Status Update
Comments <> #2
I am facing the same problem, I'd like to see this resolved! <> <> #3
Hi, could you clarify what the problem is in your app? There isn't a "service cache" so I want to make sure I understand exactly what is going wrong. Am I correct in thinking that the issue is you have an account service published by your app, and that is being lost by the account manager after a reboot? <> #4
I'll chime in here as I was helping the dev diagnose this issue earlier today. You're correct; it's an account service that is being removed by Package Manager on boot, seemingly because it generates/updates the list of services before the install location (/mnt/asec) is mounted.
I/SystemServer( 307): Account Manager
D/PackageManager( 307): generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 6 services:
D/PackageManager( 307): Service removed: AuthenticatorDescription {type=org.mots.haxsync.account}
D/AccountManagerService( 307): deleting account XXXX because type org.mots.haxsync.account no longer has a registered authenticator
I/AccountManagerService( 307): the accounts changed, sending broadcast of android.accounts.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_CHANGED
I/SystemServer( 307): Account Manager
D/PackageManager( 307): generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 6 services:
D/PackageManager( 307): Service removed: AuthenticatorDescription {type=org.mots.haxsync.account}
D/AccountManagerService( 307): deleting account XXXX because type org.mots.haxsync.account no longer has a registered authenticator
I/AccountManagerService( 307): the accounts changed, sending broadcast of android.accounts.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_CHANGED <> #6
Any news on this? This issue combined with the inability to answer to answer Google Play reviews (Why only top devs? What are the criteria for becoming one?) is giving me lots of undeserved one-star-ratings :/ <> #7
I've checked the AndroidManifest.xml of another app reported as not being affected of this issue. I couldn't see any difference to my manifest file. They didn't even specify "internalOnly".
What is this?
What is this? <> #8
Was the other app free? I currently suspect this has to do with the "encryption for paid apps" supposedly introduced with Jelly Bean. <> #9
Yes. Can someone test it with my free app CardDAV-Sync free beta? It uses (almost) the same manifest that I use for the paid version (which is reported to be affected) <> #10
A user confirmed that the accounts of the free version are not affected. I guess it's possible to create a free dummy app that doesn't sync actually but contains an authenticator for the account name.
However, there is still the problem that all Nexus users have to install that app.
However, there is still the problem that all Nexus users have to install that app. <> #11
Also, this workaround really shouldn't be necessary. If it's really the new JB encryption that causes this, give us an option to disable it.
This looks like a typical case of DRM only affecting paying customers - pirates just download the apk and don't even notice this issue.
This looks like a typical case of DRM only affecting paying customers - pirates just download the apk and don't even notice this issue. <> #12
My workaround seems to work. Several users reported that their accounts don't vanish anymore on reboot.
I can send out a template to interested developers, just send me an email:
I'm going to publish it under an open source license.
@Google: We need a new app category at Google Play called "Workarounds for Android bugs"
I can send out a template to interested developers, just send me an email:
I'm going to publish it under an open source license.
@Google: We need a new app category at Google Play called "Workarounds for Android bugs" <> #13
I am having this EXACT same issue with my paid app "Enhanced Email". I contacted Marc Blank at Google and he filed an internal bug report prior to me seeing this bug report. I emailed him this bug report as well. Hopefully this can get resolved soon. <> #14
Just to add more info:
* Paid app
* Android 4.1.1
* I register accounts with AccountManager
Google Play store installs my app to the sdcard in Jelly Bean which is a no-no for apps that register accounts with the AccountManager. User reboots device and accounts are lost due to the sdcard not getting mounted prior to the AccountManager doing its recon
* Paid app
* Android 4.1.1
* I register accounts with AccountManager
Google Play store installs my app to the sdcard in Jelly Bean which is a no-no for apps that register accounts with the AccountManager. User reboots device and accounts are lost due to the sdcard not getting mounted prior to the AccountManager doing its recon <> #15
I am user of paid EnhancedEmail and I would like to move to Android 4.1.1 soon.
However this bug would be showstopper for me. Fix it soon, please.
However this bug would be showstopper for me. Fix it soon, please. <> #16
I got several reports from Galaxy Nexus/Jelly Bean users stating that their devices are not affected. Is it possible that this happens on rooted devices only? <> #17
Another user reported, he uses two of my (paid) apps and only of both accounts has been removed on boot ... <> #18
Im a user of Marten's apps (CardDAV and CalDAV sync)
The problem exists in the original anroid 4.1.1 release for the Galaxy Nexus.
No root or modifications, just plain stock!
The problem exists in the original anroid 4.1.1 release for the Galaxy Nexus.
No root or modifications, just plain stock! <> #19
@marten the key is this only happens when the app is installed through the play store. if someone side loads your app or restores from a titanium backup then the problem does not occur. this issue is being caused specifically by the Google play store app on android 4.1.1 <> #20
I bought the App (CalDAV Sync) before my Galaxy Nexus got Jelly Bean (no root) and seem to be unaffected. So consistent with comment above, seems to be a Play store problem. <> #21
This is happening with both cal-dav and card-dav sync on a brand new non rooter nexus 7. The app works great but my accounts disappear on reboot. <> #22
Same here with my Nexus S. The app was already installed before the upgrade happened and everything seems fine. No need for the bug work around app. <> #23
Update: on first boot after the upgrade to Jelly Bean everything is fine, but then if you reboot the phone it looses the accounts. So Jelly Bean is broken on the Nexus S too. <> #24
Same issue with SmoothSync For Cloud Calendar on JB 4.1.1 non-rooted Nexus 7. <> #25
Many 3rd-party live wallpapers, widgets etc. don't survive a phone reboot, this is an extremely *critical* issue. My OTA-updated Nexus S is practically unusable. <> #26
I agree, Google should upgrade the Priority on this issue! <> #27
[Comment deleted] <> #28
I got reports from users of my app TaskSync for Exchange, too. Without accounts, the app cannot work. This issue renders apps relying on the accounts totally useless. It should be the highest priority, not medium as the account system is critical for many apps. Please fix this asap or provide a reliable workaround. <> #29
Just to confirm: the workaround described by Marten seems to work according to user reports. I pushed it yesterday ( ) and haven't gotten any complaints so far. It's not perfect and by far not a clean solution, but I'd recommend devs waiting for a fix to implement it to avoid one-star-ratings. <> #30
This Is A Terrible Bug, And Makes A Couple Apps I Use Completely Broken. Google Should Fix This asap. <> #31
Really, it's unacceptable that Google released the Jelly Bean OTA update for Nexus S when they were aware of this critical issue since July 13. <> #32
User of Marten's app; can also confirm that the workaround is valid. <> #33
I'm also a user of Marten's app, and the workaround semi-works, the "semi" being that with the CardDAV-Sync-App (syncs contacts to CardDAV-Server) it is no longer possible to edit the contacts with the workaround installed. When uninstalled, the fields become available for editing again, but it is impossible to uninstall end reinstall the app every time you want to edit a contact. <> #34
@33: I'm trying to come up with a workaround for the workaround, but I'm not sure if it will work.
Alternatively use my app "Contact Editor Free" until this bug is fixed.
@Google: Why is the status still "Needsinfo"? What else do you need to know?
Alternatively use my app "Contact Editor Free" until this bug is fixed.
@Google: Why is the status still "Needsinfo"? What else do you need to know? <> #35
Please could you fix this as soon as possible. This is the best application on the market and a shame for the developer it is in this position
Many thanks
Many thanks
David <> #36
I'm a heavy user of paid widget apps and this bug is REALLY annoying for me cuz each time i reboot my nexus s i have to re-add and reset several widgets,that makes my phone TOTALLY UNREBOOTABLE.Why is this still a medium-priority issue? <> #37
I've developed several paid live wallpapers and now some of my users are complaining about this issue. Currently I don't have access to a Jellybean device so there's very little I can do. Please, Google, fix this NOW. In the meantime, and now I'm asking other developers, what is the best strategy to follow? Thanks. <> #38
[Comment deleted] <> #39
This issue also affects apps which implement pluggable/themeing mechanics via 3rd party APK as Poweramp does with its themes. Poweramp skins installed via Google Play on 4.1.1 to /mnt/asec/ are not readable by Poweramp, thus skin resources are not available. Please fix this/provide option to avoid installation to the secure mount. <> #40
Same problem here!! Most Widgets disappear and it goes to jelly bean's default keyboard on every boot! <> #41
"Please fix this/provide option to avoid installation to the secure mount."
I think that they should revert to the previous behavior as default behavior, then provide an option for installation to the secure mount. They can't break backward compatibility with thousands of existing applications.
I think that they should revert to the previous behavior as default behavior, then provide an option for installation to the secure mount. They can't break backward compatibility with thousands of existing applications.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #42
I can confirm that the mentioned Titanium backup solution works. Use it to make a backup and then uninstall the apps (using Titanium backup). Then use Titanium backup to re-install the apps and the widgets are here to stay ;-) <> #43
It's not a solution, it's an ugly workaround which requires a 3rd party application (Titanium Backup) on a rooted device. <> #44
I too am affected by this. none of my homescreen widgets work when I reboot unless I readd then to the homescreen. unacceptable Google. fix immediately. <> #45
I have been refunding people with this issue so they can purchase a copy of my app from the Amazon appstore. If Google losing money doesn't get someone's attention then I don't know what will. <> #46
The Titanium Backup workaround doesn't work for TaskSync. This remains a bug which renders it essentially unusable. <> #47
Any updates on this? The workaround is far from perfect and I still get bad reviews thanks to this issue. <> #48
it looks like the only way to get attention to this is to get every android news site to blast this on the net. everybody, please do your part to get more attention to this matter. can we get a list of all apps currently affected? <> #49
What about renaming this issue to something sounding more disastrous? Like "Accounts of paid apps get deleted on reboot"? I don't know if you can rename an issue, but I think this would lead to more attention by the devs.
@49: I agree. I already posted this on G+, but no one in my circles seems to be interested.
@49: I agree. I already posted this on G+, but no one in my circles seems to be interested. <> #50
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #51
End user here. This is a terrible bug and extremely amateurish on the part of Google. My phone has gone from being quick and reliable to bordering on useless since the release of ICS and now JB. FIX IT ANDROID DEV TEAM - I want a phone that does more than play games or post to Twitter/Facebook. <> #52
iPhone 5 supposed to be released on September 21. I've been a loyal Android user for years, but if Google can't get its act together and fix this serious problem, I will have to consider switching to the dark side. Google, absolutely no excuse for not fixing this. Couldn't possibly take much time or effort. <> #53
@simply.mots: this (AccountManager being initialized before /mnt/asec is ready) is internal bug 36949180 , fixed in a future release by 26ff6626fc4ee0ae46f01ad309b366921da589fe. <> #54
[Comment deleted] <> #55
My widgets, even a free one, wont load. Neither an alternate launcher (spb shell 3D). I've tried manual install of apk without the play store and that didnt work at all *cry cry cry* <> #56 this isn't only a problem of "AccountManager being initialized before /mnt/asec is ready", paid live wallpapers disappear on shutdown etc. I think that's because /mnt/asec is also prematurely unmounted on shutdown (in addition to being mounted too late on bootup). Moreover, let me tell that this is a *critical* issue which deserves an *immediate* fix, not a "future" fix. You've broken thousands of paid live wallpapers, widgets, 3rd-party keyboards, sync providers etc. etc.... *thousands* of applications. <> #57
@Google: Can you give us an option in Google Play to disable installation to /mount/asec until this future release is ready? <> #58
@Google: This is a joke, right? At least give us a timeframe when the fix will be available! <> #59
@Google: Or maybe classify this bug higher than "Priority-Medium". Bugs happen but it doesn't exactly encourage developers, does it, if you leave this kind of bug as "we'll fix it sometime soon" :-( <> #60
@Google: utterly ridiculous. Bump the priority and fix this ASAP. Are you actively trying to drive away the people that love Android most? <> #61
Update: I can reproduce this issue also when I use the USB mass storage (I connect the phone as USB mass storage and it loses active paid live wallpapers, widgets etc.). It looks like /mnt/asec is on the SD card, so when the system unmounts the SD memory (on shutdown or on USB mass storage mode) it loses access to paid applications. <> #62
@google : if this has a workaround, please publish it. If it doesn't then the issue should be a higher priority with an immediate fix coming. Thank you. <> #63
On power cycles I have swiftkey and beautiful widgets disappear. It seems like programs installed to the USB are disapearing and need to be re-added on every power cycle. This will drive consumers away from these apps and drive people away from andoid if this is not fixed. <> #64
Try uninstalling and reinstalling those apps. I had the same widget disappearing issue with HD Widgets but it seems the latest Play Store now installs those apps in /data/app and not /mnt/asec anymore.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling those apps. I had the same widget disappearing issue with HD Widgets but it seems the latest Play Store now installs those apps in /data/app and not /mnt/asec anymore. <> #65
What worked for me was removing those apps, mounting the SDcard partition on my PC, and while mounted, re-installing the apps from Play Store. <> #66
I tried this the moment the new (.15) version of Play Store was installed, but despite removing and reinstalling, I still have my Tasks and Locus Pro widgets removed after reboots or sometimes when mounting/unmounting the SD. (of course they are being shown as installed on internal memory)
I tried this the moment the new (.15) version of Play Store was installed, but despite removing and reinstalling, I still have my Tasks and Locus Pro widgets removed after reboots or sometimes when mounting/unmounting the SD. (of course they are being shown as installed on internal memory) <> #67
I did the same right after 3.7.15 was pushed and it didn't work back then.
However, a few days ago I tried again (uninstall/reinstall hd widgets) and it worked (installed to /data/app and not /mnt/asec). Maybe google pushed an updated play store without bumping the version#.
Looking at the last modification date of my vending apk in /data/app it shows a date of 7/28 - and I believe 3.7.15 came out a at least quite some days before then.
I did the same right after 3.7.15 was pushed and it didn't work back then.
However, a few days ago I tried again (uninstall/reinstall hd widgets) and it worked (installed to /data/app and not /mnt/asec). Maybe google pushed an updated play store without bumping the version#.
Looking at the last modification date of my vending apk in /data/app it shows a date of 7/28 - and I believe 3.7.15 came out a at least quite some days before then. <> #68
I can confirm that with Play Store version 3.7.15 the problem seems to be solved for the Accounts.
Tested with CardDAV Sync.
I uninstalled the CardDAV Sync and CardDAV Sync JB Workaround. Reinstalled from Market, added the Account and rebooted the phone.
Tested with CardDAV Sync.
I uninstalled the CardDAV Sync and CardDAV Sync JB Workaround. Reinstalled from Market, added the Account and rebooted the phone. <> #70
This technically shouldn't be fixed via a Play store update after reading comment #54 ( ) above. It looks like it's an AccountManager issue which would be fixed via a new Android point release in the future. Not sure if Google put a workaround in the Play store app for the meantime.
In case no one has noticed, this bug report has already been closed as of August 1 and the status has been changed to "FutureRelease".
In case no one has noticed, this bug report has already been closed as of August 1 and the status has been changed to "FutureRelease". <> #71
I can confirm that Play Store 3.7.15 did *NOT* fix the issue. <> #72
@loosethi (and the others)
It actually worked for me this time. Rebooted twice and my Locus Pro and Tasks widgets are in place. Maybe indeed there has been a "secret" update that didn't make it to the numbers. But maybe not, here's the thing: My sdcard mount name is now "sdcard0" instead of just "sdcard" ("/storage/sdcard0") and I have a small idea why this might have happened - I mounted the sdcard to copy some files, then removed the device without unmounting. Then I tried to mount again and the device froze for a little bit. Eventually it unstuck, and it mounted, and it was after all this that I noticed the change to /sdcard0. I leave it up to you to connect the dots because I'm confused :)
It actually worked for me this time. Rebooted twice and my Locus Pro and Tasks widgets are in place. Maybe indeed there has been a "secret" update that didn't make it to the numbers. But maybe not, here's the thing: My sdcard mount name is now "sdcard0" instead of just "sdcard" ("/storage/sdcard0") and I have a small idea why this might have happened - I mounted the sdcard to copy some files, then removed the device without unmounting. Then I tried to mount again and the device froze for a little bit. Eventually it unstuck, and it mounted, and it was after all this that I noticed the change to /sdcard0. I leave it up to you to connect the dots because I'm confused :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #76
@73: My device also now has storage/sdcard0, I never connected to to other devices.
Should this be a silent update?
Should this be a silent update? <> #77
The bug is not fixed for me. I still have the problem of disappearing paid widgets.
I have JB and Play Store 3.7.15. After reboot the widget of my paid app disappears. I reinstalled and rebooted several times. Always the same error. After reboot widget disappears. I use the paid version of "tasks" app for that.
Is it possible that the problem have something to do with my full-disc encryption?
Does anybody have a full-disc encryption and the widgets of paid apps does not disappear?
I have JB and Play Store 3.7.15. After reboot the widget of my paid app disappears. I reinstalled and rebooted several times. Always the same error. After reboot widget disappears. I use the paid version of "tasks" app for that.
Is it possible that the problem have something to do with my full-disc encryption?
Does anybody have a full-disc encryption and the widgets of paid apps does not disappear? <> #78
I don't have full encryption enabled, and I still experience the bug, so that shouldn't be connected.
Aaah it's frustrating when you know a bug has already been fixed and it is just waiting (probably several months) for a release. Who wants to guess when JB 4.1.2 will be released, and when it will actually be OTA's to handsets? :-/
Aaah it's frustrating when you know a bug has already been fixed and it is just waiting (probably several months) for a release. Who wants to guess when JB 4.1.2 will be released, and when it will actually be OTA's to handsets? :-/ <> #79
I dont have full disk encryption.
Probably the new Play Store just respects the «internalOnly» flag and your widget apps do not set that.
Sad that Google does not provide any information on this bug, so we can only guess what they have done.
Probably the new Play Store just respects the «internalOnly» flag and your widget apps do not set that.
Sad that Google does not provide any information on this bug, so we can only guess what they have done. <> #80
[Comment deleted] <> #81
FYI: The German Website Heise posted last week that a silent update fixed this. I wonder where the information came from... <> #82
@jan: Likely you refer to " " which has an official English translation linked at the end of the article.
The article ends with
According to one report, the new version of Google Play now saves paid-for apps to /data/app again, meaning that Google has deactivated the copy protection feature for now. Google has not commented publicly on the problem.
which reads to me as the same level of "interpretation of observations without confirmation" as this thread does.
The article ends with
According to one report, the new version of Google Play now saves paid-for apps to /data/app again, meaning that Google has deactivated the copy protection feature for now. Google has not commented publicly on the problem.
which reads to me as the same level of "interpretation of observations without confirmation" as this thread does. <> #83
Heise informations were plain wrong. Nothing has been fixed. <> #84
At the day when that article came out, I uninstalled my favorite paid-widget app (at that tome stored in "/mnt/asec") and reinstalled it from Google Play, and it was not installed in "/mnt/asec" any more.
So something was (at least temporarily) changed in Google Play on the server side (versions of OS, Google Play and the App were identical).
Sad to say: When I repeat the same steps today, I am back at the "/mnt/asec" location, and the widget vanishes upon reboot. However, the version of the affected App in Google Play has been changed (for other reasons; has nothing to do with this issue).
So either Google reverted whatever they changed last week, or they only modified all apps submitted to Google Play at a single moment in time, and Apps resubmitted since are again infected.
So something was (at least temporarily) changed in Google Play on the server side (versions of OS, Google Play and the App were identical).
Sad to say: When I repeat the same steps today, I am back at the "/mnt/asec" location, and the widget vanishes upon reboot. However, the version of the affected App in Google Play has been changed (for other reasons; has nothing to do with this issue).
So either Google reverted whatever they changed last week, or they only modified all apps submitted to Google Play at a single moment in time, and Apps resubmitted since are again infected. <> #85
I installed paid apps when Jelly Bean for Nexus S was released, when Play Store 3.7.15 was released, when that Heise article was published and today... nothing has ever been fixed, paid apps were always installed to /mnt/asec. <> #86
Problem is - even my free apps are installed at /mnt/asec.
FYI, my apps are all Go LauncherEX theme packs. I'm guessing what's said in comment 39 effects this, as this is also theme-ing engine of sorts.
And, I can also confirm that
1. Backup->Uninstall->Restore using Titanium Backup makes the apps work.
2. The latest Play Store 3.7.15 doesn't fix this issue.
FYI, my apps are all Go LauncherEX theme packs. I'm guessing what's said in comment 39 effects this, as this is also theme-ing engine of sorts.
And, I can also confirm that
1. Backup->Uninstall->Restore using Titanium Backup makes the apps work.
2. The latest Play Store 3.7.15 doesn't fix this issue. <> #87
The new Play Store 3.8.15 keeps installing paid apps to /mnt/asec. This issue remains unfixed. <> #88
Installed CM10 nightly on my Nexus S this morning. Swiftkey keyboard is always disabled after reboot, and SVOX voice synthesis keeps complaining about wrong installation. I guess both problems are caused by this. Play Store version is 3.8.16, Titanium Backup workaround doesn't fixed this. <> #89
[Comment deleted] <> #90
It's a real disgrace how long it takes Google to fix this bug. I wished I found this bug report earlier, because I did a factory reset and even flashed the Jelly Bean factory rom to my phone (Nexus S). :-( <> #91
Solve please..! <> #92
I can't believe there is still no fix for this issue. Sensation with cm10. <> #93
This is really getting more and more annoying. Every paid app's widget is removed from the screen after a reboot. Only way to work around this, is removing the battery instead of rebooting the phone appropriately. Will there be a fix soon, or do I have to flash a stock Android 4.0.4 on my Nexus S and lose all data - again?
I was hoping, the latest Play Store app (3.8.16) could solve the problem, but that also didn't help.
I was hoping, the latest Play Store app (3.8.16) could solve the problem, but that also didn't help. <> #94
Unfortunately I have some displays error as well. When I click the application button I see some weird large text (name of application, e.g: At bat) and blank pages instead of all application icons. So I frequently have to reboot my phone. Damn, Android OS has become the new Windows OS... :) <> #95
Same issue for me, The WheatherPro widget disappears and also the default keyboard restores to the default keyboard instead of SwiftKey. Please fix. <> #96
Incompetent a-holes!!!! Google, wake-up!!!! You're spoiling the experience!!! <> #97
The time being taken to produce a solution for this is very disappointing. Come on Google !!!! <> #98
I have a stock Nexus S which received OTA Jelly Bean a few weeks ago. The battery life was brutal so after reading some forum posts I did a full reset and re-install. First I was disappointed as nothing reinstalled automatically (it has worked before on my tablets), and now this bug is affecting me with many of my widgets.
We need a hotfix immediately. Google needs to address this if they want android to be taken seriously.
We need a hotfix immediately. Google needs to address this if they want android to be taken seriously. <> #99
Oh, wow. Adding this to my favourites, in case I ever want to write about "How to completely screw up 3rd party developer AND user relations in one go". The non-existing references to a central place where Google tries to sort this thing out with the developers, and where actually any information and status updates are happening is truly exemplary! <> #100
Same issue with SwiftKey 3 and a paid live wallpaper. <> #101
[Comment deleted] <> #102
Stock Nexus S with Jelly Bean recently installed. I have two widgets disappearing on each reboot, and initially blamed the app developers! Sorry! Google, please fix urgently. <> #103
I installed CM10 on my Milestone 2 and I have the same problem... <> #104
¡¡Thanks for the solution of Titanium!!! It's ok!! :) <> #105
I have version 3.8.17 of the Google Play Android client on my Nexus S. Is this the latest version? If so, then the roblem hasn't been fixed yet. :-( Some of my paid apps (owncloud, Swiftkey3, etc.) still don't work... this is very annoying. What a pity that the other big smartphone platform sucks even more! <> #106
This bug is rendering one of my critical business applications unusable. Please fix ASAP! <> #107
Still nothing? Come on Google, just provide us devs with a switch to disable the encryption in Google Play! I never wanted it in the first place, now it's breaking my app.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #108
One more confirmation of the persistence of this bug. I just flashed Andromadus Jelly Bean 3.x-85 onto my T-Mobile G2 today, along with GApps . The Play Store updated itself to 3.8.17. I installed CardDAV-sync and the Store placed it in /mnt/asec. I synced some contacts from my CardDAV server and then rebooted the phone. The contacts disappeared.
The Titanium Backup workaround was successful: backing up, deleting, and then restoring the app moves it to /data/app. I pre-emptively did the same thing with CalDAV-sync before setting up my calendar.
Too bad there's no way to re-open this issue, because it is most definitely NOT fixed and therefore should not be closed.
The Titanium Backup workaround was successful: backing up, deleting, and then restoring the app moves it to /data/app. I pre-emptively did the same thing with CalDAV-sync before setting up my calendar.
Too bad there's no way to re-open this issue, because it is most definitely NOT fixed and therefore should not be closed. <> #109
I fear no one at Google is reading comments to closed (yet unfixed) bug reports. Maybe we should open new bug reports until this issue is finally fixed <> #110
Another class of applications affected by this issue are those that require "Device Administrator" status (Settings / Security / Device Administrators).
In my case it's the paid version of an application that directly locks the device, which looses this status after each reboot and thus stops working until this setting is redone.
In my case it's the paid version of an application that directly locks the device, which looses this status after each reboot and thus stops working until this setting is redone. <> #111
[Comment deleted] <> #112
Same problem here - Nexus S with CM JB
Beautiful Home Weather widget disappearing and SwiftKey disabled after reboot.. please fix it guys!
Beautiful Home Weather widget disappearing and SwiftKey disabled after reboot.. please fix it guys! <> #113
At least you can tell us when you plan to roll out a fix for this issue! I fear the Nexus S is my first and last Nexus/Android device. Well, then I can finally delete my Google account. Good night! <> #114
The solution with titanium backup worked for me!
1. take a backup of the app and data with TB
2. uninstall the app within TB (in my case Beatuful widgets and SwiftKey)
3. reinstall the app and data with TB from the backup.
1. take a backup of the app and data with TB
2. uninstall the app within TB (in my case Beatuful widgets and SwiftKey)
3. reinstall the app and data with TB from the backup. <> #115
Thanks. But this only works with "rooted" devices, right? <> #116
I am on stock (no root), and this worked for me.
Some apps I was able to install on an old HTC Dream, backup with ASTRO file manager, and side load the APK on JB. Others which do not support Android 1.6, or the version "Varies with device" I resorted to downloading from pirate sites and side loading them. It is sad that I have to priate apps that I purchased for them to work properly, all thanks to buggy anti-piracy measures.
Some apps I was able to install on an old HTC Dream, backup with ASTRO file manager, and side load the APK on JB. Others which do not support Android 1.6, or the version "Varies with device" I resorted to downloading from pirate sites and side loading them. It is sad that I have to priate apps that I purchased for them to work properly, all thanks to buggy anti-piracy measures. <> #117
I have the same problem with pure calendar, Beautiful widget, SwiftKey. When I reboot my phone the widgets desaeper and SwiftKey will be replaced by default keyboard.
Please fix it quickly.
I have the same problem with pure calendar, Beautiful widget, SwiftKey. When I reboot my phone the widgets desaeper and SwiftKey will be replaced by default keyboard.
Please fix it quickly. <> #118
hi, i have this problem with swiftkey 3, camera zoom fx and advance task killer pro <> #119
I use stock (and unrooted) Jelly Bean on a Nexus S phone. Every time I start my phone (or even more often - it seems) I have to readd a Doggcather widget to my desktop, enable the SwiftKey keyboard and than make it default. I used to love my Nexus phone, but now it seems rather irritating... <> #120
So fixed internally means we all wait 3 months for the maintenance release? This was fixed August 1st, it's September 14th and it drives me batty how I have to replace 2 widgets and restart SwiftKey every time something forces me to restart the phone.
Not to bug everyone with emails but this needs to be resolved already.
Not to bug everyone with emails but this needs to be resolved already. <> #121
It's not fixed, problems still occurs for example with Business Calendar.
Any comment from Google? A shame there isn't any proper bug tracking system...
Any comment from Google? A shame there isn't any proper bug tracking system... <> #122
Hi! I have opened a new issue requesting a fix for this issue. Maybe you should do the same. Spam them until this issue has been actually fixed! :) Or shall we start an online petition... <> #124
Hey, Google, do no evil! Your way of handling this is pretty high on the evil-o-meter... Just to summarize it once more:
- JB update breaks paid apps that provide account or input method functionality, or even just a live wallpaper or a widget
- Many of these apps are of higher-than-the-average quality, otherwise users wouldn't pay for them
- The apps are in many cases also more sophisticated than the average - i.e. offering functionality that's deeply integrated into the Android experience.
- The makers of the apps may depend on the income generated by the apps
- The affected users are the few percent who actually pay for apps instead of pirating them. The users of account-providing apps also might be those who know what they are doing, since they actually need such functionality. Those are guys that are being asked for advice by their less-technical peers before a purchase of a new smartphone...
How can I make this any more clear? The "best" developers and the "best" type of users are affected by this issue, and Google does not even comment, let alone roll out an emergency fix?
- JB update breaks paid apps that provide account or input method functionality, or even just a live wallpaper or a widget
- Many of these apps are of higher-than-the-average quality, otherwise users wouldn't pay for them
- The apps are in many cases also more sophisticated than the average - i.e. offering functionality that's deeply integrated into the Android experience.
- The makers of the apps may depend on the income generated by the apps
- The affected users are the few percent who actually pay for apps instead of pirating them. The users of account-providing apps also might be those who know what they are doing, since they actually need such functionality. Those are guys that are being asked for advice by their less-technical peers before a purchase of a new smartphone...
How can I make this any more clear? The "best" developers and the "best" type of users are affected by this issue, and Google does not even comment, let alone roll out an emergency fix? <> #125
I am on a HTC Desire HD running a CM10 based custom rom (JellyTime).
I also have this problem. For now, the workaround of backing up and restoring works (I used MyBackup Pro).
I also have this problem. For now, the workaround of backing up and restoring works (I used MyBackup Pro). <> #126
There is a fix for non-root users:
Install ES File Explorer
Go to settings->root setting and enable "Up to Root"
Go back and go up to the folder "/" (root folder)
Go to /mnt/asec
Find the folder that contains the paid app (it should have a similar name)
Open the folder and copy the pkg.apk file to your sd card (it should have the same icon as your app)
Uninstall the app
Open your sd card and install the pkg.apk file
This is from my reddit post here:
Hopefully this will get some more attention and let Google know it needs to be fixed
Install ES File Explorer
Go to settings->root setting and enable "Up to Root"
Go back and go up to the folder "/" (root folder)
Go to /mnt/asec
Find the folder that contains the paid app (it should have a similar name)
Open the folder and copy the pkg.apk file to your sd card (it should have the same icon as your app)
Uninstall the app
Open your sd card and install the pkg.apk file
This is from my reddit post here:
Hopefully this will get some more attention and let Google know it needs to be fixed <> #127
This does not work... at least not on my unrooted Nexus S with JB... I always get the error "pkg.apk copy failed". Applications I've tried: Owncloud and Swiftkey. Best solution: recycle your phone and get rid of google. <> #128
More fun: Connecting the phone to my pc and enabling USB storage triggers this bug.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #129
Guys... the left pane shows this: "Closed: Aug 1"
I think they (Google) have already closed this one... haven't they?
I think they (Google) have already closed this one... haven't they? <> #130
End user of TaskSync here on a Nexus 7. If I have to reboot my device for any reason, I have to re-enter all of my server / Exchange account information. <> #131
It's not fixed. See status: FutureRelease. The quality of Android has always been pre-alpha, and that is what is going on now. I don't get how something like paid apps not working is acceptable to any GPM responsible for this release. <> #132 <> #133
Great, this issue is NOT fixed in JRO03L... <> #134
This is definitely not a Medium priority bug, Google! The reputations of several developers are at stake here as most users will blame them for this defect and move on to other apps. And it's a terrible and frustrating experience for the users themselves anyway — imagine rebooting your phone to find your email accounts gone and your favourite keyboard replaced with the stock one, both of which you _paid_ for! Totally unacceptable, please bump up the priority on this one and fix it asap! <> #135
NOT FIXED! Go Sms paid themes are broken on jelly bean. GOOGLE needs to do something, it's incredible that after two months this problem hasn't been fixed. <> #136
This bug has obviously been forgotten, only solution is to re-post another one (37806). <> #138
I stopped using a paid app (Pocket Informant) because of this issue. Having to add back my accounts on every reboot became so annoying. <> #139
If you're rooted, there is a workaround until Google hires some devs who actually care about the Android ecosystem:
Install Titanium Backup Root
Backup the paid app in question
Go to the Play Store and uninstall the app
Open Titanium Backup Root and restore the paid app.
So you essentially have to pirate your purchases to get them to work. Way to go, Google.
Install Titanium Backup Root
Backup the paid app in question
Go to the Play Store and uninstall the app
Open Titanium Backup Root and restore the paid app.
So you essentially have to pirate your purchases to get them to work. Way to go, Google. <> #140
@137: ...and another one that has been closed as duplicate without any comment.
The latter is the most annoying thing: We don't get any information.
This is for me the most revealing and commemorated fact of this issue: The style how Google as a whole and as represented by a couple of individuals (those guys that close the other tickets without comment) fails to communicate.
Either those people are Google employees who are afraid of us, or those tickets are closed by some primary support level who is not entitled to speak, with the effect that product management people at Google don't even get to notice about the glass that is scattered here.
The latter is the most annoying thing: We don't get any information.
This is for me the most revealing and commemorated fact of this issue: The style how Google as a whole and as represented by a couple of individuals (those guys that close the other tickets without comment) fails to communicate.
Either those people are Google employees who are afraid of us, or those tickets are closed by some primary support level who is not entitled to speak, with the effect that product management people at Google don't even get to notice about the glass that is scattered here. <> #141
Hmm, except Google Play will want to update the app every time, which means you can't update your apps in a batch.
How can we signal Google that they forgot this bug? The Google Play support, on their part, claim that this has nothing to do with Google Play, so basically Nexus S owners are screwed.
How can we signal Google that they forgot this bug? The Google Play support, on their part, claim that this has nothing to do with Google Play, so basically Nexus S owners are screwed. <> #142
[Comment deleted] <> #143
Nexus S JB 4.1 here.
Widgets for beautiful Widgets get removed on reboot. SwiftKey is deactivated on reboot.
Same when pluging USB storage on computer.
Would you kindly provide some updates, Google ?
Widgets for beautiful Widgets get removed on reboot. SwiftKey is deactivated on reboot.
Same when pluging USB storage on computer.
Would you kindly provide some updates, Google ? <> #144
Jelly Bean (4.1.1) is such a mess on my Nexus S.
More Bugs (unrelated):
* When I want to call a contact I am always asked if I want to use the phone or SIP (Bria). I have already selected "Execute with" phone always several times
* I can setup and sync my Exchange Account (Work) only when Auto-Sync is enabled. When Auto-Sync is disabled during Setup I never receive E-Mails when I disable Auto-Sync after Setup the sync stops after a while.
Has anyone tried to downgrade to ICS on Nexus S (Factory Image)?
More Bugs (unrelated):
* When I want to call a contact I am always asked if I want to use the phone or SIP (Bria). I have already selected "Execute with" phone always several times
* I can setup and sync my Exchange Account (Work) only when Auto-Sync is enabled. When Auto-Sync is disabled during Setup I never receive E-Mails when I disable Auto-Sync after Setup the sync stops after a while.
Has anyone tried to downgrade to ICS on Nexus S (Factory Image)? <> #145
[Comment deleted] <> #146
I am back on ICS and everything works. I can even backup my purchased software (Swiftkey, Owncloud, etc). And even my Exchange account works.
Very sad story. Why should I buy a Nexus device in the future? No expansion slot, broken firmware, that doesn't get fixed in an acceptable period.(!!! no fix for almost 3 months !!!).
Funny, now I am bugged by the update notification.
Very sad story. Why should I buy a Nexus device in the future? No expansion slot, broken firmware, that doesn't get fixed in an acceptable period.(!!! no fix for almost 3 months !!!).
Funny, now I am bugged by the update notification. <> #147
Same here. I have nexus s with 4.1.1 and after mount-unmount my widgets and the keyboards are not working. I have to correct them again. It's annoying. The same happens if I shut down and open the device later. The problem is not for swiftkey only, all the paid keyboards are faulty in nexus s with 4.1.1.
PLEASE FIX IT, the problem is from August and now we have October (almost).
PLEASE FIX IT, the problem is from August and now we have October (almost). <> #148
This is a major issue. My paid keyboard, widgets and wallpaper won't load after a reboot. The only way around it is to back them up, remove them and then reinstall them. <> #149
How can this still be not fixed? Come on, this must be top prio! <> #150
Please fix! <> #151
Important! Fix it. <> #152
Wow, really? An issue this bad has been around since JULY? Get your act together guys! This should be a top priority! <> #153
Same problem here with TaskSync on Nexus 7. Please fix. <> #154
Same problem here with SwiftKey3 and Business Calendar Pro. Please fix it! <> #155
I confirm the same problem, with Swiftkey3 and Extended Controls widgets <> #156
Same issue with HD Widgets, widgets not reappearing after reboot. <> #157
Any update, Google? <> #158
Beautiful widgets, and slideit, basically anything I paid for, is dissapearing on reboot. <> #159
Has anyone tried if this issue persists on 4.1.2? <> #160
After three months there is finally an update available... hmm, Nexus 7 only for the time being... I am wondering when my Nexus S will get this update? Do I have to wait three more months? huh? <> #163
Changes that fixed this issue: <> #164
So this is a client side fix, not Play Store. And should it require the apps to be re-installed? <> #165
so my understanding is that 4.1.2 will fix this bug? <> #166
Apps will still be installed to /mnt/asec. That is working as intended.
The account management fix focuses on starting applications after all ASEC containers have been scanned. There is also a fix for Nexus S where ASEC containers on internal storage would unmount when USB storage was unmounted.
If your application relies on the storage path not being /mnt/asec for some reason (e.g., hardcoding paths instead of using API in Context or Environment to discover them), you need to fix your application.
The account management fix focuses on starting applications after all ASEC containers have been scanned. There is also a fix for Nexus S where ASEC containers on internal storage would unmount when USB storage was unmounted.
If your application relies on the storage path not being /mnt/asec for some reason (e.g., hardcoding paths instead of using API in Context or Environment to discover them), you need to fix your application. <> #167
And what about other apps having problems with sd install? Widgets, launchers, etc? <> #168
Need to know if 4.1.2 fix the paid theme on go launcher. Please answer. That's important for me to know. <> #169
[Comment deleted] <> #170
I am now running 4.1.2 on my Nexus S (I've flashed the soju factory image). Swiftkey and Widget is working again. Owncloud client is still broken. :-(
Active Sync is still broken! Setup/Reliable sync only works if Autosync is on!
Google = hopeless?
Active Sync is still broken! Setup/Reliable sync only works if Autosync is on!
Google = hopeless? <> #171
Please can you tell me if the paid theme work now on golauncher, nova, apex and tsf shell <> #172
While issues related to storage unmounting seem to have been fixed, I can confirm that account providers (like HaxSync) are still broken in 4.1.2. My Nexus S waited 3 months for a broken fix, this is dramatic. <> #173
Is this issue fixed or not? On a Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.1.1, with Google Play Store 3.8.17, if I install a paid app it will still be installed on app-asec causing all sorts of problems (mostly for themes stuff, or widgets).
:(( <> #174
I, like many others here, need to know when this issue will be fixed. It is absurd to force everyone to change their code when Google was the one who changed things so that our previously working applications are now broken.
So I guess what I'm getting at is will there a fix coming or do we really need to change all of our applications?
So I guess what I'm getting at is will there a fix coming or do we really need to change all of our applications? <> #175
The issue is fixed for my Nexus S JB 4.1.1. Now, widgets and swiftkey are not unconfigured after reboot now, as opposed to two week ago.
When was released this Account Manager bug fix?
When was released this Account Manager bug fix? <> #176
David, what version of Google Play Store are you running? <> #177
Ok. Now, I know ... paid theme still broken on 4.1.2 with the new google. Personally I lost a lot of money with this stupid protection for paid app . And I can do... NOTHING!!! <> #178
Ho my god. Please... make an option in the consol developer to disable this protection for now. Please. <> #179
This is still not fixed for Enhanced Email, which is an account provider.
Using a Nexus 7 with 4.1.2
Updated Play Store to v3.9.16
Uninstalled EE
Restarted N7
Installed EE from Play Store
Confirmed operational
Restarted N7
Started EE and settings were no longer installed
It appears that the Play Store fix in 4.1.2 (and Play Store 3.9.16) did not work for me.
I can also confirm what @171 said:
Active Sync is still broken! Setup/Reliable sync only works if Autosync is on
I even wiped my phone for this, because I could not add my Exchange account in any way, later I found out that after enabling Autosync I could add my account!
Also, disabling Autosync makes push email stop, is this how it is intended?
Using a Nexus 7 with 4.1.2
Updated Play Store to v3.9.16
Uninstalled EE
Restarted N7
Installed EE from Play Store
Confirmed operational
Restarted N7
Started EE and settings were no longer installed
It appears that the Play Store fix in 4.1.2 (and Play Store 3.9.16) did not work for me.
I can also confirm what @171 said:
Active Sync is still broken! Setup/Reliable sync only works if Autosync is on
I even wiped my phone for this, because I could not add my Exchange account in any way, later I found out that after enabling Autosync I could add my account!
Also, disabling Autosync makes push email stop, is this how it is intended? <> #180
Addition: let's take the Exchange and Autosync issue to this topic:
Fact in this topic: ACCOUNT PROVIDERS are still broken after these last updates.
Fact in this topic: ACCOUNT PROVIDERS are still broken after these last updates. <> #181
Ok, I'm the developer of Enhanced Email and I can confirm this issue still exists on the Android 4.1.2 update. I think the path you went on to fix the issue is correct but it did not resolve the issue. For whatever reason those external mount points that apps are now installed to (/mnt/asec) are not being mounted fast enough and Accounts providers are being issued deletes as the AccountsManager thinks the apps don't exist since it can't see them. Something in the AccountsManager code needs to "know" if /mnt/asec mount points have been mounted yet and if they haven't it should hold off on making decisions as to whether to delete accounts it contains records of. <> #182
Not fixed for me on 4.1.2 too.
Tested on Galaxy Nexus with the official Factory Image and Paid Account Provider Apps.
As mentioned there should be an possibility to disable such protection by the developer.
Tested on Galaxy Nexus with the official Factory Image and Paid Account Provider Apps.
As mentioned there should be an possibility to disable such protection by the developer. <> #183
I received my 4.1.2 Update yesterday. I could not reproduce this issue any more. For me the update fixed it.
However, I still get reports from users stating that the issue persists after upgrading to 4.1.2. Some users reported that the even workaround with the free dummy Authenticator doesn't work any more.
However, I still get reports from users stating that the issue persists after upgrading to 4.1.2. Some users reported that the even workaround with the free dummy Authenticator doesn't work any more. <> #184
[Comment deleted] <> #185
I am not a developer, but a customer of paid apps.
I am very angry with Google because the paid apps are mandatory installed in "/data/app-asec" causing problems ONLY to those who really buy the applications.
This harms buyers of applications on Play Store, not the pirates.
I bought many applications and now after every update, I have to backup-unistall-restore the paid apps with Titanium backup to be sure that they are correctly installed in "/data/app" and working fine.
I'm on 4.1.2 with Play Store 3.9.16
I am very angry with Google because the paid apps are mandatory installed in "/data/app-asec" causing problems ONLY to those who really buy the applications.
This harms buyers of applications on Play Store, not the pirates.
I bought many applications and now after every update, I have to backup-unistall-restore the paid apps with Titanium backup to be sure that they are correctly installed in "/data/app" and working fine.
I'm on 4.1.2 with Play Store 3.9.16 <> #186
It's a shame that this is causing so many problems and it isn't yet fixed. The fact that apps are now installed in that folder has broken axlot of apps. These apps only works if you do a backup and restore the app from the apk or if you download a PIRATE apk that works flawlessly because it is installed on the proper folder.
Please fix, it's a shame this situation for you google.
Please fix, it's a shame this situation for you google. <> #187
Of course backup/restore is only half a fix (if that), because once an update of the app rolls out, you need to redo the backup/restore <> #188
[Comment deleted] <> #189
With my Samsung Galaxy S3 I wasn't able to reproduce issue 36949180 . So it seems that my phone is not affected by this bug.
I started with an Android ICS 4.0.4. Before updating to Jelly Bean I installed some paid apps, e.g. runtastic PRO, XING and Martens CardDav-Sync, CalDav-Sync.
Today I installed the Android JB 4.1.1 update on my SGS3 - Samsung called this version "build JRO03C.I9300XXDLIH". NOTICE: My Android is NOT rooted.
After switching the device off/on several times I am still not able to notice any loss of account data (in none of the apps listed above).
Maybe Samsung fixed this issue in their firmware. Or there are other side effects, which cause the issue.
I started with an Android ICS 4.0.4. Before updating to Jelly Bean I installed some paid apps, e.g. runtastic PRO, XING and Martens CardDav-Sync, CalDav-Sync.
Today I installed the Android JB 4.1.1 update on my SGS3 - Samsung called this version "build JRO03C.I9300XXDLIH". NOTICE: My Android is NOT rooted.
After switching the device off/on several times I am still not able to notice any loss of account data (in none of the apps listed above).
Maybe Samsung fixed this issue in their firmware. Or there are other side effects, which cause the issue. <> #190
Samsung hasn't fixed this at all. I'm using a paid version of SwiftKey keyboard and that resets to default keyboard every time you restart the device, leaving device on until it's fixed my device has never been rooted and was updated from ics <> #191
markallanuk, which device and Android version do you have? <> #192
I have been getting conflicting reports from end-users as well. For some, the Account seems to survive reboot; for others it doesn't. (on 4.1.2, that is) <> #193
Im using a samsung galaxy s3 running jellybean th updates earlier in the week. <> #194
Sorry it's version 4.1.1 <> #195
The fixes were released in 4.1.2 <> #196
Can you answer if you think fix the paid theme for several launcher wich prevent the asset folder?
Or always stay like that because you don't like to see so many really bad theme on the google play???
An answer would be really apreciate.
Or always stay like that because you don't like to see so many really bad theme on the google play???
An answer would be really apreciate. <> #197
There are plenty of people with the Nexus 7 using Enhanced Email and they can verify Android 4.1.2 with the latest Play Store app have NOT fixed this issue. Please feel free to test on any device running Android 4.0.x and see the issue is not there. Then try installing the app on Android 4.1.2 and you'll notice the problem is there. This bug was introduced with JB and the latest release has definitely not fixed the issue. <> #198
I found another not yet fixed symptom:
Paid apps that are registered as handler for the "long press of the search button" (Nexus S) and are, upon first usage, classified as "Perform always this action".
After restart, this user-choice is reset and the popup to select the handler action comes up again.
The other issues (Paid widgets, paid keyboard, paid application as "device administrator") were fixed on my Nexus S with 4.1.2.
Paid apps that are registered as handler for the "long press of the search button" (Nexus S) and are, upon first usage, classified as "Perform always this action".
After restart, this user-choice is reset and the popup to select the handler action comes up again.
The other issues (Paid widgets, paid keyboard, paid application as "device administrator") were fixed on my Nexus S with 4.1.2. <> #199
As I've already said, issues related to storage unmounting seem to have been fixed, but account providers (like HaxSync) are still broken in 4.1.2. Patch 26ff6626fc4ee0ae46f01ad309b366921da589fe (for internal bug 36949180 ) didn't fix the issue, I still have to use the free dummy authenticator. <> #200
Yes, fixes were released in 4.1.2. However, I have been getting multiple reports from customers that their HaxSync-Accounts still disappear on their 4.1.2 device if they don't use the free dummy authenticator.
So apparently the fixes weren't as effective as they should've been ;)
So apparently the fixes weren't as effective as they should've been ;) <> #201
Same here with CalDAV-Sync, CardDAV Sync and SmoothSync. I still get reports that the issue is not fixed in 4.1.2, others report it works. <> #202
Since this commit is marked as RELEASED, maybe someone needs to make a NEW issue, so it will get more attention from Google.
Obviously their only answer to this now is "this has been fixed" when it clearly is NOT FIXED.
Obviously their only answer to this now is "this has been fixed" when it clearly is NOT FIXED. <> #203
just to share exp using galaxy s3 after an ota update to jelly bean (SG) the app endomondo pro stays on the account list even after reboot. But after doing a factory reset and reinstalling the app. It now gets removed from the account list after every reboot. <> #204
I'm having the same issues with Haxsync Paid app and the JB workaround... But mine doesn't make any of my information delete or remove after reboot. It just simple disappears while the phone is sitting there running. Not only does it delete the Haxsync data, but Google contacts, Facebook contacts, linkedin contacts, all my contacts, all though the accounts are still listed and active. After I reboot it all comes back. But disappears when ever it feels like it. THIS IS NOT FIXED.... <> #205
This bug (and hundreds of others - see below) also shipped with all the new Note II's, and all S3s.
Like another poster said, There are SO many serious bugs/issues with Android, they can't keep up. Google is so incredibly disorganized and dysfunctional with their immature approach to business they couldn't fix a squeak with oil. Unfortunately, the prior DEV group mangled 4.0 so bad it may be too late. They just fired the majority of these little kids, and brought on a new VP of development, and he promises to turn it around:
Samgung, LG, . should get off their lazy butts and get over to Google to take names and kick azz. NOW. You know, Google INSISTED as a biz model on hiring all these fresh little kids that smack bubble gum and play video games all day, and gave them multi $million play-cities where they live, eat, drink, sleep, ride scooters etc. While caught off guard, everyone thought this was cool and looked the other way - until they mangled up Android. Now it's not so cool.
The old saying "Age and wisdom beat youth and inexperience every time" is so true - and Samsung (and the others) better go enforce it. Because GOOGLE sure isn't - they're totally inept right now. They're too busy fighting over name calling, better housing, free beer and oversleeping. And we pesky users/customers certainly have no say in the matter either.
The Google party is over - time to get serious about life if they're going to make it
This bug (and hundreds of others - see below) also shipped with all the new Note II's, and all S3s.
Like another poster said, There are SO many serious bugs/issues with Android, they can't keep up. Google is so incredibly disorganized and dysfunctional with their immature approach to business they couldn't fix a squeak with oil. Unfortunately, the prior DEV group mangled 4.0 so bad it may be too late. They just fired the majority of these little kids, and brought on a new VP of development, and he promises to turn it around:
Samgung, LG, Motorola
The old saying "Age and wisdom beat youth and inexperience every time" is so true - and Samsung (and the others) better go enforce it. Because GOOGLE sure isn't - they're totally inept right now. They're too busy fighting over name calling, better housing, free beer and oversleeping. And we pesky users/customers certainly have no say in the matter either.
The Google party is over - time to get serious about life if they're going to make it <> #206
Thank you Google for leaving this issue partially unfixed on my Nexus S with Android 4.1.2. Flawed forever :) <> #207
Since this topic has the status "Released", I don't think Google will look at it any further.
Can somewone with a lot of technical knowledge about this problem, make a new bug report and post the link here, so we can all star the new topic and maybe then Google will pay more attention to this?
Can somewone with a lot of technical knowledge about this problem, make a new bug report and post the link here, so we can all star the new topic and maybe then Google will pay more attention to this? <> #209
No, I have same problem 4.1.2 :(. Play Store I am have 3.10.9 <> #210
I think I found a little workaround.
I normally use Link2SD for moving apps to SD card, and Titanium Backup Pro.
I'm installing CM10, so a part of my paid apps are downloaded from Store (and being placed under "asec" folder) and other being reinstalled from backup files.
I noticed that only the second ones, the ones being reinstalled by Titanium, are placed under "app" folder, so I can move them with L2SD.
So I recommend downloading from Play Store, backup with Titanium, uninstall app, reinstall with Titanium, do-what-you-want (I Link2SD it).
I normally use Link2SD for moving apps to SD card, and Titanium Backup Pro.
I'm installing CM10, so a part of my paid apps are downloaded from Store (and being placed under "asec" folder) and other being reinstalled from backup files.
I noticed that only the second ones, the ones being reinstalled by Titanium, are placed under "app" folder, so I can move them with L2SD.
So I recommend downloading from Play Store, backup with Titanium, uninstall app, reinstall with Titanium, do-what-you-want (I Link2SD it). <> #211
As authors of a paid launcher, we had also to solve this issue somehow. Waiting for Android 4.2 to arrive (where this situation is fixed) isn't an option for us. Therefore, we've developed a simple free loader for all the paid launchers, which works as a workaround (as it is free, so it doesn't loose the default launcher status, and it just runs the launcher the user selects). It is available here: <> #212
I am having the same problem with Swiftkey 3 Pro on a n unrooted Samsung Galaxy S3 running JellyBean (4.1.1)
Every time I reboot my phone it switches back to Samsung Keyboard. When I try to switch to Swiftkey, it requires me to download the English language pack, which always fails.
Other apps are also crashing, and Google Play Movies and TV crases every 5 seconds. And Google doesn't give a damn. Terrible Customer Service!
Every time I reboot my phone it switches back to Samsung Keyboard. When I try to switch to Swiftkey, it requires me to download the English language pack, which always fails.
Other apps are also crashing, and Google Play Movies and TV crases every 5 seconds. And Google doesn't give a damn. Terrible Customer Service! <> #213
To summarize:
* 26ff662 Delay AccountManagerService initialization by Kenny Root is supposed to fix this issue (see #c54)
* This commit is "Released" in 4.1.2_r1
However, there are several comments that claim it is not fixed #c178 #c180 #c182 #c183 #c186 #c198 #c210
Comments #c184 #c193 #c199 #c201 #c202 mention uncertain reports (fixed for some, didn't fix for others?)
Expect Google staff, nobody has clearly confirmed this was fixed.
The difficulty is that the initial problem has several consequences on different components:
- disappearing live wallpapers
- disappearing widgets
- disappearing syncadapters
- disappearing contentproviders
- alternative keyboard reset to stock keyboard
- application mounted on /mnt/asec (which is the nex expected behaviour and is not a defect per se)
In my opinion, change-id 26ff662 resolved some issues but not them all.
I'm sorry to say I cannot test myself (I am luckily not an owner of Android Jelly Beans device) But, as an app developer, I am very interested in knowning whether ContentProvider & SyncAdapter are still disappearing
If you post a comment, please mention what component is still affected or fixed.
In terms of change management, can Google say wether a new bug should be opened for each components still affected ; or wether still ticked will be reopened because the fix is only partial.
* 26ff662 Delay AccountManagerService initialization by Kenny Root is supposed to fix this issue (see #c54)
* This commit is "Released" in 4.1.2_r1
However, there are several comments that claim it is not fixed #c178 #c180 #c182 #c183 #c186 #c198 #c210
Comments #c184 #c193 #c199 #c201 #c202 mention uncertain reports (fixed for some, didn't fix for others?)
Expect Google staff, nobody has clearly confirmed this was fixed.
The difficulty is that the initial problem has several consequences on different components:
- disappearing live wallpapers
- disappearing widgets
- disappearing syncadapters
- disappearing contentproviders
- alternative keyboard reset to stock keyboard
- application mounted on /mnt/asec (which is the nex expected behaviour and is not a defect per se)
In my opinion, change-id 26ff662 resolved some issues but not them all.
I'm sorry to say I cannot test myself (I am luckily not an owner of Android Jelly Beans device) But, as an app developer, I am very interested in knowning whether ContentProvider & SyncAdapter are still disappearing
If you post a comment, please mention what component is still affected or fixed.
In terms of change management, can Google say wether a new bug should be opened for each components still affected ; or wether still ticked will be reopened because the fix is only partial. <> #214
This issue is Released and Closed. I doubt anyone from Google will look at it again. I suggest opening an new issue and reference back to this one. Good luck! <> #216, please mark this issue as NOT FIXED instead of Released and Closed!
It is only fixed in Android 4.2, but eveyone knows it will take ages for that version to reach a lot of people are still affected.
@241(Regis): The component that is still affected for me is Exchange Accounts in Enhanced Email getting deleted after a reboot.
See @182 for what is happening: For whatever reason those external mount points that apps are now installed to (/mnt/asec) are not being mounted fast enough and Accounts providers are being issued deletes as the AccountsManager thinks the apps don't exist since it can't see them. Something in the AccountsManager code needs to "know" if /mnt/asec mount points have been mounted yet and if they haven't it should hold off on making decisions as to whether to delete accounts it contains records of.
It is only fixed in Android 4.2, but eveyone knows it will take ages for that version to reach a lot of people are still affected.
@241(Regis): The component that is still affected for me is Exchange Accounts in Enhanced Email getting deleted after a reboot.
See @182 for what is happening: For whatever reason those external mount points that apps are now installed to (/mnt/asec) are not being mounted fast enough and Accounts providers are being issued deletes as the AccountsManager thinks the apps don't exist since it can't see them. Something in the AccountsManager code needs to "know" if /mnt/asec mount points have been mounted yet and if they haven't it should hold off on making decisions as to whether to delete accounts it contains records of. <> #217
Received 4.1.2 today and problem with alternative keyboard software not loading at boot is still present. <> #218
I am an experienced Android user. Formerly, I had a mytouch and now I have a Samsung Note II. I am having difficulty syncing Google calendars with my wife so I purchased this app. Now I see there are ongoing jellybean problems. For lack of a simple solution, I will uninstall this app. Does anyone have anything to say to change my mind or otherwise give me some hope? <> #219
This is still a major issue with the SGS3 on 4.1.2 and Swiftkey so doesn't look closed to me... <> #220
I have a NONROOTED Samsung Galaxy Note II and having to set my keyboard preference EVERY TIME my device power cycles is getting REAL old. Reopen this bug and employ either better testers, or require more devices be tested(yes i understand there is cost associated... but if you're going to do it... do it right!) <> #221
I have the same problem with the default keyboard being restored in place of SwiftKey. Is there an official response from Google to this problem as it seems to have been going on a long time now. <> #222
I am also dealing with this issue on my Samsung Galaxy S3. I just upgraded to the Jelly Bean firmware upgrade and now every time I restart or power cycle my phone, my keyboard app (Switftkey 3) gets reset to the default Samsung keyboard.
I have tried reinstalling Swiftkey 3 from Google Play, and backing up the app data and reinstalling off the SD Card. It always reverts to the default Samsung keyboard and I must go into settings to change it back.
I have tried reinstalling Swiftkey 3 from Google Play, and backing up the app data and reinstalling off the SD Card. It always reverts to the default Samsung keyboard and I must go into settings to change it back. <> #223
I have the same issue and am on Samsung Note 2 with 4.1.2 come on Google get it right. <> #224
I have the same issue on Samsung Galaxy S3 with Sogou keyboard, every time I reboot, it reverts back to Samsung keyboard. <> #225
Same issue using Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini v4.1.2 with Swiftkey. After reboot none of the keyboards are working (Samsung stock or Swiftkey) so I must go to Settings -> Language and input -> Default and choose my the default keyboard every time (switch to stock and then switch back again to Swiftkey).
On my Galaxy S2 with 4.0.3 the keyboard is perfect (except the wi-fi...but that's another topic).
On my Galaxy S2 with 4.0.3 the keyboard is perfect (except the wi-fi...but that's another topic). <> #226
I have the same problem on Samsung S3, OS 4.1.1, with Swiftkey v 3.1: at every shut-down or restart the keyboard is returned to Samsung default. Very frustrating!! <> #227
SwiftKey issue here just started a week ago. 4.1.1 - Stock <> #228
Same SwiftKey issue here on i9300_BTU <> #229
Same Swiftkey issue on Galaxy i8150 (W) <> #230
I have the Swiftkey disabled and Samsung enabled after every power down. galaxy S3 4.1.2.
Swiftkey are getting slaughtered on their support forum through no fault of their own.
Swiftkey are getting slaughtered on their support forum through no fault of their own.
This is ridiculous that Google has ignored this for over 6 months. Tens of thousands of people are having the same problem yet Google does nothing. Pissed off Galaxy S3 user.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #232
Same issue here with swiftkey and beautiful widgets. <> #233
Besides app encryption breaking things that need to startup before /mnt/asec is mounted, doing lots of loopback encryption on a device is wasteful of battery and CPU resources. So long as devices are rootable, encrypting apps simply squanders resources on a small platform.
I have a seething resistance to this design choice, not because I want to pirate apps, but because I don't want my battery draining faster and faster because more and more apps consume extra resources in the form of loopback crypto userfs mountpoints eating up precious ram, and all access to those resources eating up extra cpu and context switching.
And, I don't think this extra cpu/memory/power-wasting complexity really makes a significant difference in terms of application security...
So, basically, every single user on the android platform loses performance and responsiveness when applications are encrypted en masse, while very little is actually done to stop bad behavior.
I have a seething resistance to this design choice, not because I want to pirate apps, but because I don't want my battery draining faster and faster because more and more apps consume extra resources in the form of loopback crypto userfs mountpoints eating up precious ram, and all access to those resources eating up extra cpu and context switching.
And, I don't think this extra cpu/memory/power-wasting complexity really makes a significant difference in terms of application security...
So, basically, every single user on the android platform loses performance and responsiveness when applications are encrypted en masse, while very little is actually done to stop bad behavior. <> #234
Other developers have fixed the issue. SwiftKey needs to work on it more, or at least let the paid app users use the trial version longer till it is fixed vis the paid version. <> #235
There's an app on the Play store that will set your desired keyboard on a reboot. Here's a link to it: <> #236
This Issue has been closed, and Android engineer will probably just not look at it again.
Someone has opened a new issue 36949180 , this time for Android 4.1.2.
If you can reproduce the problem on 4.1.2, I think it is better to star 37998 instead.
Someone has opened a new
If you can reproduce the problem on 4.1.2, I think it is better to star 37998 instead. <> #237
#234 Micelle: The only thing developers can do to fix this is make the app free or not use Google Play. <> #238
[Comment deleted] <> #239
Developers could make their apps 'free' and then sell keys to unlock features, but they shouldn't have to do this.
Thanks google for forcing me to 'pirate' the app I have already for in order to make it work. Its incomprehensible that such a major business destroying flaw can be left this long without resolution. I couldn't think of a better way to sabotage Android if being paid by Apple to do it.
Thanks google for forcing me to 'pirate' the app I have already for in order to make it work. Its incomprehensible that such a major business destroying flaw can be left this long without resolution. I couldn't think of a better way to sabotage Android if being paid by Apple to do it. <> #240
Is there still no fix for this? They should at least teach us a work around and put it in "known issues". I really wish I could pass on all of my 1-star reviews saying it doesn't work to Google. Meanwhile we're both losing a lot of money on this. <> #241 <> #242
I have replicated this issue in a different way, I don't know if it is related.
On device reboot I am losing data from all my apps after rooting my SGS3, installed apps after this fail to open (free AND paid apps), my launcher resets every time I boot, back to the default home app prompt, my playlists on my music player are empty (playlist name is still there, but no music is listed), lucky patcher prompts me for patched apps on every reboot, with the launcher reset I lose ALL of my widgets, which were also installed post root, etc.
I can restore some of the damage using Titanium Backup, like playlist info and such, but no luck on widgets or apps shutting down, and this happens on every reboot.
Might this be related?
On device reboot I am losing data from all my apps after rooting my SGS3, installed apps after this fail to open (free AND paid apps), my launcher resets every time I boot, back to the default home app prompt, my playlists on my music player are empty (playlist name is still there, but no music is listed), lucky patcher prompts me for patched apps on every reboot, with the launcher reset I lose ALL of my widgets, which were also installed post root, etc.
I can restore some of the damage using Titanium Backup, like playlist info and such, but no luck on widgets or apps shutting down, and this happens on every reboot.
Might this be related? <> #243
I have just bought Mobile sell and lost all my data due to this bug. Looks like Google is sitting on their hands on this. VERY pissed off! <> #244
Breaks Endomondo Pro, which a trifle annoying. Occasionally I start the app, record a workout only to find that the account credentials have been lost again. <> #245
I have downloaded JB SmoothSync For Yahoo Calendar but when I use it since upgrading to 4.1.2, my Yahoo calendar is now not syncing. Can anyone help me with this? <> #246
The workaround I had was to update the app from an apk hosted on dropbox, and use Google Licensing to validate the user has paid the app.
BUT Google Play content policies have been updated. See “Content Policies” section, which clarifies that “An app downloaded from Google Play may not modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism.” Google Play is a trusted source for Android application downloads, and we are committed to providing a secure and consistent experience.
BUT Google Play content policies have been updated. See “Content Policies” section, which clarifies that “An app downloaded from Google Play may not modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism.” Google Play is a trusted source for Android application downloads, and we are committed to providing a secure and consistent experience. <> #247
I've received a report that this issue is NOT fixed on the new Galaxy S4, although it comes with Android 4.2.2. Can one of the other developers confirm that?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #248
I have the new Galaxy S4 (Android 4.2.2), and can confirm this bug is still present (I'm using Enhanced Email, and account/settings are lost on reboot).
C'mon Google - it's almost been a year, and the fix looks like it was checked in back in July.
C'mon Google - it's almost been a year, and the fix looks like it was checked in back in July. <> #249
@#249 I think this is Samsung's fault. The issue is fixed on Nexus devices with stock Android.
I've reported this issue to Samsung:
Of course it's also possible that it's caused by a different issue on Samsung devices.
I've reported this issue to Samsung:
Of course it's also possible that it's caused by a different issue on Samsung devices. <> #250
I also think that this is a problem on Samsung devices, because I have the error report on the disappearance of amended following account of GNote GNote and 2 ... <> #251
Got same problem with Smart Keyboard pro app on my Huawei Y300. <> #252
I have the HTC One S and having this issue with paid Swype+Dragon. <> #253
I have a Nexus S running stock ROM and 4.1.2 and I'm still seeing the same problem that is reporting above, where Enhanced Email (a paid app) loses its accounts after a reboot. in #250 above claims that Nexus devices are not affected, but I have a Nexus device and it's affected! (although of course it could be a separate problem) in #250 above claims that Nexus devices are not affected, but I have a Nexus device and it's affected! (although of course it could be a separate problem) <> #254
@#254 AFAIK, Nexus devices running 4.2.x are not affected. The bug was not fixed in 4.1.2.
I've received a handful of reports about this issue from Nexus users running 4.2.x, though.
I've received a handful of reports about this issue from Nexus users running 4.2.x, though. <> #255
#248 Marten, we at Enhanced Email get lots of complaints from people with a Galaxy S4 that are still affected by this bug.
Did Sammsung not get the latest code? Or is this bug not really fixed in 4.2.2 at all?
I wonder what will happen when the HTC One receives 4.2.2....
Did Sammsung not get the latest code? Or is this bug not really fixed in 4.2.2 at all?
I wonder what will happen when the HTC One receives 4.2.2.... <> #256
This is still a problem with the latest Galaxy S3 update from TMOBILE (4.1.2). So Annoying! THIS SHOULD BE AN EASY FIX! <> #257 <> #258
Guys, this is a bug, not an enhancement. If this is fixed in 4.2.2 then it should be backported to 4.1.x releases, if backportable. I don't know how Google Dev works, but at Oracle we should just file a backport request for the particular fix and that would be all... Can somebody file this backport request bug? <> #259
Anyone having this problem with the new Sony Xperia Z and Android 4.2.2? <> #260
No backport possible on Android, how will this fix be distributing on the XXX+ thousand users running broken version?
Can't compare Oracle with professional clients that will look for updates and read the release notes with Google with end users not caring, intermediate manufacturers making their own customized ROM, further intermediate operators making their own customized ROM. That's probably why Google fixes issues in upcoming updates, always.
So far, I have a few widgets apps that still install on SD-card on 4.2.2, however it doesn't seem to cause any problems as it used to!?
Can't compare Oracle with professional clients that will look for updates and read the release notes with Google with end users not caring, intermediate manufacturers making their own customized ROM, further intermediate operators making their own customized ROM. That's probably why Google fixes issues in upcoming updates, always.
So far, I have a few widgets apps that still install on SD-card on 4.2.2, however it doesn't seem to cause any problems as it used to!? <> <> #261
I'm getting something similar but when my phone goes to sleep for a long time then I unlock it it defaults back to stock keyboard here's my logcat[quote data-cid='51493' name='Comk4ver' timestamp='1373140161' post='51493'][ 07-03 19:22:43.104 6224: 6224 E/DefaultCandidatesUpdateRequestFactory ]
getTouchTypeExtractedText event aborted: com.touchtype.keyboard.inputeventmodel.EventAbortedException: Unable to get TouchTypeExtractedText from InputConnection. (class com.touchtype.keyboard.inputeventmodel.EventAbortedException)
[ 07-03 19:22:43.111 6224: 6242 E/FluencyServiceProxy ]
Fluency service was null when a predictor was requested
[ 07-03 19:22:43.158 6224: 6242 E/FluencyServiceProxy ]
Fluency service was null when a predictor was requested
[ 07-03 19:22:43.158 6224: 6245 E/Fluency_Log ]
Could not find parameter file at "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.touchtype.swiftkey/files/parameters.json"
Not cool. Get this fixed!
getTouchTypeExtractedText event aborted: com.touchtype.keyboard.inputeventmodel.EventAbortedException: Unable to get TouchTypeExtractedText from InputConnection. (class com.touchtype.keyboard.inputeventmodel.EventAbortedException)
[ 07-03 19:22:43.111 6224: 6242 E/FluencyServiceProxy ]
Fluency service was null when a predictor was requested
[ 07-03 19:22:43.158 6224: 6242 E/FluencyServiceProxy ]
Fluency service was null when a predictor was requested
[ 07-03 19:22:43.158 6224: 6245 E/Fluency_Log ]
Could not find parameter file at "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.touchtype.swiftkey/files/parameters.json"
Not cool. Get this fixed! <> #262
If you are finding this bug really annoying, then download & install the amazon app store for android. Any app you download will be saved directly to your phone's memory and this will no longer become an issue.
Maybe watching all their customers switch to a competitor will give Google motivation to actually fix this bug.
Link for apps store download:
Maybe watching all their customers switch to a competitor will give Google motivation to actually fix this bug.
Link for apps store download:
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #263
It is beyond pathetic that this remains broken over a year later. Paid launchers still lose default upon reboot, as do paid keyboards. And as I just found out, the paid Go Launcher Ex Theme. It loads just fine into /mnt/aesc. It looks great there. Unfortunately for a paying customer, it is USELESS everywhere else. I am sick of google never fixing what they break is a current version. It does me no good if they "fix" it in the next version of android that my phone will never get. This is truly my last play store purchase. When you use DRM that punishes legitimate users, your users go elsewhere. <> #264
I am using OPPO Phone (Find way - location Indonesia), and buy swiftkey keyboard (paid version). Every time I reboot my phone, the application will not run well, must re-install again.
I love the swiftkey keyboard, but hate when have to re-install every time I reboot.
Before, I always asking to swiftkey team. Now I understand, the fault in Google Rom..
ck ck ck ..
I love the swiftkey keyboard, but hate when have to re-install every time I reboot.
Before, I always asking to swiftkey team. Now I understand, the fault in Google Rom..
ck ck ck .. <> #265
a shame that this isn't fixed until now! <> #266
a shame this STILL ISN'T FIXED on my phone <> #267
Still issue with new Samsung Galaxy S4, and I don't install to SD card, and App Info says zero program or data of affected apps (e.g. Corp-Mail) on SD card. Super annoying to not be warned about this up front! It seems that developers that want to stay in the game are providing separate workaround apps (like Marten/SmoothSync), or providing free trial apps, with a separate paid app that does nothing but activate the free app (like NitroDesk/Touchdown). But so many other useful paid apps are unusable!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #270
ne fonctionne pas et ne corrige pas le probleme (correctif installé,appliqué et ouvert !) <> #271
I have also noticed this on my GS4.4.3 stock touchwiz. ironically, it isn't paid apps that disappears. it's Google maps that dissappear. I repeat myself, Google maps disappear. Google maps disappear. Google's own app
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #272
Really really annoying for users and developers, please bump to "High" priority <> #273
Is this issue is fixed on Android Kitkat? <> #274
Hmmm, I really wonder what's up with Google.
They recently seem to do a poor job listening to the needs of their users and (very important!) their developers and supporters.
They fail on fixing security issues quickly and getting fixes out (as seen in the signature bugs or the SSL defaults recently) and this one is even more hilarious: Developers in the Android ecosystem trying to make a bit of money with paid apps are seriously hindered by this bug (and you see JB workaround apps all over the place cluttering the store and devices).
Bad enough it did slip through. Not fixing it for a year is a slap in the face of the developers. A good way to annoy the ecosystem and tell them "we don't care about you, f**k off".
As a (mostly) user, I can move to custom ROMs with better policies (as a matter of fact, that's what I did on all my devices), but that is no solution for the ecosystem at large.
They recently seem to do a poor job listening to the needs of their users and (very important!) their developers and supporters.
They fail on fixing security issues quickly and getting fixes out (as seen in the signature bugs or the SSL defaults recently) and this one is even more hilarious: Developers in the Android ecosystem trying to make a bit of money with paid apps are seriously hindered by this bug (and you see JB workaround apps all over the place cluttering the store and devices).
Bad enough it did slip through. Not fixing it for a year is a slap in the face of the developers. A good way to annoy the ecosystem and tell them "we don't care about you, f**k off".
As a (mostly) user, I can move to custom ROMs with better policies (as a matter of fact, that's what I did on all my devices), but that is no solution for the ecosystem at large. <> #275
back to apple for me. its dire here. <> #276
No fix in KitKat. Still the same mess and for any users of non-rooted Android, it continue to break most paid app behavior! How does a developer explain to its users that it's an Android issue without receiving a one-star review saying 'dev blame it on Google' ? <> #277
Gopd <> #278
Good <> #279
I too am having the same issue;-
Problem:- No contacts displaying at reboot
Phone:- Samsung Galaxy Note 3
OS:- Androis 4.3
Installed JB Workaround from May 2013 to PHONE
Installed Smooth Sync for Contacts latest version to PHONE
Works fine until reboot.
Problem:- No contacts displaying at reboot
Phone:- Samsung Galaxy Note 3
OS:- Androis 4.3
Installed JB Workaround from May 2013 to PHONE
Installed Smooth Sync for Contacts latest version to PHONE
Works fine until reboot. <> #280
@273 and 219: Google's software is among the worst on any platform, especially their own. Maps/Drive/Earth *bluescreen* Windows XP and corrupt NTFS. All of their software causes massive disruption on Android. In particular:
@19: apps installed from Google's store seem to cause the most problems. Android has been more stable since I began using Amazon's store exclusively. However, Android insists on retaining at least 75M of free space on /data and otherwise refuses to install there or move apps off the SD card. If it doesn't have extra free space at install time, it installs to the SD card. Android assumes its default behavior will never cause problems and neglects to ask for consent. Sometimes installing to the SD fails. Nothing should ever be installed there, because:
@243: if the install is interrupted or for some other reason the encrypted loopback filesystems become unreadable, Android believes the entire device is lost. It then wipes out /data and /system on the next boot without warning or confirmation. Note that in doing so, it obliterates any trace of what triggered the "factory reset". A backup /data might be inconsistent with /mnt/asec, triggering the reset again. Android also keeps some metadata in memory indefinitely without syncing to /data, and it will try to correct /data (permanently deleting critical files as it pleases) if it finds inconsistencies. A factory reset Android is likely to "incorrect" a backup:
Also, Android expects the SD card to contain a FAT filesystem with no file permissions. Since it has the wrong form of execute permission there, it is forced to create new self-contained ext4 filesystems if it wants to install on the SD. To protect those filesystems it employs "security by obscurity", hiding the contents of the directory on the SD where it stores them by mounting an empty tmpfs over it. It is naive to assume apps stored there cannot be damaged: anything that can write one bit directly to the SD can destroy an SD app and *trigger a factory reset*.
FAT is not reliable for long-term storage. FAT can be damaged by rebooting, which Android will do eagerly while mediaserver is cataloging files on the SD. A damaged FAT may lead to blocks in the "secure" directory becoming referenced by some file outside the directory, and thus corruptible by anyone.
@19: apps installed from Google's store seem to cause the most problems. Android has been more stable since I began using Amazon's store exclusively. However, Android insists on retaining at least 75M of free space on /data and otherwise refuses to install there or move apps off the SD card. If it doesn't have extra free space at install time, it installs to the SD card. Android assumes its default behavior will never cause problems and neglects to ask for consent. Sometimes installing to the SD fails. Nothing should ever be installed there, because:
@243: if the install is interrupted or for some other reason the encrypted loopback filesystems become unreadable, Android believes the entire device is lost. It then wipes out /data and /system on the next boot without warning or confirmation. Note that in doing so, it obliterates any trace of what triggered the "factory reset". A backup /data might be inconsistent with /mnt/asec, triggering the reset again. Android also keeps some metadata in memory indefinitely without syncing to /data, and it will try to correct /data (permanently deleting critical files as it pleases) if it finds inconsistencies. A factory reset Android is likely to "incorrect" a backup:
Also, Android expects the SD card to contain a FAT filesystem with no file permissions. Since it has the wrong form of execute permission there, it is forced to create new self-contained ext4 filesystems if it wants to install on the SD. To protect those filesystems it employs "security by obscurity", hiding the contents of the directory on the SD where it stores them by mounting an empty tmpfs over it. It is naive to assume apps stored there cannot be damaged: anything that can write one bit directly to the SD can destroy an SD app and *trigger a factory reset*.
FAT is not reliable for long-term storage. FAT can be damaged by rebooting, which Android will do eagerly while mediaserver is cataloging files on the SD. A damaged FAT may lead to blocks in the "secure" directory becoming referenced by some file outside the directory, and thus corruptible by anyone. <> #281
How is this a "Medium"?
This effectively kills the use of any paid apps that use sync accounts.
This effectively kills the use of any paid apps that use sync accounts. <> #282
Still affecting me any input? <> #283
Affecting me also on jellybean on a samsung s3. <> #284
Problem also exists on Sony Xperia T running the new Android 4.3 build 9.2.A.0.295. <> #285 <> #286
[Comment deleted] <> #287
[Comment deleted] <> #288
Still affecting me any input? <> #289
I'm also affected on my Galaxy Note 3 (Jelly Bean 4.3 DBT Stock).
Paid apps as a business model - but every developer has to fix this FIRMWARE BUG himself?? Unbelievable!
Paid apps as a business model - but every developer has to fix this FIRMWARE BUG himself?? Unbelievable! <> #290 <> #291
Just purchased a Samsung Galaxy Camera 2 from BestBuy yesterday. So far my all 5 of my Google accounts simply disappeared, not once but twice. It was the most bizarre thing, as if someone walked over to my phone and removed them, but I was the only one home. Go figure.. This issue needs to be addressed ASAP!!! This is crazy!!! <> #292
@293 I have the same issue with the Samsung Galaxy Camera 2. My Google accounts disappear on reboot. <> #293
I have the same problem on a brand new Samsung Galaxy Camera 2/Android 4.3 JB. Google account disappeared twice after reboot / after installing some free apps from PlayStore. <> #294
Hello, I lost all my contacts into carddav I am trying to connect in the app but It is impossible. Can somebody tell me What Can I do? Thanks <> #295
any chance of getting this fixed at some point soon? <> #296
Hello all: I need to preface my comment by stating how badly I feel about how frustrated you all must be, I'd be upset too. When I'm at work, I support users who would've been pulling their hair out, ESPECIALLY, had they paid for it, and it's totally ridiculous how Android, could/would allow this to go on for years & years, according to the messages in Google Play (and for us Android old timers "The Market" lol), its been nearly 3yrs or more, and exactly how many updates have we had in the last 6yrs since Android for Mobile devices was rolled out & launched for the general public, way back in Oct. 2008? ALLOT of updates, inclusive of some minor tweeks and they allowed people to LOSE ALLOT of data, along the way as well too! I need to mention, that as yet, I've not been affected by this, thankfully (however of course at some point, I suppose I could), I was thumbing through comments, to decide if I should download the original 3rd party app that this person first discovered the issue with, so I thought it only right to inform you all, that it was indeed "fixed in app" for the original app which this thread refers too/reasons start for, so in essence the original problem was resolved,from "an in app standpoint", however it's unlikely it was resolved within "Android", I am betting; however I haven't used another "Email Client" other than the original Gmail,in years. Now with my Note 3 (Waiting on my Note 4) I might consider 1 app for ALL my email accounts. I just felt the need to post, since I saw the fix was accomplished in app, for that particular app and others, according to someone on that original Google Play thread; for anyone wanting that app, I can/will post it, but forgot the name. I will post the link to Google Play here in a subsequent message, it if/for anyone who wants it 8+) <> #298
Only if you're have any of the above mentioned issues with the Enhanced Mail, this Enhanced Mail Workaround JB, is the App patch/fix for original App: <> #299
This is still a problem for the ownCloud app (i.e., it is not ownCloud's fault) on KitKat 4.4 on my LG G3. Really have to fix this, guys. <> #300
Yup, same here. Also CalDav Sync and CardDav Sync. <> #301
[Comment deleted] <> #302
OK.. This is not good, is Google actualy doing this bug with intension or they dont fix it with intention to give their own products marked advantages.
The bug still exist on Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 with android version 4.3
Same bug reapeard in Samsung Galaxy S4 / Galaxy Note 3 with android version 4.4.2
It is a strong indication this bug is imposed from google with intention, it seems they want to restric 3 party solutions from having sync/account possibilitys in android, probably to give their own solutions marked advantages.
You would need to factory reset your phone, prefferable withthe HARD metode.
Upon booting first time you are asked to setup stuff one time settings, one of this questions is to add a google account. DO NOT ADD GOOGLE ACCOUNT AT THIS TIME, skip all account settings in the first time boot menu. When the phone boots up and all settings is done, restart it. now you can add the google account/samsung account by using the settings menu.
If you do it this way the annoying bug will NOT delete anny payed app SYNC accounts upon restart.
The bug still exist on Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 with android version 4.3
Same bug reapeard in Samsung Galaxy S4 / Galaxy Note 3 with android version 4.4.2
It is a strong indication this bug is imposed from google with intention, it seems they want to restric 3 party solutions from having sync/account possibilitys in android, probably to give their own solutions marked advantages.
You would need to factory reset your phone, prefferable withthe HARD metode.
Upon booting first time you are asked to setup stuff one time settings, one of this questions is to add a google account. DO NOT ADD GOOGLE ACCOUNT AT THIS TIME, skip all account settings in the first time boot menu. When the phone boots up and all settings is done, restart it. now you can add the google account/samsung account by using the settings menu.
If you do it this way the annoying bug will NOT delete anny payed app SYNC accounts upon restart. <> #303
จ <> #304
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #305
Í <> #306
34880 <> #307
This causes major problems for my app, as it is primarily an Android service. As the service cache is generated before /mnt/asec is mounted, it cannot find my service and removes it and all associated accounts including their data.
I don't think the output of adb bugreport is relevant to this issue, as it is caused by the Play Store, not my phone. I'll be happy to provide it on request though.
Relevant discussion in my own bugtracker: