Status Update
Comments <> #2
Argh....with this bug there is absolutely no way to determine if the user has changed changed the panning of the map....I need a way to determine this so that i can allow the user to reset the map to it's original view. Please fix this ASAP. <> #3
I have another example regarding the problematic accuracy of moveCamera/animateCamera.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs. <> #5
any news regarding this issue ? <> #6
I can share my thoughts about it.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble: .
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble:
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility. <> #7
If you're right then compatibility doesnt have to be broken in order to pass a more accurate LatLng value in many other parcelable types which are not float. This option can be added and not replace the current one.
I any case this issue is really annoying and i hope someone from google can take a look at it. Thanks.
I any case this issue is really annoying and i hope someone from google can take a look at it. Thanks. <> #8
If I'm right then you are also right. ;)
Double values in LatLng could be sent using writeLong after converting them using Double.doubleToLongBits ( ) and converted back to double in Google Play Services app.
Double values in LatLng could be sent using writeLong after converting them using Double.doubleToLongBits ( <> #9
[Comment deleted] <> #10
[Comment deleted] <> #11
Comparing floating-point values for exact equality is rarely a good idea. I'd suggest treating two LatLngs as equal if they're within some small distance of each other.
Not sure what comment #5 is getting at. Parcel#writeDouble exists, and the docs say it's been around since API 1. (Although the docs have been known to lie...)
Not sure what <> #12
As you are comparing objects, not numerals, unless specifically otherwise documented, you should expect the equals() method of any class derived from Object to implement the same equivalence relation as the parent class [1]:
"The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true)."
Also, regarding numerals, as the previous commenter already mentioned, comparing floating point values for exact equality is generally not a good idea, and doing it right is far from trivial [2].
Issue 4786 had a similar report about the onCameraChange() event not returning the exact same coordinates originally passed to CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng().
As I commented there, we need to convert between real-world coordinates and pixel coordinates to render anything on the screen, so especially when it comes to cameras and views, you should not assume the coordinates you gave to exactly match those used internally.
The developer on the other issue provided two (longitude) coordinates as an example: 51.9820167 (given by developer) and 51.982016909253694 (returned by the API). However, the maximum real-world distance between these points is actually only 2.3 cm (at the equator).
If you need to check coordinates for approximate equality, I'd recommend using an arbitrary epsilon value of your choice (e.g. 5 or 10 cm, or 0.000001 degrees) to determine if two points are close enough to each other to be considered equal. You just need to choose a suitable distance metric and epsilon that works well for for your use case.
As we know the number ranges ([-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0) degrees), as well as the approximate minimum resolution of the map, absolute error margins are likely sufficient for most use cases (either in degrees or distance). That way you can avoid having to bother with the less intuitive relative errors mentioned in the linked article.
That said, I changed this issue to a type Enhancement request, and created an internal feature request for providing an a convenience method for calculating approximate equality.
"The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true)."
Also, regarding numerals, as the previous commenter already mentioned, comparing floating point values for exact equality is generally not a good idea, and doing it right is far from trivial [2].
As I commented there, we need to convert between real-world coordinates and pixel coordinates to render anything on the screen, so especially when it comes to cameras and views, you should not assume the coordinates you gave to exactly match those used internally.
The developer on the other issue provided two (longitude) coordinates as an example: 51.9820167 (given by developer) and 51.982016909253694 (returned by the API). However, the maximum real-world distance between these points is actually only 2.3 cm (at the equator).
If you need to check coordinates for approximate equality, I'd recommend using an arbitrary epsilon value of your choice (e.g. 5 or 10 cm, or 0.000001 degrees) to determine if two points are close enough to each other to be considered equal. You just need to choose a suitable distance metric and epsilon that works well for for your use case.
As we know the number ranges ([-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0) degrees), as well as the approximate minimum resolution of the map, absolute error margins are likely sufficient for most use cases (either in degrees or distance). That way you can avoid having to bother with the less intuitive relative errors mentioned in the linked article.
That said, I changed this issue to a type Enhancement request, and created an internal feature request for providing an a convenience method for calculating approximate equality.
[2] <> #13
same here ... just upgraded my gs2 to 2.3.5 and the reboot frenzy started ... if I take my sd card it works fine ... but without my apps :( <> #14 <> #15
Unrelated to this issue, but since my unrelated issue was incorrectly closed as a duplicate...
The current implementation of equals() is just plain wrong. This is a case where comparing floating point values using the == operator is exactly what you want. The current implementation compares the values for bitwise equality, which is wrong in at least two ways: it incorrectly returns true when comparing two NaNs, and it incorrectly returns false when comparing 0f and -0f.
The current implementation of equals() is just plain wrong. This is a case where comparing floating point values using the == operator is exactly what you want. The current implementation compares the values for bitwise equality, which is wrong in at least two ways: it incorrectly returns true when comparing two NaNs, and it incorrectly returns false when comparing 0f and -0f. <> #16
I had all my apps installed on phone memory, but got low memory warning, so i moved all 384 apps i had to SD.
my phone is stuck rebooting after 20-30 seconds each time it starts up
I don't even have time to move the apps back to internal memory.
this is with a Galaxy Note GT-N7000
Is there any fix / workaround? my phone is not useable for obvious reasons...
my phone is stuck rebooting after 20-30 seconds each time it starts up
I don't even have time to move the apps back to internal memory.
this is with a Galaxy Note GT-N7000
Is there any fix / workaround? my phone is not useable for obvious reasons... <> #17
@Khalid, it seems that until the bug is fixed - the only reliable work around is to remove the SD card. I know that's not really a solution when you've got low memory, but it will at least stop the cycle. Then I suggest you download your apps again (but just the ones you really need, not all 300+) to the phone's storage. <> #18
If you need to delete apps but can't because the phone keeps rebooting, try turning off wifi as soon as it boots, then try deleting apps. Worked for me, I now have about 40 apps on SD card, the rest in phone memory. <> #19
Exactly the same issue on the Galaxy Note after i tried to free up some memory 2 days ago by moving some apps to the SD card. Only works now after i have removed the card. Used Gemini to move my apps. I really can't believe that Google have not fixed this yet. Obviously is a major issue with the OS that means that you are limited to just 2gb of internal memory.
i also suffer from the same issue , i thought its from the sd card at first and bout a new samsung class 10 32 gb but the same issue , i tried to to wipe the phone and factory reset but the same issue
i even tried to see if its an app related and started moving apps one by one to sd card and restart the phone after each app moved on a fresh factory setting , but the problem was random once i move 7~8 very big apps (25+ mb each ) it stars to happen o i can install 20+ small apps (2~10 mb each ) on sd card and then the problem will happen
i even tried to see if its an app related and started moving apps one by one to sd card and restart the phone after each app moved on a fresh factory setting , but the problem was random once i move 7~8 very big apps (25+ mb each ) it stars to happen o i can install 20+ small apps (2~10 mb each ) on sd card and then the problem will happen <> #21
I have the same problem as everyone else here. Please fix this problem!!! Requires immediate attention. 2.3.4 hasn't got this problem so see what was changed from that which ruined the SD Card function. <> #22
I have the same problem with my Galaxy Note on 2.3.5. And it wasted a few hours of my time (not to mention hair tearing) uninstalling apps and widgets that I thought might be causing this before I found some info on the Net that it could be due to app2sd. I removed the microsd card, and viola, no problem.
Very disappointed in Google that such a huge bug that renders the phone useless slipped through their QA. Please fix this damn annoying problem.
Very disappointed in Google that such a huge bug that renders the phone useless slipped through their QA. Please fix this damn annoying problem. <> #23
over 2 months now, i've wasted almost 20+ hours trying to format and redownload, format and redownload over 8 times! PLEASE ADDRESS THIS BUG AS SOON AS POSSIBLE GOOGLE!
From a former android fan, now a hater >:(
From a former android fan, now a hater >:( <> #24
Same here, after i move most of my apps into SD Card, phone keep rebooting... <> #25
Also affected. Have had this issue with Droid 1 and HTC Incredible 2. <> #26
Also affected. Incredibly frustrating and time consuming to finally realize this was the problem. Wiped entire phone several times until finally coming across the thread on XDA. Please fix this, Google! <> #27
Same issue as above help, don't know what caused this but it's making my smart phone very useless! <> #28
same problem after moving many apps this problem start <> #29
please google fix this issue....cant installing more than 70 apps...
if all apps moved to sd...
it got stucked in infinite bootloop....
please sammy or google fix this issue on my costly phone....
if all apps moved to sd...
it got stucked in infinite bootloop....
please sammy or google fix this issue on my costly phone.... <> #30
Hi there,
I have the same problem.
I tried at least 8 different SD Cards and the phone will keep rebooting. By the way it gets really hot between the camera and the battery. Unmounting the SD card solves the problem .... By the way .... Could it be a particular application on the SD card that is causing the problem ? ... Could we list the apps that everyone has to check if one app is recurrent ? ....
I have the same problem.
I tried at least 8 different SD Cards and the phone will keep rebooting. By the way it gets really hot between the camera and the battery. Unmounting the SD card solves the problem .... By the way .... Could it be a particular application on the SD card that is causing the problem ? ... Could we list the apps that everyone has to check if one app is recurrent ? .... <> #31
This problem affected me from 2.3.5 official update on my GS2, so if it's really an Android problem I hope that Google will fix it as soon is possible <> #32
I also have the same problem and i am on ICS LPQ <> #33
Same problem here on Samsung Galaxy S II and orginal Samsung Galaxy Tab. I tried several microSDHC cards thinking mine were too slow. Lots of money spent later, the problem remains with 2.3.5 and above. This is on stock (non-rooted) versions. <> #34
Hey every one I've been suffering from this for months now, multiple tests(different roms, sd cards and multiple sd card reformats) and the problem always comes back. I think I've narrowed it down to the total combined size of apps you move. Below 400 mb and the problem doesn't happen. After approaching that number it starts. I've given up on using built in apps2sd. Until google can get their $hit together. Here's a permanent solution: use recovery to repartition your sd card so that you can create a 2nd partition on the card. I made a 2048 mb ext 4 one. Then download link2sd from the market, it allows you to move all app data,the apk, plus dalvik to that partition and then it creates symbolic links on your phone so neither you nor the phone know the app has been moved. It even does it automatically after you update those apps via the market that have been moved. Works flawlessly. I was about one more reboot away from throwing my sensation against a wall. Hope it helps everyone. <> #35
Sorry forgot to mentioned that your device has to be rooted. It's funny how you have to hack a phone to solve a problem a stock phone shouldn't have in the first place.
Cheers <> #36
Same thing here with my new Defy+. I´m using stock 2.3.5. Sometimes (not always) I´ve extracted my SD, delete some big files (such as music or movies) and after reinserting the SD the problem dissapears. <> #37
Sorry, forgot to mention that my ".android_secure" folder is almost 1.18 Gb big with 88 files in it. Now I have 500Mb free in my 16GB SD and suffering the problem. <> #38
had/have the same issue - found a temporary fix
found out that if the ".android_secure" folder on the SD card is larger than 1 GB, then the infinite reboot occurs.
A temporary fix is that I uninstalled some apps and files in the ".android_secure" folder, in order to bring the folder size below 1 GB.
That at least is working, and I don't have the infinite reboot.
Removing the SD card solved also the reboot problem.
Device:HTS Desire S, non-rooted
Android OS: 2.3.5
found out that if the ".android_secure" folder on the SD card is larger than 1 GB, then the infinite reboot occurs.
A temporary fix is that I uninstalled some apps and files in the ".android_secure" folder, in order to bring the folder size below 1 GB.
That at least is working, and I don't have the infinite reboot.
Removing the SD card solved also the reboot problem.
Device:HTS Desire S, non-rooted
Android OS: 2.3.5 <> #39
Same problem as everyone else. clearing .android_secure resolved the issue. I have restored only a few programs now at this point. Definitely a bug that needs fixing. Now I need to build me something that monitors the folder for folder size and alert me when its getting close. <> #40
Move to sd ext do not use stock method if rooted. Permanent fix no need to worry about android_secure folder or removal of sd card. <> #41
Move to sd ext do not use stock method if rooted.
What do you mean by stock method?
What do you mean by stock method? <> #42
Do you mean move the files in android_secure to the sd ext? So, use DroidSail app to move all apps which requires root? I am not sure if this works. Can someone confirm? <> #43
Same issue on my galaxy note. <> #44
just happened to me. thought i was being good and moving all of my big games and apps to sd card to free up internal memory and kablamo! maxes cpu out and heading to reboot city.. population, me. <> #45
Me too. With both Captiave & Skyrocket. All happened on 2.3.5 and with a lot apps >550s and reboot loop after apps move to SD. It happen after specific app number or size to SD over a threshold. Tried all the methods I could know to figure it out but failed. Finally come up to this thread. <> #46
I have the same prob. Downgraded to 2.3.4 and all is good. But I don't think Google cares anymore... I won't be holding my breath for the fix/update as I feel it aint happenin anytime soon. good luck. <> #47
The same things. I moved so many apps. Definitely more than 100. Now my phone will reboot infinitely which makes it a complete useless device. Currently I am using it without SD card. Can somebody send this issue to engadget, cnet, etc so that google might finally hear it?
Now I am afraid that the too many times rebooting might have damaged my phone or its battery. Hoping that the carphonewarehouse will replace me with a new one. FYI I have used my galaxy note for around 4 months..
Now I am afraid that the too many times rebooting might have damaged my phone or its battery. Hoping that the carphonewarehouse will replace me with a new one. FYI I have used my galaxy note for around 4 months.. <> #48
Google will have to fix this, soon normal users will move enough apps to the SD card and complain in large volumes. Sad thing is, they won't know what the problem is. <> #49
Turning off wi-fi seems to make this problem more bearable for a while, but it just got worse for me when I moved a few more apps to the SD card. Do you think this is one reason why AT&T has not yet released the ICS update for the SGS2 to the masses? <> #50
It's not just ICS, it's any firmware from and higher than 2.3.5. Everything is stable at 2.3.4. So something was ruined in 2.3.5 that subsequently had every update bugged. <> #51
i have the same problem with galaxy s 2 ics latest XXLPQ 4.0.3 veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery upset if galaxy s 3 will has limited installable storage i will not buy it <> #52
I have this problem since 2.3.5. on my SGS2
I tried to change the firmware several times to what ever I could find (only official firmwares), and it continued to happen in 2.3.6 and ICS 4.0.3
I tried to change the firmware several times to what ever I could find (only official firmwares), and it continued to happen in 2.3.6 and ICS 4.0.3 <> #53
Spontaneous reboots are caused by moving large amount of apps to SD. I'm on latest ICS and still get that.
Switch off your phone and allow it to cool for about 3 mins. It should now not reboot.
Note: for some reason, the SD card area stays too warm after too many apps have been moved to SD. You may experience these reboots also
If you do a firmware non wipe upgrade, upon first boot.
1-boot into recovery, clean/format cache
2-Allow memory card area to cool down for about 3 mins.
You may choose to move back all your apps to internal memorynd no reboots. If your interal us full as mine is, the above will work.
Finally, Google needs to address the software as to why the SD card(area) heats up upon moving large number of files to SD.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Switch off your phone and allow it to cool for about 3 mins. It should now not reboot.
Note: for some reason, the SD card area stays too warm after too many apps have been moved to SD. You may experience these reboots also
If you do a firmware non wipe upgrade, upon first boot.
1-boot into recovery, clean/format cache
2-Allow memory card area to cool down for about 3 mins.
You may choose to move back all your apps to internal memorynd no reboots. If your interal us full as mine is, the above will work.
Finally, Google needs to address the software as to why the SD card(area) heats up upon moving large number of files to SD.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium <> #54
Excessive heat will cause most phones to reboot, but this bug is not a heat issue. Not every phone affected gets warm when it shows these symptoms. That it would affect such a variety of hardware exactly the same way due to overheating is highly dubious. <> #55
It's not a result of overheating, at all! Tested this various time of having the phone off the whole night.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #56
Since I changed to ICS 4.0.3, no problem...
Then I migrated a bunch of apps to SD with ApptoSD and it keeps rebooting...
Switching wifi off does not seem to help and yes there is overheating, the CPU is always active and apparently service using it is SystemAndroid...
Please fix it !!!!!!!!
Then I migrated a bunch of apps to SD with ApptoSD and it keeps rebooting...
Switching wifi off does not seem to help and yes there is overheating, the CPU is always active and apparently service using it is SystemAndroid...
Please fix it !!!!!!!! <> #57
I have the same auto reboot problem with Galaxy Note N7000, it became unusable <> #58
I have this auto restart problem in my Samsung Galaxy SII, my phone keeps restarting all the time and the only way to stop it from restarting is to remove the sd card and switch off wifi
This is not a solution
waiting for google to fix this stupid problem
This is not a solution
waiting for google to fix this stupid problem <> #59
Same here on my Galaxy Note. I've to keep the number of apps on SD below 33; then it boots nicely.
I've been looking into logs and script. It could be caused by a serie of remounts with the noaccesstime option. The System process gets locked, then it reboots.
There's also a conflict between SVox Classic/Loquendo and Samsung TTS during boot.
BTW the free space is calculated incorrectly (Configuration, Applications, SD Card): the free space of the internal sdcard is shown (as this is the normal situation for non-Samsung devices), not of the external_sd where Samsung put the .android_secure. I tried to modify the vold.conf, but that didn't help (hard coded?).
I've been looking into logs and script. It could be caused by a serie of remounts with the noaccesstime option. The System process gets locked, then it reboots.
There's also a conflict between SVox Classic/Loquendo and Samsung TTS during boot.
BTW the free space is calculated incorrectly (Configuration, Applications, SD Card): the free space of the internal sdcard is shown (as this is the normal situation for non-Samsung devices), not of the external_sd where Samsung put the .android_secure. I tried to modify the vold.conf, but that didn't help (hard coded?). <> #60
Same issue here. I have a SGS2. I tried with ICS firmwares XXLPQ and XXLPS. with stock and rooted .I will fallback to GB <> #61
I have the same issue with Galaxy Note and 2.3.6 after moving too many apps to SD card. <> #62
I'm on Xperia mini pro. Suffering from this issue once I flashed an ICS rom. <> #63
ICS may be great. But it's pointless if I can't use it. <> #64
Fuck you Google. Fuck you big time. <> #65
I have had this same problem since I upgraded from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5. At first, the first phone would just reboot a few times, and finally settle down after a few reboots. As log as the i kept the phone on, there were no further reboots. However, I also got a black screen of death problem occasionally, and the mobile signal would disappear from time to time, which required a reboot to reset. Each reboot would result in a numerous cycles of boot loops before the phone became usable.
More recently, I have started having reboots even after transferring files from the PC to the SD card using USB. As soon as the USB is ejected and disconnected, the phone will reboot after the media scanning completes. This again results in endless boot loops.
I have just upgraded to 4.0.3, and am EXTREMELY disappointed that the problem is still there. The phone gets extremely hot at the top, boots every 5 minutes and is non-functional until the SD card is removed.
Having the Wi-Fi on or off doesn't make a difference for me. The problem seems to be related to the SD only. I have around 150 apps on the SD card.
Please fix this. The problem has been around for too long and it defeats the purpose of external storage.
More recently, I have started having reboots even after transferring files from the PC to the SD card using USB. As soon as the USB is ejected and disconnected, the phone will reboot after the media scanning completes. This again results in endless boot loops.
I have just upgraded to 4.0.3, and am EXTREMELY disappointed that the problem is still there. The phone gets extremely hot at the top, boots every 5 minutes and is non-functional until the SD card is removed.
Having the Wi-Fi on or off doesn't make a difference for me. The problem seems to be related to the SD only. I have around 150 apps on the SD card.
Please fix this. The problem has been around for too long and it defeats the purpose of external storage. <> #66
I've the same problem with a Samsung Galaxy Note with version 2.3.6 and a lot of apps on SD card. <> #67
I have the same problem too on SGS2. I have tried with many different SD card. It seems like the phone will reboot until SD card is removed. 2 of the SD card i tested got corrupted and died (had to replace them). All started after official update to 2.3.5. Now im no longer using a SD card. Please look into this problem. <> #68
I've observed this behaviour too, on my SGS2 (i9100) running 2.3.5. During the last time I was trying to debug and resolve the problem, I'm pretty sure the phone's internal 16GB /sdcard filesystem got corrupted, which was fun to repair (mount read-only, backup, unmount, let the phone format it, fsck_msdos it, reboot, restore backup IIRC).
I'd narrowed it down to moving too many, or the wrong kind of apps to the SD card. My rules these days are:
- don't move apps that autostart after startup (see the Autostarts app)
- only move games
- only move apps over ~20MB in size
From reading this thread, I've also added:
- move no more than ~30 apps
- keep the total size of apps moved to less than 1GB
I had a single spontaneous reboot when trying to update Death Rally (55MB), but that may have also been caused by other unrelated factors. I did have 33 apps and a total of 1296MB, though, so it may have been a warning!
I'd narrowed it down to moving too many, or the wrong kind of apps to the SD card. My rules these days are:
- don't move apps that autostart after startup (see the Autostarts app)
- only move games
- only move apps over ~20MB in size
From reading this thread, I've also added:
- move no more than ~30 apps
- keep the total size of apps moved to less than 1GB
I had a single spontaneous reboot when trying to update Death Rally (55MB), but that may have also been caused by other unrelated factors. I did have 33 apps and a total of 1296MB, though, so it may have been a warning! <> #69
I also have this issue on my SGS2 since I inserted a Samsung 32GB Class 10 card and moved a bunch of apps on it. I folowed the instructions in this thread to fix it. We'll see... Don't know if it wasn't there prior to 2.3.5...
Hope for a fix soon!
Google please FIX IT! I have this issue for 6 month now. It's really annoying.
Hope for a fix soon!
Google please FIX IT! I have this issue for 6 month now. It's really annoying. <> #70
I am having the same problem, but I am running 2.3.4. Does that blow the 2.3.5 theory out of the water? <> #71
No, it doesn't happen in 2.3.4. You might experience the odd restart every now and then but it shouldn't bootloop. It's a bug in 2.3.5 and higher and has been confirmed. It's not a theory. It's really odd if you're experiencing this on 2.3.4, you might have another problem that is causing it. <> #72
I bought my SD card on 22.12.2011 (probably shipped on 24.-26.12.). As I am an early adopter and the 2.3.5 update was rolled out in the early december in Germany, there is only a little chance that I experienced this issue on 2.3.4. I think I was wrong in my first post.
Furthermore my phone is rebooting about two to three times a day. But I experience much more reboots up to a boot loop immediateley after each firmware update. After the update to ICS this week the phone kept rebooting for about an hour. I shut it down and let it cool down and repeated this procedure a few times, running longer after each restart until the restarts disappeared. The system seams to scan apps on the SD card and the restarts stop when the system finished caching all necessary informations from the SD. This worked also for past firmware updates.
I moved many small apps to the internal storage and some really big ones to the SD so the 30 apps on the SD take less the 1GB. No reboots since then.
Removing SD card solved all problems immediateley since ever on all versions.
Some peaple claim having same or similar issues on versions <2.3.5.
This is a very serious problem affecting many users.
Furthermore my phone is rebooting about two to three times a day. But I experience much more reboots up to a boot loop immediateley after each firmware update. After the update to ICS this week the phone kept rebooting for about an hour. I shut it down and let it cool down and repeated this procedure a few times, running longer after each restart until the restarts disappeared. The system seams to scan apps on the SD card and the restarts stop when the system finished caching all necessary informations from the SD. This worked also for past firmware updates.
I moved many small apps to the internal storage and some really big ones to the SD so the 30 apps on the SD take less the 1GB. No reboots since then.
Removing SD card solved all problems immediateley since ever on all versions.
Some peaple claim having same or similar issues on versions <2.3.5.
This is a very serious problem affecting many users. <> #73
This issue should have Priority-High or Priority-Critical in my eyes! <> #74
I agree, why the hell is it medium? It renders the phone useless if you have a bit of apps. Should be changed to critical! <> #75
I agree too, this is a big issue with android so it should be classified
under critical issues
under critical issues <> #76
same with me.. if the move to sd card introduced, it must give user an advantage. Not a problem.. Please fix this google... <> #77
I have the exact same problem on my rooted HTC Inspire 4G. <> #78
same problem
google help fast.
google help fast. <> #79
Same thing happens on my Galaxy Note LTE...
This is a huge issue and it's been over 2 months and no FIX!?
This has made my first Android experience very terrible!
Get your stuff together GOOGLE and fix this problem
This is a huge issue and it's been over 2 months and no FIX!?
This has made my first Android experience very terrible!
Get your stuff together GOOGLE and fix this problem <> #80
Same issue on my Galaxy SII with ICS. Please fix it. <> #81
I had this issue even on my Nexus S with ICS till I made a factory reset. Seems to be a serious problem :/ <> #82
I'm having the same issue on my Note. As I moved more than 1GB to SD card, this problem started. Until then was all fine. <> #83
I am having the same difficulty sith my newly purchased Samsung Galaxy Note GT-7000 running Android v. 2.3.5. I moved all my user apps to, first, a 16g sd card and then to a 32g sd card. Last night I fell asleep listening to an audiobook, woke up at 5am and started to recharge my phablet. Upon rebooting the cycle started and has been ongoing until now, 3pm. That's off and on every couple of minutes for about 10 hours. Has anyone not found a fix for this other than removing the sd card? I can't even seem to find a Samsung tech to talk to about it. Frustrating. <> #84
Guys, try this, it works!
(I have not find any other way that work, so until Samsung or Google fix
it, I guess this is the only way).
Use Link2SD app (u can find it in play store) to make ur apps linked to 2nd
partition on SD card.
Guide on how to do all this is in LINK2SD in app help. Or Google it for
more detail tutorials.
Now I have 241 apps installed on my SD card and everything works great!
-Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360-
On Mar 25, 2012 11:25 PM, <> wrote:
(I have not find any other way that work, so until Samsung or Google fix
it, I guess this is the only way).
Use Link2SD app (u can find it in play store) to make ur apps linked to 2nd
partition on SD card.
Guide on how to do all this is in LINK2SD in app help. Or Google it for
more detail tutorials.
Now I have 241 apps installed on my SD card and everything works great!
-Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360-
On Mar 25, 2012 11:25 PM, <> wrote: <> #85
OK Guys I've fixed this prob on my phone. Basically I found it was caused by App 2 SD (Free). I uninstalled the app and haven't had infinite reboot loop since.
I have around 100 apps on my SD card.
I initially got this problem under Gingerbread, then upgraded to ICS with same prob. SD card is fine - passed every performance and capacity test I could chuck at it. Is a Lexar 32GB Class 10.
Disabling WIFI and putting in Flight Mode didn't make a difference for me. Unmounting the card wouldn't work either - would just say "unmount in progress" until it rebooted and then would auto-mount again on startup.
I think this app must have worked fine for a while until I gradually started to put more apps onto the card and got past some theoretical limit where it's begun to cause contention with the O/S on startup - seems to be about 70 from reading previous posts. Either that or it was working and then the App2SD devs cocked it up with a upgrade.
I also think this is why Link2SD works; You're no longer using App2SD?
Can someone else please confirm this fix works for them too. Then I can post a nasty review on the App2SD app page. :P
I have around 100 apps on my SD card.
I initially got this problem under Gingerbread, then upgraded to ICS with same prob. SD card is fine - passed every performance and capacity test I could chuck at it. Is a Lexar 32GB Class 10.
Disabling WIFI and putting in Flight Mode didn't make a difference for me. Unmounting the card wouldn't work either - would just say "unmount in progress" until it rebooted and then would auto-mount again on startup.
I think this app must have worked fine for a while until I gradually started to put more apps onto the card and got past some theoretical limit where it's begun to cause contention with the O/S on startup - seems to be about 70 from reading previous posts. Either that or it was working and then the App2SD devs cocked it up with a upgrade.
I also think this is why Link2SD works; You're no longer using App2SD?
Can someone else please confirm this fix works for them too. Then I can post a nasty review on the App2SD app page. :P
-KENT <> #86
No, it's not caused by App2SD. It's confirmed by being on 2.3.4 without any resets while that app is present. <> #87
[Comment deleted] <> #88
[Comment deleted] <> #89
Did you try it? Maybe it is App2SD on 2.3.5+?
I'm on 4.0.3. Would dread a reboot, crash or battery dying because it would take my phone out for better part of an hour. After uninstalling App2SD. I'm now ~5 days without reoccurance. I reboot for fun now - just to make sure it hasn't come back. Loving my phone again after a lot of frustration. :)
I'm on 4.0.3. Would dread a reboot, crash or battery dying because it would take my phone out for better part of an hour. After uninstalling App2SD. I'm now ~5 days without reoccurance. I reboot for fun now - just to make sure it hasn't come back. Loving my phone again after a lot of frustration. :) <> #90
The reason why your mobile is behaving is because you have only 100 apps on SD card. Wait til you have 300-400 apps. <> #91
im having 300+ apps installed on phone. while more around 20 to sd card. i will face the restarting issue if my .android_secure folder near 1gig. that what i monitor. regarding app2sd, let we give it try. :) <> #92
The same problem, as described above. ~70 aps to SD = hotboot shortly after SD scan.
Tried everything: reflash, clean cache etc. Only full recovery from Titanium Backup and relocating apps back to phone helps.
android 2.3.6
Tried everything: reflash, clean cache etc. Only full recovery from Titanium Backup and relocating apps back to phone helps.
android 2.3.6 <> #93
Indeed. Removing app2sd will give luck..
Before i remove app2sd, my phone always reboot. I try remove the app2sd. The phone boot without reboot now. So, other might give a try.
Before i remove app2sd, my phone always reboot. I try remove the app2sd. The phone boot without reboot now. So, other might give a try. <> #94
Thanks Google for ruining a good phone!
So far spent the last 4 hours trying to get my SG2 to work. Since making the foolish mistake of updating to ICS only thing phone is good at is as a hand warmer.
Thanks Google for ruining a good phone!
So far spent the last 4 hours trying to get my SG2 to work. Since making the foolish mistake of updating to ICS only thing phone is good at is as a hand warmer. <> #95
I got the same problem
Use App2Sd to moved some to sdcard..
Now my samsung galaxy 2 (ICS 4.0.3) keeps hot reboot every 1-2 minutes after..
Reboot problem solve if i remove the sdcard..
Is there any fix on this?
This is getting very frustating
Use App2Sd to moved some to sdcard..
Now my samsung galaxy 2 (ICS 4.0.3) keeps hot reboot every 1-2 minutes after..
Reboot problem solve if i remove the sdcard..
Is there any fix on this?
This is getting very frustating <> #96
Quote ............. I got the same problem Use App2Sd to moved some to sdcard.. Now my samsung galaxy 2 (ICS 4.0.3) keeps hot reboot every 1-2 minutes after.. Reboot problem solve if i remove the sdcard.. Is there any fix on this? This is getting very frustating ............
I too facing the same thing. But now still using gingerbread. Can u try to remove ur app2sd application for a while to monitor ur phone reboot issue?
Before this,me too using app2sd to move apps to sd. After that facing the reboot issue. Everytime loading to homescreen and wait around 1minute sure reboot again
What i did,remove my sdcard then switch on the phone. Remove yhe app2sd application. After that plug in my sdcard. Switch on my phone. No more reboot.
You might give it a try fellow..
I too facing the same thing. But now still using gingerbread. Can u try to remove ur app2sd application for a while to monitor ur phone reboot issue?
Before this,me too using app2sd to move apps to sd. After that facing the reboot issue. Everytime loading to homescreen and wait around 1minute sure reboot again
What i did,remove my sdcard then switch on the phone. Remove yhe app2sd application. After that plug in my sdcard. Switch on my phone. No more reboot.
You might give it a try fellow.. <> #97
[Comment deleted] <> #98
I just tried your suggestion.
It seems to be working.
Thanks a lot :D
So what seems to be the problem?Is it the app2sd app?I'm using app2sd by Sam Lu
Do you have any recommendation for other app besides app2sd?
Ever try app2sd by EZMOB apps?
I just tried your suggestion.
It seems to be working.
Thanks a lot :D
So what seems to be the problem?Is it the app2sd app?I'm using app2sd by Sam Lu
Do you have any recommendation for other app besides app2sd?
Ever try app2sd by EZMOB apps?
Thanks <> #99
I'll install APP2SD now just to see what will happen.
I don't think this reboot loop caused by any app though.
I will post the result in an hour.
On Apr 27, 2012 6:41 PM, <> wrote:
I don't think this reboot loop caused by any app though.
I will post the result in an hour.
On Apr 27, 2012 6:41 PM, <> wrote: <> #100
It has nothing to do with app2sd. I am not using it and have the same
El 30/04/2012 09:24, <> escribi�:
El 30/04/2012 09:24, <> escribi�: <> #101
It has been stated numerous times before it's not caused by any apps. It's crucial bug that was changed in 2.3.5. Don't know why Google stuffed this one up. Really killing the Android experience. What will it take? 10K comments to listen? <> #102
I have the same issue with galaxy note and removing app2sd application
doesn't help
The only thing that stops the rebooting is to remove sd card and switching
off wifi
On Apr 30, 2012 8:20 AM, <> wrote:
doesn't help
The only thing that stops the rebooting is to remove sd card and switching
off wifi
On Apr 30, 2012 8:20 AM, <> wrote: <> #103
Hi Kent, I never use APP2SD because I thought APP2SD unable to move all
apps to SD.
On Apr 27, 2012 6:19 PM, <> wrote:
apps to SD.
On Apr 27, 2012 6:19 PM, <> wrote: <> #104
The problem re-appeared..
I've uninstalled app2sd, and for a while the problem disappear.
But not long after that, my galaxy S2 keeps restarting again..
I think it got nothing to do with the app2sd, and it's really annoying..
I've uninstalled app2sd, and for a while the problem disappear.
But not long after that, my galaxy S2 keeps restarting again..
I think it got nothing to do with the app2sd, and it's really annoying.. <> #105
"It has been stated numerous times before it's not caused by any apps. It's crucial bug that was changed in 2.3.5." -- thought this bears repeating... and to add to what I wrote in comment 16, the only common denominator is external SD cards. There might be other spin-off issues to do with WiFi etc, but the core issue is with a running service that controls the SD card. This bug is in every version of Android since 2.3.5 including the latest nightly build of 4.0.3.
In nearly 3 months I've yet to see a comment from an official Google representative or even a nod toward a wiki or forum where it might be acknowledged. Is there any point to this thread anymore? I hope merely the volume of comments and debate on the subject will be enough to get their attention.
In nearly 3 months I've yet to see a comment from an official Google representative or even a nod toward a wiki or forum where it might be acknowledged. Is there any point to this thread anymore? I hope merely the volume of comments and debate on the subject will be enough to get their attention. <> #106
I guess Google doesn't care.. <> #107
This reboot loop problem can be stop, but only on rooted phones (using
LINK2SD). This is the only method that I know of. Just read my post above.
For unroot phones, just wait for Google to release the official fix (if
Note: if U don't know what "root" means then I suggest Google it first. I'm
not responsible for any damage to ur phone. Do it with ur own risk.
On Apr 28, 2012 5:44 PM, <> wrote:
LINK2SD). This is the only method that I know of. Just read my post above.
For unroot phones, just wait for Google to release the official fix (if
Note: if U don't know what "root" means then I suggest Google it first. I'm
not responsible for any damage to ur phone. Do it with ur own risk.
On Apr 28, 2012 5:44 PM, <> wrote: <> #108
Considering this was pushed out in an official update 2.3.5 with Kies -- Samsung have to take some responsibility for this; and work with Google. Obviously Samsung's testing methodology leaves a lot to be desired. Far be it for me to pass the buck though Google; you guys need to get your asses into gear! <> #109
Same problem here.. Started Yesterday...
Whenever I try to download an app.. App downloads > "Installing .." > Bang! The phone restarts!
Nexus S with 4.0.3
Whenever I try to download an app.. App downloads > "Installing .." > Bang! The phone restarts!
Nexus S with 4.0.3 <> #110
Can anyone confirm Link2SD works for people with more than 300-400 apps without any reboots on higher firmware say 2.3.5+ or any ICS builds? <> #111
although it work, please don't let ur sdcard full with many apps+games. Because i also don't think the app2sd itself cause the boot. It's android problem.
Use link2sd or try move2sd. U don't need "move all to sd function" because if u move all apps+games to sd, then it will be disastrous.. move only big apps+games.
although it work, please don't let ur sdcard full with many apps+games. Because i also don't think the app2sd itself cause the boot. It's android problem.
Use link2sd or try move2sd. U don't need "move all to sd function" because if u move all apps+games to sd, then it will be disastrous.. move only big apps+games. <> #112
I have spent a good day transferring my apparently, little by little to a second partition using Link2sd. No more reboot problem. I am still very disappointed, for this demands a root and thus forces me to void my warranty. Or, enjoy my Note with a lot fewer apps. (There would go all my daughter's games.) I can imagine that if Google doesn't acknowledge or come up with a fix soon, that there might be lawsuits forthcoming. <> #113
*my apps.( Damned corrective spelling) <> #114
Global - Can you confirm how many apps you have on your device now? <> #115
Yar, I currently have 443. Most of the user apps have been linked and other apps are distributed between phone and sd partition 1. I partitioned my 32g sd into equal halves but now realize that the second partition doesn't need to be that great. Mebbe about 8g.
It was a chore moving the apps, had to move most of them to pc and link, move some back to sd, link, repeat until all were linked. Now, no problem.
It was a chore moving the apps, had to move most of them to pc and link, move some back to sd, link, repeat until all were linked. Now, no problem. <> #116
At one time I was able to keep 60. Then, I had to reduce it to 49. Now, I
can only have 45. I have to assume that this is due to the size of the
apps. I am just too frustrated to keep messing with it, to find out exactly
what the size threshold is. The techs at my local Sprint repair shop are
aware of the issue. Most of them use htc phones, so they have been relying
on me for their information on the matter. They have been aware of it for
some time, but thus far, I'm the only one that has been smart enough to
know that the phone reps on the Sprint line were full of crap when they
were telling me it was a bad SD card, then a bad app, then this, then that,
then the other, and of course, I needed to do a factory reset.
Keep calling your service provider. Keep them on their toes. Keep referring
to this issue/bug report #. Only by staying on top of your provider, will
they keep running it up the flagpole to Google. Only after enough users
complain, only after the service providers keep complaining to Google, will
they actually do something about it. Face it, most of the Android users out
there are not app junkies, like us. And of those who are junkies, only a
few of us are tech savvy, and realize the nuances of our little handheld
Linux-based computers that happen to be able to make phone calls. We have
to speak up on the behalf of everyone else, out there. We have to continue
to call, to flood the lines of our service providers, until they, and
Google, finally see the light.
can only have 45. I have to assume that this is due to the size of the
apps. I am just too frustrated to keep messing with it, to find out exactly
what the size threshold is. The techs at my local Sprint repair shop are
aware of the issue. Most of them use htc phones, so they have been relying
on me for their information on the matter. They have been aware of it for
some time, but thus far, I'm the only one that has been smart enough to
know that the phone reps on the Sprint line were full of crap when they
were telling me it was a bad SD card, then a bad app, then this, then that,
then the other, and of course, I needed to do a factory reset.
Keep calling your service provider. Keep them on their toes. Keep referring
to this issue/bug report #. Only by staying on top of your provider, will
they keep running it up the flagpole to Google. Only after enough users
complain, only after the service providers keep complaining to Google, will
they actually do something about it. Face it, most of the Android users out
there are not app junkies, like us. And of those who are junkies, only a
few of us are tech savvy, and realize the nuances of our little handheld
Linux-based computers that happen to be able to make phone calls. We have
to speak up on the behalf of everyone else, out there. We have to continue
to call, to flood the lines of our service providers, until they, and
Google, finally see the light. <> #117
Thanks for your input Global! <> #118
well said schuff... you're absolutely right - the service providers are the gatekeepers to the manufacturer (Samsung et al), then in turn the OS provider (Google). One can contact the manufacturer direct I suppose and put the impetus on them, but they might just direct you to call your provider (where the buck stops).
Seems we'll have to make quite a song and dance with them to push this up that proverbial flagpole.
Seems we'll have to make quite a song and dance with them to push this up that proverbial flagpole. <> #119
Issue on rebooting with my galaxy note here. Problem stops when sd card taken out. But thats not a solution. Checked this post n confirmed its not an " app specific" issue. Google, please dont disappoint us more. Give us a quick fix please.. <> #120
Well here is my entire experience ( pain ) in form of a mail to samsung on this rebooting issue. Though its not Samsung,its google who is sleeping on this. really surprised that google is not reacting. Any way here goes -
Dear Mr Bhattacharya
Please refer to the conversation we had yesterday and today about the issue i am facing with my new galaxy note.
I am recapping the entire sequence of events for your reference.
I purchased the phone in the month of march 12.
In the last week of march i moved the downloaded apps - About 70 odd (all from the Google Play Store) from the phone memory to SD card as the 2 GB partition was running low on space.
After transferring the apps i noticed that the phone kept restarting from the home screen(not a complete restart,where the samsung logo comes up) and this kept happening for half an hour and the back of the phone became extremely hot because of constant restart.
I decided to do a factory reset assuming that there must be some bug/or problem with the memory card.
I formatted the memory card ( again brand new- San disk class 10 - 32 GB with bill and warranty ) and did a factory reset.
After downloading the apps again i transferred the apps to the memory card and the same restarting problem started happening again.
This time i took the phone to your Borivali Bombay Mastercare center( bill no - 4130057301 dated 18.4 where the service engineer told me that since the phone was new he will try and get me a replacement.
I had explained to them that i had already done the factory reset once and the problem had remained. The engineer said that he is writing a mail to Samsung for a replacement and will let me know of the status the next day i.e. 19.4
To my surprise i got a call from the service center on 19th saying that the problem had been solved and i can take the handset back. They told me that a new version of the 2.3.6 gingerbread version was updated on my phone and now the same problem will not happen again.
When i went to the service center, i asked the engineer as to why i was not informed about the software flash when he had clearly told me that he will write to Samsung for a replacement.
The engineer started apologizing saying that it was his mistake that he gave me a false promise and assured me that after the software flash the problem will not happen again.
At the time of the phone being handed over to me i noticed a dent on the top chrome bezel next to the audio jack. I was extremely upset with the fact that first i was lied to and then the phone was damaged by the person/persons handling it.
Ms Dipti of Mastercare then assured me that they will replace the damaged bezel(which i later found was a composite unit being a part of the back cover)
I was also upset that the phone will be opened again for this careless handling of the person who was doing the repairs on it. The phone was already opened for checking moisture damage ( which i believe is Samsung policy for any phone that comes for warranty/non warranty issues ) on 18 th.
Let me also put on record that i was extremely upset at that point that
A. The engineer told me that he had sent a mail to Samsung for replacement which was a lie and
B. The software reset was done without informing me and
C. The Bezel was damaged in the process.
I had already spent two days running around and waiting for almost 5 to 6 hours at your service center.
Any way , the replacement bezel came after 5 days and i was asked to come and get it changed on 24th april.
In the mean while i had to do the entire data back up again (3rd time) after the software reset by service center.
Hope here you will understand that its frustrating and time consuming process to keep backing up the data and to download the apps from the Play store. It costs time and money ( the data charge on WI fi And Mobile)
This time i did not transfer the apps and the phone was working ok till 1st may.
On 2nd may i transferred about 35 apps to the SD card as the 2 GB phone memory was again running low.
To my surprise i found the same problem of the phone restarting in a continuous loop.
I went online and found out on the official Google android page - that this was not an isolated problem and it was affecting all users who moved apps to SD card on versions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6.
If you go through all the entries you will find that this is a global issue affecting users of Galaxy note and Galaxy S2. And this is the official Google Android Blog.
Any way i took the phone to your service center yesterday 3rd may.
I was told by Ms Dipti that the concerned person - Mr Anish was not there and she will talk to him and get back to me on the status and solution by today i.e. 4th may.
Dipti called me today morning to say that they want to do another software reset (2nd by your service center and fourth over all as i had done the factory reset 2 times my self) as they have an updated version.
I clearly told her that this time i will do the app transfer in the service center it self and if the problem persists then i will insist for a refund as i dont have the time and energy to keep doing factory reset and leaving the phone at the service center.
This was at about 12.30 in the afternoon today.
I then called you and spoke to you at about 1.30 pm today.
Let me recap the issue in totality for your reference.
1. The phone keeps restarting in loop after apps are moved to the SD card.
2. Your service center is doing a second software reset today as i write this mail assuring me that the problem will NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.
3. I have already done the factory reset twice on the phone my self but the issue remains.
4. I have made 5 visits to your service center and spent a lot of my working time.
5. The phone was physically damaged once and has been opened thrice.
And most importantly the problem has not been solved.
I will go to the service center at about 5 pm and do the app download and transfer in front of the service technician( or else they can do it themselves for their satisfaction )
Though it is apparent that this is a global issue based on the complaints and feed back on the Google android blog -
I insist on a refund if the problem still continues after today.
Let me put on record that mastercare people have been very polite and courteous while dealing with me and i also appreciate you taking my calls yesterday and today.
I am also marking this mail to Mr. Rajiv Ganju - Head - customer services India.
Dear Mr Bhattacharya
Please refer to the conversation we had yesterday and today about the issue i am facing with my new galaxy note.
I am recapping the entire sequence of events for your reference.
I purchased the phone in the month of march 12.
In the last week of march i moved the downloaded apps - About 70 odd (all from the Google Play Store) from the phone memory to SD card as the 2 GB partition was running low on space.
After transferring the apps i noticed that the phone kept restarting from the home screen(not a complete restart,where the samsung logo comes up) and this kept happening for half an hour and the back of the phone became extremely hot because of constant restart.
I decided to do a factory reset assuming that there must be some bug/or problem with the memory card.
I formatted the memory card ( again brand new- San disk class 10 - 32 GB with bill and warranty ) and did a factory reset.
After downloading the apps again i transferred the apps to the memory card and the same restarting problem started happening again.
This time i took the phone to your Borivali Bombay Mastercare center( bill no - 4130057301 dated 18.4 where the service engineer told me that since the phone was new he will try and get me a replacement.
I had explained to them that i had already done the factory reset once and the problem had remained. The engineer said that he is writing a mail to Samsung for a replacement and will let me know of the status the next day i.e. 19.4
To my surprise i got a call from the service center on 19th saying that the problem had been solved and i can take the handset back. They told me that a new version of the 2.3.6 gingerbread version was updated on my phone and now the same problem will not happen again.
When i went to the service center, i asked the engineer as to why i was not informed about the software flash when he had clearly told me that he will write to Samsung for a replacement.
The engineer started apologizing saying that it was his mistake that he gave me a false promise and assured me that after the software flash the problem will not happen again.
At the time of the phone being handed over to me i noticed a dent on the top chrome bezel next to the audio jack. I was extremely upset with the fact that first i was lied to and then the phone was damaged by the person/persons handling it.
Ms Dipti of Mastercare then assured me that they will replace the damaged bezel(which i later found was a composite unit being a part of the back cover)
I was also upset that the phone will be opened again for this careless handling of the person who was doing the repairs on it. The phone was already opened for checking moisture damage ( which i believe is Samsung policy for any phone that comes for warranty/non warranty issues ) on 18 th.
Let me also put on record that i was extremely upset at that point that
A. The engineer told me that he had sent a mail to Samsung for replacement which was a lie and
B. The software reset was done without informing me and
C. The Bezel was damaged in the process.
I had already spent two days running around and waiting for almost 5 to 6 hours at your service center.
Any way , the replacement bezel came after 5 days and i was asked to come and get it changed on 24th april.
In the mean while i had to do the entire data back up again (3rd time) after the software reset by service center.
Hope here you will understand that its frustrating and time consuming process to keep backing up the data and to download the apps from the Play store. It costs time and money ( the data charge on WI fi And Mobile)
This time i did not transfer the apps and the phone was working ok till 1st may.
On 2nd may i transferred about 35 apps to the SD card as the 2 GB phone memory was again running low.
To my surprise i found the same problem of the phone restarting in a continuous loop.
I went online and found out on the official Google android page -
If you go through all the entries you will find that this is a global issue affecting users of Galaxy note and Galaxy S2. And this is the official Google Android Blog.
Any way i took the phone to your service center yesterday 3rd may.
I was told by Ms Dipti that the concerned person - Mr Anish was not there and she will talk to him and get back to me on the status and solution by today i.e. 4th may.
Dipti called me today morning to say that they want to do another software reset (2nd by your service center and fourth over all as i had done the factory reset 2 times my self) as they have an updated version.
I clearly told her that this time i will do the app transfer in the service center it self and if the problem persists then i will insist for a refund as i dont have the time and energy to keep doing factory reset and leaving the phone at the service center.
This was at about 12.30 in the afternoon today.
I then called you and spoke to you at about 1.30 pm today.
Let me recap the issue in totality for your reference.
1. The phone keeps restarting in loop after apps are moved to the SD card.
2. Your service center is doing a second software reset today as i write this mail assuring me that the problem will NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.
3. I have already done the factory reset twice on the phone my self but the issue remains.
4. I have made 5 visits to your service center and spent a lot of my working time.
5. The phone was physically damaged once and has been opened thrice.
And most importantly the problem has not been solved.
I will go to the service center at about 5 pm and do the app download and transfer in front of the service technician( or else they can do it themselves for their satisfaction )
Though it is apparent that this is a global issue based on the complaints and feed back on the Google android blog -
I insist on a refund if the problem still continues after today.
Let me put on record that mastercare people have been very polite and courteous while dealing with me and i also appreciate you taking my calls yesterday and today.
I am also marking this mail to Mr. Rajiv Ganju - Head - customer services India. <> #121
I have the same issue, Sasung Galaxy S2 with the latest update.
This bug is a shame, I'm glad that I'm not in the dev team, I would have nightmares because of this shame, shame on you Google and the open source community who don't repair this bug.
This bug is a shame, I'm glad that I'm not in the dev team, I would have nightmares because of this shame, shame on you Google and the open source community who don't repair this bug. <> #122
I have a HTC Desire HD, with about 200+ apps.
For the past 4 to 5 months I've encountered the exact same problem.
I have read thru countless forums and tips people recommending to factory reset, change the SD card, but none make any difference.
The details described here are SPOT ON to my problem.
One by one I backed up and removed folder and files from the SD card, testing in between if the phone would reboot.
I pinned it down to the .android folder and thought initially it was a particular app (or apps) that was causing the problem.
But after lots and lots and LOTS of timewasting and testing, I could not pin it down, but thanks to the info here I now realise that it's the size/quota of the .android folder and not an individual app.
I also use APP2SD, but only push my games over to the SD card, all the rest sit on the phone memory, which is almost full.
PLEASE GOOGLE Invest some time into researching this issue (you've previously had a working android software version <2.3.4 to use as comparison with >2.3.5)
For the past 4 to 5 months I've encountered the exact same problem.
I have read thru countless forums and tips people recommending to factory reset, change the SD card, but none make any difference.
The details described here are SPOT ON to my problem.
One by one I backed up and removed folder and files from the SD card, testing in between if the phone would reboot.
I pinned it down to the .android folder and thought initially it was a particular app (or apps) that was causing the problem.
But after lots and lots and LOTS of timewasting and testing, I could not pin it down, but thanks to the info here I now realise that it's the size/quota of the .android folder and not an individual app.
I also use APP2SD, but only push my games over to the SD card, all the rest sit on the phone memory, which is almost full.
PLEASE GOOGLE Invest some time into researching this issue (you've previously had a working android software version <2.3.4 to use as comparison with >2.3.5) <> #123
I am also having issue with Galaxy SL GT-I9003. I updated 2.3.6 framework version in Sept 2011 and it was working fine till last week of April 2012. Suddenly I find my phone is keep re-starting so I thought there may be some issue. So I pull the battery and insert in again.And Something un-expected happened, I lost all my contact, message and my SD card has been formatted by default. Some how I took that pain and thought it happened due to some bug so I did a factory reset. But it's keep restarting. So once again I did reset and remove the SD card. Now my phone is in brand new state now apps , no sd card and even though it's keep re-starting. I am also not enabling or using Wifi as well. Let me know if there is any resoultion. <> #124
i just got the galaxy note, its only a week tomorrow and I am already experiencing this problems and I don't even have 30 apps on my phone. i Have read that getting a new phone nor resetting fixes the problem and this is fustrating... FIX IT pls.... I've paid too much money for this phone <> #125
Having same very annoying problem on my HTC Desire HD with Root and CyanogenMod 7.1.0
Android version 2.3.7 (???) has described in system info on the phone.
Once I find a stability of the system...every updates of apps could make this bug come back again. Usually I need to open folder "android_secure" on my SD and delete/move last updates files. This usually solve the problem, than I need to reinstall removed apps and try moving them to SD again one at time...until I find the one causing the crash. Than I finally can have some stability again.
On my HTC Desire HD I don't have so much internal memory so I NEED to move apps on SD!
Here is a page on my blog where I try to keep updated a list of Apps causing this problem.
Android version 2.3.7 (???) has described in system info on the phone.
Once I find a stability of the system...every updates of apps could make this bug come back again. Usually I need to open folder "android_secure" on my SD and delete/move last updates files. This usually solve the problem, than I need to reinstall removed apps and try moving them to SD again one at time...until I find the one causing the crash. Than I finally can have some stability again.
On my HTC Desire HD I don't have so much internal memory so I NEED to move apps on SD!
Here is a page on my blog where I try to keep updated a list of Apps causing this problem. <> #126
For ROOTED phones, the only 'workaround' for the moment appears to be an app called LINK2SD.
You need to create a second EXT4 partition on your SD card, the LINK2SD transfers the apps you want into this EXT4 partition, then at boot it links the EXT4 partition making the phone think that the apps are all installed on the local phone memory, works flawless !
You need to create a second EXT4 partition on your SD card, the LINK2SD transfers the apps you want into this EXT4 partition, then at boot it links the EXT4 partition making the phone think that the apps are all installed on the local phone memory, works flawless ! <> #127
Hello All
I initially had this issue with my AT&T Motorola Atrix. After the February update my phone went into a constant reboot and the phone was unusable. My Atrix was not rooted and I had over 200 apps on the phone. 3/4 of the apps were on my SD card. I didn't have this problem before the February update and the phone was on 2.3.4. I went through 4 or 5 Atrixs before I gave up and bought a Samsung Skyrocket. Now I'm having the same issue with the Skyrocket. It's running 2.3.6. I tried factory reset and reformatting my SD card. Once I removed the SD card the reboot stopped. What's the point of having the SD card option if it doesn't work with the device? If it were possible to store the apps on the internal storage that would be great. No need for SD card. What's up with this and is Google looking to fix the problem?
I initially had this issue with my AT&T Motorola Atrix. After the February update my phone went into a constant reboot and the phone was unusable. My Atrix was not rooted and I had over 200 apps on the phone. 3/4 of the apps were on my SD card. I didn't have this problem before the February update and the phone was on 2.3.4. I went through 4 or 5 Atrixs before I gave up and bought a Samsung Skyrocket. Now I'm having the same issue with the Skyrocket. It's running 2.3.6. I tried factory reset and reformatting my SD card. Once I removed the SD card the reboot stopped. What's the point of having the SD card option if it doesn't work with the device? If it were possible to store the apps on the internal storage that would be great. No need for SD card. What's up with this and is Google looking to fix the problem? <> #128
By the way,none of the phones were rooted. I shouldn't have to root my phone, which voids my warranty, to get the device to work! Who and how do I contact Google to complain about this? I've bought 2 different phone brands with the same problem! If this isn't a lawsuit, what is? <> #129
Adding my voice to this ongoing problem. Last month I had a slight problem with chain-reboots, suffering 3-6 before powering it off and fully charging it with the stock charger. During these cycles, I noticed the battery meter displaying erratic results.
During the past two weeks, I installed more apps, and and began moving more and more to the SD card. Today after I reboot, the chain-rebooting wouldn't stop. After spending hours trying to identify a single app causing the problem, I came across a thread at the XDA forums. Removing 30+ apps from the SD card and booting has allowed me to keep my handset up for 38 mins. Prior it would not run more than a minute before rebooting.
It is my understanding that this issue remains in release versions of ICS. Allowing a bug of this magnitude to last for so long is unacceptable. Please fix this.
Running Gingerbread 2.3.6 on a samsung galaxy S2.
HW Ver. D710.10
Further details upon request.
During the past two weeks, I installed more apps, and and began moving more and more to the SD card. Today after I reboot, the chain-rebooting wouldn't stop. After spending hours trying to identify a single app causing the problem, I came across a thread at the XDA forums. Removing 30+ apps from the SD card and booting has allowed me to keep my handset up for 38 mins. Prior it would not run more than a minute before rebooting.
It is my understanding that this issue remains in release versions of ICS. Allowing a bug of this magnitude to last for so long is unacceptable. Please fix this.
Running Gingerbread 2.3.6 on a samsung galaxy S2.
HW Ver. D710.10
Further details upon request. <> #130
I have this problem too on my HTC incredible s with latest updates, putting the phone into airplane mode and leaving it rebooting overnight does eventually get me back to having a usable phone again. <> #131
I am HTC Desire HD "Vodafone Spain" and I have too continuous reboots the operating system when more than 130 applications moved to the SD card.
Too HTC Sensation 4.0.3 too continuous reboots the operating system when more than 130 applications moved to the SD card
Too HTC Sensation 4.0.3 too continuous reboots the operating system when more than 130 applications moved to the SD card
- <> #132
Having same issue for months with SGS2 and 2.3.5. Surely this is a high (not medium) priority issue? sdcard near useless with this problem! <> #133
Today I had a bad time with this horrible issue with gataxy note
I had to use a file stored on sd card and it took 5 hours from continues
rebooting until it finally stopped after the battery was completely draind
This is a major android issue
On May 20, 2012 7:13 AM, <> wrote:
I had to use a file stored on sd card and it took 5 hours from continues
rebooting until it finally stopped after the battery was completely draind
This is a major android issue
On May 20, 2012 7:13 AM, <> wrote: <> #134
It's a bug, and it should have been fixed by now, it's disgusting a bug can be left like this for so long
Galaxyy S2 with stock gb 4.0.3
Reboot loop. phone would work for 2 or 3 mins then reboot.
It would be fine for a few days, then just start rebooting until the battery was pulled, Would work for a few day if the phone was charged.
If I needed the phone it would work if the sd card was pulled.
I Also noticed the area arpound the sim card was hot.
Problem started after an app splurge when I installed 30+ new apps (currently at 300)
I had used app2sd to move many (now removed as part of fix)
And I've moved all I can to phone memory.
Galaxyy S2 with stock gb 4.0.3
Reboot loop. phone would work for 2 or 3 mins then reboot.
It would be fine for a few days, then just start rebooting until the battery was pulled, Would work for a few day if the phone was charged.
If I needed the phone it would work if the sd card was pulled.
I Also noticed the area arpound the sim card was hot.
Problem started after an app splurge when I installed 30+ new apps (currently at 300)
I had used app2sd to move many (now removed as part of fix)
And I've moved all I can to phone memory. <> #135
New link in foro Vodafone:
because Vodafone delete old link
because Vodafone delete old link
- <> #136
Vodafone says that closing the thread because it doubled the previous I had been erased. The truth is that there is a duplicate because it erased. And in this new thread has removed the option for us to respond. Clearly not interested in this type of messages you record where we show the errors we are having with android do not like for their sales campaign
AlbertoVF/Empleado AlbertoVF
Registrado: 02-12-2011
Re: AAndroid se reinicia "reboot loop" continuamente desde la actualización 2.3.4 a 2.3.5
el 22-05-2012 10:58
por favor, no dupliques los mensajes. El mensaje anterior se ha unido al hilo al que corresponde.
Cierro este hilo.
AlbertoVF/Empleado AlbertoVF
Registrado: 02-12-2011
Re: AAndroid se reinicia "reboot loop" continuamente desde la actualización 2.3.4 a 2.3.5
el 22-05-2012 10:58
por favor, no dupliques los mensajes. El mensaje anterior se ha unido al hilo al que corresponde.
Cierro este hilo.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #137
Same problem on Galaxy S2 running Android 4.0.3. Continuous reboots after booting the phone and it's getting really hot. No problems when the SD-Card is removed.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #138
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #139
Same problem with Motorola Droid Razr Maxx running Android 2.3.6. Moved about 1GB of apps from internal to SD, which resulted in endless bootloops. Resolved by factory restoring the phone and leaving all apps in internal memory. Not willing to guess how many apps I can move to SD before bootloops begin.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #140
Could fix the problem by moving only Apps which don't start any services to the SD card. <> #141
Same issue here on SGS2 running stock ICS 4.0.3:
I also never had a problem when I was running stock GB 2.3.4
I'm trying to move the apps back to the phone from SD but it's damn tricky as the OS reboots every two to three minutes.
I read about moving .asec files from the folder on the SD card to stop the boot looping but is there a way to move these files to the phone so that I don't loose the apps from the app drawer?
Moving one app at a time in a two minute window is a real pain and seems to be taking forever.
I also never had a problem when I was running stock GB 2.3.4
I'm trying to move the apps back to the phone from SD but it's damn tricky as the OS reboots every two to three minutes.
I read about moving .asec files from the folder on the SD card to stop the boot looping but is there a way to move these files to the phone so that I don't loose the apps from the app drawer?
Moving one app at a time in a two minute window is a real pain and seems to be taking forever.
S. <> #142
A small tip for moving apps from sd. It seems that ICS can handle up to 20-25 apps installed on sd, SO:
- Insert to sd card to a pc and move .ASEC files from .android_secure to a temp folder.
- Leave in .android_secure only .ASEC files relative to apps you want to move from sd to phone. NO MORE THAN 20-25 files
- Insert sd to phone and move those apps from sd to phone. You can recognize them as others have the "grey" icon.
- Repeat for next 20 apps
It's really boring (had to move about 200 apps working fine on 2.3.4) but at least there's a way to move them without device being overheated.
P.S. I'm also waiting for a real solution
- Insert to sd card to a pc and move .ASEC files from .android_secure to a temp folder.
- Leave in .android_secure only .ASEC files relative to apps you want to move from sd to phone. NO MORE THAN 20-25 files
- Insert sd to phone and move those apps from sd to phone. You can recognize them as others have the "grey" icon.
- Repeat for next 20 apps
It's really boring (had to move about 200 apps working fine on 2.3.4) but at least there's a way to move them without device being overheated.
P.S. I'm also waiting for a real solution <> #143
I am having the same problem too. Samsung Galaxy Note. <> #144
Samsung Galaxy Note 2.3.6, GT-N7000 N7000DXLC1 not rooted.
180+ apps. Most of them on SD card (32GB SanDisk Class 6).
.android_secure has 137 files, 1.60GB.
Barely making it without reboot loops.
Stopped buying apps due to this problem, because I cannot install new apps.
What I did :
1. Turn off the phone.
2. Charge the phone to full.
3. Put the phone (switched off) into the freezer for a few minutes to cool it down.
4. Take it out of the freezer and beware of condensation.
5. Wait for the condensation to dry off, it helps wiping with a dry towel.
6. Switch on the phone.
7. Pray.
This is how I escape the reboot loop of death, sometimes. Try this at your own risk.
Pathetic, I know. But what choice do I have besides rooting the phone and using Link2SD?
180+ apps. Most of them on SD card (32GB SanDisk Class 6).
.android_secure has 137 files, 1.60GB.
Barely making it without reboot loops.
Stopped buying apps from
What I did :
1. Turn off the phone.
2. Charge the phone to full.
3. Put the phone (switched off) into the freezer for a few minutes to cool it down.
4. Take it out of the freezer and beware of condensation.
5. Wait for the condensation to dry off, it helps wiping with a dry towel.
6. Switch on the phone.
7. Pray.
This is how I escape the reboot loop of death, sometimes. Try this at your own risk.
Pathetic, I know. But what choice do I have besides rooting the phone and using Link2SD? <> #145
Thanks for the advice, it worked a treat! :-)
Thanks for the advice, it worked a treat! :-)
S. <> #146
Same problem here too SGS2 TMobile UK
Model: GT-I9100
Android Version: 4.0.3
Baseband Version: I9100BVLPB
Kernel Version: 3.0.15-I9100BVLPB-CL3310231dpi@DELL151 #3
Build number: IML74K.BVLPB
Model: GT-I9100
Android Version: 4.0.3
Baseband Version: I9100BVLPB
Kernel Version: 3.0.15-I9100BVLPB-CL3310231dpi@DELL151 #3
Build number: IML74K.BVLPB <> #147
I had this problem yesterday on HTC Desire HD. Workaround was to delete some apps from the SD card, which of course is not a fix. The system should at least be generating a resource warning on installation of an App to the SD card rather than allowing it to reach a point where it crashes and reboots. <> #148
Oops previous comment should have been from this Google account :) Apologies to my father-in-law! <> #149
I was seeing this on my Orange UK stock 4.0.3 ROM on SGS2, and inspecting the logs it seemed like a lot of the crashes were caused by
It seems that simple one-line fix hasn't made it into the Android code base, even 15 months after it was posted.
It seems that simple one-line fix hasn't made it into the Android code base, even 15 months after it was posted. <> #150
I would like to verify whether this is the same issue which I reported to and had fixed in Cyanogenmod a while back ( ) -
Can someone provide me with some logs (ICS and/or GB) so I can see what the error is, which file and line of code is causing it? (Pastebin or similar will do..)
I'm not promising anything, but if we can at least point Google to the exact line of code which is causing the issue maybe they might be prompted to quickly fix it. Maybe.
Can someone provide me with some logs (ICS and/or GB) so I can see what the error is, which file and line of code is causing it? (Pastebin or similar will do..)
I'm not promising anything, but if we can at least point Google to the exact line of code which is causing the issue maybe they might be prompted to quickly fix it. Maybe. <> #151
This kind of thing, you mean? (Stock Orange UK 4.0.3 ROM on SGS2.)
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 W dalvikvm: threadid=14: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40c381f8)
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E android.os.Debug: !@Dumpstate > dumpstate -k -t -n -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_sys_error
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: ActivityManager
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at$
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at$
05-08 20:06:32.422 5460 5460 I dumpstate: Check if stand-alone
05-08 20:06:32.432 5460 5460 I dumpstate: begin
I've reinstalled the machine since then, after a naïve attempt to deodex it in-place and fix the bug rendered it non-booting. And thankfully the problem hasn't recurred yet.
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 W dalvikvm: threadid=14: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40c381f8)
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E android.os.Debug: !@Dumpstate > dumpstate -k -t -n -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_sys_error
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: ActivityManager
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at$
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-08 20:06:32.397 2567 2593 E AndroidRuntime: at$
05-08 20:06:32.422 5460 5460 I dumpstate: Check if stand-alone
05-08 20:06:32.432 5460 5460 I dumpstate: begin
I've reinstalled the machine since then, after a naïve attempt to deodex it in-place and fix the bug rendered it non-booting. And thankfully the problem hasn't recurred yet. <> #152
Thanks, confirmed the bug is still in the Android core codebase:
Line 702 of that file.
You could all collectively try and contact Dianne Hackborn at Google if you wish to escalate this (she's on Google+ etc..)
Line 702 of that file.
You could all collectively try and contact Dianne Hackborn at Google if you wish to escalate this (she's on Google+ etc..) <> #153
Just for some further explanation, what is happening is that sometimes when the phone is doing heavy IO work (like accessing the SD card) then some processes running on the CPU are getting starved and the timestamp doesn't get updated before this code is run twice. Which results in a divide-by-zero and crash of ActivityManager.
Because the IO work had not finished its job Android will try to repeat it as it boots up again, resulting in another crash and the loop of death begins...
Because the IO work had not finished its job Android will try to repeat it as it boots up again, resulting in another crash and the loop of death begins... <> #155
So it's confirmed it's fixed in the latest CyanogenMod? It won't reset with hundreds of apps on SD? <> #156
Only you can confirm that by trying it. If every-single-person-here's problem is caused by that same line of code then yes it is fixed in Cyanogenmod - but I'm not about to give you a personal guarantee. (It's always possible that two distinct bugs could cause the same symptom.) <> #157
Ok look, I have made a request to Dianne at Google (via G+), so hopefully she will respond and action this bug for you all. But remember that if that happens you will still be waiting a while until Samsung et Al create a new update and maybe even longer for your carrier to forward that on to you. <> #158
Well, I will stick with the Link2SD method as that's guaranteed. Time consuming changing over so many times. <> #159
I also made a plea to Dianne, via google +, yesterday. God only knows how
long it will take to see any changes, IF she even considers our request.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to root my SGS2, setup Link2SD, and pay
for best... Just have to find best/easiest root method, now...
long it will take to see any changes, IF she even considers our request.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to root my SGS2, setup Link2SD, and pay
for best... Just have to find best/easiest root method, now... <> #160
Both google's software engineers are on hollidays atm. <> #161
I have been constantly calling my service provider regarding the rebooting loop and they seem to oblivious to the problem or at least it seems. After reading so many posts regarding this issue it would seem that samsung would pick up the ball and at least acknowledge the problem. The cost phone alone should be enough to acknowledge the problem before putting out the next phone <> #162
[Comment deleted] <> #163
I am glad I have found this thread, I have been pulling my hair out for a couple of months now regarding this issue. I am a heavy apps purchaser and move them to the SD card when I can. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 ICS and I use the inbuilt option to move the programs to the SD card.
I now have moved quite a few back to the phone and the phone has stopped rebooting as often as it did before. I also had a strange issue which some programs looked like they were not installed when the phone was turned on and just showed a grey icon. These were also programs on the SD card and was (it seems now) related to this issue. I currently have 80 programs on the SD card now but they are over 1.8gb in size but the reboots seemed to have stopped. I do however feel I cannot purchase anything now from the Play store as I fear the reboots will start again. Personally I think this is such an epic fail I am tempted to go to the BBC news site technology section and report it, I am sure the bad publicity that would ensue would ignite a rocket under Google slow moving carcass. This really is very frustrated, I cant count the hours I have spent wiping and reinstalling everything only for it to randomly start happening again. Titanium Backup, a life saver.
Once Google have fixed this they need to look at a recommended centralised area for game backups and program configuration detail, a lot of these settings are not even backed up by Titanium backup, each wipe and reinstall loses all this data. If this was an Xbox or PS3 issue this would have been fixed by now and the internet would be awash with complaints.
I now have moved quite a few back to the phone and the phone has stopped rebooting as often as it did before. I also had a strange issue which some programs looked like they were not installed when the phone was turned on and just showed a grey icon. These were also programs on the SD card and was (it seems now) related to this issue. I currently have 80 programs on the SD card now but they are over 1.8gb in size but the reboots seemed to have stopped. I do however feel I cannot purchase anything now from the Play store as I fear the reboots will start again. Personally I think this is such an epic fail I am tempted to go to the BBC news site technology section and report it, I am sure the bad publicity that would ensue would ignite a rocket under Google slow moving carcass. This really is very frustrated, I cant count the hours I have spent wiping and reinstalling everything only for it to randomly start happening again. Titanium Backup, a life saver.
Once Google have fixed this they need to look at a recommended centralised area for game backups and program configuration detail, a lot of these settings are not even backed up by Titanium backup, each wipe and reinstall loses all this data. If this was an Xbox or PS3 issue this would have been fixed by now and the internet would be awash with complaints. <> #164
It does *seem* quite embarrassing that such a big problem is being caused by a bug which was known, and for which there was a fix available, over 15 months ago (and no, I don't accept "but it was only known in Cyanogen" as an excuse; why do you think the Cyanogen folks don't bother to try to push bugfixes "upstream" any more anyway?).
But before making lots of public noise about how Google is failing to manage Android as a proper open source project and failing to engage coherently with developers to merge fixes and improvements, I *would* like to see more confirmation that everyone's problem really is the same. I looked through a few of my dumpstate logs, and many of them were caused by the divide-by-zero thing, but not all.
It would also be interesting to have some statistics on how many simple bugs *with* fixes are lurking in the bug tracker, without ever getting merged by Google.
But before making lots of public noise about how Google is failing to manage Android as a proper open source project and failing to engage coherently with developers to merge fixes and improvements, I *would* like to see more confirmation that everyone's problem really is the same. I looked through a few of my dumpstate logs, and many of them were caused by the divide-by-zero thing, but not all.
It would also be interesting to have some statistics on how many simple bugs *with* fixes are lurking in the bug tracker, without ever getting merged by Google. <> #165
hi mvag,
Can I move apps from sd to phone one by one? If I move all apps to phone. I think it should not have problem?
Can I move apps from sd to phone one by one? If I move all apps to phone. I think it should not have problem? <> #166
I called HTC Support +21103, to tell me I have escalated the problem and say that your answer is to have 135 applications on the SD card are many. Is this a response from a professional service? ohhh my god! <> #167
Today I called again the quality department to see why HTC was unhappy in his attention from media and I have apologized. Now I have requested a log "bugreport" that begins by setting "menu> settings> applications> Development> USB debugging flag" and press Down and Volume Up three times quickly and separately. I hope that this time be more professional in the analysis of the problem <> #168
I have a Samsung Charge. this reboot issue started after the big "UPDATE"!!
I've been calling Verizon for over a month now and they have no CLUE!!!!!!
They had me reformat my sd card - did that. when added info back on, still reboot issue.
I knew it was something to do with the sd card because when i use an old 16gb one with nothing on it, the phone worked just fine.
So, bought a new 32gb micro sd card (amazon $20). Same reboot issue when info added back on.
Verizon wanted me to do a factory reset, but I really didn't want to do that just yet as i have my phone just how I like it (by the way, that is their answer to any problem when they don't know what is wrong!!!) or send you a refurbished phone with someone else's issues.
I moved about 10 apps - small ones back to the phone which took it under the "50 app on sd card". Now it works just fine.
Why can't they resolve this issue. you can still have a sd card full of songs, pix, videos without the problem - it's just the "over 50" issue.
They need to get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been calling Verizon for over a month now and they have no CLUE!!!!!!
They had me reformat my sd card - did that. when added info back on, still reboot issue.
I knew it was something to do with the sd card because when i use an old 16gb one with nothing on it, the phone worked just fine.
So, bought a new 32gb micro sd card (amazon $20). Same reboot issue when info added back on.
Verizon wanted me to do a factory reset, but I really didn't want to do that just yet as i have my phone just how I like it (by the way, that is their answer to any problem when they don't know what is wrong!!!) or send you a refurbished phone with someone else's issues.
I moved about 10 apps - small ones back to the phone which took it under the "50 app on sd card". Now it works just fine.
Why can't they resolve this issue. you can still have a sd card full of songs, pix, videos without the problem - it's just the "over 50" issue.
They need to get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Lynn~ <> #169
From Gingerbread 2.3.6 upgraded to ICS. Boot-loops of death are still around. The only difference is it is quiet now. <> #170
Same problem HTC Desire S 2.3.5 non-rooted
I have 250 apps and after Android tols me that I was low on internal memory it proposed me to move apps to SDCard, so did I and after t his ... got infinit reboot !
After 3 days of research (unfortunately I found this thread too late) I also found that the number of apps into SD Card seems to be the reboot/crash trigger level.
But question is, now I have moved thoses apps to SDCard, how to I sent them back to Internal memory with multiple selection ? (one by one would take a lot of time).
Is there a tool for that ?
I have 250 apps and after Android tols me that I was low on internal memory it proposed me to move apps to SDCard, so did I and after t his ... got infinit reboot !
After 3 days of research (unfortunately I found this thread too late) I also found that the number of apps into SD Card seems to be the reboot/crash trigger level.
But question is, now I have moved thoses apps to SDCard, how to I sent them back to Internal memory with multiple selection ? (one by one would take a lot of time).
Is there a tool for that ? <> #171
Finally rooted ICS 4.0.3 using
Now running Link2SD. No more reboot-loop-of-death. Thanks to global.c... and those advocating Link2SD.
41 applications in phone memory
0 application on external_sd
197 applications on Link2SD
238 user applications
172 system applications
All applications : 410
Now running Link2SD. No more reboot-loop-of-death. Thanks to global.c... and those advocating Link2SD.
41 applications in phone memory
0 application on external_sd
197 applications on Link2SD
238 user applications
172 system applications
All applications : 410 <> #172
Experiencing this bug on Samsung Epic 4g Touch (Android 2.3.6). Spent 3 days unable to use phone due to rebooting and was preparing to perform system reset before accidentally stumbling on cause. Unfortunately, Link2SD won't recognize 2nd SD card partition on this model phone so that is not an option. This needs to be fixed, why is it being ignored? This is the kind of thing that forces you to change platforms... <> #173
At least 4 months have been passed since this serious issue appeared
without any reaction from Google or manufacturers
I think it is the time to contact media like CNN & BBC to highlight this
Do you agree?
without any reaction from Google or manufacturers
I think it is the time to contact media like CNN & BBC to highlight this
Do you agree? <> #174
i got hte same problem like everyone...i am a heavy s2 user and install over 400+ apps in my phone...the first time i upgrade to 4.0.3 from 2.3.4, using the restore function from the market and restore data from titanium backup, it looks fine. however nightmare starts when i restart it again. in less than 3mins(loading the sd card), the phone starts to restart...i use countless time to format,wipe cache,wipe dalvik, change sd card, not restoring data from titanium backup,etc...its seems only removing the sd card or not installing too many apps in the sd card will temporary stop the restart issue. please google please help! this issue has drawn me crazy and now i need to be very careful in installing apps since if my phone storage gets full and i need to move apps to SD, the nightmare will start again. :( <> #175
I do agree with you, @amn. It is long past time for action, and the media
needs to be informed of Google's (and all of the carriers') neglect of its
needs to be informed of Google's (and all of the carriers') neglect of its
users. <> #176
Same issue here. Had the problem on the OG EVO running CM7
Now I have the same issue on a brand new EVO 4G LTE running stock.
Now I have the same issue on a brand new EVO 4G LTE running stock. <> #177
This is an absolutely massive bug as far a I'm concerned. I ran into it within the first week of owning my EVO LTE, because I dared to try and take advantage of the storage space and tools given to me. <> #178
My phone has the same issue.
I am using Samsung Galaxy S 2 on stock Android 2.3 and Samsung 32GB microSD(HC) Class 10 card.
I have ~50 apps(approx. 1GB of size) on card.
I did many attemps like turn of wifi, gps, sync, etc. but still restarts...
Tried to see programs using CPU usage but found nothing...
Hope comment helps some...
I am using Samsung Galaxy S 2 on stock Android 2.3 and Samsung 32GB microSD(HC) Class 10 card.
I have ~50 apps(approx. 1GB of size) on card.
I did many attemps like turn of wifi, gps, sync, etc. but still restarts...
Tried to see programs using CPU usage but found nothing...
Hope comment helps some... <> #179
I don't see it getting fixed. The beginning of the end for Android. <> #180
i've had this problem just now and nearly
attempting to format my phone and sD card..
im hoping for a quick response to this problem..
attempting to format my phone and sD card..
im hoping for a quick response to this problem.. <> #181
We've all hopped for a quick fix. Seven months and no fix. <> #182
It will not going to be fix. So just root to get rid this problem. As, I already root my device. Use link2sd and it work well. I can have many apps now. 500+. Rooting can be revert, who on ICS can root easily and also unroot. Don't be afraid. <> #183
Or root and use Cyanogenmod if they support your device. Then you benefit from other improvements too. <> #184
Are you an android official? Rooting will void my warranty unless is unroot
it.I've rooted my previous device and have installed various roms and done
loads of things but I've never been able to unroot it back other than
flashing the official Rom via odin again.That's not a problem,but there's
always a risk of bricking your phone.Are you sure they won't be fixing this
Please reply urgently cuz if android pays no heed to us I'm certainly going
to the media worldover.
it.I've rooted my previous device and have installed various roms and done
loads of things but I've never been able to unroot it back other than
flashing the official Rom via odin again.That's not a problem,but there's
always a risk of bricking your phone.Are you sure they won't be fixing this
Please reply urgently cuz if android pays no heed to us I'm certainly going
to the media worldover. <> #185
If anyone from the the Android development team are reading this, the problem seems to be a watchdog thread thinks the Android System has locked up and soft restarts the Android System - the Kernel isn't rebooted, only the Android System.
My guess is that the vold - the VOLume Daemon is taking so long to mount all the encrypted mount points - one for each application moved to the SD card - and keeping a system lock of some sort while it is doing this, that the watchdog thread thinks something has hung and restarts the Android system. The restart then causes the vold to try and mount all the encrypted mount points again...
Approx 70 to 80 apps installed on the SD card triggered the problem for me on my Samsung Galaxy S2 running gingerbread and ICS and I hit the same problem on my Galaxy Note. Only solution was to have fewer apps installed on the SD card or use some sort of app2sd/link2sd.
I have to keep an eye out when applications are updated because they can automatically get moved to the SD card if that's the applications preferred install location and if too many updated apps are moved in this way it sets up a time bomb for a reboot loop the next time I restart the phone.
My guess is that the vold - the VOLume Daemon is taking so long to mount all the encrypted mount points - one for each application moved to the SD card - and keeping a system lock of some sort while it is doing this, that the watchdog thread thinks something has hung and restarts the Android system. The restart then causes the vold to try and mount all the encrypted mount points again...
Approx 70 to 80 apps installed on the SD card triggered the problem for me on my Samsung Galaxy S2 running gingerbread and ICS and I hit the same problem on my Galaxy Note. Only solution was to have fewer apps installed on the SD card or use some sort of app2sd/link2sd.
I have to keep an eye out when applications are updated because they can automatically get moved to the SD card if that's the applications preferred install location and if too many updated apps are moved in this way it sets up a time bomb for a reboot loop the next time I restart the phone. <> #186
"the problem seems to be a watchdog thread thinks the Android System has locked up and soft restarts the Android System" - Do you have logs to back this up or is that idle speculation? Android has no such watchdog in the OS as far as I'm aware.
See Comment 152 for my explanation of the problem, based upon logs and analysis of the code. Other comments of mine point to the exact fix which is already done in Cyanogenmod, but not Android Mainline. And no Google don't seem to be watching this bug unfortunately.
See Comment 152 for my explanation of the problem, based upon logs and analysis of the code. Other comments of mine point to the exact fix which is already done in Cyanogenmod, but not Android Mainline. And no Google don't seem to be watching this bug unfortunately. <> #187
My HTC Sensation 4g is now nearly useless thanks to this bug. I am extremely irate. Continuous reboots. Removing the SD card stops it, but that's obviously not acceptable. And yes, there is a watchdog, and yes, it seems to be triggering the reboot, for whatever reason. Once I see a bunch of lines like this, it's the beginning of the end:
I/Watchdog_N( 6484): dumpKernelStacks
E/Watchdog_N( 6484): Unable to open stack of tid 6484 : 2 (No such file or direc
That last line repeats a bunch of times with different tids. Then a few lines like this:
I/dalvikvm( 6484): Total arena pages for JIT: 11
And lastly:
D/dalvikvm( 6484): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3476K, 26% free 13948K/18723K, paused 4ms
D/Process ( 6484): killProcess, pid=6484
D/Process ( 6484): dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace(Native Method)
D/Process ( 6484): java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(
D/Process ( 6484): android.os.Process.killProcess(
D/Process ( 6484):
I/Process ( 6484): Sending signal. PID: 6484 SIG: 9
W/Watchdog( 6484): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null
From then on, a ton of errors as services die and apps throw exceptions, followed rapidly by a reboot. Which it will do over and over. I can't stress this enough: FIX THIS. I used to love my Android phone, now I despise it. Medium priority, really? Unbelievable.
I/Watchdog_N( 6484): dumpKernelStacks
E/Watchdog_N( 6484): Unable to open stack of tid 6484 : 2 (No such file or direc
That last line repeats a bunch of times with different tids. Then a few lines like this:
I/dalvikvm( 6484): Total arena pages for JIT: 11
And lastly:
D/dalvikvm( 6484): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3476K, 26% free 13948K/18723K, paused 4ms
D/Process ( 6484): killProcess, pid=6484
D/Process ( 6484): dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace(Native Method)
D/Process ( 6484): java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(
D/Process ( 6484): android.os.Process.killProcess(
D/Process ( 6484):
I/Process ( 6484): Sending signal. PID: 6484 SIG: 9
W/Watchdog( 6484): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null
From then on, a ton of errors as services die and apps throw exceptions, followed rapidly by a reboot. Which it will do over and over. I can't stress this enough: FIX THIS. I used to love my Android phone, now I despise it. Medium priority, really? Unbelievable. <> #188
Ok, so just to clarify that we have two separate bugs causing the same symptoms - a watchdog reset of sorts and a divide-by-zero flaw. Both caused by some sort of system starvation due to heavy SD IO access.
That information might even be useful to Google... if there was any way of changing the priority of this bug so somebody would look at it. Most bug systems that I'm used to always assign an owner so you know who you can contact directly - but no such luck here.
The issue where a divide-by-zero crash causes the reboot already has a known fix (see CM submissions for, and if anybody is keen enough then they could submit patches to AOSP directly for the Gingerbread and ICS branches:
Also, this discussion may be related to the other one:
Maybe the best place to make noise to point to this bug would be here:
I have noticed that Dianne Hackborn actually does read posts there (and replies) occasionally. One person did post, but probably nobody working on Jan 5.
That information might even be useful to Google... if there was any way of changing the priority of this bug so somebody would look at it. Most bug systems that I'm used to always assign an owner so you know who you can contact directly - but no such luck here.
The issue where a divide-by-zero crash causes the reboot already has a known fix (see CM submissions for, and if anybody is keen enough then they could submit patches to AOSP directly for the Gingerbread and ICS branches:
Also, this discussion may be related to the other one:
Maybe the best place to make noise to point to this bug would be here:
I have noticed that Dianne Hackborn actually does read posts there (and replies) occasionally. One person did post, but probably nobody working on Jan 5. <> #189
Today I upgraded my samsung galaxy note to ice cream 4.0.3 the official rom
from samsung (N7000JPLPD_N7000OJPLP7) and I hoped that upgrade will solve
the problem but unfortunately it did not .
still I have the same issue of automatic restarting when the sd card is
google is doing nothing to solve this serious issue
from samsung (N7000JPLPD_N7000OJPLP7) and I hoped that upgrade will solve
the problem but unfortunately it did not .
still I have the same issue of automatic restarting when the sd card is
google is doing nothing to solve this serious issue <> #190
Here with desire hd stock rom latest version,the same problem ! But it took me long to get to know what the problem is...till I noticed this site. I don't understand if so many people have this problem,why I take so long to get the right answer and even better,a good solution...? <> #191
It will be great if someone can try if this issue happens on Galaxy S3 with external sd card, it would be a shame. This would force google or samsung to fix this problem, if not they will have a bad name. <> #192
I have the same issue with my LG Viper (LG-LS840). The cut off is 50 apps moved to SD. If I go over, then need to reboot, or turn the phone off, or on, or unmount, then remount SD card, all of those things starts the reboot loop, just after the SD card is scanned. It does not matter how much storage space is used, just how many apps there are. At 51 or over this will happen, but not at 50 or under. I tried with three SD cards, 4GB, 8GB, and 16GB, with varying sized apps.
This is clearly a bug with Android, I'm running the stock ROM (One is not even made for this new phone yet.). Thank you for your help.
This is clearly a bug with Android, I'm running the stock ROM (One is not even made for this new phone yet.). Thank you for your help.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #193
Isn't there any fix to flash with CWM or something similar?
I was at least able to fix the bootloops by keeping only apps ind the ".android_secure" folder which won't start at boot and won't start any services.
I was at least able to fix the bootloops by keeping only apps ind the ".android_secure" folder which won't start at boot and won't start any services. <> #194
Is the problem, how many apps you have on the sd-card or apps that are on it and start services on the phone? or is it both ? <> #195
[Comment deleted] <> #196
For me it is the number of apps not the size. I have 85 apps total of over 2gb. If I add over 100 but hardly increase the size then I get boot loops and random reboots. <> #197
Congratulations android, this issue of yours with "moderate" flagged just
helped convert me and my friends who were hardcore android fans into apple
helped convert me and my friends who were hardcore android fans into apple
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #198
Seriously? Apple doesn't even have SD Card slots, instead you have to pay like 15% more for more storage space. Android has a few bugs but they will never ever make me use Apples stupid products.
It's most of the times no problem to move bigger games to the SD Card without creating bootloops. If you get bootloops it's likely that some app on the SD starts a service on boot. It might be because there are too many small apps on the SD too.
It's most of the times no problem to move bigger games to the SD Card without creating bootloops. If you get bootloops it's likely that some app on the SD starts a service on boot. It might be because there are too many small apps on the SD too. <> #199
@Tanak - Yeah, so you've gone from being able to reliably put 50 or so apps on external SD and a workaround if you want more to zero/impossible with Apple. :)
Agree would be the handling of this bug is poor though and IT STILL NEEDS FIXING!!. Would be nice to even be acknowledged. But then Apple's been known to ignore a fair few consumer bugs too.
If this annoyed me enough to replace my phone, it'd be a GS3 with larger internal storage. There's a 64GB model if you need it.
Agree would be the handling of this bug is poor though and IT STILL NEEDS FIXING!!. Would be nice to even be acknowledged. But then Apple's been known to ignore a fair few consumer bugs too.
If this annoyed me enough to replace my phone, it'd be a GS3 with larger internal storage. There's a 64GB model if you need it. <> #200
@whoever posted me, the thing is the moment i put even a SINGLE APP on my
device, it starts with THE FUCKED UP BOOTLOOPS, and i have only 2gb
internal for apps, the remaining is usb storage, apple's iphones dedicates
the entire internal memory for apps as well as multimedia, so screw you
android i gave you enough of chances, it's been OVER 6 MONTHS NOW!
device, it starts with THE FUCKED UP BOOTLOOPS, and i have only 2gb
internal for apps, the remaining is usb storage, apple's iphones dedicates
the entire internal memory for apps as well as multimedia, so screw you
android i gave you enough of chances, it's been OVER 6 MONTHS NOW! <> #201
Fed up of this balancing act, once apps update themselves, it’s like Russian roulette if it’s going to trigger a boot loop again. <> #202
However it doesn't happens if you install a mod Kike cyanogen or similar
El 21/06/2012 22:25, <> escribi�:
El 21/06/2012 22:25, <> escribi�: <> #203
Yeah cyanogen and other custom roms have found the bug in the code and have
fixed it, but the official roms, like touchwiz, sense etc. don't have the
fix, android needs to give the corrected form of the code to them, that's
the only way out, please android i'm literally begging you, i miss
installing apps on the sd card!
fixed it, but the official roms, like touchwiz, sense etc. don't have the
fix, android needs to give the corrected form of the code to them, that's
the only way out, please android i'm literally begging you, i miss
installing apps on the sd card! <> #204
tanak, is the cyanogen rom CM9 Nightly the one you're talking about? <> #205
I'm not sure, but yeah i guess its the cm9, somebody told me that cm 7 has
the fix as well, are you an android official?
the fix as well, are you an android official? <> #206
[Comment deleted] <> #207
You will be lucky to see an android official in this thread, I think they may be avoiding it. <> #208
:/ why's android doing this to us? it's not like only a few of us are
suffering from this, basically everyone and anyone above 2.3.4 is facing
this issue, why can't they just copy the code of 2.3.4 (relating to the
app2sd) and paste it in the higher versions as well?
suffering from this, basically everyone and anyone above 2.3.4 is facing
this issue, why can't they just copy the code of 2.3.4 (relating to the
app2sd) and paste it in the higher versions as well? <> #209
No not an Android official. It would be nice if there was though. <> #210
Yes, same experience, I moved apps to the SD, then it started crashing, again, and again, and again. Took out SD card, it's fine now. <> #211
First post - So glad I found this forum as I thought it was just me.
- Non-rooted Vizio Tablet same problem after update to Android 3.2.1 (Honeycomb). Had over 245 apps in ".android_secure". Now using 32 GB class 10 card. Vizio internal memory always full(use Amazon and Google Play). Use APP2SD PRO to move files. With constant reboots, must insert SD card in PC and check ".android_secure" folder. (The size of the folder doesn't seem to matter). Once there are 100 apps in the folder, the Vizio continues to reboot.
- Use Sygic GPS and on the road one never knows if it will start the reboot so can not use it reliably as a GPS. This is extremely dangerous to directionally challenged. Google support, are you listening? Our lives are in your hands.
-Basic solution (not a fix). For the Vizio, keep the ".android_secure" folder under 100 apps. Create another folder on the SD card and move apps (using Windows) to a separate folder. Do this whenever APPS2SD shows 99 files on SD card. Have tons of Android file managers but for non-rooted, have not found one that allows moving file from ".android_secure "folder. Have to use PC.
Usually, can only eliminate down to 98 apps. Love all my apps - way to time consuming to select any to delete.
Vizio has only about 138 apps internally. It has 2 GB internal for apps but have not found a way to use that storage fully. Apps sit on a 756 MG partition w only 12 MB free for new apps/updates. Thus, it is App2SD daily, then reboots, remove SD card, insert in PC, delete a few files from ".android_secure" and it will reboot "normally".
Unfortunately, lately my SD cards (Lexar 32GB class 10) are being trashed. 0 bytes (non-readable). Too late for me, but reminder, constantly back up card to PC at least weekly.
-Too many problems since the Honeycomb update. Spend literally hours daily to get it to work.
Option: Consider creating a second SD card with minimal apps in ".android_secure" folder so it doesn't reboot when needing to use the GPS or other critical apps.
I love the Vizio. After reading these posts, agree it is an Android problem. It started after the latest upgrade. (Apologize for this long first post. So frustrating. Was in love with Android and now so disappointed. So many amazing apps but so little space. Google, what changed with that update? Please help us. Any suggestions?
- Non-rooted Vizio Tablet same problem after update to Android 3.2.1 (Honeycomb). Had over 245 apps in ".android_secure". Now using 32 GB class 10 card. Vizio internal memory always full(use Amazon and Google Play). Use APP2SD PRO to move files. With constant reboots, must insert SD card in PC and check ".android_secure" folder. (The size of the folder doesn't seem to matter). Once there are 100 apps in the folder, the Vizio continues to reboot.
- Use Sygic GPS and on the road one never knows if it will start the reboot so can not use it reliably as a GPS. This is extremely dangerous to directionally challenged. Google support, are you listening? Our lives are in your hands.
-Basic solution (not a fix). For the Vizio, keep the ".android_secure" folder under 100 apps. Create another folder on the SD card and move apps (using Windows) to a separate folder. Do this whenever APPS2SD shows 99 files on SD card. Have tons of Android file managers but for non-rooted, have not found one that allows moving file from ".android_secure "folder. Have to use PC.
Usually, can only eliminate down to 98 apps. Love all my apps - way to time consuming to select any to delete.
Vizio has only about 138 apps internally. It has 2 GB internal for apps but have not found a way to use that storage fully. Apps sit on a 756 MG partition w only 12 MB free for new apps/updates. Thus, it is App2SD daily, then reboots, remove SD card, insert in PC, delete a few files from ".android_secure" and it will reboot "normally".
Unfortunately, lately my SD cards (Lexar 32GB class 10) are being trashed. 0 bytes (non-readable). Too late for me, but reminder, constantly back up card to PC at least weekly.
-Too many problems since the Honeycomb update. Spend literally hours daily to get it to work.
Option: Consider creating a second SD card with minimal apps in ".android_secure" folder so it doesn't reboot when needing to use the GPS or other critical apps.
I love the Vizio. After reading these posts, agree it is an Android problem. It started after the latest upgrade. (Apologize for this long first post. So frustrating. Was in love with Android and now so disappointed. So many amazing apps but so little space. Google, what changed with that update? Please help us. Any suggestions? <> #212
My note does the same thing keeps rebooting every five mins. can it be fixed somehow <> #213
the workaround for the time being is LINK2SD found for free on market! Just create a ext4 partition on it (like 3Gb or 4Gb), and link most of you apps to it! That's the only thing u can do ATM. sadly, it doesn't seem google is reading any of the posts regarding issues with android :( this bug is older than ICS :) <> #214
But this solution only works with rooted devices..? I have the stock rom on my DHD from htc. No other solutions at the moment ? And what is the critical border; above 100 apps in the android_secure folder or less ? <> #215
Same problem here for the last year on my Galaxy II. I'm so sick of losing all my functionality - the phone is rendered useless unless I'm willing to put up with only installing 10% of my purchased apps and games at one time. <> #216
same same trouble since upgrade to ICS. HELP!!!!!!! <> #217
is the bug still occur in android 4.1 jelly bean? <> #218
I have a HTC EVO V 4G (3D) running ICS 4.0.3 and I have the same problem. It works flawlessly until I move apps to the SD card. It works for a little while just fine, but connecting the USB to my PC and then disconnecting it seems to have initiated the reboot loop twice. It's fixed by removing the SD card or the contents of .android_secure.
I had Linked2SD on my old phone and I was hoping not to have to root this one. This bug is pathetic. It's a major bug that probably can be fixed by altering a few lines of code, yet Google hasn't fixed it in more than a year! This reminds me of the time I fried a mobo, vid card and PS by telling windows to use the third monitor on my SLI setup. This sort of thing should be on CNET or other sites shaming Google for absolutely pathetic support for their Android OS.
So now I can choose not to use my device as I want to, by having hundreds of apps or I can void my warranty to get around Google's negligent incompetence. I wish there was a way to cause Google enough economic or public relations pain to fix their products they deceptively sold, giving users the impression that they could install many apps by putting them on their SD cards. Someone should sue them for this, because it appears that they won't render their products functional without more external pressure. Pleasing their customers just isn't enough incentive.
I had Linked2SD on my old phone and I was hoping not to have to root this one. This bug is pathetic. It's a major bug that probably can be fixed by altering a few lines of code, yet Google hasn't fixed it in more than a year! This reminds me of the time I fried a mobo, vid card and PS by telling windows to use the third monitor on my SLI setup. This sort of thing should be on CNET or other sites shaming Google for absolutely pathetic support for their Android OS.
So now I can choose not to use my device as I want to, by having hundreds of apps or I can void my warranty to get around Google's negligent incompetence. I wish there was a way to cause Google enough economic or public relations pain to fix their products they deceptively sold, giving users the impression that they could install many apps by putting them on their SD cards. Someone should sue them for this, because it appears that they won't render their products functional without more external pressure. Pleasing their customers just isn't enough incentive. <> #219
Of course, the same problem, tried all the above solutions (and many other), but...nothing.
As the problem persists after having wiped out the new 32 GB sd card (but is absent when I use the original 2 GB sd card), I think that the operating system "remembers" that MORE THAN A CERTAIN NUMBER of applications have been removed, and WHERE (or ON WHAT);then it forbids (or protects itself of) the usage of that WHAT.
Logically,a little dose of "amnesia" should be inoculated to Android;i.e., the storage of the information about that "WHAT" should be wiped out.
Maybe some computer specialist will be able to do this (I'm merely a M.D....)
As the problem persists after having wiped out the new 32 GB sd card (but is absent when I use the original 2 GB sd card), I think that the operating system "remembers" that MORE THAN A CERTAIN NUMBER of applications have been removed, and WHERE (or ON WHAT);then it forbids (or protects itself of) the usage of that WHAT.
Logically,a little dose of "amnesia" should be inoculated to Android;i.e., the storage of the information about that "WHAT" should be wiped out.
Maybe some computer specialist will be able to do this (I'm merely a M.D....) <> #220
[Comment deleted] <> #221
HTC Desire HD 2.3.5 non-rooted. Had 400+ apps, most on SD. Have had this problem several times over recent months - phone crashing within a few minutes of startup. Previously was able to uninstall enough apps to escape from the boot loop and get back to functional state for a week or two. BUT recent manifestation was so serious I couldn't even uninstall any apps before crashing. Tried copying contents of SD to PC, reformatting SD, and copying files back to SD - no help, so SD not corrupt. Verified phone works fine with SD removed - but obviously missing the apps moved to SD. Then found this thread - exactly my issue. I had 200+ .ASEC files in the SD's .android_secure folder. (Several of these appear to be duplicates or for old apps I have previously uninstalled.) I used the basic method described in Comment 141 above (but not trying to move apps back to phone, just remove/delete them) - removed SD from phone, mounted SD on PC using card reader, made a temp folder, dragged non-essential/least-used apps' .ASEC files from .android_secure to the temp folder. Reducing number of .ASEC files to under 200 has restored phone to working order! (Then used "Easy Uninstaller" app to remove traces of deleted apps - they show as grey default icons in list. Will delete the old .ASECs from the temp folder in a while.) However, number of apps is bound to increase again soon, so next I will have to look at the rooting/partioning/Link2SD workaround for the longer term. Hope Google addresses this issue soon! <> #222
Having the same issue on SGS2 Skyrocket.
Running stock 2.3.6 ROM.
I should have bought a Windows Phone or an iPhone.....
Running stock 2.3.6 ROM.
I should have bought a Windows Phone or an iPhone..... <> #223
I've also got the same problem. It's takes like 20 minutes for this crap to stop. I also have a 32g class 10 card. What the hell.
Google, please fix it!
Google, please fix it! <> #224
[Comment deleted] <> #225
I already reported that I was experiencing this issue on my Epic 4G Touch earlier here. It is obvious that Google has no intention of acknowledging or fixing this issue, so all we can do is figure out how to best deal with it.
Link2SD is one option. Unfortunately, Link2SD cannot recognize the 2nd SD card partion on the Epic 4G Touch, and the developer appears to have no interest in fixing this despite my best efforts. Myself and another E4GT user even offered to pay $20 each for a working version of this free program, but apparently he is just not interested. Oh well...
Using a custom ROM which has this issue fixed is another option. I am using a stock rooted ROM and really am not personally interested in using a custom ROM.
The only remaining option I know of is to stay underneath the app number and/or size transfered to your SD Card that will start your phone rebooting. For this reason, I think it is very helpful for users to report at what point their phone starts rebooting, which varies greatly in this thread.
Since I first reported this problem, I removed all the apps from my SD Card (which required getting rid of a lot of them entirely, since they won't fit on the phone). I have only been transferring game apps (with a very few large app exceptions) to my SD Card since then (using DroidSail Super for no particular reason). I have tried to be careful about transferring too many apps to my SD card without rebooting to ensure I haven't reached the phones reboot point.
Finally, today, my phone started reboot looping again. Each time, I would quickly run DroidSail Super and move the newest app that had been transfered to the SD card back to the phone, which I was able to do successfully before the phone rebooted. After moving 2 apps back to the phone I seem to be stable again.
For recerence purposes, my Epic 4G Touch now has 90 files in 80 folders with a total size of 460.19 MB in the ASEC folder. I don't know if I have reached a size or number limit, but this appears to be the approximate limit for my phone.
Hopefully this will help people dealing with this issue, which seriously sucks!
Link2SD is one option. Unfortunately, Link2SD cannot recognize the 2nd SD card partion on the Epic 4G Touch, and the developer appears to have no interest in fixing this despite my best efforts. Myself and another E4GT user even offered to pay $20 each for a working version of this free program, but apparently he is just not interested. Oh well...
Using a custom ROM which has this issue fixed is another option. I am using a stock rooted ROM and really am not personally interested in using a custom ROM.
The only remaining option I know of is to stay underneath the app number and/or size transfered to your SD Card that will start your phone rebooting. For this reason, I think it is very helpful for users to report at what point their phone starts rebooting, which varies greatly in this thread.
Since I first reported this problem, I removed all the apps from my SD Card (which required getting rid of a lot of them entirely, since they won't fit on the phone). I have only been transferring game apps (with a very few large app exceptions) to my SD Card since then (using DroidSail Super for no particular reason). I have tried to be careful about transferring too many apps to my SD card without rebooting to ensure I haven't reached the phones reboot point.
Finally, today, my phone started reboot looping again. Each time, I would quickly run DroidSail Super and move the newest app that had been transfered to the SD card back to the phone, which I was able to do successfully before the phone rebooted. After moving 2 apps back to the phone I seem to be stable again.
For recerence purposes, my Epic 4G Touch now has 90 files in 80 folders with a total size of 460.19 MB in the ASEC folder. I don't know if I have reached a size or number limit, but this appears to be the approximate limit for my phone.
Hopefully this will help people dealing with this issue, which seriously sucks! <> #226
Same problem on Galaxy Note - lost days trying to get it to work and then stumbled upon this site. Glad, at least, to find out my hardware is not trashed. Based on the comments above, I moved all apps to the phone. Took an entire day (maybe I should bill them for my time) as I could only move one app per reboot. Somewhere around 80 the loop of death stopped and I was able to move everything. Back up and running. I share your anger, but knowing how big corporations move - think, with all the speed of a dried fungus - I am not surprised at the time lag. Also, like much of life, the fix may have unintended consequences, and screw up other systems, or there may be finger pointing going on as to who is the responsible party. Hence the deafening silence on this issue. These are world class companies that have totally dropped the ball on this issue. They should be embarrassed and ashamed for their lack of response. Being a CEO myself, if this happened in my organization, someone's butt would be getting reamed... <> #227
I don't think this bug has enough focus, buried here in this sea of other issues, most are minor compared to this one.
What is needed here is media attention .... and a catchy title for the bug ....
I'm liking the branding 'THE LOOP OF DEATH' ....
Post that up on the news/tabloids & it'll soon get looked at !
What is needed here is media attention .... and a catchy title for the bug ....
I'm liking the branding 'THE LOOP OF DEATH' ....
Post that up on the news/tabloids & it'll soon get looked at !
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #228
I found a workaround to help re-moving apps to phone.
First, remove the SD card from your phone (you can do this while it is rebooting), then:
1- Load the SD card on a computer (using an adaptor), then open the .android_secure folder.
2- Inside, you will find 1 file (.asec) per application that was moved to the SD card.
3- Simply cut and paste (move) some of those files to another folder on the same SD card so you have a bit less than 80 apps(or 600MB, dunno which) remaining
4- Re-insert SD card into the phone, wait for the media scanning to complete
4- Then you won't have the reboot bug, so you can move apps faster to the phone
5- Re-load the SD card on a computer
6- Move back the apps you moved previously (3-)
Don't forget to unmount the SD card before removing it from the phone.
First, remove the SD card from your phone (you can do this while it is rebooting), then:
1- Load the SD card on a computer (using an adaptor), then open the .android_secure folder.
2- Inside, you will find 1 file (.asec) per application that was moved to the SD card.
3- Simply cut and paste (move) some of those files to another folder on the same SD card so you have a bit less than 80 apps(or 600MB, dunno which) remaining
4- Re-insert SD card into the phone, wait for the media scanning to complete
4- Then you won't have the reboot bug, so you can move apps faster to the phone
5- Re-load the SD card on a computer
6- Move back the apps you moved previously (3-)
Don't forget to unmount the SD card before removing it from the phone. <> #229
I think we should stirr things up a little; You know all those eZines that promote android and ios and windows8 ? Like makeuseof, cnet, etc ...
Maybe we should bomb their inboxes with awerness emails about this issue, and after they'll write about it then Google, HTC, etc will realize how this little "insignificant" bug is affecting hundreds or maybe even thousands of their users ..
It's not like the bug cannot be reproduced and its not like there is no way to fix this (somebody pointed to a slightly altered custom rom) that has this bug fixed.
Maybe we should bomb their inboxes with awerness emails about this issue, and after they'll write about it then Google, HTC, etc will realize how this little "insignificant" bug is affecting hundreds or maybe even thousands of their users ..
It's not like the bug cannot be reproduced and its not like there is no way to fix this (somebody pointed to a slightly altered custom rom) that has this bug fixed. <> #230
I have this problem. It wasn't until recently (last night) that I could not use my sd card in my phone at all. My phone (Samsung Galaxy S 2 Skyrocket) used to have the few reboots then eventually it would work but not this time. I can't do anything to make my phone work with the sd card. I'm running Android version 2.3.6 (Gingerbread), I wish there was a solution for this problem it makes me want to go back to I phone (I know, it's that serious!)!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #231
Another case is that when it keeps on rebooting my battery is draining fast until it reach 70 percent or less ..
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #232
Android OS has been in to many upgrade and yet they still don't manage to address this issue!!what is the use of huge memory if we can't store in it due to this issue!!please address this problem..God bless us all!! <> #233
[Comment deleted] <> #234
OK guys, Good News. I think this problem is solved in 4.0.4.
I tried LPM stock ROM and rooted stock kernel.
I moved 134 application linked from Link2SD to sd card, the size is 2.3GB (there is a couple of soft reboots when moving them to sd card).
Rebooting 15 times and wait 5 minutes for each: no reboot problem at all.
But as always like in 2.3.4 or GB versions before, sometimes some sd card application is missing between each reboot, which is normal.
I decided to keep using Link2SD and relinked back sd card applications.
I can get more free space in internal storage because the dalvik cache can be linked too,
and no problems with widgets, services when linked.
I tried LPM stock ROM and rooted stock kernel.
I moved 134 application linked from Link2SD to sd card, the size is 2.3GB (there is a couple of soft reboots when moving them to sd card).
Rebooting 15 times and wait 5 minutes for each: no reboot problem at all.
But as always like in 2.3.4 or GB versions before, sometimes some sd card application is missing between each reboot, which is normal.
I decided to keep using Link2SD and relinked back sd card applications.
I can get more free space in internal storage because the dalvik cache can be linked too,
and no problems with widgets, services when linked. <> #235
having reboot issue when trying to install apps on sd card using cm7 with S2e on my htc chacha. google FIX THIS <> #236
Similar problem on Samsung Galaxy 3 i5800 (Android v2.2, FROYO, Kyrillos ROM v9.6).
When an app is installed or updated, Android reboots.
This happens only when more than about 200 apps are installed.
I feel like Android is similar to Windows 98... Install an app, the OS needs to be rebooted :(((( Shame....
When an app is installed or updated, Android reboots.
This happens only when more than about 200 apps are installed.
I feel like Android is similar to Windows 98... Install an app, the OS needs to be rebooted :(((( Shame.... <> #237
[Comment deleted] <> #238
[Comment deleted] <> #239
[Comment deleted] <> #240
[Comment deleted] <> #241
Yet another solution:
I have a non-rooted Samsung Galaxy Exhibit II with Android 2.3.6, a 32 Gigabyte SD Card, and 126 installed programs; I have also experienced this exasperating problem. Apps which I have moved to the "SD Card" actually reside in an additional 2 Gig memory area called USB storage common to several Samsung and other smartphones. Using the Appstarts program mentioned by above, I was able to determine exactly what apps were loading processes at startup (about 12 in my case). I moved these apps back on to the phone and the bootloop problem disappeared. This may be of use to Samsung owners and possibly to others as well. Thank you for the thread...
I have a non-rooted Samsung Galaxy Exhibit II with Android 2.3.6, a 32 Gigabyte SD Card, and 126 installed programs; I have also experienced this exasperating problem. Apps which I have moved to the "SD Card" actually reside in an additional 2 Gig memory area called USB storage common to several Samsung and other smartphones. Using the Appstarts program mentioned by above, I was able to determine exactly what apps were loading processes at startup (about 12 in my case). I moved these apps back on to the phone and the bootloop problem disappeared. This may be of use to Samsung owners and possibly to others as well. Thank you for the thread... <> #242
Had & loved my HTC sensation XE when it ran 2.3 gingerbread, & loads of apps, obviously a lot stored on my 32gb sd card etc...
Update arrives, I update my HTC XE to ice-cream-sandwich 4.0 = W*F as when I reintalled all my apps = a never ending reboot like all you guys are having.
Any's I tried the usual solutions seeing if it was 1 app so added 1 app per update/ time = nopes it just sort of decided thats enough I'm going to start this mad rebooting again.
I tried a diffetent microSD card = same.
In the end = gave up & got a refund np's from Amazon when I described the problem, as my refund was so fast = I know that they know android OS now has a MAJOR MAJOR BUG IN IT !!!
As I had so many android apps = I thought I would buy a cheap tablet to keep me going for now as no point in buying another £450 latest ANDROID phone only for it to REBOOT all the time you know what I mean ?
Any's for now I try & balance what apps go into the tablet & which go into the SD = i usually have it ok.
If it ar*e's up = I just try & be quick enough to move an app or 2 back to the tablets 1gb = it works ok again.
For the amount of time this ""MAJOR MAJOR BUG"" has been in place since upgrading from gingebread = ""A BIG COMPANY LIKE ANDROID SHOULD HAVE HAD THIS ISSUE FIXED WELL BEFORE NOW.""
All I know is that I'll soon be buying a new phone = £500 or so & probs a more expensive tablet = £300+ or so
You've dropped the ball severely Android on this 1 for sure & day by day your losing more customers, the big spenders type that like a lot of GB's for their storage, U know what I mean ? & the loyal 1's also.
Trace the code back to the after gingerbread update & fix this fast dude's or you'll not have any customer's at all the way it's going for god's sake !
Cheers ;)
Had & loved my HTC sensation XE when it ran 2.3 gingerbread, & loads of apps, obviously a lot stored on my 32gb sd card etc...
Update arrives, I update my HTC XE to ice-cream-sandwich 4.0 = W*F as when I reintalled all my apps = a never ending reboot like all you guys are having.
Any's I tried the usual solutions seeing if it was 1 app so added 1 app per update/ time = nopes it just sort of decided thats enough I'm going to start this mad rebooting again.
I tried a diffetent microSD card = same.
In the end = gave up & got a refund np's from Amazon when I described the problem, as my refund was so fast = I know that they know android OS now has a MAJOR MAJOR BUG IN IT !!!
As I had so many android apps = I thought I would buy a cheap tablet to keep me going for now as no point in buying another £450 latest ANDROID phone only for it to REBOOT all the time you know what I mean ?
Any's for now I try & balance what apps go into the tablet & which go into the SD = i usually have it ok.
If it ar*e's up = I just try & be quick enough to move an app or 2 back to the tablets 1gb = it works ok again.
For the amount of time this ""MAJOR MAJOR BUG"" has been in place since upgrading from gingebread = ""A BIG COMPANY LIKE ANDROID SHOULD HAVE HAD THIS ISSUE FIXED WELL BEFORE NOW.""
All I know is that I'll soon be buying a new phone = £500 or so & probs a more expensive tablet = £300+ or so
You've dropped the ball severely Android on this 1 for sure & day by day your losing more customers, the big spenders type that like a lot of GB's for their storage, U know what I mean ? & the loyal 1's also.
Trace the code back to the after gingerbread update & fix this fast dude's or you'll not have any customer's at all the way it's going for god's sake !
Cheers ;) <> #243
[Comment deleted] <> #244
[Comment deleted] <> #245
I have the same issue on a Samsung Galaxy Glide (Android 2.3.5). It reboot over and over during (or maybe right after) the media scanning of the SD card. When I removed the SD card there is no reboot anymore and everything work fine. I do have some apps installed on the SD card. <> #246, interesting post. However, how do you know that the boot loop didn't stop just because you moved "enough" apps back to the phone? It would be interesting to know if disabling these apps from loading at startup with Autostarts would stop the boot loop WITHOUT moving the apps back to the phone... my feeling is that it won't. <> #247
Exactly. This issue is BIG. Happened with my Droid 1 stock, Droid rooted. Droid 4 Stock - Verizon has given me (NEW, I deserved it) 3 Droid 4s , am on my 4th. This IS an OS issue. Happned on D1 after OTA of 2.2.2, happening from Day 1 (well, after all my SD apps were put back "on line") on Droid 4, version STILL at 2.3.6
Also, I cant get a Motorola ID until this is fixed - keeps looping. I get one FINE as long as I run WITHOUT my SD card. Oh, this is an OS issue alright.
As far as using something like Titanium (its Freeze/Unfreeze feature), I thinkl that actually works, its just that I can only Freeze about 2 to 3 apps at a time! But, I am fairly certain this works.
This could be that the OS cant read/load in more than X size of .asec files at one time, or could be a rtiming issue where the OS is loading the .asec files too fast, or the boot timing isnt fast or long enough to check al apps on the SD card, and it just gives up - BUFFER OVERFLOW?, now that would be funny, and Steve Gibson would have a field day on Security Now over that joke.
Also, I cant get a Motorola ID until this is fixed - keeps looping. I get one FINE as long as I run WITHOUT my SD card. Oh, this is an OS issue alright.
As far as using something like Titanium (its Freeze/Unfreeze feature), I thinkl that actually works, its just that I can only Freeze about 2 to 3 apps at a time! But, I am fairly certain this works.
This could be that the OS cant read/load in more than X size of .asec files at one time, or could be a rtiming issue where the OS is loading the .asec files too fast, or the boot timing isnt fast or long enough to check al apps on the SD card, and it just gives up - BUFFER OVERFLOW?, now that would be funny, and Steve Gibson would have a field day on Security Now over that joke. <> #248
Remember though, that "sd card" on a Droid 4 is different than "sd card" on a Droid 1. The SD card on the D1 is External, the SD Card on the Droid 4 is INTERNAL, and therefore not pullable. The SDCARD-EXT doesnt seem to affect this bug - reboots still occur. For me it's either uninstall or Freeze (Titanium)/Block (Gemini) the apps I REMEMBER that are on the INTERNAL SD card. Most Devs have not figured out that the command to Move to SD card ONLY move apps to the INTERNAL card of all devices that use INTERNAL, PERMANENT SD Cards (which are merly a partition of the INTERNAL RAM of the device). SOME (actually only 12 I know of and have) actually use the commend to Move to SD-EXT - go figure.
BTW< My 3rd and 4th Droid have been / are / is rooted; 1st and 2nd stayed stock.
BTW< My 3rd and 4th Droid have been / are / is rooted; 1st and 2nd stayed stock. <> #249
I have the same problem on my Galaxy S I9000. It happened immediately after I installed the official Samsung 2.3.6 firmware. <> #250
I have the same issue with my Galaxy S2 after upgrading to ICS. Sometimes I have to turn off the phone for about an hour and pray that it doesn't start rebooting after I turn it back on. My phone is not rooted or unlocked, so it has the official update from Bell Canada.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #251
Confirmed on T-Mobile LG G2x (P999). This absolutely SUCKS!! FIX IT! <> #252
In the end I was forced to reset my S2 to factory settings... It is a sad day to see Samsung is now crap with all it's bug issues... <> #253
I've given up with Android's built-in "move to SD" functionality and installed Link2SD which I used for over a year with no issues on my old HTC Hero. I've moved all my apps back to Internal Storage, then used Link2SD to create links to them on an ext4 partition on my micro SDHC card. <> #254
Thank you very much all - without this tread I would have gone through a lot of troubles through trial and error. If google etc wont help, at least there's people like you doing the grunt work!
Deleted most from my sd card and around 30 the constant rebooting stopped. Not very optimal as I then have 15gb free on my 16gb sdcard - but at least I can use my phone (s2) and have 1 extra gb to sport....
Google come on!!!!
Deleted most from my sd card and around 30 the constant rebooting stopped. Not very optimal as I then have 15gb free on my 16gb sdcard - but at least I can use my phone (s2) and have 1 extra gb to sport....
Google come on!!!! <> #255
GOOD News!!! To all of you out there who is suffering from the continuous reboot due to SD Card Limitation on ICS for Samsung Galaxy S II GT i9100 Models... the update fix has been released, and as of today this update is the official Samsung Galaxy S2 GT I9100 on XXLQ6 ICS 4.0.4 Firmware build date July 27, 2012 that will be release sometime in the future. this update fixes all the issues you are having with the reboot loop issues, firmware for root access is also available, so for the the power users you may need to root firmware before you can have root access.
For those who need the links where you can download the Firmware PM me.
If you have already downloaded the firmware and need the instructions on how to flash the firmware follow the instructions below;
1. Download the firmware zip files. Save the file on your computer and after that extract its contents into a single folder. You should get a ".tar" or a ".tar.md5" extension for the extracted file and you should leave it as it is without extracting it further.
2. Download Odin 3 Odin3 v1.85. Extract Odin zip’s contents into a folder on your PC.
3. Power OFF your device.
4. Boot it into Download Mode by pressing and holding "volume down" + "home key" + "power" buttons. Release the buttons when the new Warning! mneu appears. Now press Volume Up to load Download Mode.
5. Launch ODIN executable on your computer.
6. Now you need to connect your device to your PC and ODIN should display an "Added" text alert. In case Odin doesn’t display this message, then it means that the Samsung USB drivers weren’t installed successfully and you have to return to the preparation guide and try once again to download and install it.
7. Go back to ODIN and click the "PDA" button. Browse for the firmware update file, the one downloaded at step 1. Load the file that has the ‘.tar’ extension.
8. Do not change any default settings of Odin. Also, make sure that the ‘Re-partition’ option is disabled. Press START to begin the installation of the latest ICS update on your I9100 device.
9. When the installation is finished Odin will say "PASS" your Galaxy S2 will restart and when the Samsung boot logo appears you will need to disconnect it from your PC and you’re done.
Note that in case ODIN says that the operation failed then you will need to disconnect the phone from PC, close ODIN window, remove the phone’s battery and then re-insert it. Boot again into Download mode and repeat the steps starting with step 4.
These were all the steps you had to take and now you are free to start using the new ICS update.
NOTE: In case after ODIN says that the operation was complete and the device restarts but then it cannot go past the boot animation then it means that you will have to enter custom recovery mode and perform the steps below:
1. Power off the device and then remove its battery.
2. Re-insert the battery and now try to launch custom recovery mode and wait until the screen powers on.
3. When in Recovery mode you will need to first select "wipe data/ factory reset" and confirm the process.
4. Return to the main recovery screen and select "reboot system now".
5. Your I9100 device will now restart and it should boot normally.
6. Enter your Gmail account details and take control over your device.
That’s it now you’ve managed to successfully update your phone to Android 4.0.4 ICS with the latest firmware.
Best regards to all from your friendly Android Geek!!!
For those who need the links where you can download the Firmware PM me.
If you have already downloaded the firmware and need the instructions on how to flash the firmware follow the instructions below;
1. Download the firmware zip files. Save the file on your computer and after that extract its contents into a single folder. You should get a ".tar" or a ".tar.md5" extension for the extracted file and you should leave it as it is without extracting it further.
2. Download Odin 3 Odin3 v1.85. Extract Odin zip’s contents into a folder on your PC.
3. Power OFF your device.
4. Boot it into Download Mode by pressing and holding "volume down" + "home key" + "power" buttons. Release the buttons when the new Warning! mneu appears. Now press Volume Up to load Download Mode.
5. Launch ODIN executable on your computer.
6. Now you need to connect your device to your PC and ODIN should display an "Added" text alert. In case Odin doesn’t display this message, then it means that the Samsung USB drivers weren’t installed successfully and you have to return to the preparation guide and try once again to download and install it.
7. Go back to ODIN and click the "PDA" button. Browse for the firmware update file, the one downloaded at step 1. Load the file that has the ‘.tar’ extension.
8. Do not change any default settings of Odin. Also, make sure that the ‘Re-partition’ option is disabled. Press START to begin the installation of the latest ICS update on your I9100 device.
9. When the installation is finished Odin will say "PASS" your Galaxy S2 will restart and when the Samsung boot logo appears you will need to disconnect it from your PC and you’re done.
Note that in case ODIN says that the operation failed then you will need to disconnect the phone from PC, close ODIN window, remove the phone’s battery and then re-insert it. Boot again into Download mode and repeat the steps starting with step 4.
These were all the steps you had to take and now you are free to start using the new ICS update.
NOTE: In case after ODIN says that the operation was complete and the device restarts but then it cannot go past the boot animation then it means that you will have to enter custom recovery mode and perform the steps below:
1. Power off the device and then remove its battery.
2. Re-insert the battery and now try to launch custom recovery mode and wait until the screen powers on.
3. When in Recovery mode you will need to first select "wipe data/ factory reset" and confirm the process.
4. Return to the main recovery screen and select "reboot system now".
5. Your I9100 device will now restart and it should boot normally.
6. Enter your Gmail account details and take control over your device.
That’s it now you’ve managed to successfully update your phone to Android 4.0.4 ICS with the latest firmware.
Best regards to all from your friendly Android Geek!!! <> #256
Re I'm pleased to hear Samsung are actually starting to fix serious bugs in new releases, rather than just constantly adding new shiny chrome. However, it appears that recent 4.0.4 releases from Samsung, XXLQ6 included, have the so-called "brick bug" which can result in a hard-bricked device if you wipe data or factory reset once it's installed.
I'm avoiding 4.0.4 until I've got confirmation they've fixed that one too, and I'd advise others to do the same.
I'm avoiding 4.0.4 until I've got confirmation they've fixed that one too, and I'd advise others to do the same. <> #257
HTC Evo 3D. I discovered this bug when trying to a new ROM, and restoring all my apps using Titanium Backup. I did not originally have the issue when I installed all my apps over time. But when I restored the apps all at once, or even in batches, I would cross whatever threshold triggered the bug. I spent countless hours and days trying to figure out if it was a certain app, combination of apps, certain apps with data, etc. I could not pin it down. Then I read about this bug, tried the Link2SD app, and now all my apps are restored, and 'installed' on the SD Card, and my phone is stable.
This has been the most painful issue I've ever had with my phone. I don't know how many times I backed up, wiped, flashed, and restored my phone as I tried to figure out what the problem was.
Google: You owe me about 120 hours of my life back!
This has been the most painful issue I've ever had with my phone. I don't know how many times I backed up, wiped, flashed, and restored my phone as I tried to figure out what the problem was.
Google: You owe me about 120 hours of my life back! <> #258
I had/have this problem too. One of the things I started doing that preventing the reboots was once I booted the phone, I would go into system settings > applications Then go to the playstore app and force stop it/clear data.. I would then do the same for the amazon appstore app.. Sometimes I would have to kill the playstore two-3 times and my phone always would finish booting up and not reboot. If I didnt kill the playstore i would always get that reboot like everyone else is describing.. Its been a few months now and I havent had one reboot like this when booting/rebooting the phone by clearing out the playstore stuff... So I see that its directly replated to the playstore app and/or amazon appstore app scanning these apps at boot. <> #259
HTC Inspire from AT&T. I was notified that a new version of Android (2.3.5) was available last night, so figured why not upgrade. Boy was I mistaken! Once my phone was upgraded, I too was experiencing the reboot-loop as described. I am glad that as of this AM I was able to find this thread, since now I do have a usable phone once again. Granted, I do not have any apps to speak of since they all reside on my SD card, which has been removed from my device. <> #260
@amgph This is GREAT news!
Does anyone know if the 4.0.4 update for the D710.10, Epic 4g Touch (Sprint's SGS2) includes the fix? Ah... Very promising...
Does anyone know if the 4.0.4 update for the D710.10, Epic 4g Touch (Sprint's SGS2) includes the fix? Ah... Very promising... <> #261
HTC EVO 3D, with Sprint. Updated OTA this morning to ICS and immediately this started. I have been very stable with many apps APP2SD moved to my 16 gig card. After update this infernal reboot loop. I can kill MOBILE DATA and 4G and stop it.. also can remove SD card. Trying the trick of killing PLAYSTORE service. Crossing my fingers that I can use Link2SD and move all my external apps to that service. Grrrr.. another reboot as I write this. Not happy.. ready to smash my phone.. six straight hours of tinkering. <> #262
Thanks guys, your comments have been very helpful. Shifted apps back to internal memory. Problem fixed. <> #263
I have the Galaxy S2 where I have installed the Isc software. I have about 200 apps where most are installed one the SD card. My phone is now rebooting every 2 minut and are getting real hot after some time. The battery is emty after some hours. Now I have to switch my phone on and of when I shall use it. When will there be a solution from Samsung? <> #264
Same symptoms as above. Anxiously awaiting a fix. <> #265
[Comment deleted] <> #266
Motorola Defy+ with Gingerbread 2.3.6. I am experiencing the same issues. But I am sceptical with 2.3.4. having no issues. I had the same problems with 2.3.4, performed an OTA to 2.3.6, a factory reset. And while I added more stuff to SD-Card the more unstable my phone got. Now it reboots every 5 minutes.
I am reading about this problem in multiple forums for months now, but Google/Motorola are not receptive at all.
Does anyone of you know a log-method of Android which survives a reboot? That would help a lot analyzing this issue.
And I wonder who put a priority medium to this issue. If a phone doesn't work, because it reboots asking for a PIN I would call this issue an Android Show Stopper!!
I will definitely go back to my good old Symbian Phone from Nokia until this issue is fixed. The Nokia 5800 ExpressMusic always worked.
Sincerely worried
I am reading about this problem in multiple forums for months now, but Google/Motorola are not receptive at all.
Does anyone of you know a log-method of Android which survives a reboot? That would help a lot analyzing this issue.
And I wonder who put a priority medium to this issue. If a phone doesn't work, because it reboots asking for a PIN I would call this issue an Android Show Stopper!!
I will definitely go back to my good old Symbian Phone from Nokia until this issue is fixed. The Nokia 5800 ExpressMusic always worked.
Sincerely worried <> #267
Update to comment 265.
I have cleaned the directories download, bluetooth, and LazyList on my SD-Card and my phone hasn't rebooted for at least 3 hours (A Freeze happened only once)
BTW When the phone doesn't reboot, it tends to freeze. I have collected a log which may shed some light onto this. Unfortunately I haven't access to /data since I haven't rooted the phone. Weird, that you need root rights to analyze an error...
Best regards
I have cleaned the directories download, bluetooth, and LazyList on my SD-Card and my phone hasn't rebooted for at least 3 hours (A Freeze happened only once)
BTW When the phone doesn't reboot, it tends to freeze. I have collected a log which may shed some light onto this. Unfortunately I haven't access to /data since I haven't rooted the phone. Weird, that you need root rights to analyze an error...
Best regards <> #268
yup i am having the same issue with my sgs2 with ICS 4.0.3 had moved 98 apps to SD card of over 1.19GB . what i dont understand now is the rapid battery discharge during reboot. <> #269
This is my first time posting, but I wanted to share my experience. I just updated my ATT Inspire 4G to 2.3.5 using the OTA update. I, too, have the reboot problem. After moving a number of .asec files out of my .android_secure folder to bring the number of files there to 105, I was able to keep my phone from rebooting and am able to use the apps on my SDcard whose .asec files are still in the .android_secure folder. I am alerting ATT to the problem, so that (maybe, hopefully...) they can fix the problem. If anyone hears of a permanent fix, please put me on the list of people who would like to know. Thanks! <> #270
I've just submitted a new issue about the bug that I experienced.
For those who would like to verify if their problem is the same one, please see issue 36949180 .
For those who would like to verify if their problem is the same one, please see <> #271
Seems related but ever since google upgraded to the latest version of maps my HTC Sensation reboots shortly after using maps. I got it a bit more stable by cleaning up the SD Card. So maybe it is indeed the number of files on there rather that apps installed on the SD-Card or not? <> #272
Does anyone know if there a 4.0.4 ICS update for lp7 yet ? this loop loop crash is very tiring ,, could swing me to an iphone and I hate them <> #273
I had the same problem with my Samsung Note. I traded it in for a Samsung S3 and have found that Samsung has taken a step to fix this problem. I am completely unable move apps to the sd card in the S3, I can only lost it with music and vids. Not happy. <> #274
This is an on-going problem on my LG Thrill 4G (P925) running 2.3.5. <> #275
Same issue on HTC One V. I've tried renaming the ".android_secure" folder to a random name. I put the SD back to the phone and the reboot stops. But all apps installed on SD gone. So whenever I want to use particular apps installed on the SD, I have to access my SD files on a computer and move their .ASEC files to the new created ".android_secure" folder.
It's very frustating, I've been experiencing this for 2 weeks.
Please Google, fix this!
It's very frustating, I've been experiencing this for 2 weeks.
Please Google, fix this! <> #276
This issue is also happens in the Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0, I don't see any option to update the OS. <> #277
Samsung Galaxy Young S5360 here, same problem to this machine, too!
You know, lower internal memory = bigger problem with this bug....
You know, lower internal memory = bigger problem with this bug.... <> #278
I'm using Samsung Galaxy S II (GT-I9100), android 2.3.3. I have exactly the same problem with you guys, installing so many apps that I have to move most of them into sd card, and got the restarting issue. it's ironic considering one of the reason I changed phone (from HTC Legend with 180 mb internal memory) to SGS II is the huge internal memory so I can install a lot of apps that eat a little internal memory and most of my sd. turns out it's as useless.... <> #279
Same problem with CM7.2. System process takes lot of CPU than when some thresold is reached the system reboots.
The istruction are:
I/PackageManager(18100): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/com.xxxxx
D/VoldCmdListener(2736): asec mount com.xxxx
E/Vold(2736): ASEC com.xxxx already mounted
I/PackageManager(18100): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/
D/dalvikvm(18577): GC_CONCURRENT freed ecc (at least a couple each time)
The istruction are:
I/PackageManager(18100): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/com.xxxxx
D/VoldCmdListener(2736): asec mount com.xxxx
E/Vold(2736): ASEC com.xxxx already mounted
I/PackageManager(18100): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/
D/dalvikvm(18577): GC_CONCURRENT freed ecc (at least a couple each time) <> #280
iv been having a similar problem with my galaxy s2. Every time i try to move apps over to the internal storage (usb storage) it will let me move them but after half dozen or so it will reboot phone and once back on all the apps have been deleted that i have just moved. This is driving me crazy as i am running out of memory and want to utilise what the phones supposed to do. iv tried everything but nothing seems to work. If someone out there has a solution please tell me x <> #281
My Motorola Atrix 2, Gingerbread 2.3.6 has been doing the same thing for months. <> #282
So whats the work around ? My Galaxy S keeps rebooting and deletes all its internal data.
Android OS - Android 2.3.6
Phone Model - Samsung Galaxy SL i9003
Android OS - Android 2.3.6
Phone Model - Samsung Galaxy SL i9003 <> #283
My phone keeps on rebooting, it runs android 2.3 OS. <> #284
For Sammy S2 i9100 users: guys, I have no idea what you are talking about moving apps to external SD, since our phone can't do that. When you are using apps like App2SD or Link2SD it just moves them to the internal memory, called "SD card". But it's not real SD card, the real one is called Ext_SD (or something like that)and it is not possible to move the applications to this real external SD card (the one you bough separately and put into your phone). Therefore I strongly believe, that for Samsung Galaxy S2 users, the problem is not with moving their apps, but with content that is written on the real Micro SD card (External SD card), like for example: movies, camera photographs,music and other files. This is related mainly to the huge files (like MKV movies, over 2 GB of weight) - our phone just does not like such a huge files on the attached SD card. I don't know why, but such is my experience. For example, yesterday I was downloading some files through the night, and today morning there was 2 GB file already downloaded on my External Micro SD. And the problem occurred.
Second thing: moving our apps to "SD card" (not "External SD card", but internal, so called "SD card")using these specific software like Link2SD (and derivatives) also can cause a huge problems as it affects stability of our Android system. please keep it in mind.
Second thing: moving our apps to "SD card" (not "External SD card", but internal, so called "SD card")using these specific software like Link2SD (and derivatives) also can cause a huge problems as it affects stability of our Android system. please keep it in mind. <> #285
Guys I believe this issue is fixed in ICS 4.0.4 (not 4.0.3 though)! It has been a quite a torture but I just installed 4.0.4 and to really test it out, I moved every single app that can be moved to sd and no random restart at all. It's now stable and smooth as. I also restarted manually a few times to further test it and everytime successful no random reboot now.
Can't wait for jelly bean to come out as I've heard that they are fixing the bricking issue in jelly bean. I'm on SGS2.
Can't wait for jelly bean to come out as I've heard that they are fixing the bricking issue in jelly bean. I'm on SGS2. <> #286
This is happening to my Samsung Droid Charge. If I take out the SD card, it seems to fix the problem but I don't think that is an appropriate solution. Help please! <> #287
I have gs2. Last night i move some app from phone memory to sd card. Bum. Now my phone is unusable. Restart loop. I tried to delete app one by one. But it's so tired since phone is endless restart after 2-5 minutes. Pls google help me. Dont make me move to apple since i have gs2. Note and gstab now. <> #288
reply to comment 259 @schuff Yes it is included.
Update to comment 254
its been a while since i posted here, below are the latest stock firmware updates for SGS2 on ICS 4.0.4. These firmware fixes all the boot loop issues from the ICS 4.0.3 release and earlier versions of ICS 4.0.4.
Base Firmware: I9100XWLPX (4.0.4)
Region: Europe
Country Nordic Countries
Carrier: Unbranded
Build Date: 29 August 2012
Modem: XXLQ6
Instructions For Flashing ICS:
Extract the firmware
Use Odin
Put your device in Recovery MODE (Home + Volume up + Power)
Wipe Data/Factory reset
Wipe Cache
Take Out Your battery & put it back in
Put your device into Download MODE (Home + Volume Down + Power)
Click PDA and select I9100_CODE_I9100XXLQ5_CL753921_REV02_user_low_ship .tar.md5
Click PHONE and select MODEM_I9100XXLQ5_REV_02_CL1165929.tar.md5
Click CSC and select GT-I9100-MULTI-CSC-OXALQ5.tar.md5
Then finally click START!
for firmware links please pm me.
if you have a rooted phone, below is the latest deodexed stock firmware that can be flashed with CWM Recovery and No Wipe Needed. all apps retained after flashing.
Firmware info:
Base Firmware: I9100XWLPW (4.0.4)
Region: Europe
Country Russia
Carrier: Unbranded
Build Date: 22 Aug 2012
Modem: XXLQ6
Speedmod Kernel
for firmware links pm me.
both these roms have lots of bug fixes for most of your problems above this thread and a lot more features. I have 598 apps moved to SD with no problems at all.
Best regards to all from your friendly Android Geek!!!
Update to comment 254
its been a while since i posted here, below are the latest stock firmware updates for SGS2 on ICS 4.0.4. These firmware fixes all the boot loop issues from the ICS 4.0.3 release and earlier versions of ICS 4.0.4.
Base Firmware: I9100XWLPX (4.0.4)
Region: Europe
Country Nordic Countries
Carrier: Unbranded
Build Date: 29 August 2012
Modem: XXLQ6
Instructions For Flashing ICS:
Extract the firmware
Use Odin
Put your device in Recovery MODE (Home + Volume up + Power)
Wipe Data/Factory reset
Wipe Cache
Take Out Your battery & put it back in
Put your device into Download MODE (Home + Volume Down + Power)
Click PDA and select I9100_CODE_I9100XXLQ5_CL753921_REV02_user_low_ship .tar.md5
Click PHONE and select MODEM_I9100XXLQ5_REV_02_CL1165929.tar.md5
Click CSC and select GT-I9100-MULTI-CSC-OXALQ5.tar.md5
Then finally click START!
for firmware links please pm me.
if you have a rooted phone, below is the latest deodexed stock firmware that can be flashed with CWM Recovery and No Wipe Needed. all apps retained after flashing.
Firmware info:
Base Firmware: I9100XWLPW (4.0.4)
Region: Europe
Country Russia
Carrier: Unbranded
Build Date: 22 Aug 2012
Modem: XXLQ6
Speedmod Kernel
for firmware links pm me.
both these roms have lots of bug fixes for most of your problems above this thread and a lot more features. I have 598 apps moved to SD with no problems at all.
Best regards to all from your friendly Android Geek!!! <> #289
Sir, i am also unable to use my phone because of this spontaneous reboot :(
my phone is hTC Desire C and OS is ICS. How can i solve this issue..? whether any update is available for my device.
Thank You :)
Ajaz H
my phone is hTC Desire C and OS is ICS. How can i solve this issue..? whether any update is available for my device.
Thank You :)
Ajaz H <> #290
Thank you for your response. Now time to go through all of my settings, unroot (for some reason, I am unable to update while rooted, even though I'm running the stock kernel). I will let everyone here know how it goes...
For those of you keeping score at home, I am running a rooted stock D710.10, Epic 4g Touch (Sprint's Samsung Galaxy S II). All I did was root, in the hope of running Link2SD. Link2SD, as noted, above, does not work with Samsung's internal (USB "Internal SD Card")/external (hardware) SD card configuration.
Thank you for your response. Now time to go through all of my settings, unroot (for some reason, I am unable to update while rooted, even though I'm running the stock kernel). I will let everyone here know how it goes...
For those of you keeping score at home, I am running a rooted stock D710.10, Epic 4g Touch (Sprint's Samsung Galaxy S II). All I did was root, in the hope of running Link2SD. Link2SD, as noted, above, does not work with Samsung's internal (USB "Internal SD Card")/external (hardware) SD card configuration. <> #291
this problem seems to exist continuously. I have a Galaxy Note firmware: 4.0.3 and stills reboot with apps install if they are too much of them. have to take the sd card out and remove the .asec files each single time <> #292
[Comment deleted] <> #293
where are the real solution? <> #294
Same here.... still no solution from google? <> #295
Solution please goooooogle!!! I have to move .asec files every time it reboots infinitely... <> #296
any solution google? <> #297
[Comment deleted] <> #298
Why doesn't google release an update to 2.3.5 for this. This seems to be a major failure, which has persisted for more than 6 months. Since it is not an issue faced by most novice users but only by advanced users, it does not mean that the priority can be decreased to make this issue NotABug. <> #299
Wow, I'm glad I found this thread as my phone (P999, 2.3.7,CM 7.2 with Faux kernel) has been rebooting like mad for a few weeks. At first it would stabilize after 4-5 reboots, but then (after the Humble Bundle came out adding several hundred more megabytes to .android_secure) it just kept looping. I've created a 4Gb ext3 partition and moved the apps with Link2SD and so far haven't had a repeat. Thanks to everyone above for ideas that led to the workaround. Now if only Google would address this! <> #300
Just a different approach;
Take out your SD card and copy it to your harddisk.
Remove all but 50 applications in the .secure folder (show hidden files)of your SD card.
Replace files to phone with APP2SD.
You can now add another 50 apps to your card and repeat.
This is how I got it working again.
No rocket science but it worked.
Take out your SD card and copy it to your harddisk.
Remove all but 50 applications in the .secure folder (show hidden files)of your SD card.
Replace files to phone with APP2SD.
You can now add another 50 apps to your card and repeat.
This is how I got it working again.
No rocket science but it worked.
Henri <> #301
[Comment deleted] <> #302
Galaxy S Advance, 2.3.6; 5 months old.
Same problem! IT's so frustrating, I deleted like 40 apps and it finally works normally.. Lucky I copied all the apps to my comp before deleting them.
Please fix it, or I'll waste my 16GB SD card. Thanks Google.
Same problem! IT's so frustrating, I deleted like 40 apps and it finally works normally.. Lucky I copied all the apps to my comp before deleting them.
Please fix it, or I'll waste my 16GB SD card. Thanks Google. <> #303
[Comment deleted] <> #304
[Comment deleted] <> #305
[Comment deleted] <> #306
Comment 303 by, Today (moments ago)
I held off for a long time before updating my HTC Desire HD to 2.3.5. I finally decided to do it to prevent serious battery drain issues after running some apps. Well 2.3.5 has cured that but now I've inherited the dreaded endless reboot. I agree with most findings on this thread - it needs fixing. £400 spent on a mobile just to watch endless reboots - dear oh dear.
I think all phone manufactures should provide a mechanism for reverting to previous firmware versions. Breaking your phone might be forgiven if you could easily undo it!
I held off for a long time before updating my HTC Desire HD to 2.3.5. I finally decided to do it to prevent serious battery drain issues after running some apps. Well 2.3.5 has cured that but now I've inherited the dreaded endless reboot. I agree with most findings on this thread - it needs fixing. £400 spent on a mobile just to watch endless reboots - dear oh dear.
I think all phone manufactures should provide a mechanism for reverting to previous firmware versions. Breaking your phone might be forgiven if you could easily undo it!
Charles <> #307
here's a temporary solution:
while your system is loading after reboot go to settings+storage then unmount sd card
do this while your system still loading then once your unmount just wait a few min
then mount it up again , and so far on my end the constant rebooting is gone .
this works for now till google or htc or someone fix this issue
while your system is loading after reboot go to settings+storage then unmount sd card
do this while your system still loading then once your unmount just wait a few min
then mount it up again , and so far on my end the constant rebooting is gone .
this works for now till google or htc or someone fix this issue <> #308
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, just unmounting and remounting the sd card provokes the issue. The only way that I can get the phone to boot is to keep closing apps during boot to the point where is scans the sd apps. At that point I put the phone into standby. It sometimes takes a few attempts but it does work. Given that the solution does not seem to appear until Jellybean, I'm not sure there'll be any more updates for the Desire HD, at least for the unrooted! <> #309
The same prob!!! <> #310
Same problem. I've spent hours of my life fixing this stupid thing. I am never buying a simiar phone ever again, this is absolutely ludicrous. Cropped up on me about 8 times, lasted hours a time (had to do a full reinstall of EVERYTHING the first two times as the phone was unusable) its happening again right now. Fixed it 7 times already with link2sd by slowly adding the apps I want back in. I've seriously had enough. Im very tired but can't goto sleep until I know my phone will play my alarm in the morning!!! <> #311
Oh, and I've only had the phone less than a month... ffs... When you have themes and icon packs and fonts it becomes INCREDIBLY easy to get 60 ".asec" files on you SD card... I don't have an obscene number of apps or anything like that. <> #312
Please fix google... I love my phone, but this fustrating loop of reboot is making ,meconsidermoving over to different manufacturer (i.e. i-phone)!!! I don't want to but leaving me with very few options.... And I'm sure I'm not the only one losing patience. FIX REQUIRED PLEASE!!!! <> #313
This issue is fixed in ics 4.0.4. <> #314
Samsung Droid Charge , auto updated from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6, hasn't worked in nearly 10 days, problems gets worse. Spent hours researching, deleting items off SD card. Have 4, yes I said FOUR, apps on SD card and phone has turned into a rebooting brick. I removed SD card, no luck. It seems "rooting" may solve it, but I'm not that technologically advanced....coincidentally, my warranty JUST expired... <> #315
@ 312
Are you fully sure that this issue was fixed on 4.0.4?
Im still on 4.0.3 and i experience this issue often. If i move to 4.0.4 then this issue should be gone ?
I didn't switch to the newest version because of brick bug on 4.0.4
I hope that on 4.1.2 brick bug and also reboot issues will be gone for good...
Are you fully sure that this issue was fixed on 4.0.4?
Im still on 4.0.3 and i experience this issue often. If i move to 4.0.4 then this issue should be gone ?
I didn't switch to the newest version because of brick bug on 4.0.4
I hope that on 4.1.2 brick bug and also reboot issues will be gone for good... <> #316
It's true, this issue seems to be fixed in stock 4.0.4. I have siyah kernel to get rid of the brick bug and installed more than 300 apps and games, 104 big ones currently on sd card. I have turned my s2 on and off a few times in the past 5 days and no problem at all!
I just hope it continues like this while I keep adding more games :)
I just hope it continues like this while I keep adding more games :) <> #317
On a Galaxy SII, this issue has been fixed in 4.0.4. But with 4.1.2, it seems to be back again.
On a Galaxy SII, this issue has been fixed in 4.0.4. But with 4.1.2, it seems to be back again. <> #318
The issue is absolutely still there on 4.1.1 HTS One S. The phone reboots about 3-4 times during the day, and god knows how many times during the night. I couldn't care less if I wasnt using the phone while it reboots, but it has an uncanny knack of rebooting during a call or sms/email. <> #319
I thought I was going mad. I have a HTC Inspire 4G. Got the update from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 directly through the phone then the crashing started. Contacted HTC and they suggested a manual download of the update. They didn't tell me it would wipe ALL my data. Lost a lot of contacts and things I don't want to mention right now. Was able to recover most through backups. Anywho, reinstalled the same apps and the rebooting continued after a short period then stopped. Eventually I noticed that the apps that I had on the SD card would disappear or uninstall by itself and the rebooting would happen all over again. I thought the 32 GB card was faulty even though it was brand new. Got a new one and reinstalled the apps again. And again. Then did a factory reset again. Finally - like two days ago, I came to realize that everytime I connected my phone via usb to my laptop to copy data, the apps would on the SD card would stop working and the rebooting would start. I always make sure I eject to safely remove it. I have had this phone for over a year and have done this many many times before. But it wasn't until this upgrade that this has happened and my phone hasn't been stable since. I just recently reinstalled everything and it was all good until two days ago when I downloaded a song that I wanted to copy to my SD card. To top it off, my phone can't seem to connect to determine if there are any updates available. ATT is my carrier. <> #320
Reboot problem resolved after upgrading to 4.0.4.
Galaxy S2
Galaxy S2 <> #321
Same problem, still on 4.0.3 SGS2
As suggested I moved apps back to phone memory. Now still 45 apps on sd card, approx. 1.2 GB in folder /.android_secure and everything seems to be fine, no reboots anymore.
But I noticed that there were 3 .asec files in /.android_secure which didn't belong to an app moved to sd. One was already deinstalled, one is installed on phone memory and the third is moved to sd but has 2 .asec files.
Don't know if that has an effect causing reboots (doesn't seem like because I had no reboots after going back to 45 apps on sd with 48 .asec files), but I suppose it's worthwhile checking. I've deleted the 3 remnants and still everything is fine so far. Might just give you a few more apps that can be moved to sd but it's anyway a good idea to get rid of the leftovers in that folder if the certain amount of files/MB theory is true and it looks like that.
As suggested I moved apps back to phone memory. Now still 45 apps on sd card, approx. 1.2 GB in folder /.android_secure and everything seems to be fine, no reboots anymore.
But I noticed that there were 3 .asec files in /.android_secure which didn't belong to an app moved to sd. One was already deinstalled, one is installed on phone memory and the third is moved to sd but has 2 .asec files.
Don't know if that has an effect causing reboots (doesn't seem like because I had no reboots after going back to 45 apps on sd with 48 .asec files), but I suppose it's worthwhile checking. I've deleted the 3 remnants and still everything is fine so far. Might just give you a few more apps that can be moved to sd but it's anyway a good idea to get rid of the leftovers in that folder if the certain amount of files/MB theory is true and it looks like that. <> #322
I have a samsung galaxy s2 running on ICS 4.0.3 and am facing this issue as well <> #323
[Comment deleted] <> #324
I came here 2 months ago, and said that this issue was fixed in my galaxy s2 after I updated it to 4.0.4, and had 100+ apps on sd. Just updating my situation, I currently have 600+ apps and 400 moved to my 32Gb sd card, and haven´t seen the endless bootloop yet! Of course it reboots or freezes every few days time but nowadays what computer doesn´t crash once in a while right? ..I wonder if it has something to do with having 40Gb occupied with data from games and apps... <> #325
I have a HTC DESIRE C running on ICS 4.0.3 and am facing this issue as well.
My point is that I have tried to remove the SD card as suggested, but the problem is still there, there is absolutely no improvement.
My point is that I have tried to remove the SD card as suggested, but the problem is still there, there is absolutely no improvement. <> #326
My i9001 have the same problem at 144 apps on the external card! <> #327
Guys please help...Does Reboot problem is resolved after upgrading it to 4.0.4. for Galaxy S2.... Really this storage space issue sucks... needs more space for more apps... <> #328
This report applies to an Android-based device, and the issue tracker where you reported it specializes in issues within the Open Source source code of the Android platform.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #329
[Comment deleted] <> #330
Not sure if it s the same problem, but i had something simular. I have a HTC desire with cm9 on it. Memory ran out, re-flashed with cache, davik, and apps all set to be stored on sd. As time went on I tried to update, or an app tried to auto update, REBOOT, REBOOT. I tried the fix permissions to no avail.
What seemed to be the issue is that the android saves a recent version of apps, incase the update goes wrong it can revert to the older version. It seems that when the apps are on the sd card it has a hard time removing the oldest one and renaming the recent one, permissions issue.
My quick and dirty work around is to use a file manager with superuser permissions. Navigate to the root directory and open sd-ext/app. IT should be full of all your market apps. Look for apps with 2 files, usually blah-1.apk and blah-2.apk. you can got through the whole process or removing blah-1.apk and renaming blah-2.apk to blah-1.apk, but for me it's faster to remove blah-2.apk. After you do this for all the doubled apks try updating the apps.
Until you/I can fix the permissions on the sd this seems to work fine. Good luck. If you're worried about messing things up just rename blah-2.apk to something like blah-2.apk.bu so you can pull it back later if something goes wrong.
I have also just removed the apps apks from here and just reinstalled from the market.
What seemed to be the issue is that the android saves a recent version of apps, incase the update goes wrong it can revert to the older version. It seems that when the apps are on the sd card it has a hard time removing the oldest one and renaming the recent one, permissions issue.
My quick and dirty work around is to use a file manager with superuser permissions. Navigate to the root directory and open sd-ext/app. IT should be full of all your market apps. Look for apps with 2 files, usually blah-1.apk and blah-2.apk. you can got through the whole process or removing blah-1.apk and renaming blah-2.apk to blah-1.apk, but for me it's faster to remove blah-2.apk. After you do this for all the doubled apks try updating the apps.
Until you/I can fix the permissions on the sd this seems to work fine. Good luck. If you're worried about messing things up just rename blah-2.apk to something like blah-2.apk.bu so you can pull it back later if something goes wrong.
I have also just removed the apps apks from here and just reinstalled from the market. <> #331
I think that removing orphan asec files may have reduced the number of reboots in the cycle for me. I had about 160mb in orphan asec files. I removed them with my experimental open source CleanApp utility (needs root): <> #332
continuing reduction of free space on the phone <> #333
I'm from UK and suffering this bug on my O2 Galaxy Y GT-S5363. Each 2 weeks if I just installing an app on the sd, the phone always reboot on sunday. <> #334
Galaxy s3, ok, I did took out the sdcard, same problem, what to do, all apps are in the phones memory, and i am willing to delete some apps, but how to do it?
with me this issue started when I updated the gmail app, and it asked me to synchronize emails, i accepted .
hope someone can help.
with me this issue started when I updated the gmail app, and it asked me to synchronize emails, i accepted .
hope someone can help. <> #335
Will you lot shut up so that real updates can be added to this bug report? Nobody is interested in how much free space you all have! <> #336
Same with me,my phone is Samsung Galaxy Pocket, i noticed that if you move 50+ apps to sd this boot loop occurs ,after the external media scanning...My remedy is disabling the media scan using Startup Manager, and installing the Rescan Media. I hope google/samsung devs will fix this bug :( <> #337
I'm using plus xonpad 7 with jelly bean and got lots of apps few days back. My device also hot rebooting frequently so to solve the problem I reset the device and now the problem is gone. We should be aware of choosing apps and downloading it from the net I guess because many apps in the market may have hidden problematic code which could damage the OS...i.e. Android. Hope my experience will help you guys.. <> #338
Well due to the lack of action on the part of Google to resolve this issue. I propose a class action suit against them. Anyone who is interested in participating please contact me directly. I have a meeting scheduled with an attorney on August 12th. It is incredible that an issue like this remains unresolved. I have spent countless hours reinstalling apps and getting my phone back to the way I want it. We purchased our android devices in good faith and deserve much better consideration than this. I am so tired of my apps disappearing and having to reinstall them. <> #339
No, this issue continues with KitKat on my Note3. Any version above 2.3.4 (BUT, also in Eclair, sorry to say!) THe issue comes from a 'bug' that (on purpose, and in the code, but was only intended for Donut and less, due to limited memory) Any apps taking up more than 800MB of space will cause the device to reboot. When 1GB and larger memory appeared omn the scene this line of code was to be REMOVED, but never has been.
Remove that line of code. Search for 800MB, it's there!
Remove that line of code. Search for 800MB, it's there! <> #340
This is a HIGH PRIORITY, NOT MEDIUM. THIS is the CORRECT forum. <> #341
And this topic must stay OPENED until the issue is RESOLVED. STOP CLOSING THE TOPIC< IT IS STILL AN ISSUE.
Same thing with 2.3.6, 2.3.7 (miui) and 4.0.3 ICS leaked version.
Got rid of my SGS2 thinking it was a faulty device, and got myself a galaxy NOTE, installed lots of apps, moved them to sdcard, and the problem reappeared! Hotbooting after sdcard scanning finishes! Removing the sdcard solves the problem but also removes my installed apps so that's not a solution! Tried many cards before posting this just to make sure that this is in fact an OS bug! Please fix this since there is no 2.3.4 OS for the Galaxy NOTE and this issue shouldn't be existing in the first place!
I really hope you guys will take this issue into consideration since this is a HUGE and unacceptable BUG (hope you agree)!
PS: moving approx 50 apps or less to SDcard doesn't cause this problem, and no specific app is causing this.(did many MANY tests)
Device: Samsung SGS2 and Samsung Note
Android OS: 2.3.5/2.3.6/2.3.7/4.0.3 (anything higher than 2.3.4)
Steps to reproduce: Move more than 60 app to sdcard
What happened: Phone hotboots after mediascanning of sdcard finishes(OS reboots from boot screen not device logo)
correct behavior: OS should be stable regardless of quantity of apps on SDcard, like it used to be on 2.3.4!