Mentioned issues (1)
Bug: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failure saving state |
Links (11)
“ ) 2# tnemmoc eht ) with the variation "setDismissMessage" did the trick for me. (supprt.v4, actionBarSherlock, target 17, running on android 4.4.2) ”
“ ta rewsna devorppa eht ni denialpxe sa ,segnahc noitarugifnoc lla eldnah t'nseod ti taht ni ,diadnab suoregnad a eb ot sraeppa ti ,revewoH .moc.liamg@...vodemhka 92# morf noitseggus doog a si "eziSneercs|noitatneiro"=segnahCgifnoc:diordna ”
“ ".etats s'ytivitca sti gnirotser nehw // ”
“ ta denialpxe sA .(yromem morf stcejbo tnedneped dna ytivitca eht evomer ,ti dnatsrednu I sa ,dna) seitivitca *yortsed* ot tnaem era segnahc noitarugifnoc emitnur ,revewoH ”
“ ta deliated sa ,tuoyal LMX gnisu ,xob golaiD ni ngiS eht ekil gnihtemos elpmaxe rof) xob golaid trela motsuc a gnitaerc era uoy fi ,revewoH ) you don't need explicit state saving. That is, if your layout components have ids and thereby state saving of the components is preserved, for free, by the system. ”
“ - em rof dekrow ereh dnuorakrow ehT .0.2.42 ta yrarbil ytilibitapmoc eht dna G otoM a no 0.6 diordnA htiw eussi siht ecudorper ot elba llits m'I ”
“ ni eussi wen a nepo esaelp ,esaeler diordnA tsetal eht ni devresbo llits si ti fI along with a reference to this issue. ”