Status Update
Comments <> #2
Argh....with this bug there is absolutely no way to determine if the user has changed changed the panning of the map....I need a way to determine this so that i can allow the user to reset the map to it's original view. Please fix this ASAP. <> #3
I have another example regarding the problematic accuracy of moveCamera/animateCamera.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs. <> <> #5
any news regarding this issue ? <> #6
I can share my thoughts about it.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble: .
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble:
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility.
A host that responds to ICMP ECHO REQUEST packets with ICMP ECHO RESPONSE packets and thus can be pinged from the command line but does not have TCP echo cannot be pinged with InetAddress.isReachable().
This situation frequently applies to LAN and WLAN routers.
The reason is that although the documentation of InetAddress.isReachable() says it would first try ICMP ECHO and if that fails revert to TCP ECHO, that the implementation actually never does TCP ECHO.
I have reproduced this bug on Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 (Android 2.3.3).
I have verified that this bug actually is in class by reading the source code:
The source code already contains a comment about this bug in line 816ff.