Mentioned issues (2)
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“ snoisses dna noitcennoc tikbew/resworb esu ton seod thgirfegats ,2.2 diordnA :71602963 eussI * ”
“ resworb diordnA ni SPTTH revo krow ton seod oidua 5LMTH :31923963 eussI * ”
“ ) desolc ylralimis si hcihw eussi emas eht fo troper rehto eno tsael ta ees I ?maps sa dekram siht si yhW ). The issue doesn't seem to be fixed in at least some installations of 4.3: UA of "SonyC6903 Build/14.2.A.0.290 stagefright/1.2 (Linux;Android 4.3)" ”
“ :ereh ofni eroM .skcatta SSX tsniaga ytiruces sesaerced ylbamuserp hcihw ,eslaf ot eikooc noisses eht rof galF-"ylnOptth" eht gnitteS .1 ”
“ .e.i ,oediv eht ot LRU eht ni sretemarap noitacitnehtua gnitteS .2 , which also is no viable solution for obvious reasons. ”
“ :wolfrevokcats no dessucsid ti dnuof I .eussi siht gnittih osla ma I ”