Status Update
Comments <> #2
Argh....with this bug there is absolutely no way to determine if the user has changed changed the panning of the map....I need a way to determine this so that i can allow the user to reset the map to it's original view. Please fix this ASAP. <> #3
I have another example regarding the problematic accuracy of moveCamera/animateCamera.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs.
When you use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(), moveCamera and animateCamera result in different values in map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds.
LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds(new LatLng(40.70798493778415, -74.01434069136418), new LatLng(40.72072004852845, -73.99760391411343));
if (animate) {
map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0),
} else {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 0));
map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds :
after animateCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70711197865251,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72159253556309,-73.99655096232891)}
after moveCamera -
LatLngBounds{southwest=lat/lng: (40.70798500292429,-74.01539381593466), northeast=lat/lng: (40.72071968970514,-73.99655096232891)}
This is pretty important for my design as im calculating a search radius (Vincenty’s formula) by the bounds of the map. appreciate if you could confirm the accuracy of those 2 APIs. <> #5
any news regarding this issue ? <> #6
I can share my thoughts about it.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble: .
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility.
LatLng is keeping doubles, when these are sent via IPC, they are flattened to floats, because there is no writeDouble:
When going back, you lose precision and thus errors on 4-5th decimal place.
If I'm correct here, this can be hard (if possible) to fix without breaking compatibility.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
If you're right then compatibility doesnt have to be broken in order to pass a more accurate LatLng value in many other parcelable types which are not float. This option can be added and not replace the current one.
I any case this issue is really annoying and i hope someone from google can take a look at it. Thanks.
I any case this issue is really annoying and i hope someone from google can take a look at it. Thanks.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
If I'm right then you are also right. ;)
Double values in LatLng could be sent using writeLong after converting them using Double.doubleToLongBits ( ) and converted back to double in Google Play Services app.
Double values in LatLng could be sent using writeLong after converting them using Double.doubleToLongBits ( <> #9
[Comment deleted] <> #10
[Comment deleted] <> #11
Comparing floating-point values for exact equality is rarely a good idea. I'd suggest treating two LatLngs as equal if they're within some small distance of each other.
Not sure what comment #5 is getting at. Parcel#writeDouble exists, and the docs say it's been around since API 1. (Although the docs have been known to lie...)
Not sure what <> #12
As you are comparing objects, not numerals, unless specifically otherwise documented, you should expect the equals() method of any class derived from Object to implement the same equivalence relation as the parent class [1]:
"The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true)."
Also, regarding numerals, as the previous commenter already mentioned, comparing floating point values for exact equality is generally not a good idea, and doing it right is far from trivial [2].
Issue 4786 had a similar report about the onCameraChange() event not returning the exact same coordinates originally passed to CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng().
As I commented there, we need to convert between real-world coordinates and pixel coordinates to render anything on the screen, so especially when it comes to cameras and views, you should not assume the coordinates you gave to exactly match those used internally.
The developer on the other issue provided two (longitude) coordinates as an example: 51.9820167 (given by developer) and 51.982016909253694 (returned by the API). However, the maximum real-world distance between these points is actually only 2.3 cm (at the equator).
If you need to check coordinates for approximate equality, I'd recommend using an arbitrary epsilon value of your choice (e.g. 5 or 10 cm, or 0.000001 degrees) to determine if two points are close enough to each other to be considered equal. You just need to choose a suitable distance metric and epsilon that works well for for your use case.
As we know the number ranges ([-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0) degrees), as well as the approximate minimum resolution of the map, absolute error margins are likely sufficient for most use cases (either in degrees or distance). That way you can avoid having to bother with the less intuitive relative errors mentioned in the linked article.
That said, I changed this issue to a type Enhancement request, and created an internal feature request for providing an a convenience method for calculating approximate equality.
"The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true)."
Also, regarding numerals, as the previous commenter already mentioned, comparing floating point values for exact equality is generally not a good idea, and doing it right is far from trivial [2].
As I commented there, we need to convert between real-world coordinates and pixel coordinates to render anything on the screen, so especially when it comes to cameras and views, you should not assume the coordinates you gave to exactly match those used internally.
The developer on the other issue provided two (longitude) coordinates as an example: 51.9820167 (given by developer) and 51.982016909253694 (returned by the API). However, the maximum real-world distance between these points is actually only 2.3 cm (at the equator).
If you need to check coordinates for approximate equality, I'd recommend using an arbitrary epsilon value of your choice (e.g. 5 or 10 cm, or 0.000001 degrees) to determine if two points are close enough to each other to be considered equal. You just need to choose a suitable distance metric and epsilon that works well for for your use case.
As we know the number ranges ([-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0) degrees), as well as the approximate minimum resolution of the map, absolute error margins are likely sufficient for most use cases (either in degrees or distance). That way you can avoid having to bother with the less intuitive relative errors mentioned in the linked article.
That said, I changed this issue to a type Enhancement request, and created an internal feature request for providing an a convenience method for calculating approximate equality.
[2] <> #13
Same problem Galaxy S Plus i9001. <> #14 <> #15
Unrelated to this issue, but since my unrelated issue was incorrectly closed as a duplicate...
The current implementation of equals() is just plain wrong. This is a case where comparing floating point values using the == operator is exactly what you want. The current implementation compares the values for bitwise equality, which is wrong in at least two ways: it incorrectly returns true when comparing two NaNs, and it incorrectly returns false when comparing 0f and -0f.
The current implementation of equals() is just plain wrong. This is a case where comparing floating point values using the == operator is exactly what you want. The current implementation compares the values for bitwise equality, which is wrong in at least two ways: it incorrectly returns true when comparing two NaNs, and it incorrectly returns false when comparing 0f and -0f. <> #16
same problem on Samsung Galaxy S plus Android 2.3.6 <> #17
It seems like only our phone has this problem... <> #18
Same problem, same phone... Please google do something !! <> #19
They will probably say because our phones is rooted, you know what google we as consumers, we are smarter than you, stupid Goofle! <> #20
same problem with or without factory format!!
Samsung GT-9001 - Galaxy S Plus - Stock Rom 2.3.6 - I9001XXKQG
Samsung GT-9001 - Galaxy S Plus - Stock Rom 2.3.6 - I9001XXKQG <> #21
Same problem, same phone. very annoying. <> #22
I'm not alone, I have the same problem with Galaxy S Plus. The phone download the app but it doesn't install it. If I unistall the Play Store updates it works fine, but in 1 minute the Play Store app updates again. I've restored my phone and I can't install anything. <> #23
I think that the only solution is to wait the next update/fix of google play --' <> #24
[Comment deleted] <> #25
Same issue here ... but the question is google aware of this ?!
ive been facing this problem for a few days now !
ive been facing this problem for a few days now ! <> #26
У меня такая же проблема с SGS plus GT9001, не могу загрузить ничего с маркета. Маркет встает в стопор <<загрузка>> и так до безконечности. После удаления обновления и кеша можно скачать приложение, но после обновления маркета все
по кругу.
по кругу. <> #27
same thing happening on my Galaxy S Plus too. is there anybody from Google or Samsung that can be asked to fix this? <> #28
Same issue here ... but the question is google aware of this ?!
ive been facing this problem for 2 days now !
stupid google !!! that's why apple is better than u...
ive been facing this problem for 2 days now !
stupid google !!! that's why apple is better than u... <> #29
I'm using galaxy s plus 2.3.3
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #30
Same Issue over here as well.Even i am using Samsung Galaxy S Plus.Any new app is downloaded or even updated it completes 100% but then it doesn't proceed further...and then later it shows error in downloading -905...Please fix it as soon as possible.. <> #31
since last night dated 4/7/2012 20:00 hrs , playstore updated automatically and it has lot of bugs. after downloading , the app is not getting installed . Please rectify as soon as possible . and Even some apps are not working like
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #32
Same.. whaaat is happening :0 <> #33
Same issue here too. I'm using galaxy i9001 2.3.5 <> #34
[Comment deleted] <> #35
same thing using i9001 2.3.6, problem started from this morning <> #36
Same issue. Samsung Galaxy S Plus (i9001 android 2.3.5) <> #37
same here and send them a mail and they replied with silly mail , hope they could find a solution soon <> #38
Same problem here can't download apps. Tried to switch back to the previous version but annoyingly it updates itself...everytime I want to download an app In first have to install 3.5 version.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #39
Same Proble SGS+ Tomorrow all woking.Before update.After update cant dowload anything from market <> #40
same problem, google, debug this!
Russia, SGS+
Russia, SGS+ <> #41
same issue here. If I revert to original Market by doing Settings->Applications->Play Store - Uninstall Updates, first login to store is with old Market and all is working fine. As soon as I close it and re-open it it auto updates to Play and problem comes back.
Hope you guys fix it soon.
Hope you guys fix it soon. <> #42
same problem here. no app.can be installed through google play <> #43
same problem here. please, google solve problem quicky. <> #44
Same Problem with SGS+, please change priority <> #45
Same problem, and It makes me crazy. I need always uninstall Google Play Store update to get new application installed through factory default Google Play Store. <> #46
Same issue here, big frustration.... <> #47
Same problems for me with Samsung S+ GT-I9001 android 2.3.3
Installing an old version of play store (3.5.16) allow one update or new install.
installing an other version(3.5.19) for a new upload and so on !!!
Installing an old version of play store (3.5.16) allow one update or new install.
installing an other version(3.5.19) for a new upload and so on !!! <> #48
Exactly the same problem here (and also a lot of people here in Italy)! I can download apps only disinstalling the google play updates, but of course it reupdates at the next access!
I didn't have rooted my SGS+ 3.2.5 nor I will in future, so google, please: you HAVE TO solve this issue with high priority, because this looks like an international problem with, at least, the Samsung galaxy S plus
I didn't have rooted my SGS+ 3.2.5 nor I will in future, so google, please: you HAVE TO solve this issue with high priority, because this looks like an international problem with, at least, the Samsung galaxy S plus <> #49
Same issue. I'm using galaxy i9001 2.3.5 <> #50
Same issue. I'm using galaxy i9001 android 2.3.6 Plus my phone no longer appears in the play store :) (you have no devices appears when i log on to the playstore from my pc) <> #51
Same problem. Samsun Galaxy S+ GT-I9001 2.3.4 <> #52
Same. No root. Tried multiple versions of firmware - all stock, no custom roms. Always the same behaviour. <> #53
Same problem in Romania. It's a market problem because I can install apps from samsung apps. I am using 2.3.6 as well, but I think that is a problem that is present in other software versions too from what I can see here. It would be great if they'd solve it fast because I did a factory reset in hope that it would remediate anything, but it turned out to be useless and now I don't have anything installed but the basic apps that you get out of the box... . It's kind of dissapointing when I am thinking that I quite spent some money on a sgs+. In the future I think I will reconsider my choice unfortunately... <> #54
aku pun tekandung <> #55
All worked well till just now. Seems it's a worldwide problem, I'm in Poland. <> #56
Your SGS+ can update/download through play store? mine's not since
yestrerday <> #57
Same thing to me. Download it to 100 % then dissapeard and it isnt installing. COME ON GOOGLE FIX THIS SHIT <> #58
Same issue. Samsung Galaxy S Plus (i9001 android 2.3.3), problem started from this morning.... please solved ASAP...Thanks google <> #59
how long too this situation???if google cant repair this problem dont sale it <> #60
Yup same here, only way to download an app is to uninstall google play and use the regular Android Market <> #61
Same problem on Samsung Galaxy S Plus <> #62
Same problem here.
Download completes and the nothing.
Samsung Galaxy S Plus GT-I9001, Android 2.3.6, not rooted.
Download completes and the nothing.
Samsung Galaxy S Plus GT-I9001, Android 2.3.6, not rooted.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #63
Same problem here with the latest version. Older versions work fine but as soon as it updates I can't install or update any apps from the store.
The problem persists in any Android version I tried (2.3.3 & 2.3.6)and no amount of re-installing, wiping cache or factory resets solves this so it must be on Google's end.
The problem persists in any Android version I tried (2.3.3 & 2.3.6)and no amount of re-installing, wiping cache or factory resets solves this so it must be on Google's end. <> #64
Same problem GT-I9001, rooted <> #65
can uninstall this google play????teach me.. <> #66
same ..plz rectify as soon as possible...
- Try to download an app or an Update from Google Play
- Download starts, installation doesn't work
- An error Report appears (error number 905)
Device: Samsung Galaxy S + (GT-I9001)
Android: 3.7.13
i have restored it to original setting but no change...why???
google ...plz solve it...!!!!!
- Try to download an app or an Update from Google Play
- Download starts, installation doesn't work
- An error Report appears (error number 905)
Device: Samsung Galaxy S + (GT-I9001)
Android: 3.7.13
i have restored it to original setting but no change...why???
google ...plz solve it...!!!!!
Thanks <> #67
Problems Google Play new version for me with Samsung S+ GT-I9001 android 2.3.6
Don't installing APPS.
Don't installing APPS. <> #68
Same problem here in India also from yesterday i cant get anything from play store. phone restored still no use. I don't know why Samsung and Google are not responding to this as there reliability is questioned here.please do something at the earliest <> #69
Same here, Samsung Galaxy S+, cleared Google App and Download App cache and data, singed out of the Talk application and then signed back in (read somewhere that it may hep), but to no avail. Applications download to 100%, then remain stuck on the "Download" message which never finishes, or finishes after a long while with the 905 error. I live in Romania, btw, if it helps with anything, though I can see this is a global issue. <> #70
I upgraded & thought it was the upgrade giving me issues, now that I see this thread, i know it wasn't. Google pls fix this using Galaxy S Plus 2.3.6 <> #71
I have same issue with Samsung Galaxy S + (GT-I9001) too.
Android 2.3.5
Android 2.3.5 <> #72
I have the same problem....
with galaxy S plus... Google play starts download but fails to install it...
please fix it...
with galaxy S plus... Google play starts download but fails to install it...
please fix it... <> #73
Same here, Samsung Galaxy S+, cleared Google App and Download App cache and data, singed out of the Talk application and then signed back in (read somewhere that it may hep), but to no avail. Applications download to 100%, then remain stuck on the "Download" message which never finishes, or finishes after a long while with the 905 error. I live in Belorussian, btw, if it helps with anything, though I can see this is a global issue. <> #74
Same problem ! Samsung Galaxy S + with Android 2.3.6 from Germany. Google please
fix this problem !
fix this problem ! <> #75
Same phone, same problem. <> #76
Same problem - Samsung galaxy S plus with android 2.3.5 <> #77
I have the same problem.
It's useless to restore the factory settings from android, the problem occurs every time i do the mandatory update from google market to google Play.
Samsung Galaxy S Plus with Android 2.3.6, from Portugal
It's useless to restore the factory settings from android, the problem occurs every time i do the mandatory update from google market to google Play.
Samsung Galaxy S Plus with Android 2.3.6, from Portugal <> #78
Same Problem.. Samsung Galaxy S Plus GT-I9001, Android 2.3.6. I've already received a Mail from Google. They said i should clear the Cache from Play Store and deinstall the Update but that's no solution, it'still not working. As soon as you reopen the Play Store this Buggy Update get's reinstalled! Really hope that Google will revoke Version 3.7.13 and provide the former Version until this annoying Problem is fixed!! <> #79
same problem:
- Samsung Galaxy S plus GT-I9001
- Android 2.3.5
- Google Play Store 3.7.13
- Samsung Galaxy S plus GT-I9001
- Android 2.3.5
- Google Play Store 3.7.13 <> #80
Google should really have an option for users to update or not to update their Play Store. At least this will still allow users to install apps till the store is fixed
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #81
Same problem- Galaxy S plus gingerbread 2.3 <> #82
Same problems for me with Samsung S+ GT-I9001 android 2.3.6. Help only delete update of Google Play from Application Manager, but it works only once when I'm in Android Market. Second visit in Market / Play make the same problem and again I must uninstall update, and again, and again, and again... <> #83
same problem ! <> #84
Do you guys think that google will notice about this problemand will fix it asap? Is there a way to let us know anything from them? <> #85
Download issues on Samsung Galaxy S Plus devices running Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) Reported 5, July
We've gotten some reports that users with Samsung Galaxy S Plus devices running Android OS version 2.3 (Gingerbread) are having trouble using Google Play. We're aware of this issue, and we're currently working to resolve it.
As a temporary workaround until we fix the problem, you can uninstall updates to the Google Play app by following these steps:
Tap Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage
Find the ""All"" tab
Scroll down to Play Store and tap to select
Tap "Uninstall updates"
Above is from Google. Apparently they aware of this issue, and working to fix the bug. I using 2.3.6 and i tried the method above, the problem will come again because when i start PLAY STORE (after uninstall updates), it will ask me update again before can proceed further!
We've gotten some reports that users with Samsung Galaxy S Plus devices running Android OS version 2.3 (Gingerbread) are having trouble using Google Play. We're aware of this issue, and we're currently working to resolve it.
As a temporary workaround until we fix the problem, you can uninstall updates to the Google Play app by following these steps:
Tap Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage
Find the ""All"" tab
Scroll down to Play Store and tap to select
Tap "Uninstall updates"
Above is from Google. Apparently they aware of this issue, and working to fix the bug. I using 2.3.6 and i tried the method above, the problem will come again because when i start PLAY STORE (after uninstall updates), it will ask me update again before can proceed further! <> #86
Temporary workaround
go to Settings-> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All
select google play from the list
press button "uninstall updates" (to rever to the original Android Market app)
If you open it by error, press "Decline" on the TOS. (DO NOT PRESS "Accept")
Now your market app should be "freezed" (no auto-update will be made)
If you need to install some app or update installed ones, just go to and login (you can do everything on the site, install new app, uninstall, update on every device you have)
and wait for official fix from google team :)
hope it will be useful
[in italian]
Soluzione temporanea:
andate su impostazioni -> applicazioni -> Gestisci applicazioni -> tutto
selezionate google play dall'elenco
premete il pulsante "disinstalla aggiornamenti" (per ripristinare l'applicazione originale che si chiama Android Market)
se per sbaglio la aprite, premete "Non accetto" si termini di servizio (NON PREMETE "Accetto")
Ora l'applicazione Market è "congelata" (non verrà aggiornata in automatico)
Per installare nuove applicazioni o per aggiornare quelle installate, basta andare sul sito dopo aver effettuato il login (e si può fare tutto dal sito, installare, disinstallare, aggiornare le app, su ogni dispositivo android collegato al vostro account)
sempre in attesa di una soluzione da parte di google
Spero vi sia utile
go to Settings-> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All
select google play from the list
press button "uninstall updates" (to rever to the original Android Market app)
If you open it by error, press "Decline" on the TOS. (DO NOT PRESS "Accept")
Now your market app should be "freezed" (no auto-update will be made)
If you need to install some app or update installed ones, just go to
and wait for official fix from google team :)
hope it will be useful
[in italian]
Soluzione temporanea:
andate su impostazioni -> applicazioni -> Gestisci applicazioni -> tutto
selezionate google play dall'elenco
premete il pulsante "disinstalla aggiornamenti" (per ripristinare l'applicazione originale che si chiama Android Market)
se per sbaglio la aprite, premete "Non accetto" si termini di servizio (NON PREMETE "Accetto")
Ora l'applicazione Market è "congelata" (non verrà aggiornata in automatico)
Per installare nuove applicazioni o per aggiornare quelle installate, basta andare sul sito
sempre in attesa di una soluzione da parte di google
Spero vi sia utile <> #87
Same problem here <> #88
Hi there... same problem here, from Venezuela. The apps start to download when you are trying to update them but suddenly download icon dissappears from the upper bar, and then after few minutes it comes the error message downloading... <> #89
same here <> #90
same here,can solve? <> #91
same problem in my Samsung galaxy s + 2.3.5 aim from Egypt <> #92
Same model same problem.
Google would you be so kind and mend this please?
Thank you.
Google would you be so kind and mend this please?
Thank you. <> #93
+1 Same problem with Galaxy S Plus <> #94
same problem in Belgium with the same mobile model (a brand new one with 2 days) <> #95
Grrr,the same issue popped up in Hungary...
Gugli,Release a new update!!
Grrr,the same issue popped up in Hungary...
Gugli,Release a new update!! <> #96
The same problem in Poland.. ;/ <> #97
how long google?????can u explain about it.. <> #98
[Comment deleted] <> #99
Same problem. Have send email for google.
Please everyone affected contact google by email or else so they respond faster
Please everyone affected contact google by email or else so they respond faster <> #100
Same problem for me
Galaxy S Plus
Android 2.3.6
Google Play 3.7.13
Problem first occured with Androis 2.3.3 . Update and factory reset did not help at all. Problem remains even after fresh install
Galaxy S Plus
Android 2.3.6
Google Play 3.7.13
Problem first occured with Androis 2.3.3 . Update and factory reset did not help at all. Problem remains even after fresh install <> #101
if anyone finds any sollution, pz share it with all of us. does anybody know SGS+ GT-I9001 can get ICS or not ?if yes , when samsung planning ?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #102
[Comment deleted] <> #103
Same problem in my Samsung Galaxy S Plus 2.3.5 from Italy <> #104
Same problem / galaxy s plus GT-I9001 / The netherlands <> #105
Here the same problem with Samsung Galaxy S Plus on Android 2.3.5, I'm not able to update any applications <> #106
problem solved, uninstal google play and let android to update again and its ok!:D <> #107
problem solved , uninstall and let android to update and its ok <> #108
version 3.4.7 solved the problem <> #109
confirm <> #110
confirm <> #111
I had the same problem. What I did to solve it was I uninstalled the updates of Google Play.
Ran the application again, but it will install the updates again. Do not worry, afterwards I tried to install an application, and upon the download is finished the app was installed correctly.
Hope it helps
Ran the application again, but it will install the updates again. Do not worry, afterwards I tried to install an application, and upon the download is finished the app was installed correctly.
Hope it helps <> #112
SGS+ androdi 2.3.6
google play 3.7.13
error 905
uninstall & install unsolved my problem.
google play 3.7.13
error 905
uninstall & install unsolved my problem. <> #113
Thank you so much google! Problem solved!
Uninstall updates and then enter the app and let it update again! new version works as usual!
Uninstall updates and then enter the app and let it update again! new version works as usual! <> #114
Hi. HTC Sensation XE beats(3.6) android 4.0.3 stupid update Play MArket 3.7.13 When you download wrote: Search Network <> #115
solved by uninstalling the update and freezing the Marcket Updater app with Titanium Backup
solved by uninstalling the update and freezing the Marcket Updater app with Titanium Backup <> #116
Same issue here on Samsung Galaxy S Plus (I9001). Resolved after uninstalling the Google Play update. The Google Play will update again correctly and you can download & install apps again
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #117
Same problem since today 5 june on my two galaxy s plus phones. notified google via help function in google play store. Please quick solution.... <> #118
Halleluja IT worked!! (I also have a Samsung Galaxy S Plus (I9001)
I did the:
Tap Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage
Find the ""All"" tab
Scroll down to Play Store and tap to select
Tap "Uninstall updates"
then I entered Google Play again and agreed on the terms and now everything seems to be working again - THANK YOU!
I did the:
Tap Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage
Find the ""All"" tab
Scroll down to Play Store and tap to select
Tap "Uninstall updates"
then I entered Google Play again and agreed on the terms and now everything seems to be working again - THANK YOU! <> #119
same problem with my galaxy s plus i9001 <> #120
Please read !!!
It seems that the error is resolved by google. In fact, when you delete the updates and when google play loads again, it loads on version 3.4.7, a stable version.
I hope it is also the case with you guys !
It seems that the error is resolved by google. In fact, when you delete the updates and when google play loads again, it loads on version 3.4.7, a stable version.
I hope it is also the case with you guys ! <> #121
Google guys! thx for the quick solution <> #122
archos 101 g9 Android 4.0.6
не могу скачивать приложения постоянно пишет поиск сети...
не могу скачивать приложения постоянно пишет поиск сети... <> #123
I confirm, the problem has been solved, thanks guys <> #124
same problem with me galaxy s +
I'm wondering, is it about samsung or google?
I'm wondering, is it about samsung or google? <> #125
the problem still persist. <> #126
[Comment deleted] <> #127
Hi all,
please try to flash this with CWM.I try to find solution to fix the problem for my girlfriend and copy it from other custom rom.I forgot the name of custom rom which I copy cause many custom rom that I download.I hope this, help all and my gielfirend fix problem and waiting google solve this problem quickly.
Please read!!!
The problem is still there. But the workaround with uninstalling the updates, and then using just the Google Play web site works fine. <> #129
I confirm, the problem has been solved.
SGS GT-9001, version 3.4.7
Thank you.
SGS GT-9001, version 3.4.7
Thank you. <> #130
If your Phone is rooted You Can download The app, when The download on The top is finished You Can go with a Good file explorer (x plore) on your root / cache and here You find downloadfile.Apk and You Can install It. It works for me. Ti download another file You have To stop The download of The previous in The play Store (because The Green downloading bar continue To move and Play Store sees It as an active download) <> #131
Hi, even i am facing the same problem from 3 days. I tried all options like rebooting, downgrade the play store to market and all. i have not even rooted my phone but still this issue. The current play store version is 3.7.13 <> #132
I also have this problem!! and when i got in contact with GPlay support they told me that my problem is that my phone is rooted! I reported that around the web there are lot of people with this issue and that lot of them have a not rooted phone!! And all they had to say for answer was that they can work just with my problem because i was the one contacting them, and my problem was root related!! I would had like to answer "are you f***ing kidding me????" but I was polite! then now this issue was opened and i think, "have you seen?? I was right!"
Anyway i'm running 2.3.6 XXKQE! i've tried any solution but they are just temporary so please have a look at this and solve the problem! it is first time in my "android life" that i have problems with a Google App, and i think is quite bothersome that you are taking so long to solve this since until now you were so fast in solving problems and bugs!
Anyway i'm running 2.3.6 XXKQE! i've tried any solution but they are just temporary so please have a look at this and solve the problem! it is first time in my "android life" that i have problems with a Google App, and i think is quite bothersome that you are taking so long to solve this since until now you were so fast in solving problems and bugs! <> #133
same problem guys.........anyone got ne solution ?????
stuck on "installing"........... :/ :'(
stuck on "installing"........... :/ :'( <> #134
Same issue, stuck on downloading
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #135
Same problem here, have tried almost all the suggestions. This needs to be fixed at Google's end. <> #136
Same problem here. Works fine when uninstalled Play and went back to Market. Samsung Galaxy Plus <> #137
I'm going through the same issue in my Galaxy S+ (i9001) with Gingerbread 2.3.6. Stuck downloading, no updates nor new apps anymore :(
My phone is not rooted. No custom kernel/roms here.
My phone is not rooted. No custom kernel/roms here. <> #138
guys i hv got one TEMPORARY SOLUTION fr dis problem.... --->>
settings-->applications-->manage applications--->all--->google play store-->uninstall updates.
Now dnt click on play store icon.....Instead intall applications from ur PC or LAPTOP.
It works 100%. TRY IT. :)
settings-->applications-->manage applications--->all--->google play store-->uninstall updates.
Now dnt click on play store icon.....Instead intall applications from ur PC or LAPTOP.
It works 100%. TRY IT. :) <> #139
I have the same problem in my S+. <> #140
Good news! Uninstalled updates, tried again. It updates to GPLay Version 3.4.7 and works just fine for now. <> #141
same problem on samsung s2 plus <> #142
Hi all,
Google has resolved the issue with play store.
Just go to manage applications and uninstall the updates and reboot your mobile. Then try to connect to MARKET which will ask to update and get it updated to recent version 3.4.7.
I did the same and its working.
Google has resolved the issue with play store.
Just go to manage applications and uninstall the updates and reboot your mobile. Then try to connect to MARKET which will ask to update and get it updated to recent version 3.4.7.
I did the same and its working. <> #143
the problem affect version 3.7.13 and it's still open! for the ones that state that version 3.4 fix the problem... as soon the play store update you will have the same problem... <> #144
Same problem here. Tried the solution as in comment 117. That worked. For now I can update and install new apps again. Don't no if the playstore will be updated automatically. Just sit and wait I guess ....... <> #145
[Comment deleted] <> #146
tried this instead...I removed my default google account (requires hard reset) and got a new account, works fine in the beginning but I wasn't able to install some apps... it's says that the app is not compatible with s+, but before I did the hard reset, I was able to use the apps (i.e. ff3, superuser) <> #147
the ptoblem have been solved by google
i have received a reply from google and here is what to do:
remove the google play updated as have been mentioned before..... after that open google play and let it update
don't be afraid, it will not auto update to the buged version 3.7.13 instead google managrd to make it update to a bit earliet version 3.4.13 which works perfectly......
thank you google staff... you are the best.......
i have received a reply from google and here is what to do:
remove the google play updated as have been mentioned before..... after that open google play and let it update
don't be afraid, it will not auto update to the buged version 3.7.13 instead google managrd to make it update to a bit earliet version 3.4.13 which works perfectly......
thank you google staff... you are the best....... <> #148
[Comment deleted] <> #149
I've tried a lot of time removing the update but then I always get auto-updated to the bugged 3.7.13. So it's not fixes for me... <> #150
Hi. Same issue with S+.
Any estimation for fix to be released?
Any estimation for fix to be released? <> #151
fixed for me now, if you uninstall the updates, next update will be 3.4.7 instead of 3.7.13. <> #152
I am Galaxy S Plus owner for the last two month . Since last 2-3 days I am trying to download applcation from Google Play but in vain and getting error no 905. Googling the error no I came to know that this problem has become global. Not being so tech-savvy , I am not able to understand what to do. Should I wait for few days in the hope that Google/Samsung will resolve the issue? <> #153
Red above posts. The problem have been solved indeed. <> #154
This is not the solution. ... HTC sensation XE <> #155
nothing resolved <> #156
Hi everybody all of you can fallow that,
settings-->applications-->manage applications--->all--->google play store-->uninstall updates.
click on play store icon..... Wait a few minute
It has solved
settings-->applications-->manage applications--->all--->google play store-->uninstall updates.
click on play store icon..... Wait a few minute
It has solved <> #157
aku dapat suda mendonlot.. puas suda mendonlot ni.. <> #158
I have the same problem like all of these guys here.
I enter Google Play Store to update/install apps, it starts with downloading, it finishes, but doesnt update/install them :@
Here are 2 photos that prove the problem - it shows me an error 905 :(
I have Samsung Galaxy S Plus GT-I9001 - Firmware version : 2.3.3
I enter Google Play Store to update/install apps, it starts with downloading, it finishes, but doesnt update/install them :@
Here are 2 photos that prove the problem - it shows me an error 905 :(
I have Samsung Galaxy S Plus GT-I9001 - Firmware version : 2.3.3 <> #159
Thanks for info, the solution worked for me too. Now I have 3.4.7 ! :) <> #160
Latest update of Play store 3.4.7 fixed the issue. Thanx google <> #161
still not solved for me! if I uninstall the update then it will automatically reupdate to the bugged version... how can I disable play store auto update? <> #162
same issue here
android 2.3.5
android 2.3.5 <> #163
Same problem that all the guys here. Samsung Galaxy S Plus. Unable to install any aplication usingo Play Store. the aplications dowonloads completely but when is going to start installations it breaks. If it is a question of Googles Server, big, big dissapointment...They are suposed to be serious people. <> #164
same problem with my samsung s plus,cant install or updates shows downloading but noothing happen afterwards..huge dispointment..! FIX !!!
having problem for quite some time now 5/7/2012-8/7/2012 and till now counting
having problem for quite some time now 5/7/2012-8/7/2012 and till now counting <> #165
"fixed for me now, if you uninstall the updates, next update will be 3.4.7 instead of 3.7.13."
That solved the problem for me. THANKS from Poland :)
That solved the problem for me. THANKS from Poland :) <> #166
[Comment deleted] <> #167
Ohh my gosh! I thought i was the only one suffering to this problem. I'm having a problem with this too!! I can't download in playstore, then after it reaches 100%, it disappears! Then i went to.check the play store again, there was a note saying that "Error in downloading blabla error 905 what should we do? Please email me if you guys have the solution to our problem. I'll do the same to you. -Samsung galaxy S plus user <> #168
Read posts above. The problem have been solved. <> #169
just report at the google play support in the New Issue.
google will try to update as early as possible.Here is the link
click on it and report the issue for samsung galaxy s plus
google will try to update as early as possible.Here is the link
click on it and report the issue for samsung galaxy s plus <> #170
The problem has been resolved temporarily. the google play market will update to version 3.4.7. And it working fine.
But the google play support team is working to correct this issue for our galaxy s plus.
So please report this issue in the link below
after clicking the link go to New Issues and report the issue of samsung galaxy s plus download problem.
But the google play support team is working to correct this issue for our galaxy s plus.
So please report this issue in the link below
after clicking the link go to New Issues and report the issue of samsung galaxy s plus download problem. <> #171
Same Problem in India as well. I am not able to update as I am also gettint error 905.. <> #172
HTC Sensation Xe не загружаются приложения с маркета
версия сборки 3.7.13
версия сборки 3.7.13 <> #173
Same Problem in Poland / S Plus
android 2.3.5
android 2.3.5 <> #174
Same problem in Poland. Android 2.3.6
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #175
Galaxy S Plus does not update apps with play market. <> #176
SG S Plus
same problem
same problem <> #177
Same problem in Macedonia, galaxy s +, please tell me how to fix problem <> #178
Dont instal prorgammes on htc evo 3d, it connect to internet throw pc. its reported "Searching to network.."
from Russia
from Russia <> #179
[Comment deleted] <> #180
[Comment deleted] <> #181
Hi. HTC One X android 4.0.3 stupid update Play MArket 3.7.13 When you download wrote: Search Network <> #182
Same problem on HTC wildfire s, Russia. Android 2.3.5 <> #183
Same problem here.
Thank you everybody for helping me solve the issue.
Settings>Manage applications>select "All">scroll down to "Google Play Store" and select>tap "Uninstall updates".
Open Google Play Store app (I had to do it twice because the first time it seems it opened the old Android Market, is that possible? It said that all my apps had to be updated... So I closed the app and opened it again, and then voila! I was in the Play Store, selected "My Apps" and then I was able to download AND install all the updates.
Thank you again for your help.
Thank you everybody for helping me solve the issue.
Settings>Manage applications>select "All">scroll down to "Google Play Store" and select>tap "Uninstall updates".
Open Google Play Store app (I had to do it twice because the first time it seems it opened the old Android Market, is that possible? It said that all my apps had to be updated... So I closed the app and opened it again, and then voila! I was in the Play Store, selected "My Apps" and then I was able to download AND install all the updates.
Thank you again for your help. <> #184
[Comment deleted] <> #185
Same annoying problem. Samsung Galaxy S Plus. Android 2.3.6. <> #186
Same problem. Ukraine. HTC Explorer <> #187
Samsung Galaxy S Plus. Android 2.3.6 is also no longer updated, reset the cache is not helpful for <> #188
Same issue. Samsung Galaxy S Plus (i9001 android 2.3.6) <> #189
Same problem here. Clearing cache did not help, deinstall updates not helping either, market immediately updates again and same problem starting all over. Been having this problem for a few weeks now. <> #190
Also Same for my Galaxy S plus, i did one thing i install Kaspersky to scan my files and then it discover Trojan in one app (youtube downloader) i uninstall that one but the problem still there... <> #191
i have got the issue after updating google play store since today noon from 3.5.19 to 3.7.13 . its a huge bug and disappointment from google that they given us a stupid update.well m also using the samsung galaxy s plus I9001. pz solve this issue as soon as u can .as i cant update or download anything from gooogle play store.its giving a downloading error-905 after completing 100% process.solve it soon as there are plenty users facing same common issue with this new play store v 3.7.13.... <> #192
Same problem on HTC Desire HD. Android 2.3.5 Country - Russia. <> #193
Same problem SGS+. Russia. Android 2.3.6 <> #194
mine is galaxy y duos...when i try to dwnld from play store it is showing waiting for network..:( <> #195
Thanks to #182, I uninstall then reinstall play store and it works. Thank god! <> #196
Same problem here ... i have a Spica Froyo 2.2.3 ...
i uninstalled play store 3.7.13 and reinstall play store 3.4.7 and this not work...
when i run play store 3.4.7 this make a force close....
i uninstalled play store 3.7.13 and reinstall play store 3.4.7 and this not work...
when i run play store 3.4.7 this make a force close.... <> #197
I've been experiencing the same issue for some days. I waited to see if it was just temporary, but after nothing happened I started searching what is happening. I found the solution on the xda-developers forum ( ) which led me to this page.
Samsung Galaxy S plus (GT-I9001)
firmware version 2.3.3
Samsung Galaxy S plus (GT-I9001)
firmware version 2.3.3 <> #198
Just encountered this problem today on HTC EVO 3D with Gingerbread...revert to stock Android Market and it works fine...but auto-updates back to Google Play and quits working again. <> #199
[Comment deleted] <> #200
[Comment deleted] <> #201
[Comment deleted] <> #202
same problem <> #203
Same issue here too. can solve the market problem? It is really embarrassing ... <> #204
Same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S Plus here in India.
And i found some way to resolve this.
Here is what i did:
1) Go to "Application" (lower bottom right hand corner on the home screen) > Settings > Applications > Manage applications
2)Select the "All" tab
3) Scroll down and select Google Play Store
4) Select "Uninstall updates"
This will uninstall the Google Play Store, taking it back to older Market place.
After few minutes, it automatically gets updates, and resumes back to Google Play Store (yes, automatically).
But now when i download anything from Google Play, it works fine for me.
Please try this out and let me know if this works for you as well.
And i found some way to resolve this.
Here is what i did:
1) Go to "Application" (lower bottom right hand corner on the home screen) > Settings > Applications > Manage applications
2)Select the "All" tab
3) Scroll down and select Google Play Store
4) Select "Uninstall updates"
This will uninstall the Google Play Store, taking it back to older Market place.
After few minutes, it automatically gets updates, and resumes back to Google Play Store (yes, automatically).
But now when i download anything from Google Play, it works fine for me.
Please try this out and let me know if this works for you as well.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #205
When i try to download from Google play it shows "waiting for network" and remains same whereas i have perfectly working connection..please help me <> #206
same problem here "waiting for network" but this only happens when i use my phone under "Internet Pass through" option, very weird and sucks too.. need a solution ASAP <> #207
This does not work for me: Samsung Galaxy S2 running Litening rom ICS
It gets stuck on "uninstalling" - the same way that trying to install or update does using this new Google Play Store version 3.7.13
I cannot understand how this update could have slipped through and also how we are going to fix it unless an update to the store app is released (like had to happen with the earlier change to the store app where ?My Apps" was not populated. <> #208
On samsung galaxy s plus same thing, come on it's been 2 weeks now... <> #209
me and all my friends are facing the same issue...It keeps on saying Downloading when i am using the mobile network. It works fine on Wifi. I have checked all settings and have followed google's solution but it did not work. Please fix this as we are not able to download <> #210
FYI, Google Play 3.7.13 is broken on Droid Incredible (Android 2.2, SkyRaider 4.3 Sense)--apps download but never install. Notification progress bars show download progress, but Google Play progress bars never move. Falling back to older versions of Google Play (by uninstalling updates) works...until Google Play self-updates again.
Interestingly, Google Play 3.7.13 IS NOT broken on Droid Incredible (2.3.4, Wildstang GB 4.08.605.2)
This does seem to be a compatibility problem with 3.7.13 and certain specific ROM configurations.
Interestingly, Google Play 3.7.13 IS NOT broken on Droid Incredible (2.3.4, Wildstang GB 4.08.605.2)
This does seem to be a compatibility problem with 3.7.13 and certain specific ROM configurations. <> #211 <> #212
Same problem but the issue with me was the Update happen in the night and when i saw my phone in the morning it has earased all my contacts and I was shocked. Later when i upgraded to Android verrsion 2.3.6, the google paly verison 3.7.13 was installed and now I am stuck. Luckly got my contacts bacj but feel that same are still missing and cannot find out which ones. Hope Google can fix the problem soon <> #213
Same/similar problem on Samsung Galaxy GT-S6102 [Galaxy Y Duos], running Android 2.3.6
Play app auto updated to version 3.7.13 and any app download is stuck at "waiting for network..." or "downloading..." and never completes.
I tried uninstalling updates, but it goes to original Market version and updates again to same 3.7.13 version and gives same problem finally.
Net connection is fine (browsing works), App downloads work well with Market app (before it updates). Clear data / Clear cache and all such hacks do not solve it.
Play app auto updated to version 3.7.13 and any app download is stuck at "waiting for network..." or "downloading..." and never completes.
I tried uninstalling updates, but it goes to original Market version and updates again to same 3.7.13 version and gives same problem finally.
Net connection is fine (browsing works), App downloads work well with Market app (before it updates). Clear data / Clear cache and all such hacks do not solve it. <> #214
Same issue for me too; after the update to android 4.0.3.
It seems there are huge bugs with the new ICS update.
Very Very disappointed with new google OS which was hyped so much....:@
It seems there are huge bugs with the new ICS update.
Very Very disappointed with new google OS which was hyped so much....:@ <> #215
Samsung Galaxy tab 8.9... android 3.2...Slovakia.. same issue here since last update <> #216
Same problem on my sg+ i9001 <> #217
Same problem on my samsung spica I5700 (Froyo 2.2.3 spicagenmod)
It works with google play store 3.4.7
It works with google play store 3.4.7 <> #218
HTC Desire S с маркета через сквозное подключение интернета незагружает приложения, через GPRS или WI-FI всё нормально. Если удалить обновления Google Play то начинается загрузга приложений через сквозное подключение, до тех пор пока он снова не обновится Google Play. <> #219
google play guys has resolved the issue, yesterday my google play store updated to ver 3.7.15 and yes its working fine. <> #220
Por fin Google se digno a sacar la actualización y corregir el bug!!!! ya se habían tardado demasiado... Google No lo vuelvan a hacer !!!! <> #221
Same problem on my galaxy s plus... Google plz fix it <> #222
the problem with galaxy s+ isn't solved at all - after downloading 3.7.15 at least I get into the play store but cant download or update - fix it google fucker <> #223
I've got many problem with my Samsung Galaxy S Plus.. Please FIX IT!! <> #224
I'm from Brazil, here tha same problem.. Still not solved <> #225
The same problem, me too iam Samsung glaksy Y DOUS <> #226
I tryed to factory reset, clear cache, all tutorials.
P.S My phone is not rooted.
P.S My phone is not rooted. <> #227
Samsung galaxy s2
Gt I9100
XXLPS Baseband
Android version 4.0.3
Build number IML74K.XWLP8
I spent hours trying everything suggested on this page AND MORE.
It still FAILS. Stuck downloading.
I have the latest certain 3.7.15 of Play Store
Please fix this issue. It's a shame to own a smart phone without the app store.
Gt I9100
XXLPS Baseband
Android version 4.0.3
Build number IML74K.XWLP8
I spent hours trying everything suggested on this page AND MORE.
It still FAILS. Stuck downloading.
I have the latest certain 3.7.15 of Play Store
Please fix this issue. It's a shame to own a smart phone without the app store. <> #228
Same problem here. frustrating. Tried everything. From Australia. <> #229
Same for the HTC 1x, was working great for about a week, now I can't down load a thing!!!! Please fix A.S.A.P <> #230
Same problem on my Galaxy S plus. From Estonia. <> #231
Same problem with me when this problem will fix.please give details <> #232
Samsung Galaxy S Plus......won't let me download updates for apps installed since beginning of July! Very annoying....please fix!!! <> #233
Hey guys for some reason my phone says its downloading free games from you
but then it doesn't download but its still taking data to do this, I have a
HTC 1x & my plan is with virgin, PLEASE HELP!!!!
but then it doesn't download but its still taking data to do this, I have a
HTC 1x & my plan is with virgin, PLEASE HELP!!!! <> #234
brand new htc one s. cant download from google play (or update) via mobile network. have tried clearing data and cache of google play, formatting (twice) using different gmail account and everything else I can think of. Seriously google, you've got a reputation as teh budget smartphone because you can't fix what should be simple issues like this (been a problem since 1.5 cupcake for me). Why do you think the rich kids buy Apple? <> #235
same problem on Samsung Galaxy S plus Android 2.3.4
SHAME <> #236
Same problem here. I'm from Oman. <> #237
Same problem here in Croatia Samsung S+ 2.3.5 <> #238
Same problem from last one month.. Is google going to solve this problem or not?????? <> #239
Same problem, jeez smart phone without Google Play SUCKS! <> #240
here is the solution...from my experience and worked for me..
download latest version of playstore i.e. 3.8.17 then install not open ..use titanium to wipe data ...then open link2sd..then click on google playstore and then click on action and convert it to system app then clear cache and data files using lind2sd and there u goo...need root to use link2sd..
download latest version of playstore i.e. 3.8.17 then install not open ..use titanium to wipe data ...then open link2sd..then click on google playstore and then click on action and convert it to system app then clear cache and data files using lind2sd and there u goo...need root to use link2sd.. <> #241
NEC 909e - Google Play 3.8.17 don't work with Android 2.3 5 gingerbread. When will be fix for it?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #242
Same problem ,anak haram betoi google , aku baru ja nak rasa guna nset android. <> #243
I was having the same issue as everyone else... I have a new Galaxy S2 and Google Play would just spin its wheels trying to install or upgrade any app. It would work over 3G/4G, however. I forced my phone to connect to the 5Ghz band instead of 2.4Ghz band on my Belkin router and the wi-fi suddenly worked. Hopefully this will help someone else! <> #244
is there a permanent solution to this problem already??? <> #245
I have a LG Optimistic V and the same problem. This is just a sad pathetic thing indeed. <> #246
after following the listed solution on my samsung galaxy s pus 2.3.6 (non rooted)I am still facing the problem.After going to settings - applications- manage applications - play store -unistall updates,play store is now wiped out of my phone , but the downloaded apps work . please advise. Thank you. <> #247
plz any frn plz give me googleplay user name & password for galexy s <> #248
[Comment deleted] <> #249
same here with s + 19001, very frustrating indeed. Tried d suggested solution on gmail troubleshooting download, didnt get it fixed. <> #250
[Comment deleted] <> #251
I was having this problem too and found no solutions on web forums. Eventually I came across this Google support page which had the fix for my phone:
In a nutshell:
1) Cancel all (failing) updates.
2) Go to Settings->Applications->Amanage Applications->All->Market/Play Store
Clear the cache and if possible data
3) Open Google "Talk"->Menu->Sign out
Reopen Google talk to sign in again
After those steps, updates worked again for me. So I am assuming an authentication problem caused the updates to fail in my case. Hope that helps.
HTC desire (the first one)
In a nutshell:
1) Cancel all (failing) updates.
2) Go to Settings->Applications->Amanage Applications->All->Market/Play Store
Clear the cache and if possible data
3) Open Google "Talk"->Menu->Sign out
Reopen Google talk to sign in again
After those steps, updates worked again for me. So I am assuming an authentication problem caused the updates to fail in my case. Hope that helps.
HTC desire (the first one)
Vodaphone <> #252
I uninstall play store. after dis play store not downloding <> #253
Apps not downloading on my Samsung galaxy. Play store giving trouble <> #254
Had the same isses after upgrading to ICS on my galaxy note. I couldn't download anything fro playstor and had other issues like interupting music playing. I did a factory setting (wipe out) with the hope to downgrade so to Gingerbread. It did not downgrade but that reset solved all my problems and ICS is fine now. It looked like there were some bugs on program files remaining during the initial upgrade
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #255
holy fuck was it really necessary for 8222 people to ""say same problem here "? <> #256
If ppl dont complain how will samsung know that they scruwed up so badly... Same problem here... Samsung what the fuck have u done <> #257
Hi, guys i gotta solution for this issue, click on Settings>Applications>Maanage Applications and playstore,clear data here id possible and then uninstall updates, after doing this open play store again, this time itll be showing old android market icon, after opening itll ask yes or no. click on yes and close it, again reopen. woala...!! itll surely work :)
for any replies mail me at
thank u. :)
for any replies mail me at
thank u. :) <> #258
[Comment deleted] <> #259
I finde sultion for this problem , just remove the microSD card <> #260
same deal as all you guys, S1 i900, S2 4G GT-i9210T x 2 Galaxy 4g tab 8.9, none will download via WIFI from Play store, all work 100% on data network, have opened everything on Draytek 2700VG, and have tried all tips, uninstall Play store, clear cache etc etc nothing is working.
cheers <> #261
I have the same problem on a Google nexus 7, hope they do some thing about
It as I am very unhappy can't download or update anything
It as I am very unhappy can't download or update anything <> #262
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #263
It is soooooper not being able to upgrade away from buggy
Google analytics continue to work
No, just like they A D W A R E google encourages and F A C I L I T A T E S they getvtheirs and we get kackED
"opt" out of some of their bs with
available from XDA forums
Google innovates new ways to
R A P E for P R O F I T
Google analytics continue to work
No, just like they A D W A R E google encourages and F A C I L I T A T E S they getvtheirs and we get kackED
"opt" out of some of their bs with
available from XDA forums
Google innovates new ways to
R A P E for P R O F I T <> #264
just want to know what is the latest google play store version? <> #265
[Comment deleted] <> #266
Th same problem with GT-I9000M <> #267
[Comment deleted] <> #268
i have tried pratically everything here and WOALA!same problem. i can surf, i can download using samsung apps, i can watch vids on youtube, but i cannot download on playstore... not on my router, and till now i tried other 4 routers and nothing.
BUT it works when network is activated and wireless deactiv. BUT I PAY 10(monthly) euros FOR 500MB PLAN!
Galaxy S3 mint condition 1 month use, and never will be rooted.
BUT it works when network is activated and wireless deactiv. BUT I PAY 10(monthly) euros FOR 500MB PLAN!
Galaxy S3 mint condition 1 month use, and never will be rooted. <> #269
please stop emailing me this. <> #270
stop emailing me this
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #271
i have samsung gt i9000 galaxy s it doesn't preload with google play store. how to fix this? i have rest mz phone but useles. please help <> #272
To ranimibir: go to settings app manager and use left button to reset aplication settings and next time u try to download something it will ask what to open and pickbplay store <> #273
[Comment deleted] <> #274
I had the same update/download problems, it just wouldn't start.
I tried all solutions above nothing worked, tried at another location with wifi and it was ok. So the problemn was either my profider or my wifi router.
I opened all ports disabled the firewall : nothing then i phoned my profider (Lijbrandt) they told me they don't block any ports but she told me to try a DNS server from google so i set my Secondary DNS in my router to and everything worked immediatly. Even after switching on my firewall etc etc.
So try to configure your Router with an DNS server from Google ( or and
I tried all solutions above nothing worked, tried at another location with wifi and it was ok. So the problemn was either my profider or my wifi router.
I opened all ports disabled the firewall : nothing then i phoned my profider (Lijbrandt) they told me they don't block any ports but she told me to try a DNS server from google so i set my Secondary DNS in my router to and everything worked immediatly. Even after switching on my firewall etc etc.
So try to configure your Router with an DNS server from Google ( or and <> #275
Маркет не загружает приложения!!!!! <> #276
HTC Desire Z comments: The phone freezes completely after upgrade/download has finished. The phone can now only be used as a bare-bones basic phone. Very nice. <> #277
The Desire Z has been removed from the list of supported devices [ imagine major swearing here, and at HTC, too ]. I'm still on 2.2, as I still hope that CM will give me ICS or JB one day. <> #278
having same issue
reset my mytouch4g back to froyo 2.2.1, issues with google play store since then. can't install any applications through google play. Shows "No Connection". The old android market app works just fine, but auto updates to the google play store, which doesn't work. Uninstalled the updates, reverting back to android market and works, but android keeps automatically updating to google play.
reset my mytouch4g back to froyo 2.2.1, issues with google play store since then. can't install any applications through google play. Shows "No Connection". The old android market app works just fine, but auto updates to the google play store, which doesn't work. Uninstalled the updates, reverting back to android market and works, but android keeps automatically updating to google play. <> #279
Trying to prevent the auto-update, I managed to now even destroy the market's functionality. Next step: Factory reset, OR an inofficial JB image... <> #280
I have the same problem with my HTC sensation XE, the google play store and facebook doesn't work. It's been almost a week that its not working I've tried changing the ROM but it still doesn't work. I hope that google will do something about
it............ <> #281
hello google and samsung, mine is GTP7300 got the same problem, google play can not work....and I try to update via google play web. it also does not work.....suck <> #282
hello again, im back to say that my google store already works! i do not know how but suddenly it works. :p <> #283
i cant downloading anything Same problem here, it seems that this is international bug related to galaxy s plus, plz gve answr <> #284
Google should be ashamed of claiming itself to be the best comparing itself with APPLE and iPhone, it should rather first learn to provide a quality product because all the free products have access to all the privacy of a person, access of phone books, accounts, data use and all the sensitive stuffs... damn! where is the privacy?? And there are shit problems and only the techno geeks can try solving and others drag their asses. <> #285
@283 this website is for issues with AOSP Android not Google apps such as Play Store. Please goto and click on help in the footer and contact Play support directly. You won't get anyone from the Play team reading these issues. <> #286
Stop <> #287
Philips W732 Play Market error 495 <> #288
please, i am havings similar problem of connection time out whenever i want to enter the play store. when i finally did a factory reset, i returned to the old version of andriod market. now, am trying to log into my gmail account so that i can access the market, but it keeps saying that a reliable connection is not established with the server. please i realy need help.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #289
[Comment deleted] <> #290
I am having this issue on my Galaxy S plus. Downloaded apps in Google Play Store not showing. <> #291
hi guys I have a Samsung nexus, and I am having an issue that play store will not even open, I click on the icon then the app shuts down back to my home screen, when I restart my phone I get this message " has stopped working" a complete pain in the ass Google is normally spot on with up dates and so on so I don't see any reason why they could not have seen this issue and fixed it before the release of the update, is that not why you test something first before you send out unsecure updates, GOOGLE PLEASE sort this asap <> #292
after looking at these comments it is clear that the issue is to do with the incompatibility with Samsung phones not just the Samsung s's <> #293
after looking at these comments it is clear that the issue is to do with the incompatibility with Samsung phones not just the Samsung s's <> #294
@290 saying "Google fix this please" is pointless and a waste of your time. This website is for issues with AOSP Android not Google apps such as Play Store. Please goto and click on help in the footer and contact Play support. No-one who has the power to fix your issue will be reading this website. <> #295
hi. u must unninstall app then reinstall from samsung choice. take out the
sd ccard before doing it. shud work... mine still working perfectly... good
sd ccard before doing it. shud work... mine still working perfectly... good
luck <> #296
Same issue with MY Galaxy Note 2 <> #297
Same here.. i can't even go into Google Play now.. It just shut off by itself.!! <> <> #298
Market does not start play on my Samsung. handset model samsung GT-N7102.KAK FIX THE PROBLEM, HELP! <> #299
erreur d'installation inconnu -24 <> #300
same with galaxy s4 value edition... i think after i uninstall big game ( 1.5gb) i couldnt install it again... now i can't install any big app because off error 905... <> #301
Same for the Samsung galaxy A5... <> #302
Same problem in galaxy tab 3 lite <> #303
Android 4.2.2 <> #304
Unable to open Google play store in my Datawind ubislate 3g7 tab after downloading googleplaystore app. <> #305
I am having this problem now on my brand new Samsung S7 Edge. I have tried force stopping, clearing data, clearing cache, but still just sits and spins at downloading. All other internet access works, just can't download anything from google play. <> #306
Same problems.Galaxy S5,lolipop 5.1. Stock.Tried all suggestions online. No answer from google. <> #307
I have a Samsung tab A and I keep getting a message "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped. It won't let me do anything on my tablet. As soon as I select ok it gives me enough time to hit one key on the keyboard and then the message pops up again! and again and again! I select "report" but the message keeps popping up. I can't do anything as long as the message is there. It freezes any other actions on my tablet. I have tried turning the tablet off over and over but no luck!