, and the only thing I can do is try to help.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #127
I realize that this may be a dead thread (and I'll post to the other thread too) but I am hoping this will be valuable enough to warrant another look.
After recreating the account again, this time I did not check "Accept all SSL certificates". This time I've gotten beyond the 24 hour mark. It could be that due to low weekend volume the issue hasn't recurred, but then that would point at potentially another issue. Based on the logs, seeing as errors and in particular EAS error 449, I figured given this method a shot. So far so good.
After recreating the account again, this time I did not check "Accept all SSL certificates". This time I've gotten beyond the 24 hour mark. It could be that due to low weekend volume the issue hasn't recurred, but then that would point at potentially another issue. Based on the logs, seeing as errors and in particular EAS error 449, I figured given this method a shot. So far so good.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #128
Asus TF, Android 3.2, Exchange 2010
Asus TF, Android 3.2, Exchange 2010
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #129
From time to time I get a "Security Update Required" dialog with the message "[redacted] requires your to update your security settings" Okay or Cancel. Click okay, and I'm still in business. That message/dialog occurred before with Accept all SSL checked, and it typically coincided with the account getting into a bad state.
Cleaning error log in order to post.
Cleaning error log in order to post.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #130
It turned out that I still had Touchdown installed. As soon as I removed it, the problem returned. Sorry for the false hope. Moving all future updates to this problem to the newer thread (#19366).
me...@gmail.com <me...@gmail.com> #131
[Comment deleted]
mh...@gmail.com <mh...@gmail.com> #132
I just want to add that this is also happening on my Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet. Exact same issue.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #133
I am still getting it on my galaxy tab? ???? any solutions?
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #134
Well, after ignoring this issue on my Xoom for quite a while, I decided to
remove my Exchange account, wipe out cached data, reboot, and re-sync.
Well what do you know, my Xoom has been working just fine for several days
now. The one significant change is that my corporate mailbox was moved over
to Exchange 2010.
Good luck to all.
remove my Exchange account, wipe out cached data, reboot, and re-sync.
Well what do you know, my Xoom has been working just fine for several days
now. The one significant change is that my corporate mailbox was moved over
to Exchange 2010.
Good luck to all.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #135
same issue with a french 3.1 xoom :
"impossible d'établir une connexion avec le serveur en raison d'une erreur de sécurité"
"impossible d'établir une connexion avec le serveur en raison d'une erreur de sécurité"
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #136
3.2 resolves the issue.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #137
Uh, no it doesn't.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #138
Well, both anecdotal evidence and the changelog for 3g 3.2 indicates that it
In my own experience, on my 3g xoom, 3.2 resolved the issue. Comment 135
indicates that the user is in France and on 3.1 (though no indication if he
is wifi or 3g, or what version of Exchange), so he understandably is
experiencing the problem.
I am inclined to say that the version of Exchange plays a part here, as my
issue cleared up after my mailbox moved to 2010, but I have no hard evidence
for this.
In my own experience, on my 3g xoom, 3.2 resolved the issue. Comment 135
indicates that the user is in France and on 3.1 (though no indication if he
is wifi or 3g, or what version of Exchange), so he understandably is
experiencing the problem.
I am inclined to say that the version of Exchange plays a part here, as my
issue cleared up after my mailbox moved to 2010, but I have no hard evidence
for this.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #139
This thread and it's child (19366) are full of examples to the contrary. The moderators have abandoned both threads.
on...@gmail.com <on...@gmail.com> #140
@139 - Maybe it has to do with you berating the help attempts in what could end up being an Exchange configuration issue.
On 3.1 they could reproduce and issued a fix. Some people have issues on 3.2, some people don't.
Either way, you've been rude and abusive. I would have abandoned your particular edge case too. Great example of reaping what you sow.
On 3.1 they could reproduce and issued a fix. Some people have issues on 3.2, some people don't.
Either way, you've been rude and abusive. I would have abandoned your particular edge case too. Great example of reaping what you sow.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #141
@140 Give me ONE example of me berating or being rude and aggressive.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #142
@140 Thought so. Apology accepted.
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #143
same thing happens to me with ASUS Eee Pad Transformer and Exchange 2003
im...@gmail.com <im...@gmail.com> #144
@140 - I updated a Xoom to 3.2.1 from 3.1 and recreated the account. Seems to be working fine so far. It's been over a week. Hosted exchange 2007.
I stated the same thing in the other thread too. Hope it helps some people.
I stated the same thing in the other thread too. Hope it helps some people.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #145
I am here with great news. My rooted Xoom that has had this problem since 3.1 is cured. The solution came from the ICS Rom found at XDA (razorbladex401 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1396251 ). My xoom is coming up on one month with no issues with email sync. There is a problem with calendar sync in this version (4.0.3), but new releases and other builds (e.g., teamneos http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1400958 ) have solved this (I think). I'm too scared to mess with my working email!
So, hurrah for ICS and the devs!
So, hurrah for ICS and the devs!
gi...@gmail.com <gi...@gmail.com> #146
I have exchange server 2010 with latest SP and i have Acer Iconia Tab A500 running Honeycomb 3.2 and i cant connect to exchange. I tried all options but still says that it cant connect to server.
md...@gmail.com <md...@gmail.com> #147
I have 3.2 and cant use email with my exchange either. Looks like the google rep is no longer involved in this? Any recomendations other than rooting for a leaked ICS build? I am not really interested in that.
06...@gmail.com <06...@gmail.com> #148
@140 - agreed
@146 & 147 - assuming you are both on Exchange 2010 and your admins haven't restricted mobile synchronization, have you tried deleting your EAS account from your device, wiping out any cached data as well, rebooted, and re-added your Exchange account?
If so, and the problem still persists, then I am afraid you are out of luck. Stinks.
@146 & 147 - assuming you are both on Exchange 2010 and your admins haven't restricted mobile synchronization, have you tried deleting your EAS account from your device, wiping out any cached data as well, rebooted, and re-added your Exchange account?
If so, and the problem still persists, then I am afraid you are out of luck. Stinks.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #149
@148 see comments 141 and 142.
ml...@gmail.com <ml...@gmail.com> #150
The problem persits here with AOSP 4.0.4 on the samsung g.note as well! I tried almost everything now...
NO problems with EAS 14 (Exchange 2010 based)
BIG problems with EAS 8 (Exchange 2007 based)
I tried different mail-clients (Stock Samsung, Stock Google, Nitrodesk, Quantum Apps (Enhanced Email), with every client it's the same problem: It works for some time, then the sync stops. The only difference is that the Google Stock Mail need a reboot (of the device) that it works again, the other apps need a manual refresh!
For now I'm almost sure this is a generic android 3+ problem, which occurs mainly with Exchange 2007! I don't think it's connection related, although switching the connection sometimes get's sync back on track (only with google stock client)!
Please investigate further in this, as this is a major show stopper for I believe many users!
Thanks & best regards,
ps.: I will post this in other related Issues too, feel free to delete if it clutters the board!
NO problems with EAS 14 (Exchange 2010 based)
BIG problems with EAS 8 (Exchange 2007 based)
I tried different mail-clients (Stock Samsung, Stock Google, Nitrodesk, Quantum Apps (Enhanced Email), with every client it's the same problem: It works for some time, then the sync stops. The only difference is that the Google Stock Mail need a reboot (of the device) that it works again, the other apps need a manual refresh!
For now I'm almost sure this is a generic android 3+ problem, which occurs mainly with Exchange 2007! I don't think it's connection related, although switching the connection sometimes get's sync back on track (only with google stock client)!
Please investigate further in this, as this is a major show stopper for I believe many users!
Thanks & best regards,
ps.: I will post this in other related Issues too, feel free to delete if it clutters the board!
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #151
The same issue
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 (P6800)
Both on 3.2 and 4.0.4 Android version.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 (P6800)
Both on 3.2 and 4.0.4 Android version.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #152
Same here,unfortunately.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #153
Vizio tablet running 3.2.1
example with fake google exchange
username:google.com \jsmith@google.com (only main change that seems to hold)
sync all
use secure ssl: check
accept all ssl: check
example with fake google exchange
sync all
use secure ssl: check
accept all ssl: check
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #154
I've had same issue for weeks. Kept deleting account then reinstalling which works for a while then stops.
Tonight I did the following and my email account is working again without deleting/reinstall:
1) settings, apps, all, email, clear cache
2) settings, data usage, mobile data to on, select the 3 dots at top right screen, auto sync data on
3) opened exchange and it synced
4) went back to step 2 and turned off mobile data and auto sync and email continues to function
Tonight I did the following and my email account is working again without deleting/reinstall:
1) settings, apps, all, email, clear cache
2) settings, data usage, mobile data to on, select the 3 dots at top right screen, auto sync data on
3) opened exchange and it synced
4) went back to step 2 and turned off mobile data and auto sync and email continues to function
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #155
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address the issue reported, however our product team has shifted work priority that doesn't include this issue. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete. If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with latest bug report here https://goo.gl/TbMiIO .
Deleting the account, dumping calendar, email, and contact data, and recreating will resolve the issue for a time. After that time, the cycle continues.
Steps to reproduce:
- Upgrade Xoom to 3.1
- Add Exchange account
- Wait (in my case, some hours)
Output of "adb bugreport" attached.