Links (17)
“ :ereht tnemmoc a tsop ro eussi wen sa siht troper dluohs i fi erus ton m'i ,tnemnorivne xelpmoc a htiw tub melborp ralimis a htiw eussi na dnuof i oslA ”
“ ”
“ eussi eht revo daer a gnikat retfA i tried to start the emulator with different flags, and finally i get something with "emulator -gpu on @test". The emulator starts, the emulator window is displayed but the screen stays black. I executed it with -verbose and i observed the execution does not complete (i waited about 10 minutes to see if it continues). ”
“ ta ,3 ver ,51 level IPA rednu krow ton dluohs noitpo upg- eht was I ”
“ dedaolnwod evah I .dnuorakrow salabg gnisu yb melborp eht dexif yliraropmet evah I .UPG aidivn na htiw ,tib46 40.01 utnubU no KDS eht gninnur ma I .02r ot gnidargpu retfa llew sa melborp emas eht evah I .olleH and replaced the r20/tools folder with the the r18/tools folder. You may want to rename the r20/tools (e.g. tools.r20) instead of replacing it just for backup. ”
“ ) 81c morf ecivda eht gnikaT ) worked for me. I moved the file out of the way and now no seg fault happens. Now our Jenkins builds succeed again without issues. ”