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“ ta edoc eht dnif nac uoY .flesti ssalcbus retpada eht nihtiw sdi elbats ot noitisop morf yawa devom I .yrarbil troppus eht morf edoc tsetal eht ot meht detrop dna 1# ni snoitacifidom eht koot I ”
“ gN ylliB fo golb eht nI the error is described in detail and accurate. In my opinion, someone in Android Team should take the bug and fix the error. Such a bug which occurs in standard componentd and prevents many developers to develop stable apps should get higher priority. ”
“ .ijome regrubmah si ytiroirp rieht ,eussi siht xif t'nac sreenigne elgooG ”
“ :ereh ti dnif nac uoY .di meti eht rof gnol a fo daetsni gnirtS a nruter ot uoy swolla ti taht hcus niltoK ni noitulos gnitsixe eht detnemelpmier ev'I . ”
“ .noitatnemucod eht ni denoitnem tsael ta erew seussi nwonk fi detaicerppa hcum eb d'tI ”