Status Update
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #2
Argh....with this bug there is absolutely no way to determine if the user has changed changed the panning of the map....I need a way to determine this so that i can allow the user to reset the map to it's original view. Please fix this ASAP.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #3
I have another example regarding the problematic accuracy of moveCamera/animateCamera.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
Android version: 2.3.5
Kernel version:
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : Build fingerprint:
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 3b002e9d
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : r0 43691a58 r1 00001f2e r2 46608d74 r3 40268538
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : r4 4430d358 r5 43589290 r6 beced540 r7 3b002e65
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : r8 40266268 r9 00001f2f 10 43589260 fp 00000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : ip 465d6821 sp beced4f0 lr 46608d4d pc 46608d4c cpsr 20000030
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d0 7149f2ca43f04000 d1 43f040007149f2ca
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d2 43d1000043d14000 d3 000000003f000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d4 8000000000000000 d5 43d100003f800000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d6 0000000043d10000 d7 000001e043f00000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d8 0000000000000000 d9 3fe0c3ae00000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d10 bcb948643b83126f d11 447a000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d12 00000000447a0000 d13 3f00000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d14 236f0c3d3f800000 d15 0000000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d16 c07a200000000000 d17 c07a200000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d20 3ff0000000000000 d21 8000000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d24 0e0e0e0e0e0e0e0e d25 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d26 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f d27 6060606060606060
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d28 0100010001000100 d29 3ff0000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : d30 0000000000000000 d31 3ff0000000000000
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG : scr 28000012
12-28 11:43:02.029 90 90 I DEBUG :
12-28 11:43:02.049 2643 2651 V MTBF : event =256
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : #00 pc 46608d4c /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : #01 lr 46608d4d /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG :
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : code around pc:
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d2c 10a8f8d5 071cf2a5 60696028 c703b190
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d3c 4060f8df a20ca109 ea24f7b1 e009e014
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d4c 29006bb8 8003f300 1c316f77 a10347b8
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d5c e99ef7b1 003cf8df 47886e71 fc45f7cd
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d6c 47806f30 4430d35e 4300e0cd 40266268
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG :
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : code around lr:
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d2c 10a8f8d5 071cf2a5 60696028 c703b190
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d3c 4060f8df a20ca109 ea24f7b1 e009e014
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d4c 29006bb8 8003f300 1c316f77 a10347b8
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d5c e99ef7b1 003cf8df 47886e71 fc45f7cd
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : 46608d6c 47806f30 4430d35e 4300e0cd 40266268
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG :
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : stack:
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4b0 beced548
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4b4 43589328
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4b8 0000d160
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4bc 00000001
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4c0 beced548
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4c4 aca40be7 /system/lib/libdvm.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4c8 43589328
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4cc 446fbbb2
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4d0 ad354609 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4d4 beced548
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4d8 ad354609 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4dc 43589350
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4e0 beced540
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4e4 00000005
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4e8 df002777
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4ec e3a070ad
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : #00 beced4f0 00000001
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4f4 beced540
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4f8 00000001
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced4fc 0022a6e8
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced500 0000d168
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced504 00017230
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced508 aca9cce8
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced50c fffffe84
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced510 aca97314
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced514 aca1c090 /system/lib/libdvm.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced518 beced540
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced51c 0000d160
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced520 aca1c000 /system/lib/libdvm.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced524 4365ce7c
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced528 00000000
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced52c aca1af88 /system/lib/libdvm.so
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced530 00000000
12-28 11:43:02.139 90 90 I DEBUG : beced534 00000000
I use gdbjithelper to generate more information.
0x90fd <codePC+1>: ldr.w r1, [r5, #168] ; 0xa8
0x9101 <codePC+5>: subw r7, r5, #28
0x9105 <codePC+9>: str r0, [r5, #0]
0x9107 <codePC+11>: str r1, [r5, #4]
0x9109 <codePC+13>: cbz r0, 0x9130 <codePC+52>
0x910b <codePC+15>: stmia r7!, {r0, r1}
0x910d <codePC+17>: ldr.w r4, [pc, #96] ; 0x9170 <codeLR+36>
0x9111 <codePC+21>: add r1, pc, #36 ; (adr r1, 0x9138 <codePC+60>)
0x9113 <codePC+23>: add r2, pc, #48 ; (adr r2, 0x9144 <codePC+72>)
0x9115 <codePC+25>: blx 0xfffba560
0x9119 <codePC+29>: b.n 0x9144 <codePC+72>
0x911b <codePC+31>: b.n 0x9130 <codePC+52>
0x911d <codePC+33>: ldr r0, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
0x911f <codePC+35>: cmp r1, #0
0x9121 <codePC+37>: bgt.w 0x912a <codePC+46>
0x9125 <codePC+41>: ldr r7, [r6, #116] ; 0x74
0x9127 <codePC+43>: adds r1, r6, #0
0x9129 <codePC+45>: blx r7
0x912b <codePC+47>: add r1, pc, #12 ; (adr r1, 0x9138 <codePC+60>)
0x912d <codePC+49>: blx 0xfffba46c
Would you give more hint about this issue? Thanks.