Status Update
Comments <> #2
Which device? All devices supported in AOSP run either 4.1 or 4.3 at this point. <> #3
Device Samsung Galaxy with android 4.0.4 <> #4
This report applies to an Android-based device, and the issue tracker where you reported it specializes in issues within the Open Source source code of the Android platform.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device.
We are not able to provide support for individual devices. Please report this issue in the support forum for your device, which might be hosted by your device manufacturer or by the operator where you got your device. <> #5
I am having the same problem, since installing jelly bean my corporate email will not sync. I have tried everything suggested here and have not had any luck. I'm not sure which of those logs would actually be of any use but could send one if required. At this point I would like to just revert to an older system until google fixes this, does anyone know how to do that? Pretty lame overall though... <> #6
[Comment deleted] <> #7
Hi mblank - i too have similar issue, sent it to you over mail with log attached. Suggesting of following issue. Can you please help suggest, whats gone wrong here.
[14:06:31] AbstractSyncService| FolderSync failed: 142 (NotProvisioned)
[14:06:31] AbstractSyncService| FolderSync failed: 142 (NotProvisioned) <> #8
Any update on this? Just noticed the same behavior on my Galaxy Nexus after JB update. Calendar and email sync fine, just no contacts. Backend is an Exchange 2007 server. <> #9
i'm using CM10 on SGS2 and have the same issue. using the debug logging i can see the following (email is replaced with ---):
ExchangeSevice| Starting Sync for Comtacts
ExchangeSevice| Starting thread for Contacts in account ---
Contacts[---]| sync, sending Contacs synkKey 0
EAS Parser| <sync>
EAS Parser| <status>
EAS Parser| Status: 4
EAS Parser| </status>
Contacts[---]| Sync failed: 4(unknown)
seems to me the sync key set to 0 is the issue...
any clue?
i'm using CM10 on SGS2 and have the same issue. using the debug logging i can see the following (email is replaced with ---):
ExchangeSevice| Starting Sync for Comtacts
ExchangeSevice| Starting thread for Contacts in account ---
Contacts[---]| sync, sending Contacs synkKey 0
EAS Parser| <sync>
EAS Parser| <status>
EAS Parser| Status: 4
EAS Parser| </status>
Contacts[---]| Sync failed: 4(unknown)
seems to me the sync key set to 0 is the issue...
any clue? <> #10
I have just sent the log file to I face the same issue :
[17:05:21] Contacts[]| sync, sending Contacts syncKey: 0
[17:05:21] Contacts[]| Sync failed: 4 (unknown)
As this is my business phone, I need to recover my contacts asap
I have just sent the log file to I face the same issue :
[17:05:21] Contacts[]| sync, sending Contacts syncKey: 0
[17:05:21] Contacts[]| Sync failed: 4 (unknown)
As this is my business phone, I need to recover my contacts asap <> #11
Regarding "Sync failed: 4", see ;
I think this is something your IT folks need to look at.
I think this is something your IT folks need to look at. <> #12
The fix should appear in a JB update (can't promise when, as you might guess). <> #13
Thanks for the update! <> #14
I'm experiencing the same issues. You first referenced a Microsoft Support link. That link is invalid. Can you update the link? Was it determined it was a Jelly Bean issue and not MS Exchange? <> #15 <> #16
I'm running Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 10 and still have the problem. <> #17
Why do you think it's the same issue then? It's hard to imagine that
there's a second issue with identical cause and result.
there's a second issue with identical cause and result. <> #18
The MS article said to resolve the problem on Exchange to install Rollup 9. Since I am at 10 I would have thought it would have fixed it. <> #19
Did you look at your logs to confirm this is the issue (status: 4)? <> #20
Umm, OK, different issue. Sorry. <> #21
Send a log if you like... <> #22
When I search some name in All contacts the app crashes and says it has stopped.
It happened only after Jelly bean update for my Google nexus s mobile.
It happened only after Jelly bean update for my Google nexus s mobile. <> #23
@22 Please file this separately. <> #24
Mark, I've used several different versions of jelly bean and I'm using rack space exchange for my email. Rack space says that it's a Google problem, not a problem with exchange
I think I'm having a different issue. Email and calendar sync fine, and contacts sync once but never sync again.
Do you want to send me instructions for debug logs on my phone. This issue is becoming very disruptive.
I think I'm having a different issue. Email and calendar sync fine, and contacts sync once but never sync again.
Do you want to send me instructions for debug logs on my phone. This issue is becoming very disruptive. <> <> #25
I have also tried several versions of Jelly Bean, and am experiencing the Exchange Contacts issue. Ths was / is not an issue with any prior versions of Android.
Exchange Calendar and E-mail both sync fine using Jelly Bean, the issue is only with Contacts.
If needed, I will reinstall JB and follow the instructions to send you a log - let me know.
Thanks in advance.
I have also tried several versions of Jelly Bean, and am experiencing the Exchange Contacts issue. Ths was / is not an issue with any prior versions of Android.
Exchange Calendar and E-mail both sync fine using Jelly Bean, the issue is only with Contacts.
If needed, I will reinstall JB and follow the instructions to send you a log - let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Chris <> #26
Related to Comment 26...
I have installed several versions of JB on several different devices, and experience the Contacts sync issue each time.
I have installed several versions of JB on several different devices, and experience the Contacts sync issue each time.
Chris <> #27
Same here. Contacts sync initially but not after that.
"Contacts in error state; ignore"
"Contacts in error state; ignore" <> #28
I was finally able to get my contacts to sync by correcting the time on my router. We just went to daylight savings time here in Australia and I didn't have the checkbox on my router set to automatically adjust so the time was an hour off. This was (for some really strange reason) causing the communication between my phone and microsoft to be logged as a DoS attack and therefore blocked. This seems to have corrected the issue for me.
Other things you can try:
There was a really good posting on XDA ( )about a similar issue with folks and HTC devices and the version of active sync being used. The article details how you can change the version (HTC only) and how it's worked for some folks.
The article also discusses how some have had luck adding a three letter prefix before the server name for hotmail / accounts. Neither of these options worked for me as I have a rooted HTC phone running CM10.
Finally, there's the microsoft site posting that shows a number of folks having this same issue and how several of them have gotten the issue resolved directly from MS. Here's the link to that info below. If anyone comes up with a different fix, please post it here. I've spent so much time on this stupid /frustrating issue...
Other things you can try:
There was a really good posting on XDA (
The article also discusses how some have had luck adding a three letter prefix before the server name for hotmail /
Finally, there's the microsoft site posting that shows a number of folks having this same issue and how several of them have gotten the issue resolved directly from MS. Here's the link to that info below. If anyone comes up with a different fix, please post it here. I've spent so much time on this stupid /frustrating issue... <> #29
i had the same issue (contacts not syncing). i had Exchange 2007 sp1 (not sure of the rollup). i update to SP3 rollup 7. all my contacts are now being synced. my phone is GNexus with CM10. <> #30
go to settings --> applications --> all
clear data & force close for contacts & contacts storage
then restart
after starting try to sync again
go to settings --> applications --> all
clear data & force close for contacts & contacts storage
then restart
after starting try to sync again <> #31
Just got a galaxy s3 4g and having different issue. Using exchange 2003, creating/responding/forwarding email, click on contacts icon, none of my exchange contacts appear.
Please help!
Please help! <> #32
Having troubles getting my calendar events back on my google nexus after jelly bean update yesterday. All events entered on my handset have disappeared since the update. Is it possible to retrieve them? <> #33
Refer Comment 30
I just did what you said...and lost all contacts...and it is still not syncing!!!
Any way to undo this please? I use gmail account only...not MS or anything else.
I just did what you said...and lost all contacts...and it is still not syncing!!!
Any way to undo this please? I use gmail account only...not MS or anything else. <> #34
I have this issue after importing a large amount of contacts. No solution
Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus.
Am 02.11.2012 16:09 schrieb <>:
Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus.
Am 02.11.2012 16:09 schrieb <>: <> #35
I just got jelly bean OTA web update...and now caller ID does not show my contacts...WhatsApp doesn't even recognize my contacts.... <> #36
I'm pretty pissed with the jelly bean update for the s3. Have manually synced my calender for the first time in ages and lost all my appointments. Pretty pissed of android!!!! Sort this shit out! I didn't get this crap on Iphone. Anyone have a fix?? Apart from sell up and beg for my Iphone back :-( <> #37
you have to install gapps. found here :
then when go to playstore it will ask for username and password and start syncing contacts with gmail
then when go to playstore it will ask for username and password and start syncing contacts with gmail <> #38
same problem on my new nexus 4 phone with gmail contacts. also scrambles some phone numbers. this is stupid that google hasn't fixed this yet <> #39
I had the same problem - but my solution for now is a bit problematic...
First - I have backed up my contacts in my GMAIL account and in my phone (using titanium backup)
I had to remove all the apps related to contacts (except for the standard one)
I have then went to settings -> apps -> all -> contacts storage and cleared data
then also clear data from settings -> apps -> all -> contacts.
Then - ticked the checkbox of sync off and on - and the sync is OK ever since.
The problem is - I can't use any non-standard contacts app! (GO contacts EX for example) - it just mixes up the contacts and the sync is dying again...
I believe there is a problem with the way contacts are defined in JB, but it seems no one is taking care of this... (not the JB delvelopers nor the 3rd party apps developers)
I had the same problem - but my solution for now is a bit problematic...
First - I have backed up my contacts in my GMAIL account and in my phone (using titanium backup)
I had to remove all the apps related to contacts (except for the standard one)
I have then went to settings -> apps -> all -> contacts storage and cleared data
then also clear data from settings -> apps -> all -> contacts.
Then - ticked the checkbox of sync off and on - and the sync is OK ever since.
The problem is - I can't use any non-standard contacts app! (GO contacts EX for example) - it just mixes up the contacts and the sync is dying again...
I believe there is a problem with the way contacts are defined in JB, but it seems no one is taking care of this... (not the JB delvelopers nor the 3rd party apps developers) <> #40
Same issue:
Email for Exchange account syncing.
Contacts for Exchange account not syncing...
Thanks Android team for helping to resolve this!
Email for Exchange account syncing.
Contacts for Exchange account not syncing...
Thanks Android team for helping to resolve this! <> #42
Same issue on Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 both at 4.2.1. I was missing about 30 contacts in the sync to both devices. I cleaned up some old contacts, and now both devices are syncing only 12 of the 73 contacts. <> #43
[Comment deleted] <> #44
New Nexus 4 syncs email and calendar, but gets zero contacts from Comcast's Exchange server. This works fine on the Nexus One it's supposed to replace (and on iPhones). SHOW STOPPER GOOGLE, this phone is coming back to you unless fixed in next few days.
In addition to removing and re-initializing the account several times, I have factory reset the phone with no effect on this bug.
I have followed your instructions to save a debug log, but can find no way to access it. The Nexus 4 does not have an SD card slot. Please provide instructions on how ' log contents must be sent in a "bugreport" ' as you said above.
In addition to removing and re-initializing the account several times, I have factory reset the phone with no effect on this bug.
I have followed your instructions to save a debug log, but can find no way to access it. The Nexus 4 does not have an SD card slot. Please provide instructions on how ' log contents must be sent in a "bugreport" ' as you said above. <> #45
The status of this issue states: "Closed Aug 21"...
Should we start a new issue?
Cheers, m
Should we start a new issue?
Cheers, m <> #46
Please vote for
It is still an open issue, and covering the same topic...
Thanks! m
It is still an open issue, and covering the same topic...
Thanks! m <> #47
If you hover your cursor over "FutureRelease" it says it is fixed in the current source but not yet available in a packaged release. <> #48
Did you try turning off Facebook contact sync? That has seemed to fix my issue. <> #49
Exchange email/calendar syncing.
Contacts not syncing after initial sync.
Exchange email/calendar syncing.
Contacts not syncing after initial sync. <> #50
@ballard... turning of Facebook (and even uninstalling all but Google) doesn't fix for me unfortunately...
Does anyone have a clue when this will move to packaged release?
Does anyone have a clue when this will move to packaged release? <> #51
Does anyone now the Patch Set? <> #52
I was having the same problem. My email and calendar was syncing with my company's exchange server correctly, however contacts were not.
As listed in #31:
go to settings --> applications --> all
clear data & force close for contacts & contacts storage
then restart
after starting try to sync again
This fixes it for me, contacts are now syncing both ways to and from server.
I'm running CM10.1 4/18 on a Telus GSIII. Android 4.2.2
As listed in #31:
go to settings --> applications --> all
clear data & force close for contacts & contacts storage
then restart
after starting try to sync again
This fixes it for me, contacts are now syncing both ways to and from server.
I'm running CM10.1 4/18 on a Telus GSIII. Android 4.2.2 <> #54
Exchange email and calendar sync fine, no contacts. Clearing contact data had no effect. <> #55
[Comment deleted] <> #56
Same problem here with the original en updatet Nexus 4 and HTC One X with CM 10.1.3-RC1 and older CM10.X roms.
Exchange (2010 and 2003) email and calendar sync fine. But the contacts not. Initial the contacts are properly synced. But future contact syncs fail.
Clearing contact data had no effect.
Is there a solution?
Exchange (2010 and 2003) email and calendar sync fine. But the contacts not. Initial the contacts are properly synced. But future contact syncs fail.
Clearing contact data had no effect.
Is there a solution? <> #57
Hi all, fighting with the same exact issue here; the initial sync of contacts from an Exchange 2007 sp3 to Android 4.3 works.. then it stops syncing without errors on the phone (email syncs, calendar syns... contacts seem to sync but don't).
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Any ideas on how to fix this? <> #58
Same problem here for Moto X on stock 4.2.2. Mail and Calendar seem to work fine. Contacts will sync initially then stop. I have tried many of the fixes above and most work initially, but at some point it will stop working again. The log reports: "Sync failed: 4 (unknown)".
Why would an error not be reported to the user? It's maddening to think something is working only to find out later it's not.
Why would an error not be reported to the user? It's maddening to think something is working only to find out later it's not. <> #59
Still no contact sync on KitKat & a Nexus 5. Come on Google! <> #60
Same here, KitKat on Nexus 4 and fully restored the phone. Contacts are synced initially then never again, mail and calender are working fine.
Google we need our Exchange contacts, thx!!
Google we need our Exchange contacts, thx!! <> #61
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address the issue reported, however our product team has shifted work priority that doesn't include this issue. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete. If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with latest bug report here .
I'm having problems related to sync contacts of gmail and work (by exchange) accounts on my Samsun Nexus S after upgrade from ICS 4.0.4 to Jelly Bean.
All the others sync are working fine but without contacts my phone is useless to make calls.
I've also other problems that I suppose could be related to contact sync as the "telephone" all which is crashing every time I try to use it (so I'm unable to make every king of call with the default app.
I've also tryed to add a new gmail account but also with this one the contact sync doesn't work.
Any suggestion?