Status Update
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
mu...@gmail.com <mu...@gmail.com> #2
Argh....with this bug there is absolutely no way to determine if the user has changed changed the panning of the map....I need a way to determine this so that i can allow the user to reset the map to it's original view. Please fix this ASAP.
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #3
I have another example regarding the problematic accuracy of moveCamera/animateCamera.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
<script src="file:///android_asset/Hyphenator-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Inside that library there's code to dynamically add javascript includes on the fly.
For example:
head = window.document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
script = createElem('script', window);
script.src = url;
script.type = 'text/javascript';
I can't reproduce in my phones, but hundreds of users are having this issue and some of them sent me the logs. It seems the activity that contains the WebView opens up and crashes after 5 seconds.
Log Collector version: 1.1.0
Device model: PG06100
Firmware version: 2.3.3
Kernel version:
htc-kernel@and18-2 )
#1 PREEMPT Tue May 24 19:44:59 CST 2011
Build number: 2.76.651.5
08-26 10:23:43.366 D/skia (31161): htcFlashPlugin::htcFlashPlugin
08-26 10:23:43.366 D/qct (31161): [WebView.WebView] >> Enable Shutdown = false
08-26 10:23:43.366 D/qct (31161): [PreConnectionManager.PreConnectionManager] >> TCP_PRE_CONNECT = false
08-26 10:23:43.576 W/webcore (31161): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
08-26 10:23:43.636 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130040]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.nt0f
08-26 10:23:43.646 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) actionNT0F:1229,-1,0,5,0,22,7,
08-26 10:23:43.656 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)Size:1229,SocketID:-1,Code:0,AppType:22Mode:7,URI:
08-26 10:23:44.397 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130041]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.nt10
08-26 10:23:44.397 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) actionNT10:26912,-1,200,4,0,0,7,
08-26 10:23:44.407 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)Size:26912,SocketID:-1,Type:200,AppType:22Mode:7,URI:
08-26 10:23:44.447 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130042]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.nt10
08-26 10:23:44.457 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) actionNT10:2359,-1,200,4,0,0,7,
08-26 10:23:44.457 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)Size:2359,SocketID:-1,Type:200,AppType:22Mode:7,URI:
08-26 10:23:44.787 W/webcore (31161): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
08-26 10:23:44.797 D/AdWhirl SDK(31161): AdSense success
08-26 10:23:44.797 D/AdWhirl SDK(31161): Will call rotateAd() in 600 seconds
08-26 10:23:44.817 D/AdWhirl SDK(31161): Added subview
08-26 10:23:44.817 D/AdWhirl SDK(31161): Pinging URL:
08-26 10:23:44.838 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130043]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.ui15
08-26 10:23:44.838 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) submitUI15:-1126809917,0
08-26 10:23:44.838 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)ui15_dwAppID:-1126809917,ui15_shStatus:0
08-26 10:23:44.838 I/ActivityManager( 1357): Process com.hbwares.wordfeud.free (pid 30932) has died.
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): Build fingerprint: 'sprint/htc_speedy/speedy:2.3.3/GRI40/74499:user/release-keys'
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): pid: 31161, tid: 31171 >>> com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search <<<
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00007072
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): r0 484c901d r1 00007073 r2 48120365 r3 48506041
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): r4 00007073 r5 484c6055 r6 485060a1 r7 484cf07f
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): r8 486a6641 r9 484c60c5 10 a87cac28 fp 45af781c
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): ip 484fbee0 sp 45af77b8 lr 45ccdb94 pc 484fbef0 cpsr 20000010
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d0 000000194e57ac70 d1 00490c040300000c
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d2 1a000001e1510049 d3 e12fff1ee5900000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d4 e59fc028e5103001 d5 1a000003e153000c
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d6 0000000000000000 d7 ffffffffffe00000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d8 41d395eb1c32fc5d d9 41d395eb1c362f90
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d10 408f400000000000 d11 0000000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d16 484c60c5484c60c5 d17 41f0000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d18 41298daa00000000 d19 3fd3333333333334
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d20 3ff0000000000000 d21 8000000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d24 3fe6a09ea0000000 d25 3fe6a09e20000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d26 0000000000000000 d27 bfe6a09e20000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d28 00ff00ff00ff00ff d29 3ff0000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): d30 0000000000000000 d31 3ff0000000000000
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794): scr 20000013
08-26 10:23:44.938 I/DEBUG (30794):
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): #00 pc 484fbef0
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): #01 lr 45ccdb94 <unknown>
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794):
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): code around pc:
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 484fbed0 00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 484fbee0 e59a6024 e92d0003 e3110001 0a00001d
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 484fbef0 e5112001 e5d22007 e3520080 aa000019
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 484fbf00 e3100001 0a000005 e5102001 e5d22007
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 484fbf10 e3520080 aa00000e e59fc098 e12fff1c
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794):
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): code around lr:
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45ccdb74 e1a00007 e49d1004 e1807001 e3170107
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45ccdb84 00810000 0a000001 e59fc0f4 e12fff3c
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45ccdb94 e49d1004 e49d2004 e3110001 1a000041
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45ccdba4 e3120001 0a00003f e5127001 e5d77007
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45ccdbb4 e35700a4 1a00003b e592700b e1570001
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794):
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): stack:
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7778 a8666aed /system/lib/libwebcore.so
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af777c 45af77c4
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7780 00000000
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7784 486a6641
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7788 46c00000
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af778c a87cac28
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7790 45af77b0
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7794 a8666b33 /system/lib/libwebcore.so
08-26 10:23:44.998 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af7798 00000003
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af779c 45af77c4
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77a0 45af77b0
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77a4 484e6094
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77a8 484e6094
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77ac 484e6021
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77b0 df002777
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77b4 e3a070ad
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): #00 45af77b8 484c901d
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77bc 00007073
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77c0 00000000
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77c4 48120365
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77c8 4784f29d
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77cc 00000006
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77d0 484c62c1
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77d4 4785bdc1
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77d8 46d479cd
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77dc 48120355
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77e0 484c6055
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77e4 48120365
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77e8 484c6055
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77ec 48120455
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77f0 00000006
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77f4 00000006
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77f8 45bce56d
08-26 10:23:45.008 I/DEBUG (30794): 45af77fc 00000016
08-26 10:23:46.169 I/BootReceiver( 1357): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
08-26 10:23:46.229 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130044]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.ui15
08-26 10:23:46.229 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) submitUI15:-1316272367,0
08-26 10:23:46.229 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)ui15_dwAppID:-1316272367,ui15_shStatus:0
08-26 10:23:46.229 I/WindowManager( 1357): WIN DEATH: Window{409798f8 com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search.DashboardActivity paused=false}
08-26 10:23:46.229 I/ActivityManager( 1357): Process com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search (pid 31161) has died.
08-26 10:23:46.239 I/WindowManager( 1357): WIN DEATH: Window{40a95ec8 com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search.RecipePreviewTabbed paused=false}
08-26 10:23:46.249 I/WindowManager( 1357): WIN DEATH: Window{40c31ea0 com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search.UserRecipeListActivity paused=false}
08-26 10:23:46.259 E/ActivityManager( 1357): fail to set top app changed!
08-26 10:23:46.259 I/ActivityManager( 1357): Start proc com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search for activity com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/.UserRecipeListActivity: pid=31249 uid=10103 gids={3003, 1015}
08-26 10:23:46.269 V/AgentService_J( 1437): Action[130045]:com.htc.android.iqagent.action.ui13
08-26 10:23:46.269 I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 1437): (0) submitUI13:-1316272367,22,com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search
08-26 10:23:46.269 V/AgentService_J( 1437): (0)ui13_dwAppID:-1316272367,ui13_ucAppType:22,ui13_szAppName:com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search
08-26 10:23:46.329 D/Zygote ( 1245): Process 31161 terminated by signal (11)
08-26 10:23:46.429 D/Database(31249): dbopen(): path = /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webview.db, flag = 6, file size = 15360
08-26 10:23:46.429 I/Database(31249): sqlite returned: error code = 0, msg = Recovered 15 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webview.db-wal
08-26 10:23:46.439 D/Database(31249): dbopen(): path = /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webview.db, journal mode: wal, storage free size = 291 M
08-26 10:23:46.479 D/Database(31249): dbopen(): path = /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webviewCache.db, flag = 6, file size = 173056
08-26 10:23:46.509 I/Database(31249): sqlite returned: error code = 0, msg = Recovered 21 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webviewCache.db-wal
08-26 10:23:46.509 D/Database(31249): dbopen(): path = /data/data/com.mufumbo.android.recipe.search/databases/webviewCache.db, journal mode: wal, storage free size = 291 M
08-26 10:23:46.549 D/dalvikvm( 1357): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2016K, 43% free 9144K/16007K, external 2669K/3334K, paused 9ms+20ms
08-26 10:23:46.579 I/ (31249): Not using dynamic properties
08-26 10:23:46.579 I/DynamicProperties(31249): Dynamic properties enabled: false
08-26 10:23:46.579 W/ResourceType(31249): Attempt to retrieve bag 0x7f07004b which is invalid or in a cycle.
08-26 10:23:46.639 I/AdWhirl SDK(31249): Creating adWhirlManager...