Mentioned issues (1)
Incoming multi-part SMS messages can be corrupted, with the last part being substituted for a part from a previous message. “ ,daerht ralimis rehtona no osla dna uoy fo lla ekil ereh no pu dedne ,!elgoog ot dediced os keew siht tnalaverp erom saW |
Links (12)
“ ees ,dnuorgkcab roF ”
“ ) evoba 23 tnemmoc ym eeS .rehtegot deniahc neht dna segassem SMS elpitlum sa tnes era seSMS gnol taht tub ,melborp eht s'taht SMM ot noisrevnoc ton s'ti ,syas 77 tnemmoc sA ) for an explanation of why this happens in the source code - an Android developer should be able to fix the issue with that information... ”
“ gnidulcni tsixe sredoced suoirav) egassem `UDP` war eht sniatnoc elbat `war` ehT * ) - the `reference_number`, `count` and `sequence` are fields 4, 5, and 6 of the user data header described on the above wikipedia page. ”
“ :htiw siht ezylana ot edoc emos evah I os ,thgirlA ”
“ eussi ot detcennoc eb ot smeeS ”
“ ”