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“ )xigoL onoN dellac (erots yalP eht morf) emag desab RIA ebodA na gniyalp dehsinif tsuj dah I .emulov regnir eht ton emulov aidem eht gnitsujda erew syek emulov eht neercs tats yrettab eht ta gnikool elihw hguone erus (etarbiv no enohp ym dna ,nwod yaw eht lla denrut saw emulov aidem ym) emulov eht gnitsujda deirt I emit tsal morf edam stnemmoc eht fo emos no desaB .niaga yrettab eht fo knuhc gib a pu gnikat si revreS aideM stats yrettab dekcehc I nehW .emit fo doirep trohs yrev a ni %75 ot %68 morf deniard yrettab yM ), I went into the app info screen and did a Force Close on the app, tested the volume keys and it changed the ringer volume instead of the media volume. I'm not sure if this problem is being caused by the game itself or Adobe Air, but hopefully that gives a bit more insight. ”