Status Update
Comments <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
Yep. Bluetooth issues here. 32gb Nexus 7. This being my first android device, I'm very disappointed.
SixAxis tool for pairing a PS3 controller to the Nexus 7 worked fantastic in 4.1.2. Updated to 4.2, the app can't connect to bluetooth. When it tries, bluetooth fails but it ALSO stops wifi from working.
Turning wifi off then back on doesn't fix it (stays stuck at turning on wifi). A total reboot is needed.
My bluetooth headset also has issues with studdering (tested this morn).
Not impressed. The joys of fragmentation.....
SixAxis tool for pairing a PS3 controller to the Nexus 7 worked fantastic in 4.1.2. Updated to 4.2, the app can't connect to bluetooth. When it tries, bluetooth fails but it ALSO stops wifi from working.
Turning wifi off then back on doesn't fix it (stays stuck at turning on wifi). A total reboot is needed.
My bluetooth headset also has issues with studdering (tested this morn).
Not impressed. The joys of fragmentation..... <> #5
I don't really think this is a fragmentation issue, Ronald.
This seems to point to a core stack issue. Google needs to fix this ASAP, because the Nexus 7, Galaxy Nexus, and probably other devices are affected. I would not be surprised to see the Nexus 4 affected as well. We will know when they start trickling out to the new owners/buyers.
This seems to point to a core stack issue. Google needs to fix this ASAP, because the Nexus 7, Galaxy Nexus, and probably other devices are affected. I would not be surprised to see the Nexus 4 affected as well. We will know when they start trickling out to the new owners/buyers. <> #6
Flashed the 4.2 factory image to go sure that it's not just a bug caused during the update procedure. The issue still exists. Every 2-4 seconds it's stuttering.. <> #7
Happens to me, too. I use a Nexus 7, stock 4.2 (prior Version was 4.1.2, obviously) and a Sennheiser MM100 BT headset. Stutters all the time. Controls work, the audio just isn't transmitted properly.
This happens with locally stored and streamed content, with video and audio files, with the Mobo Player, Youtube and Google Play Music apps, and it does NOT happen when I use regular old wire-bound earphones. Please fix it. The Nexus 7 is supposed to be a device to use the media offered in the play store, and like this, I really can't enjoy much content at all.
This happens with locally stored and streamed content, with video and audio files, with the Mobo Player, Youtube and Google Play Music apps, and it does NOT happen when I use regular old wire-bound earphones. Please fix it. The Nexus 7 is supposed to be a device to use the media offered in the play store, and like this, I really can't enjoy much content at all. <> #8
Just to add the device. It happens to me with a Creative D3X Speaker System. (Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR) <> #9
I'm also having problems with bluetooth and wireless since updating to 4.2.. Such a big thing to not notice from Google, hurry up and get this resolved fast. <> #10
Studdering issue with BT over wifi on my Nexus 7 since 4.2 upgrade. Unpaired and re-pairing helped a little, but downloading anything along with music exacerbates the studdering. Not good at all. <> #11
I have been testing all morning, and it doesn't seem to matter what application or connection that's active, it stutters badly. Local, streamed, all content is affected. <> #12
Tested for a while now:
Started the classic Angry birds...background music was fine over bluetooth. But as soon as I started a wifi download the sound in Angry Birds began to statter like crazy. So everytime the wifi connection gets active and is downloading something bluetooth begins to stutter.
I also can't longer activate the internet tethering between my N7 and GNexus.
Flashed the factory image back to 4.1.2 on the N7 and everything was problems. Then back to the 4.2 Factory image and I had the same issues again.
Started the classic Angry birds...background music was fine over bluetooth. But as soon as I started a wifi download the sound in Angry Birds began to statter like crazy. So everytime the wifi connection gets active and is downloading something bluetooth begins to stutter.
I also can't longer activate the internet tethering between my N7 and GNexus.
Flashed the factory image back to 4.1.2 on the N7 and everything was problems. Then back to the 4.2 Factory image and I had the same issues again. <> #13
Same problem here. Streaming audio to Bluetooth speakers is nearly impossible due to stuttering. Unpairing and pairing isn't helping. Local and online media affected.
Had no problems whatsoever while using 4.1.2, so it appears to be a defective BT stack under 4.2.
Seriously, how could this have been gone unnoticed?!
Had no problems whatsoever while using 4.1.2, so it appears to be a defective BT stack under 4.2.
Seriously, how could this have been gone unnoticed?! <> #14
I have the same issue, bluetooth and wifi stop working. <> #15
I too have the BT stuttering issue. I may just return this nexus as I just bought it and get an iPad. <> #16
[Comment deleted] <> #17
I am having problems with Bluetooth stuttering on my Monster Clarity HD. I had no problems at all on 4.1.2. I have stop and start on local music, iheartradio, tunein, and Pandora. I tried connecting to my phone bluetooth speaker and I had the same problem. <> #18
Sorry, Google, can you please advise me how to revert the ota update?
Bluetooth is not usable with 4.2 anymore. worked perfectly with 4.1.2.
As soon as the display turns off music begins to stutter.
thumbs down
Bluetooth is not usable with 4.2 anymore. worked perfectly with 4.1.2.
As soon as the display turns off music begins to stutter.
thumbs down <> #19
I'm having similar problems with my Logitech Bluetooth keyboard for android 3+. I'm running stock android 4.2, and this problem didn't exist in 4.1.2. Most of the time, my nexus 7 won't even recognize that it's there, and in the rare time that it s does, it won't connect. Please fix this problem as soon as possible; my nexus is pretty much useless without a functioning Bluetooth keyboard! <> #20
I have this issue as well. I noticed that even when just using bluetooth audio (no wifi) you can hear it stop after a couple of seconds, like a speaker turning off. Never heard this prior to 4.1.2.
Prior to 4.2 bluetooth wasn't perfect. Games always had huge (1-2 second lag) now games have about 1/4 - 1/2 second lag, but they start to get scratchy, hiccup the more you play. Before it was huge lag but not skips. Maybe you were trying to resolve this? I'd love to see gaming work with bluetooth, but at the least revert back to pre 4.2. Also unrelated, but I'm going to vent about bluetooth. I have a stereo and mono (jawbone type) bluetooth headset and I haven't found one app that can record audio via bluetooth with N7. Most force close. Either all those apps are written poorly or bluetooth audio recording is just horrible in android. I wanted to try your native sip client to see if that worked but of course that's disabled in N7.
I tried my friend's playbook and bluetooth is flawless in all apps and games. And when it came out the playbook didn't even have a2dp support. But they got it right their first release. There has been a bug on lag in realtime apps (games) filed over 2 years ago and not one developer comment. Just fix this. Expecting bluetooth audio to just work (movies, gaming-sync, recording) isn't unreasonable.
Prior to 4.2 bluetooth wasn't perfect. Games always had huge (1-2 second lag) now games have about 1/4 - 1/2 second lag, but they start to get scratchy, hiccup the more you play. Before it was huge lag but not skips. Maybe you were trying to resolve this? I'd love to see gaming work with bluetooth, but at the least revert back to pre 4.2. Also unrelated, but I'm going to vent about bluetooth. I have a stereo and mono (jawbone type) bluetooth headset and I haven't found one app that can record audio via bluetooth with N7. Most force close. Either all those apps are written poorly or bluetooth audio recording is just horrible in android. I wanted to try your native sip client to see if that worked but of course that's disabled in N7.
I tried my friend's playbook and bluetooth is flawless in all apps and games. And when it came out the playbook didn't even have a2dp support. But they got it right their first release. There has been a bug on lag in realtime apps (games) filed over 2 years ago and not one developer comment. Just fix this. Expecting bluetooth audio to just work (movies, gaming-sync, recording) isn't unreasonable. <> #21
I'm experiencing this problem when using the Google Music Player with my Jawbone Big Jambox. This issue did not exist in Android 4.1. The stuttering does not follow a consistent timing and is most prevalent when the Nexus 7 has its screen off (background mode?). If no fix is available within the next day or so, I'd like to find out how to revert back to Android 4.1. <> #22
I have my N7 paired to a Logitech Wireless Boom box (big one, not the mini one). I started having the same issues after receiving the 4.2 update last night. Just my two cents, but it seems to be, at least to me, a reception issue moreso than a conflict.
I was streaming Netflix to the N7, paired to the speakers. I noticed that when I moved the N7 to the other side of my desk, the stuttering disappeared. Out of curiosity, I continued moving it around the desk and watched the issue come and go. It was perfectly reproducible based on where the N7 sat. Not sure if this helps or not.
I was streaming Netflix to the N7, paired to the speakers. I noticed that when I moved the N7 to the other side of my desk, the stuttering disappeared. Out of curiosity, I continued moving it around the desk and watched the issue come and go. It was perfectly reproducible based on where the N7 sat. Not sure if this helps or not. <> #23
Having the same problem. My bluetooth connection makes the audio either studder of fade in and out every 10-15 seconds. <> #24
Can't wait for this to be fixed in 2014! <> <> #25
I'm also experiencing stuttering with Logitech wireless music adapter, it worked flawlessly on 4.1.2, it stutters every few seconds on 4.2. <> #26
I'm getting this on a Nexus 7 16gb with a pair of Sennheiser MM100 bluetooth headphones, whether they are connected to both phone and media audio, or when they are connected only to media. Happens in every app, as far as I can tell. Audio cuts off for a very long time when connecting to a wifi network, not sure if that is related to the root cause. <> #27
Yep I get Bluetooth skipping every couple seconds after 4.2 update on lg hsb700 <> #28
Having the same issue. <> #29
A related bluetooth issue on my GNEX is that I can't connect to my Wii Remote anymore where I was able to do this in 4.1.1. <> #30
I'm having the same issue streaming to my Sony Ericsson MW600 BT from eg. spotify. <> #31
I have just upgraded to 4.2 using the OTA update last night. I have been listening to music on my Nexus 7 a lot recently. Its been flawless on 4.1.1
It doubly disappointing as all my music has just finished uploading to googles recently launched Play Music store. I can confirm however this is happening to all Bluetooth audio.
It appears to occur as soon as the CPU starts to a get a little busy. E.g. When opening Play apps store front page. Presumably the bluetooth process is getting starved of CPU cycles somehow.
It doubly disappointing as all my music has just finished uploading to googles recently launched Play Music store. I can confirm however this is happening to all Bluetooth audio.
It appears to occur as soon as the CPU starts to a get a little busy. E.g. When opening Play apps store front page. Presumably the bluetooth process is getting starved of CPU cycles somehow. <> #32
Device: Nexus 7
Speaker: jawbone jambox.
When both the WiFi and Bluetooth are enabled, stuttering occurs on the audio.
Speaker: jawbone jambox.
When both the WiFi and Bluetooth are enabled, stuttering occurs on the audio. <> #33
Same issue as above when connecting to my car. BT connects and reconnects every few seconds. <> #34
Same problem here, Nexus7 32GB, Android 4.2, Creative ZiiSound D3x Bluetooth speaker. It is clearly related to Wi-Fi data transfer; I stream my media from a DLNA server, and with HD video there is much more stutter than with internet radio.
With 4.1.x I noticed that it was the other way round. Splashtop GamePad THD lagged a lot when the Bluetooth speaker was connected.
With 4.1.x I noticed that it was the other way round. Splashtop GamePad THD lagged a lot when the Bluetooth speaker was connected. <> #35
Same issue with bluetooth stutter. Worse when streaming music <> #36
My bluetooth audio also stutters in 4.2 where as 4.1 was working fine. Please fix this ASAP as I use my Nexus 7 daily to stream content to my home stereo. <> #37
I was developing a communication scheme in an application over bluetooth. Then an update came in last night while I was coding. All of a sudden, it doesn't want to connect with my device anymore over bluetooth. I tried repairing and connecting. It even had trouble repairing. Saying it couldn't talk/connect to the device. After several tries it finally paired. But still no communication like it was doing for me less than an hour ago when I had the old update. Dissappointing. Now I have to use another device around the office here instead of my Nexus 7. <> #38
Nexus 4, SonyEricsson MW600, stock JOP40C. No issues while streaming music from Google Music via Bluetooth.
Nexus 7, not so much. Starts stuttering when going into sleep/screen off. Temporary workaround appeared to be just letting the N7 idle into daydream, no stuttering then.
Nexus 7, not so much. Starts stuttering when going into sleep/screen off. Temporary workaround appeared to be just letting the N7 idle into daydream, no stuttering then. <> #39
For what it's worth - another confirmation of the problem. Pain in the neck! I use the N7 all the time for streaming Internet music to my home audio set - upgrade rendered it useless for that purpose. <> #40
I've been building a project that talks to BlueTerm on my N7. Before the auto-update to 4.2 it took an average of 3 tries to connect; now, no connection after lots of tries although pairing is still ok. (Running only 9600 baud.) <> #41
[Comment deleted] <> #42
No comment yet from Google?? <> #43
No one else is mentioning gaming, but it's a long-standing issue with all android devices. It's irks me on a long train ride when I feel like playing a game to shut down bluetooth and plug in my ear buds...
I know there was a bug filed long ago, can't find it now, but here's a more recent one:
I mention this because I don't want for you to simply revert to bluetooth pre 4.2. How about actually fixing bluetooth so it's in sync with everything? And then maybe god forbid, fix bluetooth audio recording.
Simply put, bluetooth audio has been horrible for years in android in all versions. Is the kernel/os simply not capable of real time audio via bluetooth? Do you have to buffer two seconds to avoid skips? I thought it was an inherit limitation of bluetooth but other non android devices do not suffer from this.
I know there was a bug filed long ago, can't find it now, but here's a more recent one:
I mention this because I don't want for you to simply revert to bluetooth pre 4.2. How about actually fixing bluetooth so it's in sync with everything? And then maybe god forbid, fix bluetooth audio recording.
Simply put, bluetooth audio has been horrible for years in android in all versions. Is the kernel/os simply not capable of real time audio via bluetooth? Do you have to buffer two seconds to avoid skips? I thought it was an inherit limitation of bluetooth but other non android devices do not suffer from this. <> #44
Same Problem with my nexus 7 and 4.2. Listening to Bluetooth Audio while wifi connection is active and transferring data is not usable. <> #45
Same issue.
Lack of unit tests is the problem here. Mentioned in this ticket a while ago (which has so far been ignored and not assigned):
Every version of android from nearly every vendor has bluetooth broken in some way. I'm glad it's broken in 4.2 in such a visible way as it may spur someone to actually do some quality checks in this area and finally add proper unit testing in all aspects (ie: actually using it in the real world). It's been an issue for years!
Lack of unit tests is the problem here. Mentioned in this ticket a while ago (which has so far been ignored and not assigned):
Every version of android from nearly every vendor has bluetooth broken in some way. I'm glad it's broken in 4.2 in such a visible way as it may spur someone to actually do some quality checks in this area and finally add proper unit testing in all aspects (ie: actually using it in the real world). It's been an issue for years! <> #46
Welcome to android. <> #47
I have same issue.Nexus 7 WiFi makes bluetooth jambox stutter.or vice versa. YouTube lag and Google play stutter. Unacceptable. <> #48
Just a me too comment. Can't stream to my Philips fidelio bluetooth speaker. Is definitely related to wifi usage. <> #49
Just discovered that turning off all GPS radio's seems to fix the sound streaming issue (tested it now for over an hour with two different BT headphones) . This is of course not an acceptable situation however you may want to try it out until Google brings an official fix. <> #50
Tried it with disabled gps, still the same problems. <> #51
I've also tested it now with my 3rd BT headphones - Sennheiser MM450-X and here's the situation :
1. Sound quality definitely drooped down - in comparison to JB 4.1.2 and in general !
2. Stuttering issue decreased dramatically - from every few seconds to maybe once every 10-15 minutes !
Again not sure if it has anything to do with GPS radio's however I tested it with two devices (I actually own two N7) and at least in my case GPS off seems to make some change.
1. Sound quality definitely drooped down - in comparison to JB 4.1.2 and in general !
2. Stuttering issue decreased dramatically - from every few seconds to maybe once every 10-15 minutes !
Again not sure if it has anything to do with GPS radio's however I tested it with two devices (I actually own two N7) and at least in my case GPS off seems to make some change. <> #52
I updated to Android 4.2 just an hour ago. Now I have the same issue as described above.
A Logitech Mini BoomBox is connected to my Nexus 7 via Bluetooth. If I now start a download in the background while listening to music or watching a movie, the audio is interrupted approximately every second for half a second.
Please provide a fix for this issue without delay. The bug is very annoying.
A Logitech Mini BoomBox is connected to my Nexus 7 via Bluetooth. If I now start a download in the background while listening to music or watching a movie, the audio is interrupted approximately every second for half a second.
Please provide a fix for this issue without delay. The bug is very annoying. <> #53
Google has been communicating with the BT team, and I have confirmation from developers on Google+ that people are looking in to it. Also, Mr. Xie has been assigned to our plight, so I have faith. Google isn't just going to shaft their customers with a major issue like this. Let's all have patience. <> #54
i have the stuttering audio issue here, using a pair of Parrot Zik BT phones.
turning off GPS seems to have helped somewhat :)
turning off GPS seems to have helped somewhat :) <> #55
I appear to have the same kind of Bluetooth problems on the Nexus 10: connecting a Bluetooth keyboard works for a while, then it gets stuck and it is not possible to connect any Bluetooth device anymore.
The wifi also stops working until I reboot the device. Annoying... :-( Not sure if this is related, but it did happen exactly when the Bluetooth was stuck. I disabled the wifi and I couldn't turn it on again, frozen at "turning on wifi".
The wifi also stops working until I reboot the device. Annoying... :-( Not sure if this is related, but it did happen exactly when the Bluetooth was stuck. I disabled the wifi and I couldn't turn it on again, frozen at "turning on wifi". <> #56
Also have BT problems...
In my case i'm note able to connect my BT-Gamepad to my Nexus 7.
Works on all my other android devices very well...
In my case i'm note able to connect my BT-Gamepad to my Nexus 7.
Works on all my other android devices very well... <> #57
Perhaps Google should offer an easy way to return to v. 4.1.2 as a stop gap solution.
I would be happy to go back.
I would be happy to go back. <> #58
Stuttering with BT speaker and TUNEIN. Plus very deep bass voices. <> #59
I used to be able to connect to a bluetooth tethering device, but this cannot be done in 4.2 <> #60
Man I wished I had not updated to 4.2. My lovely Blackberry Playbook Bluetooth keyboard/trackpad has stopped working. The pairing was gone after the update and my Nexus 7 16gb wifi can no longer find it when searching for Bluetooth devices. <> #61
I have connection problems with my Sennheiser M50 headset - after upadting to 4.2 of course. <> #62
Bluetooth constantly stutters on my 4.2 Nexus 7 when using the Samsung HM3000 headset(BT 3.0). Before the update on 4.1.2, bluetooth audio would lag when playing games, when pressing the soft keys and typing the default or 3rd party virtual keyboards.
Please do not just revert to 4.1.2 when addressing this problem. Actually fix the audio Bluetooth delay that has been plaguing some of us for years! Copy Apple on making blietooth actually work and hopefully not get sued in the process or save us some money and not even bother to offer Bluetooth on your devices since it seems the Android OS is incapable of real time audio through Bluetooth.
Please do not just revert to 4.1.2 when addressing this problem. Actually fix the audio Bluetooth delay that has been plaguing some of us for years! Copy Apple on making blietooth actually work and hopefully not get sued in the process or save us some money and not even bother to offer Bluetooth on your devices since it seems the Android OS is incapable of real time audio through Bluetooth. <> #63
same issues here on a nexus 7
apple wireless trackpad no longer works
ps3 sixaxis no longer works
wiimote no longer works
apple magic mouse works but often stutters
apple wireless trackpad no longer works
ps3 sixaxis no longer works
wiimote no longer works
apple magic mouse works but often stutters <> #64
similar issues with netflix. sound cuts out every couple seconds. didnt do that with 4.1.2 <> #65
Stuttering sound from a jawbone jambox. At first I thought it was related to wifi, it appeared when streaming music from spotify or watching youtube clips. However it appears also when playing local music files. <> #66
Hi from France, I use my Nexus 7 to listen music in my Helmet when i drive my motorcycle. I'm not sur the problem becomes from android 4.2. The same day i've updated android (to 4.2) and Google Play Music and I have the problem I can't listen music ; every 4-5 seconds there is a small pause when I use Google Play Music.
But I've also discovered that when i listen podcast with the application PodKast there is no problem, no pause !
So, I will try other application to listen music ...
But I've also discovered that when i listen podcast with the application PodKast there is no problem, no pause !
So, I will try other application to listen music ... <> #67
got the same issue on Nexus 7
Another app, that shows data from a Bluetooth temperature sensor crashes nearly every hour now. Sensor works in SPP mode. Also problems with Bluetooth chat apps (SPP)
Nothing of that occurred with 4.1.2.
Another app, that shows data from a Bluetooth temperature sensor crashes nearly every hour now. Sensor works in SPP mode. Also problems with Bluetooth chat apps (SPP)
Nothing of that occurred with 4.1.2. <> #68
Extremly disappointed in google. I use bluetooth everyday on this device and now it is unusable with studering consentally. Please upgrade PRIORITY to high. <> #69
I have my N7 connected via BT to my Pioneer system in my truck. Since upgrading (??) to 4.2 the audio now chops up. It is very bad when the N7 has an active WiFi connection, less severe when it does not have a WiFi connection but still not usable. However turning WiFi off stops the BT audio breakup.
How could Google not see this problem? Not a happy customer.
How could Google not see this problem? Not a happy customer. <> #70
[Comment deleted] <> #71
If this was Apple, this bug would already be known as "bluetoothgate". I bought a Nexus7 to replace both my smartphone (3GS) and 10" tablet (iPad). I NEED bluetooth for that. Why the priority is only set to medium is beyond me. Everything else works almost flawlessly, nothing is as bad as this bug. <> #72
I confirm this bluetooth bug with nexus 7 android 4.2. Ever since I update
to version 4.2, I experience stuttering and cuts in bluetooth music
to version 4.2, I experience stuttering and cuts in bluetooth music <> #73
Patience?! Bluetooth has been broken in some way or another in android on
all devices for years, it's not just this 4.2 issue. Even reverting back
to 4.1.2 Bluetooth isn't perfect. Ever try and play a game with Bluetooth
audio? Any realtime app suffers from this ( VoIP)
all devices for years, it's not just this 4.2 issue. Even reverting back
to 4.1.2 Bluetooth isn't perfect. Ever try and play a game with Bluetooth
audio? Any realtime app suffers from this ( VoIP) <> #74
Discovered also problems with Android Beam which I never had before 4.2.
Transfering pictures with Android Beam from my Nexus 7 (4.2) to my Galaxy Nexus (4.1.2) fails.
Transfering pictures with Android Beam from my Nexus 7 (4.2) to my Galaxy Nexus (4.1.2) fails. <> #75
I also have the same problems with my Nexus 7. <> #76
Bluetooth does not work in the jelly bean 4.2 update (music skips every few seconds). Pretty pathetic since it worked perfectly before update. <> #77
I have had it with this issue. Nexus 7 4.2. two jamboxes big and small.WiFi and bluetooth plus Google music equals epic fail. Stutters and now it is actually SURGING! Unusable. When screen goes to sleep problem gets worse .WiFi is set to stay awake. I have tried everything except giving up. Is something this simple that difficult to get right? <> #78
Sling box app is not usable as soon as bluetooth speaker is turned on. Stutters constantly. YouTube and Netflix is a problem as well. <> #79
I have to say I actually love this bug - Bluetooth has never gotten a lot of attention in Android because there where not that many users of Bluetooth stuff around, but this big topic ( Audio ) gives a big outcry of users ( 111 stars on this issue in 3 Days )
Really hope this right signal will trigger action so that the android developers team will get some clever BT guys
I think BT will rise 2013 with BT 4.0 and Android should really be good in this direction - especially seeing that google is trying to push the web of things with e.g ADK and NFC
Really hope this right signal will trigger action so that the android developers team will get some clever BT guys
I think BT will rise 2013 with BT 4.0 and Android should really be good in this direction - especially seeing that google is trying to push the web of things with e.g ADK and NFC <> #80
Not pairing with my Wiimote at all. Other bluetooth devices like speakers and the car audio breaks. Any ETA to fix? <> #81
This is more than a bug. It is a takes away a major functionality of many devices.who needs a music player app and speakers when the device can't play frikken music. <> #82
I am having the same issue.. I hope you guys get on fixing it, every time I use Bluetooth (primarily for sixaxis but occasionally for tethering) it gives me errors and my WiFi shuts down. I use my nexus heavily for gaming and it'd be a real shame not to be able to utilize it for a long time. Disappointing but reconcilable if dealt with quickly. <> #83
i just got my 32gb n7 and well the ps3 control wont work anyone and the bluetooth music streaming in my car is very shuddery :/ <> #84
After my nexus 7 speakers blew, I thought I would get a bluetooth speaker. Came 2 days ago. Then the N7 upgraded itself to 4.2. And yes, music stutters. So I STILL have no sound at all with my N7. Really annoyed. <> #85
For now, until this is finally fixed, I have some information that my help most (hopefully all) of you.
I just got my N7 (LOVE IT!!!!) and wanted to test this issue soon, because I had read somewhere (can't remember where) how someone got rid of the problem on his N7. Disclaimer: if this doesnt work for you, please no flaming, I just want to help...
Settings>Apps>All>Bluetooth Share. Clear all app data ( i think you will lose any paired devices as well...) Then pair (repair) devices and give it a try.
I tried it with my LG HBS-700 after doing this and watched some youtube vids and only heard it hiccup once, but i think it was either from the stream or the vid itself. And it was little to no lag.
I really hope this helps people until Google can fix the Bluetooth stack.
I just got my N7 (LOVE IT!!!!) and wanted to test this issue soon, because I had read somewhere (can't remember where) how someone got rid of the problem on his N7. Disclaimer: if this doesnt work for you, please no flaming, I just want to help...
Settings>Apps>All>Bluetooth Share. Clear all app data ( i think you will lose any paired devices as well...) Then pair (repair) devices and give it a try.
I tried it with my LG HBS-700 after doing this and watched some youtube vids and only heard it hiccup once, but i think it was either from the stream or the vid itself. And it was little to no lag.
I really hope this helps people until Google can fix the Bluetooth stack. <> #86
Thanks...clearing the data worked for me on nexus 7 and my Fidelio dock!! <> #87
Tried clearing the data. For me, it didn't solve the issue unfortunately; problem still occurs when streaming online media. Unpairing the device wasn't helping either.
Right now I'm experiencing gaps of up to 10 seconds each (!), while listening to TuneIn.
(Using a Creative D5)
Right now I'm experiencing gaps of up to 10 seconds each (!), while listening to TuneIn.
(Using a Creative D5) <> #88
Sorry, I had no luck with Andrew.v's method. I still have audio stutter when WiFi is active, even when I play a local audio file while loading web pages. I also still have video stutter when streaming videos via WiFi using Bluetooth audio; that effect was already present in Android 4.1.2. The same videos stream fine with Bluetooth audio disabled; even a Bluetooth mouse does not interfere with the video. It really seems that there is some interference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as soon as a significant amount of data is transferred on both at the same time. <> #89
Clearing the data didn't work for me (Nexus 7 3g). <> #90
Ok just tried the app database and cache clear recommended above on my N7 16g 4.2 and then stopped and started Bluetooth again and is successfully detected my Motorola BT keyboard and accepted the code. So there is at least SOME merit in doing that for static devices. <> #91
Love the new features, but I can't live without Bluetooth connectivity. Pairs fine, but stutters badly when downloading things or browsing the web. Will be reverting to 4.1 if its not fixed this week. <> #92
Same issue for me.
Device is nexus 7 (8gb) and a Bose soundlink box.
sound is broken over Bluetooth when I stream from spitify.
This started with the 4.2 update
Device is nexus 7 (8gb) and a Bose soundlink box.
sound is broken over Bluetooth when I stream from spitify.
This started with the 4.2 update <> #93
This is a serious issue, but not limited to 4.2. It's clear Bluetooth support on Android is poor and interferes with wifi signals. I have this issue on a 2.3 HTC as well. It basically renders speaker docks useless. <> #94
Nexus 7 16GB 1st version
I noticed a slight improvement last night
and this morning
Google play, youtube and netflix were working flawlessly.
I noticed a slight improvement last night
and this morning
Google play, youtube and netflix were working flawlessly. <> #95
This issue was apparent on both my Nexus 7s and on multiple builds of Android. For whatever reason it is worse now running 4.2. I have taken hours trying to troubleshoot and use some of the advice of folks in this thread. Turn off Gps, clear apps etc. Nothing works. I have noticed that the problem gets worse when the light goes out. I also notice that when using Google search or Google Now the Nexus will lag with bluetooth and WiFi running. The problem has gotten so bad on my system its almost laughable. I was showing a friend my Nexus/Jambox setup and the music started to surge so bad David Lee Roth sounded like he inhaled helium. Skipping is annoying enough but now its playing sometimes like a record on the wrong rpm. High and low. Is someone going to acknowledge that the problem is a priority and it is going to be fixed? <> #96
Ended up reverting to 4.1.2 as this was a major issue for me. Now, everything is working properly. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until this is resolved to upgrade again... Based on the other bug link I saw here, it appears as if Android Bluetooth needs some love from the dev team. Hope a 4.2.x update sees some serious improvements.
Now, maybe it's a good thing I couldn't buy the Nexus 4 yet :)
Now, maybe it's a good thing I couldn't buy the Nexus 4 yet :) <> #97
Is there a way of reverting to 4.1.2 without rooting? <> #98
[Comment deleted] <> #99
Some are saying reverting back to 4.1.2 and everything is perfect again, but bluetooth was never perfect. If you say it was perfect you more than likely don't game on android with bluetooth.
Anyway, I wanted to post that what a couple of others have mentioned, I disabled gps and so far the skipping has stopped. Also, gaming is much better than 4.1.2 as it had the 1-2 second delay in audio. 4.2 is not perfect, like 1/4 of second behind, but it's much better. However some games seem to have sync issues a little more than others, and some suffer from skipping more.
But overall, ignoring the gps conflict, 4.2 bluetooth audio is, in a way, better than 4.1.2. I'm still going to test more with wifi enabled, but youtubing streaming for me was in sync as long as I had gps disabled. I just wanted to stress to the android developers to please not to simply revert to 4.1.2 code as a fix, as some have requested here. It seems you are much closer to fixing bluetooth audio once and for all and in some ways 4.1.2 will be a step backwards again.
Anyway, I wanted to post that what a couple of others have mentioned, I disabled gps and so far the skipping has stopped. Also, gaming is much better than 4.1.2 as it had the 1-2 second delay in audio. 4.2 is not perfect, like 1/4 of second behind, but it's much better. However some games seem to have sync issues a little more than others, and some suffer from skipping more.
But overall, ignoring the gps conflict, 4.2 bluetooth audio is, in a way, better than 4.1.2. I'm still going to test more with wifi enabled, but youtubing streaming for me was in sync as long as I had gps disabled. I just wanted to stress to the android developers to please not to simply revert to 4.1.2 code as a fix, as some have requested here. It seems you are much closer to fixing bluetooth audio once and for all and in some ways 4.1.2 will be a step backwards again. <> #100
Same problems. Nexus 7 unusable after the 4.2 update due to audio problems with Bluetooth with WiFi enabled. foobar. Thinking about rooting my device now. <> #101
Disabling GPS does nothing for me except make me more lost. <> #102
Why revert when it was almost just as bad? <> #103
I too tried disabling GPS and so far spotify has been able to stream unsynced songs stutter-free, where as earlier it would stutter during playback even when playing synced songs. <> #104
Bluetooth perfectly broken. Can't even start to describe the many odd issues I am facing on Galaxy Nexus GSM. <> #105
[Comment deleted] <> #106
Same here while watching vids on youtube. <> #107
Nexus 7 8gb. Bluetooth headset stutters on any kind of playback with sound. google music, youtube, and netflix. <> #108
I have used a LG HBS700 (Tone) bluetooth headset with my Nexus 7 device since receiving it in October, with very few inconsistent hiccups that seemed like little more than occasional interference or some other nuisance. Since the 4.2 update to the Android OS,I have had similar bluetooth connectivity issues to what others have reported. In my case, the night that I updated my Nexus the issues started, where the audio streamed from Spotify (in offline mode, and I hardly use other audio applications, and with and without wifi enabled) skips or hiccups frequently. Often this series of small gaps in the audio is very regular, happening every few seconds with a certain tempo. After a period of that activity though, it might work great for about 20 seconds, and then skip every second for a short time before going back to 'normal' (the regular skips). That is just an example as it seems mostly unpredictable. Interestingly, and a short-term workaround is that when the screen of the device is active, there are zero problems. It seems I can just drain my battery leaving the screen on and suddenly all the little gaps disappear. Also something that is slightly different from some of the similar posts on the xda-developer thread about this issue, and I'd imagine some of the posts on this page, my Logitech Android 3.0+ bluetooth keyboard is working just like it used to. This may be 'because' I have the screen active though. I am actually typing this message on the keyboard. If prompted I can test with other apps to find out if they are similarly effected, but it seems there is already a wealth of people reporting the same problems. In short, having the screen on seems to fix connectivity issues, and my individual problems are not effected by wifi. As a side note after viewing a few posts above, I very rarely enable GPS on my Nexus, so it seems unrelated to the issue I, personally am having with the device. <> #109
My bluetooth on Galaxy NEXUS dont turn ON anymore after upgrade! <> #110
Same issue here: bluetooth keyboard no longer visible and headphones stutter. I just tried the issue noted above and it did not work: "Settings>Apps>All>Bluetooth Share. Clear all app data ( i think you will lose any paired devices as well...) Then pair (repair) devices and give it a try."
I really hope Google puts a fix in for this issue soon. It's hard to be believe they didn't sufficiently test before releasing the update. Had they done so, they would have certainly discovered the problem.
I really hope Google puts a fix in for this issue soon. It's hard to be believe they didn't sufficiently test before releasing the update. Had they done so, they would have certainly discovered the problem. <> #111
One more thing. I think this topic should be retitled to more accurately reflect the problem from "Bluetooth almost broken..." to "Bluetooth broken..." <> #112
Nexus 7 16gb
Bluetooth is unusable after 4.2 update. N7 will not automatically connect to my Bluetooth sound system and when I manually connect the connection drops every few seconds. Im debating whether the whole "Google ecosystem" I have going on is really worth all the bullshit I go through keeping everything working. I've been an android user since its conception and I see the progress but this shit is getting old. I like to tinker with my gadgets but sometimes I just like them to work. Work all the time with no effort on my part.
Bluetooth is unusable after 4.2 update. N7 will not automatically connect to my Bluetooth sound system and when I manually connect the connection drops every few seconds. Im debating whether the whole "Google ecosystem" I have going on is really worth all the bullshit I go through keeping everything working. I've been an android user since its conception and I see the progress but this shit is getting old. I like to tinker with my gadgets but sometimes I just like them to work. Work all the time with no effort on my part. <> #113
Same here :-\ <> #114
Android Police just posted a full list of 4.2 bugs (to date)
This sounds as a huge fiasco!!!
Wonder if anyone at Google actually reads this and plans to suggest at least some interim remedy.
Meanwhile I simply moved back to my old iPad 1 - still works great btw :-\
This sounds as a huge fiasco!!!
Wonder if anyone at Google actually reads this and plans to suggest at least some interim remedy.
Meanwhile I simply moved back to my old iPad 1 - still works great btw :-\ <> #115
Thankfully I'm not on 4.2 on my Galaxy Nexus yet, I was going to order a Nexus 4 and this is a deal breaker for me. I use CM10 with Bluetooth MAP functionality in 4.1.2, and until this is fixed, I won't be upgrading my device, or software to 4.2 <> #116
I am having the same issue. I have a pair of headphones that have always had problems with my droid RAZR but they worked flawlessly with 4.1.2 but now it's terrible and unusable. Please fix ASAP.along with all the other bugs... I love android and this is the worst release in a while so get some quality control and carry on. <> #117
After updating to 4.2 my Nokia Bluetooth headset stopped working.
Can't use it for listening to audio, Skype doesn't play audio through it...
So now Bluetooth is totally useless.
Please raise priority because this is serious screw up.
We all need this fixed ASAP so don't let us down.
BTW I'm using stock ROM, didn't unlock bootloader or Root my device in order to keep it "safe". Now I have a tablet without bluetooth... :-/
Can't use it for listening to audio, Skype doesn't play audio through it...
So now Bluetooth is totally useless.
Please raise priority because this is serious screw up.
We all need this fixed ASAP so don't let us down.
BTW I'm using stock ROM, didn't unlock bootloader or Root my device in order to keep it "safe". Now I have a tablet without bluetooth... :-/ <> #118
Network peering over Bluetooth experiences periodic dropouts. No wiimote connectivity for 4.2 either. <> #119
I also recently encountered this bug when trying to send a file to my Macbook. Seems Android 4.2.1 will be the quickest release yet. <> #120
We are aware of the wifi/bluetooth co-existence issue and are working on the problem. Sorry for the trouble. <> #121
Same here on the Nexus 10 connected to Creative D100 speakers. Stuttering all the time. <> #122
I use a Senheiser MM400 on an Nexus7 16GB and an Nexus4 16GB, both with 4.2(Build J0P40C)
Nexus 7 Kernel: 3.1.10-g22b4fcd
Nexus 4 Kernel: 3.4.0-pref-ge039dcb
Nexus 7 is stuttering every time, Nexus 4 work's fine, nothing stutters.
Hope that helps
Nexus 7 Kernel: 3.1.10-g22b4fcd
Nexus 4 Kernel: 3.4.0-pref-ge039dcb
Nexus 7 is stuttering every time, Nexus 4 work's fine, nothing stutters.
Hope that helps <> #123
Same problem, with Nexus 7 16G and Jabra Halo 2. <> #124
Same problem with my Nexus 7 <> #125
Open Garden now will not connect to my Nexus 7 device via Bluetooth. It worked great with Jelly Bean 4.1 and then after the update it wouldn't work. No other changes were made with my device. Not even any app updates.
The weird thing is that my Bluetooth keyboard and mouse seem to work okay. So Bluetooth does work to that extent but when it comes to Open Garden, I can no longer pair the Nexus 7 with my phone. They simply do not see each other from the Nexus 7's perspective. The phone will see the Nexus 7 but not the other way around.
The weird thing is that my Bluetooth keyboard and mouse seem to work okay. So Bluetooth does work to that extent but when it comes to Open Garden, I can no longer pair the Nexus 7 with my phone. They simply do not see each other from the Nexus 7's perspective. The phone will see the Nexus 7 but not the other way around. <> #126
Experiencing same issue as OP on 1st run Nexus 7. Bluetooth streaming of Play Music to Logitech bluetooth audio receiver gives choppy playback. <> #127
Same problem here. Nexus 7 with plantronics earpiece. Interruption every minute or so. Unusable. <> #128
Same issue here, music stuttering on Nexus 7 after 4.2 upgrade, LG HBS700 headset. Unusable! <> #129
My bluetooth stopped working when I upgraded to android 4.2 - please fix this in the next version. <> #130
I've been using a Leica Disto laser measuring device to input data to a programme on my N7 via bluetooth. It worked perfectly until the 4.2 "upgrade", now I can pair them, in that the N7 recognised the code and reported the Disto paired, but the programme and the device don't agree! No data can be transferred.
Looking at the details for the device, the screen only offers the option to unpair. It doesn't offer option to examine or change profiles.
It seems to me that SPP is missing or blocked.
I need this sorting out. My Nexus 7 had become a serious work tool, but now it's useless for that purpose without bluetooth working.
Looking at the details for the device, the screen only offers the option to unpair. It doesn't offer option to examine or change profiles.
It seems to me that SPP is missing or blocked.
I need this sorting out. My Nexus 7 had become a serious work tool, but now it's useless for that purpose without bluetooth working. <> #131
I too have this issue. There are a few things that I noticed helped:
Using local music works best - but still has issues where music either stops, or stops and then resumes running faster for a few seconds, creating horrible distortion
If I leave the screen unlocked, the also seems to reduce the occurrence of problems.
Not using the wifi for ANYTHING helps.
I have not tried turning off network notification or wifi optimization, but the device is set to always keep wifi on during sleep.
This SUCKS, plain and simple.
Using local music works best - but still has issues where music either stops, or stops and then resumes running faster for a few seconds, creating horrible distortion
If I leave the screen unlocked, the also seems to reduce the occurrence of problems.
Not using the wifi for ANYTHING helps.
I have not tried turning off network notification or wifi optimization, but the device is set to always keep wifi on during sleep.
This SUCKS, plain and simple. <> #132
Received the Android 4.2 update on my Galaxy Nexus (yakju) today. On this Galaxy Nexus I don't have the bluetooth audio issues I got with 4.2 on my Nexus 7. Maybe it has to do with the different kernel? <> #133
I have the very annoying problem as well. At first I thought it was the connection so I rest my Soundlink and reconnected my N7, but still had the same problems. I unpaired the Soundlink from my N7, but that didn't work.
I connected my Verizon Gnex and it played just fine on the Soundlink.
Just my 2 cents but I would rather have this fixed then the calendar issue. I think Bluetooth gets used more then a calendar. But that's just me.
I connected my Verizon Gnex and it played just fine on the Soundlink.
Just my 2 cents but I would rather have this fixed then the calendar issue. I think Bluetooth gets used more then a calendar. But that's just me. <> #134
For those who say that Bluetooth worked perfectly until 4.2 - your experience is unusual. Bluetooth has always been a source of frustration and wasted time for Android users and developers alike.
Fortunately, Google has taken the bull by the horns and commissioned an entirely new Bluetooth stack for Android which shipped with 4.2. In theory this is a good thing and should lead to a more stable experience for everyone
Unfortunate the new stack works about as well as most other Bluetooth stacks shipped with Android, and Google is still happy to ship software that is completely broken. On a positive note, this issue has been 'assigned' and that is a good sign.
As someone else mentioned, it is unlikely that the situation will get much better until they add to the Compatibility Test Suite.
Fortunately, Google has taken the bull by the horns and commissioned an entirely new Bluetooth stack for Android which shipped with 4.2. In theory this is a good thing and should lead to a more stable experience for everyone
Unfortunate the new stack works about as well as most other Bluetooth stacks shipped with Android, and Google is still happy to ship software that is completely broken. On a positive note, this issue has been 'assigned' and that is a good sign.
As someone else mentioned, it is unlikely that the situation will get much better until they add to the Compatibility Test Suite. <> #135
I agree with the poster of comment 134,bluetooth on Android has NEVER worked perfectly in all situations. Mostly it sucks. None of my headsets have worked properly, yet they all did on Windows Mobile handsets. I thought it was just me! I was amazed when my Leica worked straight away on my N7 ;expected as much when it wouldn't work with my HTC Sensation running 4.1.1 and 4.1.2;and now really upset that it won't work with either.
Point to note here Google, my problem occurred on my N7 AFTER upgrade to 4.2,but it existed on my HTC Sensation with 4.1.1,so something was wrong then, and maybe introduced into 4.2 by some other change which affected how the N7 handles bluetooth.
Point to note here Google, my problem occurred on my N7 AFTER upgrade to 4.2,but it existed on my HTC Sensation with 4.1.1,so something was wrong then, and maybe introduced into 4.2 by some other change which affected how the N7 handles bluetooth. <> #136
I have a GSM Galaxy Nexus and yes, I experience a lot of Bluetooth static and stuttering on 4.2. The quality of audio streaming is terrible. These issues never existed in 4.1.2.
Please provide a fix ASAP!!!
Please provide a fix ASAP!!! <> #137
Besides the bluetooth issues on my Nexus 7 I've noticed that WiFi also has some strange behavior and sometimes disconnects for no reason.
I try to turn it off and on again, it works for like one minute and then disconnects again.
The only workaround is to turn off tablet and back on.
A new tablet that had everything to be respectable in this hard market doesn't have basic features working after the 4.2 update.
The first time I buy an Android device without HTC Sense and I already feel like I was hit in the stomach. This is my 9th device BTW.
Priority for this problems is incorrectly adjusted. What can we do with a tablet without communications?
Any time frame for a fix? This is needed like air for my lungs. Please correct this asap. Thank you.
I try to turn it off and on again, it works for like one minute and then disconnects again.
The only workaround is to turn off tablet and back on.
A new tablet that had everything to be respectable in this hard market doesn't have basic features working after the 4.2 update.
The first time I buy an Android device without HTC Sense and I already feel like I was hit in the stomach. This is my 9th device BTW.
Priority for this problems is incorrectly adjusted. What can we do with a tablet without communications?
Any time frame for a fix? This is needed like air for my lungs. Please correct this asap. Thank you. <> #138
I have the same stuttering problem with a Plantronics Voyager Pro+ Bluetooth headset. Also, audio latency over Bluetooth seems to be worse with 4.2. <> #139
[Comment deleted] <> #140
Stuttering here Spracht blunote external bluetooth speakers post update 4.2. Terrible audio quality . <> #141
Galaxy Nexus with Sony MW600. A2DP quality has been dramatically reduced after jelly bean 4.2, no shuttering but a constant buzzing sound making it impossible to use my headset. Tried re pairing the device but still no good. This should be an urgent fix, depend on streaming and handsfree.... <> #142
Deleting Bluetooth cache data ("All Data" really) and repairing does solve my problems, but not always. I use blue-tooth speakers with two different blue-tooth devices and after the speakers have been paired with the N7 again, the problem is back. The trick of clearing cache and re-pairing does not work consistently.
Very annoying is the lack of commitment in the response from Google. I read one note in the list here that says "we're working on it" - but without any further insights into priority, ETA of a fix, etc. The Status of the issue has been set to Assigned and P=Medium for over a week...
Very annoying is the lack of commitment in the response from Google. I read one note in the list here that says "we're working on it" - but without any further insights into priority, ETA of a fix, etc. The Status of the issue has been set to Assigned and P=Medium for over a week... <> #143
cant use bluetooth pls fix ths ASAP!! <> #144
Getting ready to downgrade back to 4.1.2 on my Galaxy Nexus because of the Bluetooth issues. Random disconnects even though Bluetooth is still on. Trying to reconnect sometimes works, other times my vehicle says no phone found. At least I can turn mine on, others can't even do that! <> #145
Galaxy Nexus running 4.2 (cleanly flashed from the yakju factory image, no OTA update), Bluetooth audio is completely broken. It has always been fine on this phone before, but now it stutters like crazy and is absolutely unlistenable. The new BT stack clearly has issues and needs to get fixed ASAP. <> #146
Same stuttering using my Motorola BT headset. Works fine on Win7 laptop and iPhone. <> #147
A2DP stuttering happened rarely with 4.1 on N7 16GB, but now it happens every few minutes with 4.2; also, now it stutters every few seconds when wifi is used and Bluetooth now has a shorter range before complaining. This is not tied to headset, as I tested this out using multiple headsets. <> #148
I want to just confirm that this issue is occurring on my nexus 4, as others were speculating that this would be the case. <> #149
[Comment deleted] <> #150
Nexus 7. I can confirm that streaming over wifi to a bluetooth speaker using 4.2 is intermittent and unusable as users state. This is the whole reason I bought this device in the first place and so frustratingly disappointing. It indicates inadequate software validation on the Nexus 7 which is likely a systemic issue, meaning additional issues will also arise with Google subsequent updates. There were no noted issues with 4.1.2. No date appears to have been provided by Google as to when this and the other smaller issues of 4.2 will be resolved. <> #151
Having the same issue. Would have expected faster response from Google. Very disappointed <> #152
Google is ignoring us. That's frustrating like hell. I just want to return this great device with CRAP ROM and forget the 4.2 train.
Knock knock Google... WAKE UP!
WiFi and Bluetooth are messed up on JB 4.2
Fix this or else you will soon have more RMA than you can handle.
I hate to make ultimatums but this is TOO SERIOUS TO BE IGNORED. Every 4.2 device is an expensive paperweight until this issue is fixed.
Nexus 7 32GB STOCK!
Knock knock Google... WAKE UP!
WiFi and Bluetooth are messed up on JB 4.2
Fix this or else you will soon have more RMA than you can handle.
I hate to make ultimatums but this is TOO SERIOUS TO BE IGNORED. Every 4.2 device is an expensive paperweight until this issue is fixed.
Nexus 7 32GB STOCK! <> #153
Anybody that considers priority=medium must be from other planet.
I need BT and WIFI on my tablet. End of conversation.
Instead of wasting your time with easter eggs you should immediately fix the bugs that haunt JB 4.2.
Signed: someone that has to work HARD to earn money for my gadgets. Try walking in my shoes, PLEASE!
I need BT and WIFI on my tablet. End of conversation.
Instead of wasting your time with easter eggs you should immediately fix the bugs that haunt JB 4.2.
Signed: someone that has to work HARD to earn money for my gadgets. Try walking in my shoes, PLEASE! <> #154
I am also experiencing bluetooth audio stuttering with nexus 7 and the 4.2 update. The sound worsens with wifi and bluetooth on at the same time. I tried them on a galaxy s3 with an earlier android version and the headphones work flawlessly. Makes bluetooth music unusable on 4.2. Its not like there is an inbuilt way to revert an android version, soo frustrated. <> #155
I'm experiencing the same issues on my Nexus 4 with a Plantronics Voyager Pro.
Bluetooth audio is an essential feature on mobile phones and I would not have purchased the phone if I was aware of this issue.
Bluetooth audio is an essential feature on mobile phones and I would not have purchased the phone if I was aware of this issue. <> #156
I'm suffering from this as well on both my Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. I'm also suffering from really low volumes in Google Music. <> #157
Also suffering this issue - Using new ZiiSound 5x speakers, and getting regular stutters. Can't even listen to a single track without it cutting out, making it a useless streaming solution. Please fix <> #158
Have the same problems, Bluetooth lost connection (have a jabra Street 2) and the quality is worse.
Google please help us!
Google please help us! <> #159
I've loaded some music on my N7 last night to try out my Sony BT headset, and yes I have the same problem. Just a missed beat on the first track, barely noticeable. But after four or five tracks it was missing up to five seconds every minute or so, with shorter skips in between.
It would be more reassuring if Google would acknowledge this and give some updates from time to time.
One wonders and indeed assumes that the guys at Mountain View MUST walk around with the latest products and software, using their own phones and tablets in Real World situations. If I were a developer working for Google right now, I'd be driving to work with a Nexus 4 connected to the car bluetooth or hands-free, or using my N7 in the office, and thinking WTF are we doing wrong?!
And then I would be trying to tell the world "we have got it sorted" and not rest until it was.
It would be more reassuring if Google would acknowledge this and give some updates from time to time.
One wonders and indeed assumes that the guys at Mountain View MUST walk around with the latest products and software, using their own phones and tablets in Real World situations. If I were a developer working for Google right now, I'd be driving to work with a Nexus 4 connected to the car bluetooth or hands-free, or using my N7 in the office, and thinking WTF are we doing wrong?!
And then I would be trying to tell the world "we have got it sorted" and not rest until it was. <> #160
Galaxy nexus after OTA to 4.2 Bluetooth broken. Can't activate it. :-( yakju <> #161
My Nexus 7 since the update to 4.2 stutters nearly all the time when streaming audio via Bluetooth to my Bluetooth speaker using Google Music. This was not the case prior to the update. <> #162
nexus 7 16gb version C60 - to Bose soundlink.
speedtest typically varies from 17000 kbps to 23000 kbps.
Update to my comment 94:
Bluetooth seems to behave when I power up cold and if I immediately run youtube or netflix. Lipsync is as good as it was on 4.1.2. I've watched 4 or 5 netflix movies in the last 4 days and countless youtube videos without any stutter. Still, when I run other apps or put the device in sleep mode I typically get the stutter and lagging lipsync. I then power off/on and 4 out of 5 times bluetooth behaves. Nonetheless, I still want a fix. Over half of my time spent on this device involves bluetooth.
speedtest typically varies from 17000 kbps to 23000 kbps.
Update to my comment 94:
Bluetooth seems to behave when I power up cold and if I immediately run youtube or netflix. Lipsync is as good as it was on 4.1.2. I've watched 4 or 5 netflix movies in the last 4 days and countless youtube videos without any stutter. Still, when I run other apps or put the device in sleep mode I typically get the stutter and lagging lipsync. I then power off/on and 4 out of 5 times bluetooth behaves. Nonetheless, I still want a fix. Over half of my time spent on this device involves bluetooth. <> #163
Same problem with Nexus 7 and Creative Ziisound DS5
Problem goes away when "pin" music in Play Music, so it's streming locally. It's only a problem (for me) when streaming wirelessly to the bluetooth device.
Problem goes away when "pin" music in Play Music, so it's streming locally. It's only a problem (for me) when streaming wirelessly to the bluetooth device. <> #164
[Comment deleted] <> #165
Same problem here as well...both Nexus 7 and galaxy Nexus.
Getting a lot of noise and air in sound while connected to a wireless speaker.
What's the root cause? have they tweaked the bluetooth API stack or sth?
This can't be left until the next stable release... it needs a patch immediately.
Getting a lot of noise and air in sound while connected to a wireless speaker.
What's the root cause? have they tweaked the bluetooth API stack or sth?
This can't be left until the next stable release... it needs a patch immediately. <> #166
Same issue occurring on my tablet. Makes all outputting of sound to my Bluetooth speaker cringe-worthy. <> #167
GN updated to 4.2...having major issues with with car audio bluetooth... <> #168
Facing the same issue. Using Google play music on my nexus 7 16 GB paired with jawbone jambox. <> #169
Please fix this ASAP. My Spotify-account just makes no sense at the moment ... <> #170
My mom & I both have this problem, definitely seems to be BT related since its program agnostic and the popping only happens over bluetooth. <> #171
Also having the same problem with my Nexus 7. If I turn off the wireless connection and stream music directly from the tablet it works fine but as soon as I turn it back on the stuttering starts immediately,even when streaming content from the device. Again one of the main reasons I bought the N7 was to stream music to my hifi, just coughed up for Premium Spotify was well! <> #172
My galaxy nexus won't connect to any Bluetooth devices at all. <> #173
I am waiting for a report that the machine and OS work before buying a Nexus. I do not know on what basis the priority of this problem is assessed as "Medium", but I suggest that Google treat it as "Emergency". <> #174
I am getting very annoyed waiting for a sign that this problem is getting handled. Bluetooth audio is at it's biggest and best right now and unless I sacrifice wifi I can't use a frikken 300 dollar speaker with my Android device? I brought my BIGJambox to a family get together this weekend and they all had fruity devices. They all worked flawlessly. It's embarrassing. Cmon already. This new update isn't the first that this problem showed its ugly face. Its been around for a long time now. <> #175
Same problems here, N7 won't stream music to any bluetooth device.
Constant audio glitches, every time. This thing is now unusable, any ideas how to revert back to 4.1? That worked fine for me.
Constant audio glitches, every time. This thing is now unusable, any ideas how to revert back to 4.1? That worked fine for me. <> #176
Same problem here when trying to play over bluetooth to a logitech bluetooth receiver. However, the problems seems to be worse when using Google Music for some reason.
Content being streamed over Wifi or stored locally doesnt matter
Content being streamed over Wifi or stored locally doesnt matter <> #177
Same problem with Bose SoundLink® Bluetooth® Mobile speaker II on Nexus 7.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus 4.1.x is doing way better.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus 4.1.x is doing way better. <> #178
same problem with motorola S605 stereo bluetooth headset <> #179
Same problem with my nexus 7...... Google please fix!!!!! <> #180
Same here with n7 and Bose Wave and BT Headset.
Oh Google, where are you, give us a sign!
Oh Google, where are you, give us a sign!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #181
[Comment deleted] <> #182
Folks, until Google makes a sounds regarding this situation here's another small thing that works for me (N7).
When the stuttering starts to freak me out I simply turn the 'Airplane Mode' on and then off after couple of seconds. This radio's 'reset' will fix the problem for a while (might be 10 minutes OR 3 hours... very inconsistent). However as the action won't take more than 5 seconds it's the lesser of two evils ...
When the stuttering starts to freak me out I simply turn the 'Airplane Mode' on and then off after couple of seconds. This radio's 'reset' will fix the problem for a while (might be 10 minutes OR 3 hours... very inconsistent). However as the action won't take more than 5 seconds it's the lesser of two evils ... <> #183
Google, why don't you offer a return to 4.1.2 to help some of us for now? <> #184
I am also having troubles with my Nexus 7 16gb's Wi-Fi after updating to 4.2.. everything short of a factory reset has failed to remedy the problem.
battery life went into the toilet too..
4.1.2 i was getting great usage of my device and battery life..
guess there is no way to roll back to 4.1.2 unless i mod it myself..
battery life went into the toilet too..
4.1.2 i was getting great usage of my device and battery life..
guess there is no way to roll back to 4.1.2 unless i mod it myself.. <> #185
Having same issues as everyone else with bluetooth. Google Play Music is stuttering but not when tv streaming. I thought the issue might be with the lockscreen? <> #186
same issue with motorola S305 stereo bt earphones was fine in 4.1.2 <> #187
How long will it take for Google to fix this serious bug?
Being a Microsoft Certified Product Specialist I hear too many times that Microsoft software is buggy.
At least Microsoft fixes their bugs in a timely fashion.
There is no week without them fixing bugs with the release of updates, patches, service packs, etc.
Sometimes the open source "thing" seems to have its disadvantages.
So Google, if anybody reads this threads (which I'm starting to doubt) pretty please with sugar on top...
Show me and other people that you are committed to supporting what you sell.
Or did you make a cheap tablet because it doesn't have support?
Nexus 7 32GB WiFi without comms. :-(
Being a Microsoft Certified Product Specialist I hear too many times that Microsoft software is buggy.
At least Microsoft fixes their bugs in a timely fashion.
There is no week without them fixing bugs with the release of updates, patches, service packs, etc.
Sometimes the open source "thing" seems to have its disadvantages.
So Google, if anybody reads this threads (which I'm starting to doubt) pretty please with sugar on top...
Show me and other people that you are committed to supporting what you sell.
Or did you make a cheap tablet because it doesn't have support?
Nexus 7 32GB WiFi without comms. :-( <> #188
DID GOOGLE FIX THIS? I don't think so but I'll explain why I ask...
I got my Nexus 7 last Monday. It immediately asked if I wanted to upgrade to 4.2 and I did.
After that I connected my Bluetooth headphones to it, a Motorola S305.
I noticed that ICE AGE was offered for free in Google Play. I started the movie and experienced the same things as above: lots of skips. I tried to listen to music. Same thing. Went online and found this message board. Didn't add to it because the problem had been assigned.
Today I got a DMDX JAM wireless speaker. I was going to pair it to my phone (an HTC EVO 3D) because of the Bluetooth issue, but decided to go ahead and try it with the Nexus 7.
It worked fine. No skips, not a single issue.
Since I was feeling lucky and happy I thought what the heck, let me try the Motorola S305 again.
It works! However, about every minute, maybe two, there is a brief pause. I think this is the headset, because the same thing happens when I use the headphones paired with the EVO 3D.
I can't offer any explanation. I did connect a Bluetooth mouse to the Nexus 7 to try it out. That was last Friday. I haven't used the mouse with the Nexus since then.
I got my Nexus 7 last Monday. It immediately asked if I wanted to upgrade to 4.2 and I did.
After that I connected my Bluetooth headphones to it, a Motorola S305.
I noticed that ICE AGE was offered for free in Google Play. I started the movie and experienced the same things as above: lots of skips. I tried to listen to music. Same thing. Went online and found this message board. Didn't add to it because the problem had been assigned.
Today I got a DMDX JAM wireless speaker. I was going to pair it to my phone (an HTC EVO 3D) because of the Bluetooth issue, but decided to go ahead and try it with the Nexus 7.
It worked fine. No skips, not a single issue.
Since I was feeling lucky and happy I thought what the heck, let me try the Motorola S305 again.
It works! However, about every minute, maybe two, there is a brief pause. I think this is the headset, because the same thing happens when I use the headphones paired with the EVO 3D.
I can't offer any explanation. I did connect a Bluetooth mouse to the Nexus 7 to try it out. That was last Friday. I haven't used the mouse with the Nexus since then. <> #189
I have an earlier Nexus 7 from August - It would skip occasionally under 4.1.x - especially when other apps were downloading information in the background.
The 4.2 update made the tablet's bluetooth unusable for music. I have restarted, unpaired, etc.
I'm wondering if this is a design flaw on my version as it never worked very well and now is useless... If Google expects to compete with other tablet manufacturers, these issues (among the many I've dealt with since August) need to be addressed - Bluetooth sound issues are a basic function and should have been vetted out in bug testing.
Finally, Google - A confirmation that there is an issue and it's being worked on or a workaround would be nice. Dead silence is not...
The 4.2 update made the tablet's bluetooth unusable for music. I have restarted, unpaired, etc.
I'm wondering if this is a design flaw on my version as it never worked very well and now is useless... If Google expects to compete with other tablet manufacturers, these issues (among the many I've dealt with since August) need to be addressed - Bluetooth sound issues are a basic function and should have been vetted out in bug testing.
Finally, Google - A confirmation that there is an issue and it's being worked on or a workaround would be nice. Dead silence is not...
kthanks <> #190
Just an update - Contacted Google customer service and they said mine is probably defective since I was having issues before 4.2 - Going to be exchanging it for a new model. <> #191
This is it, I will be returning my Nexus7 3g and buy an iPad mini instead.
1. This bug is device-breaking yet still categorised as 'medium' with no ETA or any other info given
2. The paint is already chipping off the silver bezel
3. The screen assembly is already coming loose
This was my first android device and while the OS itself is awesome, I can't bother with lack of absolute basic functionality and lackluster build quality.
Maybe next year.
1. This bug is device-breaking yet still categorised as 'medium' with no ETA or any other info given
2. The paint is already chipping off the silver bezel
3. The screen assembly is already coming loose
This was my first android device and while the OS itself is awesome, I can't bother with lack of absolute basic functionality and lackluster build quality.
Maybe next year. <> #192
I am from BodyTel, a German based telehealth company.
Our most recent development is an app for Android.
The app uses the standard port 1101 at the Serial Port Profile (SPP) for communication to the sensors (Glucose Meter, Weightscale, Bloodpressure Meter).
Until 4.1.2 everything went fine, but with 4.2 we can't get any more communication. It looks to us like the SPP Port 1101 is blocked or somehow occupied.
This is an ultimative no-go for us, and we must inform our customers now to "not update to 4.2".
We are currently in a very hot phase on rolling out telehealth projects to the market (not only for BodyTel, the telehealth market in general) but this destroys the faith in this new technology in a very fundamental way.
I can't understand how this version could make it through the verification process at all.
Our most recent development is an app for Android.
The app uses the standard port 1101 at the Serial Port Profile (SPP) for communication to the sensors (Glucose Meter, Weightscale, Bloodpressure Meter).
Until 4.1.2 everything went fine, but with 4.2 we can't get any more communication. It looks to us like the SPP Port 1101 is blocked or somehow occupied.
This is an ultimative no-go for us, and we must inform our customers now to "not update to 4.2".
We are currently in a very hot phase on rolling out telehealth projects to the market (not only for BodyTel, the telehealth market in general) but this destroys the faith in this new technology in a very fundamental way.
I can't understand how this version could make it through the verification process at all. <> #193
After upgrade to 4.2 bluetooth stop working on file transfer. I'm using windows 7. <> #194
It has now been 13 days that the main function (streaming music to a Bose bluetooth speaker) of my Nexus 7 has been broken.
I'm absolutely steaming about this issue. I understand that this is a bug tracking log, but I have no platform other than returning my device, so here are some things I'd like the person working on this bug to consider:
* There has been no public recognition of this issue from Google, no apology, no fix estimate, nothing. Why is this?
* The customer support representative to which I spoke had no advice or help for me other than to do a device reset.
* The priority of this defect should be High.
* How did this get past QA testing (was there any for this 4.2 release)?
* Is there ANY way for me to downgrade to 4.1.x (whatever I was running before this terrible update) without losing all of my data and settings?
* In the future if Google does not plan on testing their Android releases I recommend that a simple downgrade path is provided.
I'm absolutely steaming about this issue. I understand that this is a bug tracking log, but I have no platform other than returning my device, so here are some things I'd like the person working on this bug to consider:
* There has been no public recognition of this issue from Google, no apology, no fix estimate, nothing. Why is this?
* The customer support representative to which I spoke had no advice or help for me other than to do a device reset.
* The priority of this defect should be High.
* How did this get past QA testing (was there any for this 4.2 release)?
* Is there ANY way for me to downgrade to 4.1.x (whatever I was running before this terrible update) without losing all of my data and settings?
* In the future if Google does not plan on testing their Android releases I recommend that a simple downgrade path is provided. <> #195
@194: I suggest you return the device as long as you can. I did the same today and will be buying an iPad mini shortly. I too, was in the 2weeks return window. Bluetooth doesn't work. Chipped paint at the plastic rim. Display loose. Maybe next year Android will be mature enough to be on par with Apple. <> #196
@192: Same problem with SPP here, we use it for a climate sensor. The sensor transmits every 15min, the app works for 2-3 hours, then it crashes. After the crash the ports seems to be blocked. I have to stop the app manually and start it again for the next 2 hours. No problems at all with 4.1.2. This is really bad and I would expect an update at least within 2 or 3 days, but no, only medium priority. <> #197
[Comment deleted] <> #198
As an update to my previous post, WiFi data downloading is now breaking my bluetooth audio, streaming video skips more than once per second, and spotify does the same while playlists are simultaneously downloading. This is not however, seeming to effect the bluetooth keyboard I am using to write this comment. I generally don't like to jump on the bandwagon bashing a company, but this is a nearly device-breaking bug, at least for my personal uses, so the lack of acknowledgment on Google's part is appalling. I did a decent amount of research before making what for me is a big purchase on this nexus 7, and now I feel like Google's apparently crappy customer service is the deciding factor on why I should have gone with a competitor. <> #199
Some acknowledgement of this issue and that actual code is being worked on would be AWESOME, and, given how new the Nexus 7 is, totally warranted... :/ <> #200
Apparently there is an update being rolled out to new Nexus 10's. 4.2.1 has been reported on the net, with some speculation that it will address the December date issue and possibly some of the bluetooth issues. It's a 1.1Mb update so not that big.
Let's hope it is a step in the right direction, and gets rolled out to all users quickly.
It's ironic that a company whose business model is based around providing information, is so backward at letting it's customers know what it's doing.
Let's hope it is a step in the right direction, and gets rolled out to all users quickly.
It's ironic that a company whose business model is based around providing information, is so backward at letting it's customers know what it's doing. <> #201
In 4.2.1, which is already online, the bug is not fixed!!
I cant believe it...
I cant believe it... <> #202
I have updated my Nexus 7 to JOP40D (4.2.1).
Bluetooth is still broken to an extent that is embarrassing. Skips, pops, and AM-radio quality abound.
Google, this is a disgrace. This is your PREMIER MEDIA PORTAL DEVICE. What in the holy hell?!
Bluetooth is still broken to an extent that is embarrassing. Skips, pops, and AM-radio quality abound.
Google, this is a disgrace. This is your PREMIER MEDIA PORTAL DEVICE. What in the holy hell?! <> #203
Received the 4.2.1 OTA Update on my Nexus 7 - the Audio stuttering issue still exists. <> #204
I am selling my Nexus 7. This is not my idea of product support, nor is it indicative of any sort of solution coming sooner rather than later.
I am not happy about having to do this, but I need a device that I don't have to worry about being useless in the times I actually need to use it, and with this sort of regression I cannot trust this system any more.
I am not happy about having to do this, but I need a device that I don't have to worry about being useless in the times I actually need to use it, and with this sort of regression I cannot trust this system any more. <> #205
Please fix this. <> #206
it took me over a week to get my new nexus 7 to connect to my bluetooth headphones, I am new to Android and the few kinks I found are very frustrating specially bluetooth issue, I hope deciding not to buy another apple product instead was not a mistake <> #207
Absolutely essential functionality. Afraid to ask how it passed testing... <> #208
Please fix this. <> #209
Anyone know if this affects ALL Android 4.2x devices, or just the Nexus 7?
I really want to pick up a Nexus 4, but this bug is a showstopper for me.
I really want to pick up a Nexus 4, but this bug is a showstopper for me. <> #210
Affects the Galaxy Nexus SPP as well. But I am not sure about A2DP (Stereo Headset) yet (Don't have one at hand). <> #211
Absolutely no difference with 4.2.1 <> #212
The Nexus 7 is my first Android device. I knew about google restriting the HW platform and about XDA to get around. But this is far worse than expected. I don't even try to use bluetooth with my phone after having connection problems and reading about it here.
If this is a medium priority case then very much must be wrong (with Nexus, Android, google, users, ...).
If this is a medium priority case then very much must be wrong (with Nexus, Android, google, users, ...). <> #213
I'm not experiencing the issue near as much if the screen is off and no apps are in the foreground - i.e. at a launcher homescreen. It still has issues streaming audio, but the stuttering is a lot less prevalent.
Was really hoping this was in the 4.1.2 OTA. Oh well.
Was really hoping this was in the 4.1.2 OTA. Oh well. <> #214
The issue has come in 4.2 cause google has re-written the whole bluetooth stack. Lets see if 4.2.1 has fixed it. There are some bluetooth related changes in it. <> #215
This issue is definitely in 4.2.1. Come on Google! I get rid of lag and now have to deal with this! <> #216
Matthew, we'd really like an update. The stack change is obviously a failure, it is time to revert back to the old standard stack. Why you would trust Broadcom in the first place is beyond me. <> #217
[Comment deleted] <> #218
After clearing Google Services Framework 3 times I got the 4.2.1 1.1MB update, announced as version 4.2...
Google is definitely not working with pride and determination.
December returned to the calendar and Google Music shows the folders in a kind of 3D way with a cute slide effect.
What I really wanted them to fix is untouched. :mad:
Shame on you Google. Wifi together with bluetooth is essential for someone to take advantage of their tablet or phone.
My Nexus 7 32GB is eagerly awaiting for Google's paid devs to FIX this Monster bug. Tried Skype after updating and I almost went deaf with the distortion and cuts in the sound.
So PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP release 4.2.2 ASAP before I and many other people decide to RMA their devices.
I won't root to downgrade. It's up to Google to fix this without asking users to take unnecessary risks.
Godspeed Google.
Thank you for reading.
Google is definitely not working with pride and determination.
December returned to the calendar and Google Music shows the folders in a kind of 3D way with a cute slide effect.
What I really wanted them to fix is untouched. :mad:
Shame on you Google. Wifi together with bluetooth is essential for someone to take advantage of their tablet or phone.
My Nexus 7 32GB is eagerly awaiting for Google's paid devs to FIX this Monster bug. Tried Skype after updating and I almost went deaf with the distortion and cuts in the sound.
So PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP release 4.2.2 ASAP before I and many other people decide to RMA their devices.
I won't root to downgrade. It's up to Google to fix this without asking users to take unnecessary risks.
Godspeed Google.
Thank you for reading. <> #219
Bluetooth simply doesnt work for me... Since 4.2, then I updated to 4.2.1 and no deal... <> #220
I guess my hopes for the new update fixing BT/wifi are dashed.I dropped my Nexus on the street the other day while I was rushing. It slid on its screen..This sound problem has been so frustrating I almost just put it out of its misery with my foot. I thought better of it because I still love the device and have faith that this will be handled. As for my Nexus, some scratches that luckily aren't in the viewing area.Screen is bleeding on the corner that scraped the worst. Still works fine. I was stunned. <> #221
4.2.1 didn't fix the problem. Does Google even read these reports? <> #222
same bluetooth problem: listening to music with the bose soundlink and nexus 7 NOT possible. i am very disappointed. <> #223
Dear Google devs and rom makers... PLEASE READ THIS THREADS.
I have to work hard in order to be able to buy some gadgets.
When I read about the Nexus 7 in the news about the Google developers conference I thought for myself: this is THE ONE.
Unfortunately I was wrong. What use has a tablet with bluetooth and Wifi broken?
Why do you release updates that weren't tested enough?
You could at least call those updates beta until they passed a serious battery of tests. Updating would be labeled with a huge warning in order to be done only by experient users.
You should also provide a downgrade method without requiring root. I won't root my tablet! It's your responsibility to provide quick fixes for your terrible mistakes.
People mocked me for only buying HTC devices... I never had a problem like this on a HTC Android device.
Now that I went vanilla I'm already sorry.
Please fix this asap. I'm anxious to throw my tablet out of my room window, so that it falls two stories down and ends up in a million pieces.
Take pride in what you do guys.
If I worked like you at my job I would have been fired and rehired so that I could be fired for the second time.
I have to work hard in order to be able to buy some gadgets.
When I read about the Nexus 7 in the news about the Google developers conference I thought for myself: this is THE ONE.
Unfortunately I was wrong. What use has a tablet with bluetooth and Wifi broken?
Why do you release updates that weren't tested enough?
You could at least call those updates beta until they passed a serious battery of tests. Updating would be labeled with a huge warning in order to be done only by experient users.
You should also provide a downgrade method without requiring root. I won't root my tablet! It's your responsibility to provide quick fixes for your terrible mistakes.
People mocked me for only buying HTC devices... I never had a problem like this on a HTC Android device.
Now that I went vanilla I'm already sorry.
Please fix this asap. I'm anxious to throw my tablet out of my room window, so that it falls two stories down and ends up in a million pieces.
Take pride in what you do guys.
If I worked like you at my job I would have been fired and rehired so that I could be fired for the second time.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #224
Satisfied owner of two android smartphones, however Nexus 7 32gb is our first real android tablet, after a well rooted Nook running Froyo.
I always take negative bluetooth comments with a grain of salt, never having experienced difficulties pairing or using BT headsets and USB BT adapters. Not this time, however--BT on this new Nexus 7 32 gb is a pitiful implementation that takes me well back into the 20th century and 'it sort of works' like Windows For Workgroups or something.
In so many respects, such time travel would be a good thing. But not with computing.
Bluetooth is not a WIBNY ('wouldn't it be nice') but a necessity. I'm afraid the Nexus 7 going back to Office Depot on Monday for an RTV (Return To Vendor).
PS. Why is bluetooth a necessity? For international travel, I use Skype to call back to home and business with a Plantronics Voyager Pro headset. Oh well--back to schlepping my 3.5 pound Thinkpad (actually 4.4 pounds with power brick), Nook Simple Touch and Sansa Clip mp3 player.
I always take negative bluetooth comments with a grain of salt, never having experienced difficulties pairing or using BT headsets and USB BT adapters. Not this time, however--BT on this new Nexus 7 32 gb is a pitiful implementation that takes me well back into the 20th century and 'it sort of works' like Windows For Workgroups or something.
In so many respects, such time travel would be a good thing. But not with computing.
Bluetooth is not a WIBNY ('wouldn't it be nice') but a necessity. I'm afraid the Nexus 7 going back to Office Depot on Monday for an RTV (Return To Vendor).
PS. Why is bluetooth a necessity? For international travel, I use Skype to call back to home and business with a Plantronics Voyager Pro headset. Oh well--back to schlepping my 3.5 pound Thinkpad (actually 4.4 pounds with power brick), Nook Simple Touch and Sansa Clip mp3 player. <> #225
Using a Nexus 7, update to 4.2.1 didn't solve the Bluetooth issues for me. Streaming audio still keeps cutting out every 3 seconds approximately.
Interesting though, my GNex running 4.2.1 has no problems whatsoever, i.e. Bluetooth is working as flawlessly as it did under 4.1.2.
Interesting though, my GNex running 4.2.1 has no problems whatsoever, i.e. Bluetooth is working as flawlessly as it did under 4.1.2. <> #226
Have had this issue. Every 3-4 seconds sound would drop for a few tenths of a second then go back to normal. Happened randomly only noticed when listening offline (rarely listen to anything over BT online). Also noticed a large volume drop.
After re-pairing left speaker is non-functional, works fine when paired to other devices.
Devices are:
Nexus 7
Novero Rockaway
After re-pairing left speaker is non-functional, works fine when paired to other devices.
Devices are:
Nexus 7
Novero Rockaway <> #227
My wife and I both enjoyed listening to music and watching videos on our Nexis 7's and our Bluetooth headsets. That is over now. Since the upgrade to Android 4.2, Bluetooth stutters so much it is entirely unusable. Android 4.2.1 did not fix this. Is Google going to address this or are we just out of luck? <> #228
I am having this issue as well. <> #229
[Comment deleted] <> #230
You better fix this, Else I am moving to non-vanilla Android devices. Galaxy Nexus Bluetooth still stuttering every few minutes when watching videos or listening to music. <> #231
Same issue here. Just bought a Jambox and was looking forward to using it with my Nexus 7. No issue when directly connected with 3.5 jack. But it is constantly choppy when connected via bluetooth.
Please fix it! My jambox is pretty much useless without BT connectivity...
Please fix it! My jambox is pretty much useless without BT connectivity... <> #232
This is still happening with Android 4.2.1 on my Nexus 7. However I do not have any bluetooth stuttering problems with my Galaxy Nexus, also on 4.2.1. <> #233
Bluetooth still stuttering and unusable on Nexus 7 with 4.2.1 connected to Jambox speakers. This used to work fine before upgrade to 4.2. Very disappointed such a major bug was not fixed in 4.2.1. Bluetooth was a major reason for my purchase of the Nexus 7. <> #234
I suffer the same appalling problem with n7 and Bluetooth. Very disappointed in Google. This is fundamental functionality that just doesn't work. It makes the n7 unfit for purpose. I too have spotify premium and Bose soundlink speaker, come on Google get this sorted out NOW. <> #235
Finally gave up yesterday and rolled back to 4.1.2 with Nexus Root Tool Kit 1.6. Not hard at all, just a few things the program walks you through when connecting to your Nexus 7 to your PC. So worth it to have my bluetooth working again, which I do!!
Joel <> #236
Pretty much the same problems here. I'm using a Galaxy Nexus with a SonyEricsson MW600 BT headset. I'm getting background noise and the occasional stutter. Never had these problems with ICS or Jellybean. Went back to 4.1 and now everything is fine again. <> #237
Further to my comments 94 and 162
nexus 7 16gb version C60 - to Bose soundlink and to Samsung DA-E750 wireless stereo receiver.
speedtest typically varies from 17000 kbps to 23000 kbps.
2 days using 4.2.1 and everything (ie bluetooth) is behaving normally.
nexus 7 16gb version C60 - to Bose soundlink and to Samsung DA-E750 wireless stereo receiver.
speedtest typically varies from 17000 kbps to 23000 kbps.
2 days using 4.2.1 and everything (ie bluetooth) is behaving normally.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #238
not able to even discover bluetooth headset, let alone pair and use it! what the helll!? <> #239
Same terrible audio stuttering issue for me. I have a 16 Gb Galaxy Nexus 7 running 4.2.1. I also have a Verizon Wireless Galaxy Nexus phone running 4.1.1. When I stream any audio ( e.g. Tune-in, Pandora, MOG, DoggCatcher podcasts) with either device over Bluetooth, over wifi, or 4g (with phone), I get constant cut outs. And forget about Neflix or Hulu Plus at all! Video streaming with BT is now completely unusable.
I tested BT streaming with both Gnex devices with Jambox and with Bose Soundlink mobile. It's much worse if I'm multitasking. For instance, if I'm downloading a podcast using DoggCatcher while trying to listen to another one, the stuttering gets much worse. I didn't have this stuttering issue prior to Jelly Bean. ICS BT streaming was fine. Note that BT streaming cut outs for me are worse with wifi vs 4G, but they still cut out over 4g.
Also I tested the 2 BT speakers with my Ipad 4 just to make sure it wasn't a Jambox or Bose issue. Worked fine so I know it's not the speakers.
I tested BT streaming with both Gnex devices with Jambox and with Bose Soundlink mobile. It's much worse if I'm multitasking. For instance, if I'm downloading a podcast using DoggCatcher while trying to listen to another one, the stuttering gets much worse. I didn't have this stuttering issue prior to Jelly Bean. ICS BT streaming was fine. Note that BT streaming cut outs for me are worse with wifi vs 4G, but they still cut out over 4g.
Also I tested the 2 BT speakers with my Ipad 4 just to make sure it wasn't a Jambox or Bose issue. Worked fine so I know it's not the speakers. <> #240
Dial number function in car is broken on new 4.2, but hand up is work. Samsung nexus i9520. On 4.1 work is grate <> #241
Same problem. Interestingly, I get the skipping with google play, but not with Pandora. <> #242
Device: Nexus 7 16GB
Bluetooth audio stutters when wifi is on and connected (transmitting data) making services such as Pandora, google Music, etc not usable over bluetooth audio while connected to wifi. Bluetooth audio stutter was not an issue in previous versions 4.1.2 Problem is only in version 4.2 and 4.2.1
Bluetooth audio stutters when wifi is on and connected (transmitting data) making services such as Pandora, google Music, etc not usable over bluetooth audio while connected to wifi. Bluetooth audio stutter was not an issue in previous versions 4.1.2 Problem is only in version 4.2 and 4.2.1 <> #243
After further troublshooting:
This only seems to happen when connected to Alpine Car Stereo. Not other wireless bluetooth devices.
Device: Nexus 7 16gb
System: 4.2.1
Device: Nexus 7 16GB
Bluetooth audio stutters when wifi is on and connected (transmitting data) making services such as Pandora, google Music, etc not usable over bluetooth audio while connected to wifi. Bluetooth audio stutter was not an issue in previous versions 4.1.2 Problem is only in version 4.2 and 4.2.1
After further troublshooting:
This only seems to happen when connected to Alpine Car Stereo. Not other wireless bluetooth devices.
Device: Nexus 7 16gb
System: 4.2.1
Device: Nexus 7 16GB
Bluetooth audio stutters when wifi is on and connected (transmitting data) making services such as Pandora, google Music, etc not usable over bluetooth audio while connected to wifi. Bluetooth audio stutter was not an issue in previous versions 4.1.2 Problem is only in version 4.2 and 4.2.1 <> #244
My Galaxy Nexus on 4.2 is completely useless for bluetooth audio. It stutters constantly. My mom's Galaxy SII works flawlessly, so I know it's a source thing not destination. <> #245
I haven't noticed any stuttering or connection problems, but the BT/A2DP audio quality on my Galaxy Nexus has decreased significantly since the 4.2 update. There is noticeable static noise in the high frequencies of the audio that was never there before the 4.2 update. <> #246
I have this problem also,
Nexus 7 32GB (Cellular Model), skips every minute or so
Nexus 7 32GB (Cellular Model), skips every minute or so <> #247
I'm experiencing the same issue with my similar setup as the third comment. <> #248
Same here. Stuttering started after upgrading to 4.2 on nexus 7. <> #249
Issue happening with Nexus 7 updated this past weekend to 4.2.1 and Rocketfish RF-MAB2 Bluetooth headsets. Problem manifests usually at the beginning of a song (through Google Play), but has also occurred at other points. <> #250
Problem solved.
My Nexus 7 was doing the same stuttering when using the same Bluetooth headsets, both of them, after the update. I fixed it by rooting and installing Cyanogenmod 10. The Bluetooth works perfectly now on both of my Bluetooth head sets.
My Nexus 7 was doing the same stuttering when using the same Bluetooth headsets, both of them, after the update. I fixed it by rooting and installing Cyanogenmod 10. The Bluetooth works perfectly now on both of my Bluetooth head sets. <> #251
I have an issue with my Plantronics Voyager Pro HD, when the phone rings I hear it in the headset once then it doesn't ring again for another 5 seconds. Galaxy Nexus. 4.2.1, happened in 4.2.0
Might roll back to 4.1.2 at this rate.
Might roll back to 4.1.2 at this rate. <> #252
I am having galaxy nexus phone, Android version 4.2.1. Bluetooth headset connection drops off after few seconds of connection or for second call. It doesn't turn on or off again till device is rebooted. Almost stays in hanged mode with some message like turning on or off blue-tooth.
This started happening after latest update of Jelly bean received couple of weeks back. With earlier version of Jelly bean, it was working absolutely fine. Let me know if you need any other details.
This is really critical bug for normal phone usage. When can we expect fix?
This started happening after latest update of Jelly bean received couple of weeks back. With earlier version of Jelly bean, it was working absolutely fine. Let me know if you need any other details.
This is really critical bug for normal phone usage. When can we expect fix?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #253
I have the same bluetooth audio studdering issue. Android 4.2+. It only occurs when I am streaming music over wifi and sending the audio to my bluetooth device and then my device has the screen off. If I hit the power button and keep the screen on, it works fine. I am guessing it has to do with the power management. I told android to always keep wifi on, but bluetooth doesn't have the same option. I am guessing that bluetooth is going into some kind of low power mode reducing bandwidth to the audio device.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #254
Interesting...I am using Xiialive for my music streaming and I changed a internal setting under stream labeled "Stream Engine" from android stream engine to FFMPEG stream engine and the problem went away even with the screen off. I wonder if the issue is actually with the Android "stream engine" when routing audio. Strange that FFMPEG works fine. Others should try this as well to see if it fixes your issues too.
problems using it with pandora, google music, podkicker. It starts to stutter when I am near wifi hotspots or am transferring data via wifi. Used with bluetooth audio connection on pioneer car stereo. Currently on 4.2.1 and has occured since 4.2 upgrade. The audio gets very choppy. Seems to be similar to how the screen flickers with wifi signal transmission. <> #256
[Comment deleted] <> #257
Same problem. Upgraded to 4.2 / 4.2.1, stuttering when using bluetooth audio on nexus 7 32 WiFi <> #258
bluetooth not functional on 4.2 and now 4.2.1. connection lost with car kit every few seconds, worked perfectly with 4.1. <> #259
bluetooth not functional on 4.2 and now 4.2.1. connection lost with car kit every few seconds, worked perfectly with 4.1. <> #260
When I did an in place update to 4.2.1 I thought it had solved my Bluetooth audio streaming issues. However once I performed a clean wipe/reset of my N7 under 4.2.1 the Bluetooth audio stuttering issues have returned. Ironically it seems to stutter a little bit less and even plays back clearly for 30 seconds or more (sadly to say is actually an improvement) when I bring Chrome to the foreground during music playback across Bluetooth. This is a MASSIVE wart on a device that should have been wonderful. <> #261
I can play for about one full song or long then the skipping starts but my older nexus S does not do it and i have a custom rom on that sitting at 4.1.2.
So 4.1.2 works fine on the nexus s
4.2.1 on the nexus 7 seems to skip. I thought it was my parrot radio in my truck but then today i bought a set of flex s11-hd headphones and noticed the issue too.
So 4.1.2 works fine on the nexus s
4.2.1 on the nexus 7 seems to skip. I thought it was my parrot radio in my truck but then today i bought a set of flex s11-hd headphones and noticed the issue too. <> #262
If you put the power on your Bluetooth device on,shutdown your tablet turn it back on the music will stream perfectly. Hope it works for you. I have a nexus 7 32gb. With new update. the music stutters when I don't,t do that. <> #263
I can not bare using my Motorola stereo Bluetooth headset while streaming. Sometimes the sound is behind the video on YouTube. The sounds stutters every few seconds. <> #264
Galaxy nexus 4.2 and 4.2.1 has the same bluetooth issue. Before i can use my headset, i must restart the phone. <> #265
Same issue here on my N7 and GNexus since 4.2! Couldn't use any bluetooth device on both devices! Google, where was your quality management in 4.2? So many things won't work! <> #266
Is there any official statement regarding this issue?
I've bought the Nexus 7 mainly for streaming music via Spotify to my bluetooth speakers and if that does not work, the tablet is nearly worthless for me!
I've bought the Nexus 7 mainly for streaming music via Spotify to my bluetooth speakers and if that does not work, the tablet is nearly worthless for me! <> #267
I do confirm the same bluetooth issue: sometimes it is impossible to turn off the bluetooth. Just have to reboot the device.
Occurs on Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7.
Since 4.2.1, my Nexus 7 ask me to confirm the pairing code to connect again to my bluetooth Sony headset! and disconnects anyway afterwards.
Occurs on Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7.
Since 4.2.1, my Nexus 7 ask me to confirm the pairing code to connect again to my bluetooth Sony headset! and disconnects anyway afterwards. <> #268
I got the same problem with my Nexus 7 :/ <> #269
I got the same problem with my Nexus 7 :/ <> #270
[Comment deleted] <> #271
I have a possible partial solution to the stuttering problem that worked for me when using my Nexis 7 with Android 4.2.1 and streaming Netflix with Bluetooth audio. Thanks to commenter 253 for bringing up power management.
Step 1 - Go to Settings/Wi-Fi/Advanced/Wi-Fi Optimization and deselect this option that "minimizes battery usage when Wi-Fi is on."
Step 2 - Reboot the tablet.
The audio is usable but synchronization of the picture and sound is not perfect, but it wasn't perfect under Android 4.1 either. And I sometimes need to reboot the tablet immediately before watching Netflix for the full benefit.
Is it possible that the Bluetooth stuttering is due to overly aggressive power management under Android 4.2? Is this causing the tablet to rapidly switch power back and forth between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? Experts, please comment.
Step 1 - Go to Settings/Wi-Fi/Advanced/Wi-Fi Optimization and deselect this option that "minimizes battery usage when Wi-Fi is on."
Step 2 - Reboot the tablet.
The audio is usable but synchronization of the picture and sound is not perfect, but it wasn't perfect under Android 4.1 either. And I sometimes need to reboot the tablet immediately before watching Netflix for the full benefit.
Is it possible that the Bluetooth stuttering is due to overly aggressive power management under Android 4.2? Is this causing the tablet to rapidly switch power back and forth between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? Experts, please comment. <> #272
Nexus 7, upgraded to 4.2. Had "stuttering" problem. Found that the connection had two profiles: Phones & Audio.
Did the following... Stopped all audio apps. Disconnected Bluetooth device. Reconnected device. Disabled "Phones profile" (in Bluetooth settings). "Stuttering" problem went away.
Did the following... Stopped all audio apps. Disconnected Bluetooth device. Reconnected device. Disabled "Phones profile" (in Bluetooth settings). "Stuttering" problem went away. <> #273
Okay I gave up !!!
Rooted and downgraded to 4.1.2 (actually I should say "UPGRADED" as 4.2 is a JOKE)
Now not only the Bluetooth works fine but also the all other annoying 4.2 BUGS are simply gone.
I believe it is a real shame that Google degrades so many customers by not even dropping a single line on fix ETA or some other explanation on what to do until someone there wakes up ...
I could actually take this move long ago however TBH I did not believe the fix would take so much time. I only feel sorry for all those folks who don't know (or don't want) how to root etc.
Rooted and downgraded to 4.1.2 (actually I should say "UPGRADED" as 4.2 is a JOKE)
Now not only the Bluetooth works fine but also the all other annoying 4.2 BUGS are simply gone.
I believe it is a real shame that Google degrades so many customers by not even dropping a single line on fix ETA or some other explanation on what to do until someone there wakes up ...
I could actually take this move long ago however TBH I did not believe the fix would take so much time. I only feel sorry for all those folks who don't know (or don't want) how to root etc. <> #274
I am no audiophile, and have noticed a ton of distortion in the bluetooth audio. Paired in my cars Ford sync and my logitech receiver using both a gnex and a Nexus 7. My wife didn't notice it at first, however, when selecting some cymbal heavy music she noticed it. The distortion makes it un listenable. Since both of my nexxi are doing it on different stereos I would think that it is a wide spread problem. Most of the comments on this forum are about the audio cutting out, which I have experienced, though only when first booting my device or other cpu laborious activities. Anybody with a half way decent ear notice this? <> #275
I am also having the stuttering problem when using Bluetooth audio. I found something that fixes it though. If I unpair the Bluetooth device, erase the cache and data under ''Bluetooth share'', then repair, things work OK. I can even watch Netflix without stuttering. If I disconnect from Bluetooth and later connect, the problem returns. <> #276
I noticed this since upgrading my Galaxy Nexus (yakju) to 4.2
My Jawbone headset beeps every few minutes in standby, as if it is reconnecting, while it would only do this once during the initial connection when I was running 4.1
My Jawbone headset beeps every few minutes in standby, as if it is reconnecting, while it would only do this once during the initial connection when I was running 4.1 <> #277
Same stutter issue here with 2 Galaxy Nexus and 2 Nexus 7. It's worse on the 7, but all four devices are basically unusable for music playback from either Pandora or Amazon. <> #278
Same problem here - Nexus 7 to a Sony BT stereo. Music is unusable. Please help Google! <> #279
Same problem in nexus 10 and 4.2.1, the BT and Wifi Down when a peripheral connected. A keyboard for example. <> #280
As one of the commentors above stated:
* Open Settings->Bluetooth
* Click Config icon for the headset you are using
* Remove Checkmark on Phone profile. This removes the headset from being able to handle phone calls
The skipping has gone away. Maybe the problem is something to do with the fact the Nexus 7 is not setup as a phone?
* Open Settings->Bluetooth
* Click Config icon for the headset you are using
* Remove Checkmark on Phone profile. This removes the headset from being able to handle phone calls
The skipping has gone away. Maybe the problem is something to do with the fact the Nexus 7 is not setup as a phone? <> #281
After further testing it appears that the skipping is there, just not as bad as it used to be with the Phone Profile. Still a major difference between 4.1.2 and 4.2 bluetooth music. <> #282
@ and all others - folks unfortunately none of these 'magic tweaks'seems offer long term remediation .... problem will be back after few minutes / hours etc. BUT will be back :(
As no ETA for fix (or any other word for that matter) suggested by Google I highly recommend anyone who really depends on BT to root and go back to 4.1.2 !
Price of course - your device will be wiped however for experienced users it's a matter of 30 minutes to 'hit the road' again.
I myself used to root / install custom ROMs on all my devices in the past however TBH the N7 running on 4.1.2 was so good that I never bothered even to root it.
But now this 4.2 fiasco literally blown my. I'm using BT for music streaming (with Sennheiser MM450-X ) for some 6-8 hrs every day and this pathetic story is simply unacceptable !!!
My second surprise is how little coverage this critical issue receives on main tech and mobile sites ...
Hate to think about all those millions of guys who are buying Nexus devices for Xmas etc. as we speak and no one even bothers to warn them...
At a minimum I'd expect a respectable company such as Google to add a small sticker saying "Due to a certain software problem you may experiences some Bluetooth connectivity issues ! We are working to address this problem ASAP" ....
But on the other hand maybe I'm too naive ... lol
As no ETA for fix (or any other word for that matter) suggested by Google I highly recommend anyone who really depends on BT to root and go back to 4.1.2 !
Price of course - your device will be wiped however for experienced users it's a matter of 30 minutes to 'hit the road' again.
I myself used to root / install custom ROMs on all my devices in the past however TBH the N7 running on 4.1.2 was so good that I never bothered even to root it.
But now this 4.2 fiasco literally blown my. I'm using BT for music streaming (with Sennheiser MM450-X ) for some 6-8 hrs every day and this pathetic story is simply unacceptable !!!
My second surprise is how little coverage this critical issue receives on main tech and mobile sites ...
Hate to think about all those millions of guys who are buying Nexus devices for Xmas etc. as we speak and no one even bothers to warn them...
At a minimum I'd expect a respectable company such as Google to add a small sticker saying "Due to a certain software problem you may experiences some Bluetooth connectivity issues ! We are working to address this problem ASAP" ....
But on the other hand maybe I'm too naive ... lol <> #283
Using Jawbone ERA to stream music, studder like crazy when stream from the cloud (Google Music or Spotify) using WiFi.
If plays music stored locally, it is fine.
Same as playing Video from Youtube, the audio studder like crazy also.
If plays locally stored video, it is fine.
16GB WiFi Only Nexus 7 running on 4.2.1 with Phone Profile checked OFF.
If plays music stored locally, it is fine.
Same as playing Video from Youtube, the audio studder like crazy also.
If plays locally stored video, it is fine.
16GB WiFi Only Nexus 7 running on 4.2.1 with Phone Profile checked OFF. <> #284
I am facing this irritating issue with my Nexus 4 while streaming audio to my car stereo (Clarion CX501).
Please fix this asap!
Please fix this asap! <> #285
Google, here is a suggestion:
-Take 4.1.2, fix the clock or some other small thing and release it as 4.2.2-
I would consider it a GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT!
-Take 4.1.2, fix the clock or some other small thing and release it as 4.2.2-
I would consider it a GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! <> #286
Nexus 7 32GB 3G (Tilapia), BlueTooth audio fritzes out when streaming from a WiFi connection. If I use the mobile connection audio plays fine. <> #287
I was so excited to get my Nexus, and spent days getting apps installed and setting it up just the way I wanted it. Then I updated to 4.2, BIG mistake. I now have random app crashes, the clock issue, the auto dim issue, charging issues, it's slow and laggy, and worst of all bluetooth gamepad functionality is now broken completely which was a big selling point for me. I'm incredibly disappointed in the device, and really don't know now whether I'm going to invest the time to backup all my stuff, and root it to get back to a working (4.1.2) OS, or just return it and buy something that works. Oh well, you get what you pay for, and I should have known this POS was too good to be true. <> #288
@287 - as disappointed as I am I do believe you should just spend the time and go back to 4.1.2
See,root is not a bad idea in any case and TBH we all know how good the N7 was just before this miserable 4.2
Some may call me naive but I do believe something will happen in the next few days. But hey, meanwhile there's no reason to suffer....
The only thing I'm sorry about is those 4 wasted weeks I waited for Google.
Since Saturday I'm smiling again B-) suggest you do the same...
BTW - hope no one gets a wrong impression of me defending Google or anything.... This 4.2 is simply an ugly fiasco! Nothing they do now will change my mind on that...!
See,root is not a bad idea in any case and TBH we all know how good the N7 was just before this miserable 4.2
Some may call me naive but I do believe something will happen in the next few days. But hey, meanwhile there's no reason to suffer....
The only thing I'm sorry about is those 4 wasted weeks I waited for Google.
Since Saturday I'm smiling again B-) suggest you do the same...
BTW - hope no one gets a wrong impression of me defending Google or anything.... This 4.2 is simply an ugly fiasco! Nothing they do now will change my mind on that...! <> #289
Sony MW600 here same problem. Nexus 4 seems to be fine. <> #290
I have a 16G Wifi only Nexus 7. Since 4.2 it has had the BT stuttering problem. I use it to stream music via BT at work, so its a big deal for me. Within days of the 4.2 (and 4.2.1), I rooted my N7, and downgraded to 4.1.2 (BTW, search for "nexus root toolkit", its a win7 gui driven system which makes unlock/root/downgrade trivial). Everything works fine with 4.1.2, and I'm reasonably happy. I turned off the annoying OTA update messages as well.
But I'm kind of waiting for Google to fix this, and wondering why they are not doing so. Today I had a bit of an epiphany: suppose it is a small number of N7s which actually have this problem, and that is why Google is not fixing it? I mean, who knows how many users see this? Its hard to tell. So, I called the Google Play Store, spoke with a very nice person on the phone (almost zero wait time). They are taking back my original N7, and replacing it with a new one, for free.
If the BT problem is gone with this new device, I will post here.
But I'm kind of waiting for Google to fix this, and wondering why they are not doing so. Today I had a bit of an epiphany: suppose it is a small number of N7s which actually have this problem, and that is why Google is not fixing it? I mean, who knows how many users see this? Its hard to tell. So, I called the Google Play Store, spoke with a very nice person on the phone (almost zero wait time). They are taking back my original N7, and replacing it with a new one, for free.
If the BT problem is gone with this new device, I will post here. <> #291
I'm seeing everyone having issues with their Nexus 7 and bluetooth devices, and I wanted to say that I'm having issues with my Nexus 10 also, when trying to use my bluetooth keyboard. I can pair it successfully but I can't get it to work. I'll try the workaround of deleting the data but I won't get my expectations very high. Hope this gets fixed really soon. <> #292
I am having the same issue on my 16 gig WiFi Nexus 7 in regards to Bluetooth headphones but I noticed something else today, neither my Galaxy Nexus or Nexus 7 are able to connect to my Nyko gamepad. (They are able to pair and unpair but actually connecting does not even appear to make an attempt to connect) Something is up with Bluetooth in both 4.2 and 4.2.1 as a great multitude of devices are nonfunctional, hopefully Google as recognized this issue and has set it for a high priority fix. <> #293
Experiencing drop outs with bluetooth using a miniTek for my Seimens Pure 300 hearing aids. This means I can't answer phone calls comfortably or listen to my music without taking out my hearing aids to put earphones in... Please fix ASAP! I'll be returning my nexus 4 and going back to (sigh) my old iPhone 3GS if this isn't dealt with soon enough.
Using Nexus 4, 16GB Android 4.2.1 (yes, i've even done the recent update from 4.2)
Using Nexus 4, 16GB Android 4.2.1 (yes, i've even done the recent update from 4.2) <> #294
Asus Nexus 7, 4.2.1 update:
1)Audio steamed from Pandora, video streamed from Netflix over WiFi connection and listened to through BT headphones (Motorola S350) stutters every few seconds rendering the Nexus 7 useless for either. Headphones pair and function fine with my other BT devises (ipod, iphone, etc.).
2) Incoming email notifications disconnect the BT connection requiring manually reconnecting (not pairing, units stay paired, just "not connected").
3) File transfers using WIDCOMM BT SW from laptops to Nexus result in a Nexus generated message "accept incoming files?" with no button to actually "accept!" resulting in "file transfer error" message.
Household of MAC "snobs" who are "eating my lunch" for straying from the farm on this purchase. How can google release an update fix that's as broken as the release its intended to fix?
1)Audio steamed from Pandora, video streamed from Netflix over WiFi connection and listened to through BT headphones (Motorola S350) stutters every few seconds rendering the Nexus 7 useless for either. Headphones pair and function fine with my other BT devises (ipod, iphone, etc.).
2) Incoming email notifications disconnect the BT connection requiring manually reconnecting (not pairing, units stay paired, just "not connected").
3) File transfers using WIDCOMM BT SW from laptops to Nexus result in a Nexus generated message "accept incoming files?" with no button to actually "accept!" resulting in "file transfer error" message.
Household of MAC "snobs" who are "eating my lunch" for straying from the farm on this purchase. How can google release an update fix that's as broken as the release its intended to fix? <> #295
My Issues
I had intermittent issues streaming music and video to my Nexus 7. I use Bluetooth headphones as I work out, and sometimes the sound would be perfect, and other times the breaks were intolerable. After much trial and error, I determined that I had two issues, one with wifi and the other around my Bluetooth connection.
My Solution
Based on feedback in this forum and others, here is what I eventually did:
• Turn Sync Off
• Turn GPS Off
• Deactivate the phone portion of my Bluetooth device (in Android)
• Turn on my Bluetooth device before I take my Nexus 7 off Airplane mode
The Results
Having done this for a week now, my playback has been nearly flawless on both music and video. The results have not been perfect, but they have been more than acceptable, to the point where I consider my issues to be resolved.
I had intermittent issues streaming music and video to my Nexus 7. I use Bluetooth headphones as I work out, and sometimes the sound would be perfect, and other times the breaks were intolerable. After much trial and error, I determined that I had two issues, one with wifi and the other around my Bluetooth connection.
My Solution
Based on feedback in this forum and others, here is what I eventually did:
• Turn Sync Off
• Turn GPS Off
• Deactivate the phone portion of my Bluetooth device (in Android)
• Turn on my Bluetooth device before I take my Nexus 7 off Airplane mode
The Results
Having done this for a week now, my playback has been nearly flawless on both music and video. The results have not been perfect, but they have been more than acceptable, to the point where I consider my issues to be resolved. <> #296
Nexus 10 4.2.1 tried safe mode, turned off wifi, bluetooth pairs easily with Motorola keyboard KZ500 v122 (including entering the code thru the keyboard), but then the keyboard is ignored. I tried several different apps including google search; keystrokes completely ignored.
This is really ridiculous for google's best android product...
This is really ridiculous for google's best android product... <> #297
I was emailed by Tien of ASUS CUSTOMER LOYALTY and told qoute "That is not normal behavior"with regards to my nexus 7 bluetooth problems.Then why are so many people saying what I'm saying?Check out this article: thing that upsets me the most is their denial that a problem exists. <> #298
Fix the problem! Also have it on my nexus 7.
Why is there no comment from Google?
This is really disappointing!
Why is there no comment from Google?
This is really disappointing! <> #299
I have nexus 7 and since updating to 4.2.1 trying to listen to anything via Bluetooth headphones is impossible. The audio stutters, cuts out and there's a terrible amount off background interference noise through headphones even when not plying any audio.
GOOGLE,these are fundamentals. Come on now please fix this issue that so many of us having
GOOGLE,these are fundamentals. Come on now please fix this issue that so many of us having <> #300
Having bluetooth problems since 4.2.1, most annoying one is that can no longer connect Wii remote (or PS3 controller) to my Nexus 7 <> #301
Huge problems when using remote-apps like Unified remote on my Nexus 7. If it manages to connect to my laptop (usually doesn't) it is extremely laggy. Same apps work perfectly on my old and crappy ZTE Blade. <> #302
I have 32GB nexus 7 with 3g and I'm having this issue too. The Dell BH200 headset I'm using was working flawlessly with Samsung Note 10.1 I've had for few weeks. Now with nexus audio stutters every 5-10 seconds. I'm having this issue with every app I've tested. <> #303
Same problem ..
Why does not fix? it's major problem
Why does not fix? it's major problem <> #304
Just to let everyone know I'm having the same issue too I'm using Samsung galaxy with parrot zik headphones over Bluetooth. The headphones work fine as ive tested then on.....dare I say it....a iPhone. Come on guys get this sorted. <> #305
Add one more complaint to the pile. Nexus 7 connected to a Creative Zii speaker via bluetooth and streaming Shoutcast has dropouts every few seconds. Unlistenable.
Bah. <> #306
I as well use the Creative Zii speaker via bluetooth and the streaming will not work properly while Wifi is engaged. Once I turn wifi off it works. But this is just very silly. It makes it so I have to cache everything I want to listen to on my device. <> #307
Tethering and RFCOMM do not work anymore on Nexus 7. <> #308
Why does this huge defect only have priority medium? Icant use my Galaxy Nexus phone with My Peugeot Radio via bluetooth connection. So i cant phone handsfree. This is forbidden and dangerous. A main fuction of the phone is not ok. Android 4.2.1 <> #309
Nexus 4 delivered yesterday and OTA updated straight away, tried bluetooth streaming in my car as i have been using Iphone with Spotify for the last year,
very disappointed with this phone so far if I can't do the most basic functions such as bluetooth audio streaming.
very disappointed with this phone so far if I can't do the most basic functions such as bluetooth audio streaming. <> #310
Samsung Nexus with Android 4.2.1
Connecting problems with my car system (Opel Insignia) no phonebook and no atuo connect. After manual connect and one phone call it say connected but I must reconnect to make another call.
Connecting problems with my car system (Opel Insignia) no phonebook and no atuo connect. After manual connect and one phone call it say connected but I must reconnect to make another call. <> #311
This thread has been open for over 6 weeks already. Has anyone seen/heard anything about Google actually fixing this massive problem (other than assigning a 'medium' priority to this thread)?? <> #312
Can't use my Wii controller with two popular apps that supported it in previous versions. Please fix the bluetooth! <> #313
I have this issue too. Nexus 7 32gb with Motorola S305 headset.
I'd also like to report that the Motorola S305 only reports a media profile support, when in fact it can be used as a headset as well. I think I'm going to open a separate issue about that one.
I'd also like to report that the Motorola S305 only reports a media profile support, when in fact it can be used as a headset as well. I think I'm going to open a separate issue about that one. <> #314
I am having almost similar issue with my GNex JB 4.1.1. My Nokia BT coonects properly and I can listen to the calls however when play music/video there is no sound and the phone speaker plays the music. Just last week I got my phone repaired by Samsung for bad sound quality... they changed the speaker and few componemts. Very diappointing. <> #315
Same problem with my nexus 7 32GB in combination with Logitech Boombox, audio stutters from the moment I start doing stuff with my tablet. The 4.2/4.2.1 update breaks a lot of stuff it seems, hope they bring out an update ASAP and they write/do tests to prevent this happening again. <> #316
Nexus 7 32Gb with Creative d200 BT speakers.
4.1.2 No stutter (playing direct from nexus or streaming)
4.2 onwards - near constant stutter (playing direct or streaming, gets worse with other device activity)
4.1.2 No stutter (playing direct from nexus or streaming)
4.2 onwards - near constant stutter (playing direct or streaming, gets worse with other device activity) <> #317
[Comment deleted] <> #318
I really don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said. This issue affects me and I'm putting my name on the list. Please pull some people off of the less important projects like making the clock half bold and put those people on projects that matter, like testing and quality control. <> #319
Same problem, Nexus 7 with 4.2 when using wifi (spotify) and BT (speakers). <> #320
Same here! Audio for in and out with my Motorola 305s Bluetooth headphones. <> #321
Throwing my complaint on the heap as well. One of the biggest reasons I wanted the nexus 7 for was watching videos. It worked until 4.2 rolled out. This can't be that difficult to fix guys... Get on it and roll out a patch. <> #322
I just rooted my N7 and returned to 4.1.2 which fixed the Bluetooth.
But, while apps were updating, an Android 4.2.1 update arrived and was ready to install. Fortunately there was an Install button which I was careful to avoid. Then I looked for a way to stop OS updates. The only choice I found was to disable Google Services Framework. This seemed to "kill"the update but may be bad for other reasons.
Can anyone describe a safe way to stop OS updates. My N7 is rooted and running stock 4.1.2. Thanks in advance.
But, while apps were updating, an Android 4.2.1 update arrived and was ready to install. Fortunately there was an Install button which I was careful to avoid. Then I looked for a way to stop OS updates. The only choice I found was to disable Google Services Framework. This seemed to "kill"the update but may be bad for other reasons.
Can anyone describe a safe way to stop OS updates. My N7 is rooted and running stock 4.1.2. Thanks in advance. <> #323
Me too. Stuttering to the point of being unusable - nexus 7 wifi with a set of BT headphones. They worked fine before the 4.2.x update. I'm going to try going back to 4.1.2 until this issue is resolved. Trying the aforementioned 'nexus root toolkit' now... <> #324
[Comment deleted] <> #325
Google, when can you fix this so I can stop using my fiancee's iPad for streaming music? <> #326
[Comment deleted] <> #327
Same problem here with two nexus 7 devices using two different Bluetooth speakers (a jbl and a creative). I was surprised to learn that that this was reported so long ago and a resolution hasn't been found... <> #328
I just hope this can be treated as more than medium priority as this is really basic function not working at the moment. Important enough to me to bring my stuff back to the store for service if I hadn't found this site showing me I'm not the only one...
I just hope this can be treated as more than medium priority as this is really basic function not working at the moment. Important enough to me to bring my stuff back to the store for service if I hadn't found this site showing me I'm not the only one... <> #329
Why is this not high priority? It's a serious bug and the users start to get angry! Same for developers. Just to be mentioned: No bluetooth at all on Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
I'm doing signal processing on Android - if such a bug happens again, I'll think about switching back to iOS!!!
I'm doing signal processing on Android - if such a bug happens again, I'll think about switching back to iOS!!! <> #330
I am also having this bug. <> #331
I can't pair a set of BT headphone to the nexus 7 at all. No problems with the PC or iOS. This is absurd. Maybe it's not "low" it's just you've no idea what is going on? <> #332
Just adding one more name to the list of people who are experiencing this bug. I've had my GNEX for awhile. A2DP with all my vehicles (the only time I generally stream music from my phone to any device) worked fine on 4.0.x and 4.1.x. Unfortunately under 4.2, it barely works and regularly wont connect. When it does, audio disconnects after a short period and car refuses to connect again until I restart BT on the phone. Calls over bluetooth work fine, just not audio streaming over bluetooth. I reverted to 4.1.2 works again as it always used to. Definitely not updating to 4.2.x again until this is fixed. <> #333
Also having BT problems. Brand new Nexus 7. Connecting my Wii remote and Sony Vaio laptop by BT my worked perfectly on default 4.1.2, but 4.2 and 4.2.1 upgrade are both fails. Called support at 1-855-83-NEXUS (63987). Service representative was very courteous. After some immediate action and being put on hold for him to check with other reps, they said they have not heard of the problem at all. I got the usual 'be sure you are running the latest drivers', but I then pointed them to this article. I personally don't see how this issue's priority is 'medium' when it should be high! <> #334
Brand new nexus 10, just upgraded it to 4.2.1 and it won't connect or even recognize possible connections via BT. I may just send it back and get an iPad instead. If google thinks losing sales is a medium priority then so be it. <> #335
Bought a Nexus7 because I wanted to play locally stored MP3 files via bluetooth.
But the bluetooth playback is interrupted every few seconds - very ANNOYING!!!
(I bought the tablet right for this purpose - hearing MP3 files via bluetooth.)
If there isn't a solution for this issue up to New Year's Day I will return this unit as defective to the shop...
I'd like to encourage all users to do so - maybe Google then will realize that customers should not be treated that way...
But the bluetooth playback is interrupted every few seconds - very ANNOYING!!!
(I bought the tablet right for this purpose - hearing MP3 files via bluetooth.)
If there isn't a solution for this issue up to New Year's Day I will return this unit as defective to the shop...
I'd like to encourage all users to do so - maybe Google then will realize that customers should not be treated that way... <> #336
Same issue
Now looking at ipads
Now looking at ipads <> #337
Same issue here. Nexus 7 32 GB model and no problems prior to upgrading to 4.2. Now I can't even get connected to my previously paired BT speakers and connectors. Brands include Jambox, Oontz, and Logitech. Like others here, I want to be able to stream music from various sources and really miss the capability after the upgrade to 4.2. Is there any recommended fix other than rolling back to 4.1? <> #338
Has anyone tried bt keepalive? <> #339
Just tried to use my New LG HBS 700 (Thanks Santa) with my Samsung INFUSE and guess what...yep stuttering. However works fine on my Galaxy Tablet! Come on Google Get it done! <> #340
Nexus 7 with lg hbs-700 BT gear and I have never been this disappointed in a Android device let alone a Nexus device. Good job helping Apple further there superior quality argument for them. Less video games. More work.
PS. Add MIMO (or whatever) to the next iteration. Don't let Amazon one up you in that regard.
PS. Add MIMO (or whatever) to the next iteration. Don't let Amazon one up you in that regard. <> #341
I have been having this issue as well. As soon as I turn bluetooth on, my wifi starts cutting out. I am listening to iHeartRadio with a wired speaker and the music cuts in and out. Eventually the wifi will completely stop working and I need to reboot in order to connect again. If I turn off my bluetooth while experiencing these issues, my wifi is instantly restored. <> #342
Happens to my Nexus 7 as well. Just got a headset for Christmas and it does nothing but frustrates me because of this issue. Please fix this and the numerous other issues Google. <> #343
Month old problem should be fixed by now. Call in more phds <> #344
This is a real issue and has rendered my Nexus 7 basically useless to me. I like using it to listen to music or podcasts, but this problem makes it much too annoying. Considering a switch to my iPod touch for this purpose, as my HTC Evo 4G has always had even worse issues with Bluetooth audio. This being a regression should make it an easy fix. I'm not sure what the problem could be here. <> #345
Yes I am confirming that the stuttering on Nexus 7 video playback with audio via Jawbone bluetooth speakers is an unpleasent experience. Please fix this ASAP. <> #346
I rma'd my original n7, which had all of the Bluetooth issues following the 4.2 upgrade. The new n7 seems to work perfectly for every BT device I own. I've come to the conclusion that this must be an incompatibility between old hardware and the 4.2 upgrade. My recommendation is that everyone with these problems send back their old unit and try a new one. <> #347
Same here with a N7 paired to a SHOQBOX. Unpair the SHOQBOX and Pandora streams fine. Pair, and stuttering every few seconds, often with long pauses... :( <> #348
Same here on my Galaxy Nexus. The problem seems less frequent on my Nexus 4. <> #349
I also have this issue with my nexus 7 paired with a Jawbone Jambox. Please fix! <> #350
[Comment deleted] <> #351
Stuttering on my TDK A73 Wireless Boom Box with a Nexus 7 running 4.2.1; when family was asking "why is that stuttering" my reply was "because apparently Google wants everyone to own an iPad". When basic system functionality has been broken over a month, priority is marked "medium" and phone support is saying "they have no reports of this issue" then is it not perhaps time to look into some sort of class-action here? <> #352
Perhaps if all effected users would boycott Google Play until it's fixed, then they'd decide to do it... <> #353
This is a disgrace.
It is time for a class action lawsuit. If you sell me junk, I want my money back.
It is time for a class action lawsuit. If you sell me junk, I want my money back. <> #354
I am having this issue on my Nexus 7 32GB as well, mega lame. <> #355
I have same stuttering issue on my Nexus7 32G model.
and I also have another problem that I can hear high-frequency white noise through my LG HBS-730 bluetooth headset.
I tested my bluetooth headset with GalaxyNote, there are no high-frequency white noise.
and I also have another problem that I can hear high-frequency white noise through my LG HBS-730 bluetooth headset.
I tested my bluetooth headset with GalaxyNote, there are no high-frequency white noise. <> #356
updated to 4.2 OTA because i love the "User profile" function, now my bluetooth audio play back is stuttering.. can't use my speaker with nexus 7 bluetooth totally <> #357
I have minor stutters with N7 + Philips AS141/05 Bluetooth dock when playing Google Music, but when I try to stream Tune-in Radio, it stutters so much I can't listen...
No issues whatsoever when I pair my Samsung Galaxy S2- even from through the wall in the next room!
No issues whatsoever when I pair my Samsung Galaxy S2- even from through the wall in the next room! <> #358
[Comment deleted] <> #359
I would revert to 4.1.2 if it wasn't for the fact that my young daughter uses her own user profile for games, et cetera.
Please Google, respond to this issue and give us status on a fix.
Please Google, respond to this issue and give us status on a fix. <> #360
Problème de son saccadé sur nexus 7 en 4.2.1
Headphone : zik parrot connecté en bluetooth
Headphone : zik parrot connecté en bluetooth <> #361
This is also happening to me. On certain apps more than others it happens a lot more frequently. Seems to be a lot more prevalent on games and music but when using Google listen it doesn't happen. <> #362
Well not to pile on I just received my nexus 7 for Christmas. I cannot use any Bluetooth device without constant stuttering. In the case of Bluetooth headsets all I get is noise. When trying to chat via a VoIP client like Bria using speaker and mic without Bluetooth the recipient hears constant echo. This is pretty pathetic. My iPad works flawlessly with Bluetooth devices and has local echo cancelation and works great in speaker mode. This is clearly a fail for Google. <> #363
Thought buying a couple Nexus 7's was the best economic choice for the kid's this Christmas, who were always monopolizing the family iPad. All in all, they're pretty happy with such cool gifts. I only hope issues like these are infrequent and fixed quickly or I'll have to start saving now as I'm sure iPad mini's will be on next year's wish lists. <> #364
I'm not sure if I have exactly the same issue or not (and haven't noticed it before today!)
My nexus 7 started cutting out very intermittently (once every few minutes for a second) when listening to music using the stock player and a pair of bluetooth headphones. I haven't yet tested with WIFI disabled, but when I had my wifi disabled on a flight a few days ago, this did not occur even once.
I've switched to using my Galaxy Nexus, which is playing back just fine, with no drops.
*Both* devices are running 4.2.1 JOP40D. Neither were streaming music over wifi, but both are connected to the wifi. Only the nexus 7 drops.
My nexus 7 started cutting out very intermittently (once every few minutes for a second) when listening to music using the stock player and a pair of bluetooth headphones. I haven't yet tested with WIFI disabled, but when I had my wifi disabled on a flight a few days ago, this did not occur even once.
I've switched to using my Galaxy Nexus, which is playing back just fine, with no drops.
*Both* devices are running 4.2.1 JOP40D. Neither were streaming music over wifi, but both are connected to the wifi. Only the nexus 7 drops. <> #365
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #366
Extremely annoying bug. How did this pass the regression tests...? It is so obvious.
The Nexus 7 - which is a great product - is unusable as a music player via Bluetooth.
I think this bug should be regarded higher than medium prio.
I am glad I did not upgrade the Galaxy Nexus from 4.1.
The Nexus 7 - which is a great product - is unusable as a music player via Bluetooth.
I think this bug should be regarded higher than medium prio.
I am glad I did not upgrade the Galaxy Nexus from 4.1. <> #367
I just got a nexus7 32gb for Christmas. It is my first android device having lived in the Apple world for 20 years. Not impressed. My jambox as a as my Bluetooth headphones stutter when WiFi is enabled. I am on 4.2.1.
As an aside my nexus is defective. When I squeeze the left side lightly it goes nuts. I cannot put on the bobjgear case without it going nuts. I am à this in
As an aside my nexus is defective. When I squeeze the left side lightly it goes nuts. I cannot put on the bobjgear case without it going nuts. I am à this in <> #368
[Comment deleted] <> #369
[Comment deleted] <> #370
I just got a nexus7 32gb for Christmas. It is my first android device having lived in the Apple world for 20 years. Not impressed. My jambox as well as my Bluetooth headphones stutter when WiFi is enabled. I am on 4.2.1.
As an aside my nexus is defective. When I squeeze the left side lightly it goes nuts. I cannot put on the bobjgear case without it going nuts. I have another one on order. Also not a fun experience. If it is also defective I will get an iPad mini and never look back. Never, Ever had problems with all my Macs, iPhone's or iPads. Sick of Apple's holier than thou arrogance but their stuff just works.
As an aside my nexus is defective. When I squeeze the left side lightly it goes nuts. I cannot put on the bobjgear case without it going nuts. I have another one on order. Also not a fun experience. If it is also defective I will get an iPad mini and never look back. Never, Ever had problems with all my Macs, iPhone's or iPads. Sick of Apple's holier than thou arrogance but their stuff just works. <> #371
Have a Nexus 7 and Big Jambox for audio. Really disappointing to have the stuttering audio while listening to Pandora via bluetooth and lag when watching video. Please fix this. Your customers shouldn't have to beg to get something so wrong with a multimedia device fixed. <> #372
Have this problem too, though Spotify seems to be less affected, strangely enough. Worst are streaming apps such as Subsonic which works flawlessly on my Phone. <> #373
*Possible solution....
As people may have mentioned in this thread there seems to be some kind of interference between wifi and Blutooth. Switching wifi off and on momentarily fixes the problem with stuttering BT, but problem will usually reappear within 5-30 min.
* What worked for me
- In your router setting (D-link dir655 in my case), set channel width to 20Mhz only
- Set active channel to "1"
In theory, these settings are far from optimal regarding wifi performance but running your router in non channel bonding mode will cause less interference. Chances are you 'll never notice the halved theoretical throughput.
If you have a dual band router I guess you can limit your nexus device to only use the 5Ghz band. I suspect this can cause less interference as well..
As people may have mentioned in this thread there seems to be some kind of interference between wifi and Blutooth. Switching wifi off and on momentarily fixes the problem with stuttering BT, but problem will usually reappear within 5-30 min.
* What worked for me
- In your router setting (D-link dir655 in my case), set channel width to 20Mhz only
- Set active channel to "1"
In theory, these settings are far from optimal regarding wifi performance but running your router in non channel bonding mode will cause less interference. Chances are you 'll never notice the halved theoretical throughput.
If you have a dual band router I guess you can limit your nexus device to only use the 5Ghz band. I suspect this can cause less interference as well.. <> #374
Also experiencing this issue. I use Plex media server and stream to the Android Plex client using a Jambox bluetooth speaker.
I had issues in 4.1.2 whereby Plex would randomly serve up the same track two or three times in a row although it had attempted to move to the next track. When Bluetooth is off this never happens.
When upgrading to Android 4.2.1 the repeating tracks issue disappeared only to be replaced with the unbearable stuttering and choppy audio playback. Again turning Bluetooth off stops all audio issues.
Ended up rolling back to 4.1.2 as clear audio (even if tracks repeat) is preferable to completely useless audio.
Please fix this issue asap. Considering returning Nexus 7 for refund.
I had issues in 4.1.2 whereby Plex would randomly serve up the same track two or three times in a row although it had attempted to move to the next track. When Bluetooth is off this never happens.
When upgrading to Android 4.2.1 the repeating tracks issue disappeared only to be replaced with the unbearable stuttering and choppy audio playback. Again turning Bluetooth off stops all audio issues.
Ended up rolling back to 4.1.2 as clear audio (even if tracks repeat) is preferable to completely useless audio.
Please fix this issue asap. Considering returning Nexus 7 for refund. <> #375
Just checked my email and received a message from Google Support.
Nexus 7 Bluetooth 3.0 + profiles:
HFP1.5, A2DP 1.2, AVRCP 1.0, PAN 1.0, HID 1.0, OPP 1.0, PBAP 1.0, SPP (RFCOMM), HDP 1.0.
It looks like people with 2.1 EDR devices may be out of luck...
Nexus 7 Bluetooth 3.0 + profiles:
HFP1.5, A2DP 1.2, AVRCP 1.0, PAN 1.0, HID 1.0, OPP 1.0, PBAP 1.0, SPP (RFCOMM), HDP 1.0.
It looks like people with 2.1 EDR devices may be out of luck... <> #376
am wondering if Google even looks at this page (last time I Looked, it is on I called support today to see if there were any plans on updating the software and was told that they were not aware of this issue. Go figure. Google... please please please... update us so that bluetooth doesn't skip on us... please! This is quite annoying! <> #377
Oh my god.. I simply just can't believe Google would just completely ruin Bluetooth and release it as an update. The big reason for me buying this nexus 7 over kindle fire was its Bluetooth capabilities, now none of my BT devices work. I recommended this tablet to all my friends and family, and now I look like a jerk to the ones who got it. You ruined my tablet and rendered hundreds of dollars worth or accessories use less. Fix this asap or this may be your tablet venture downfall. <> #378
Experiencing frequent audio cutouts using spotify over Bluetooth from nexus 7 running 4.2.1 to a ziisound d5. Very frustrating... <> #379
Nexus 7 (32 gb); Android 4.2.1. Received for Christmas. Was immediately prompted for OTA update. Bluetooth connection issues similar to those described by others, namely, consistent audio stuttering when coupled to bluetooth speaker. The Bluetooth connection is essentially unusable. <> #380
Just got My Nexus 7 32g for xmas and of course updated to 4.2 Jelly Bean when the battery was charged. Big mistake the Bluetooth was perfect to my car (Camry) and my headphones the day before, now as soon as the screen blanks the music starts skipping. I have changed the Display to stay on for 30 minutes, so I can listen to music for that long. I love the Nexus and I hope Google comes out for a fix for this soon. Or someone tells us how to go back to the 4.1.2 version of Android. <> #381
I'm having the same problem. Stuttering every third second and only a reboot fixes it, for a while.
Has this been confirmed as a software issue though? Asus was willing to take a look at my device (nexus 7 32gb). But I'm hesitating because if it's a software issue I have to pay them (Asus) 130$ just to get my device back in same "useless" condition. Asus Sweden this is.
Has this been confirmed as a software issue though? Asus was willing to take a look at my device (nexus 7 32gb). But I'm hesitating because if it's a software issue I have to pay them (Asus) 130$ just to get my device back in same "useless" condition. Asus Sweden this is. <> #382
My Nexus 7 (32gb) ran flawlessly until the 4.2 update. Since then, I can't connect my mouse or gamepad via bluetooth. It connects and them immediately drops the connection. Please consider that for everyone 10 complaints on this forum, there are thousands of users who either don't know where to post a complaint or are assuming that they did something wrong. This bug needs to be fixed immediately or at least give people the option of reverting back to the old bluetooth stack until this issue is resolved.
It's hard to believe that Google fixed the "Missing December" glitch so quickly, but this problem still exists. I don't know what's worse... waiting 6+ months for the latest Android version on my Galaxy S or being a beta tester with my Nexus device.
It's hard to believe that Google fixed the "Missing December" glitch so quickly, but this problem still exists. I don't know what's worse... waiting 6+ months for the latest Android version on my Galaxy S or being a beta tester with my Nexus device. <> #383
I have this issue as well. If you guys need an example device or there is some way for me to give more details, I'd be happy to help. <> #384
Got a nexus 7 32 GB for Christmas. Bluetooth headset causes Netflix and YouTube to constantly buffer. Wired headphones do not have a problem. Is Google coming up with a fix anytime soon? <> #385
More than a month has passed by. I think this error deserves much more attention since it makes BT almost useless. And the fault is affecting thousands of devices out there. <> #386
same problem with the nexus 4, stuttering audio. Also fails to pair with my car bluetooth hands free kit. <> #387
Nexus 7 and Jawbone Jambox. Skipping occurs for approximately 10 seconds on nearly every song, then stabilizes. <> #388
I got my replacement Nexus as my first one was defective and have not upgraded to 4.2.1 from 4.1.2 and my unit runs like a champ. I
I will just ignore the constant prompts to upgrade until I see that this BT/streaming audio is fixed. Recommend rolling back to 4.1.2.
I will just ignore the constant prompts to upgrade until I see that this BT/streaming audio is fixed. Recommend rolling back to 4.1.2. <> #389
I'm unable to watch anything on netflix, or play any audio while using my bluetooth headset on my Google Nexus 7.
The audio studders.
on 4.2.1.
Not impressed
The audio studders.
on 4.2.1.
Not impressed <> #390
Also having this problem on my 4.2.1 Nexus 7. Trying to watch TED talks using their app and this issue makes the sound cut out every 20 seconds or so - sometimes for 10+ seconds whilst the video continues to play. No idea if it worked before the 4.1 update or not, but it's definitely screwed up in the same way everybody else is describing.
Also, getting the Nexus to pair with the headphones (Motorola ones) was a bit of a disaster. I was trying to test what the problem might be and tried pairing both the Nexus 7 and the headphones with my nearby laptop computer. Both worked fine, so I'm not sure what's going on.
You'd think this would warrant a patch pretty soon. It's not as embarrassing for Google as the "no December (oops!)" bug, but it still sucks for bluetooth users. Surely there can't be that few of us? Please hurry up and fix this one, Google.
Also, getting the Nexus to pair with the headphones (Motorola ones) was a bit of a disaster. I was trying to test what the problem might be and tried pairing both the Nexus 7 and the headphones with my nearby laptop computer. Both worked fine, so I'm not sure what's going on.
You'd think this would warrant a patch pretty soon. It's not as embarrassing for Google as the "no December (oops!)" bug, but it still sucks for bluetooth users. Surely there can't be that few of us? Please hurry up and fix this one, Google. <> #391
[Comment deleted] <> #392
My bluetooth keyboard repeats first key input after resume from sleep, like bbbbbbbbbbad... There was no problem in 4.1.2. <> #393
i've experienced the same bt-problem. the whole nexus7 is very annoying... :-(
a) i have to use my smartphone to take/share pictures on the way...
b) i cannot watch videos online, because of this silly stuttering...
c) i cannot use wlan-hotspot by tethering... i have to remove my 3g-card on daily basis for using it in my laptop evenings... and every time i have to look for this silly "removal tool" ... puke ...
i used to like android and google ...
a) i have to use my smartphone to take/share pictures on the way...
b) i cannot watch videos online, because of this silly stuttering...
c) i cannot use wlan-hotspot by tethering... i have to remove my 3g-card on daily basis for using it in my laptop evenings... and every time i have to look for this silly "removal tool" ... puke ...
i used to like android and google ... <> #394
Motorola S305 audio stutters every ~30s. Very annoying. <> #395
Does Google read this? Where is a "moderator" or other Google rep to comment or any least lie to us? Is this the android Google ecosystem ??
Apple is full of hubris but I get answers if not solutions for the very occasional problems I have encounters over the DECADES.
I do like my nexus 7 and actually 4.1.2 seems fine but this absolute lack of customer service or even acknowledgement is unacceptable and a poor competitor for IOS... this will be my last android device.
Just saying, Google are you listening?
Apple is full of hubris but I get answers if not solutions for the very occasional problems I have encounters over the DECADES.
I do like my nexus 7 and actually 4.1.2 seems fine but this absolute lack of customer service or even acknowledgement is unacceptable and a poor competitor for IOS... this will be my last android device.
Just saying, Google are you listening? <> #396
Yeah I have this issue too. Really annoying seeing as I bought the Nexus 7 to listen to music on <> #397
[Comment deleted] <> #398
I have entirely stopped using my Nexus 7 due to this problem. Subsequent updates did nothing to fix it, too. Wish there was a 'go-back' feature, too!! <> #399
P.S. In place of my Nexus 7 I am using my Samsung Activate Glide with the same bluetooth speakers with no problems at all. It is AT&T updated at: 2.3.6 <> #400
Nearly 2 months and still no fix. I need Bluetooth working now, so am forced to downgrade to 4.1.2
My Nexus4 works perfect in this regard, curiously, it's clearly device specific.
My Nexus4 works perfect in this regard, curiously, it's clearly device specific. <> #401
I have the same problem with my Nexus 7 and Jambox BT speakers when listening to streamed music.
I noticed that if I get close to the router the stuttering stops.
I noticed that if I get close to the router the stuttering stops. <> #402
Same problem here with Android 4.2 and podcast listening with my Creative speakers connected over Bluetooth. The sound stutters like crazy if BeyondPod starts downloading new episodes while I listen. It worked perfectly on 4.1. Please fix this! <> #403
Same problem here. I've got two Nexus 4s and one Nexus 7. All are running 4.2 and all have this problem. My BT speaker is an LG NB2420A. However, I've also had this issue using BT headsets, one Plantronics mono headset and one stereo LG headset. I've tried several streaming music apps and talkatone. The problem goes away when I play locally stored music or when I use BT without wifi. <> #404
Is Google not looking into this issue? <> #405
Same problem here, latest android, and Bluetooth problems every 3 to 5 seconds.
In my other tegra 3(Toshiba excite 10) with ICS, no problem at all.
Hello Google? Someone?...this is the same problem that I used to have with my old Asus transformer tf101, until got sold.
In my other tegra 3(Toshiba excite 10) with ICS, no problem at all.
Hello Google? Someone?...this is the same problem that I used to have with my old Asus transformer tf101, until got sold. <> #406
Worse here, BT headphones pair but no music comes through.
Android 4.2.1 Nexus 7
Android 4.2.1 Nexus 7 <> #407
This lack of informations is really irritating.
As usual before selling if you need an information you have it in hours, when they've sold the customer can die waiting.
I fixed the problem anyway: the iPad mini streams flawlessly.
As usual before selling if you need an information you have it in hours, when they've sold the customer can die waiting.
I fixed the problem anyway: the iPad mini streams flawlessly. <> #408
Nexus 4: can connect, but not reliable data from a BT device my colleagues (IPhone and Samsung Galaxy) have no problem with. <> #409
As long as I turn wifi off I have no problems using my bluetooth headset. If I turn on wifi and it is transferring data I will get frequent drops in the audio. <> #410
I hope this issue is fixed soon. Same problem here with BT+WIFI on a Nexus4. <> #411
Just replaced my Nexus 7 (the original was purchased right when the 16GB became available in the US) with a new one - I have 4.2.1 and the issue still remains. When using Pandora or Spotify to stream music via bluetooth to my creative Zii sound or my Jawbone Jambox, it is plagued by constant stuttering. I've had this issue since I purchased the tablet with 4.1 and every update since then, fwiw.
I have a feeling google didn't provide enough bandwidth to have data coming in and going out at the same time or they don't allow the applications to create a cache large enough to buffer properly... This is quite ridiculous.
My iPhone 4, iPhone 5, Macbook Air 2011, MBA 2012, Dell Desktop, all manage to do the same job without issues so I know it's not the speakers.
Google, honestly - this is the minor stuff that shouldn't happen if you plan on competing against Amazon and Apple...
I'm recommending my friends to get an iPad or an Amazon tablet until this stuff goes away.
I have a feeling google didn't provide enough bandwidth to have data coming in and going out at the same time or they don't allow the applications to create a cache large enough to buffer properly... This is quite ridiculous.
My iPhone 4, iPhone 5, Macbook Air 2011, MBA 2012, Dell Desktop, all manage to do the same job without issues so I know it's not the speakers.
Google, honestly - this is the minor stuff that shouldn't happen if you plan on competing against Amazon and Apple...
I'm recommending my friends to get an iPad or an Amazon tablet until this stuff goes away. <> #412
To: Defect Owner "". Is it possible to provide us with some indication of the priority and/or timeline for a fix for this? Thank you. <> #413
This issue is really annoying me and I'm serious considering moving off this platform because if it. I really wish these came with Micro SD slots, that way I could turn off the Wifi and listen to music locally. <> #414
This is quite ridiculous! Try streaming slingbox via bluetooth and watching a show or movie..they have known about this and for some reason dont care most people use bluetooth audio! I mean seriously, its something with nexus 7 base code. This isnt typical of android and should be able to be fixed. hey google take some pride! This is why apple continues to win in sales, and I cant stand apple. Im guessing its a power saving kernel memory addressing issue. <> #415
@ #412
Google still has yet to even acknowledge this issue other than setting it to medium priority a couple months ago. We'll just have to assume that they are so embarrassed by this that they want to pretend it doesn't exist. They lock it away in the basement like Sloth from the Goonies. If this wasn't the case, then surely by now they would have had somebody from the PR department at least issue some sort of apology and perhaps even tell us that they were working on a fix for it.
Seems like it would be a high priority to them, as well. Maybe they just didn't do the math yet. They are wanting us to buy music and movies from their stores, but since we can't hear the audio, there's no reason for us to be buying digital content from them.
Google still has yet to even acknowledge this issue other than setting it to medium priority a couple months ago. We'll just have to assume that they are so embarrassed by this that they want to pretend it doesn't exist. They lock it away in the basement like Sloth from the Goonies. If this wasn't the case, then surely by now they would have had somebody from the PR department at least issue some sort of apology and perhaps even tell us that they were working on a fix for it.
Seems like it would be a high priority to them, as well. Maybe they just didn't do the math yet. They are wanting us to buy music and movies from their stores, but since we can't hear the audio, there's no reason for us to be buying digital content from them. <> #416
I will link this page on every technology forum I know until this will be fixed. <> #417
Even Google's own music player has this issue on Nexus 7. Perhaps I am holding it the wrong way?
Anyway, because of this issue, bluetooth is close to useless for me.
Google, please fix this!
Anyway, because of this issue, bluetooth is close to useless for me.
Google, please fix this! <> #418
on samsung nexus galaxy android 4.2.1, the issue does occur especially Usingen Bluetooth node in my car. Plesse send Bugfix soon. <> #419
[Comment deleted] <> #420
Have same issue on my Nexus 4. Stock android.
As long as I turn wifi off I have no problems using my bluetooth headset. If I turn on wifi and it is transferring data bluetooth stutters to the point that I cant use it during calls.
Pls fix.
As long as I turn wifi off I have no problems using my bluetooth headset. If I turn on wifi and it is transferring data bluetooth stutters to the point that I cant use it during calls.
Pls fix. <> #421
I found that if you move closer to your bluetooth receiver, it doesn't stutter anymore.
I'm using cheap chinese BT A2DP adapter for my speakers and it was stuttering while using wifi and I was like 4 meters away. Then I put the receiver on the table with cable just 1 meter away from me and it works just fine while using wifi...
Samsung Galaxy S I9000 CM 10.1 (Android 4.2.1)
I'm using cheap chinese BT A2DP adapter for my speakers and it was stuttering while using wifi and I was like 4 meters away. Then I put the receiver on the table with cable just 1 meter away from me and it works just fine while using wifi...
Samsung Galaxy S I9000 CM 10.1 (Android 4.2.1) <> #422
Same here and reported into issue 36949180
Nexus 4 8Gb
Android 4.2.1
Bluetooth Devices:
Jabra Stone - reconnects every minute
Jabra BT8020 - reconnects every second
- WiFi tuned off but it didn't help
- handsfrees working fine with other devices
Nexus 4 8Gb
Android 4.2.1
Bluetooth Devices:
Jabra Stone - reconnects every minute
Jabra BT8020 - reconnects every second
- WiFi tuned off but it didn't help
- handsfrees working fine with other devices <> #423
Maybe its time to start sending emails to revision3, TWIT, and Engadget. If they become aware of this they will start telling there viewers and probably reduce Nexus 7 sales. I am sure that will get Google looking into this. <> #424
What the heck, Google? This thread has been going on almost two MONTHS. I see no replies from Google. Because of the ongoing bluetooth issue, I'd never recommend an N7 to anyone. It makes a lovely $200 table decoration though. Seriously, nobody knows how to roll back to the original 4.1.2? So. Disappointing. I love Google too but this is the PITS. <> #425
Yep. I would say any n7 sold since 4.2 landed was an example of false advertising. Bluetooth does not work ! <> #426
I'm having the same issue with my Google Nexus 10 connected via blutooth to my Bose Soundlink II speaker. Seems it worked ok at first but in the last two weeks has degraded and studders to the point I simply can't use it. I love my tablet but am very disappointed with the blutooth issue. <> #427
I am experiencing the same issue on my Nexus 7 16gb running 4.2.1 Motorola SF600 Bluetooth earphones paired with Nexus 7 will stutter when steaming Netflix or youTube over WiFi. There is no stutter when I turned WiFI OFF and played temple run. Please help. <> #428
I sat playing music via bluetooth speakers on my iPhone for about an hour while it was being used for social networking and web browsing. It didn't skip once. Yet, my Nexus 7 skips even when I'm not multi-tasking. Can this be helped? <> #429
This has to be fixed. It's a very serious issue that impairs the whole device in a significant manner. <> #430
I agree with everyone here and I'm not one to complain very often. The Nexus 7 was supposed to be the device that Google used to own the 7" tablet market. Everyone uses bluetooth these days and to have it essentially be non-functional really does much to tarnish the reputation of this device. Google...the word is spreading. You need fix this now if you hope to gain any real market share. Do not ignore this any longer. <> #431
This has to do with Google replacing the Bluetooth stack (for no specific reason) in 4.2. Makes my smartwatch essentially useless. <> #432
Disheartened by the lack of any kind of response from Google on this. One of the primary functions of a tablet, for me at least, is as a music streamer. My Nexus 7 is useless with my Logitech BT adapter, and stutters like crazy with my BT headphones, whereas my HTC phone (ICS) pairs and functions seamlessly. I cannot imagine this is a difficult fix, so what's the hold up? <> #433
Had the same problem between nexus 7 and creative d100 speaker, did the bluetooth app clear bit & now works fine. <> #434
Galaxy Nexus with Ford Audio via bluetooth. I have the same problem since I updated to 4.2 <> #435
I am so fortunate that my nexus 7 was defective and had to be returned. Since I have received my new one I just ignore the constant OTA alerts advising me to update. 4.1.2 works great and I couldn't be more satisfied. I surely would have returned the unit if I was stuck with 4.2.1. WHAT THE #### Google? Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Go team Apple!! <> #436
Fix this ASAP. It's ridiculous!
Google is just ignoring this issue!
GOOGLE sucks and this was my last Google device
Google is just ignoring this issue!
GOOGLE sucks and this was my last Google device <> #437
Can we please have an update on the fixing of this problem ? Do we all have to bring our nexus back to the store for service/refund ? Create a facebook group ? As said another comment, it it was on iOS it would have been fixed already. <> #438
I have just fixed this problem on my Nexus 7. Using the Bluetooth SPP app, I found out and closed down all Bluetooth connections. There was one from a Samsung TV set I did not even know it had Bluetooth.
In the same app, I connected my earphones and it worked. Several hours already listening to music without having my wife nor my Nexus shouting at me.
Best luck to all of you.
In the same app, I connected my earphones and it worked. Several hours already listening to music without having my wife nor my Nexus shouting at me.
Best luck to all of you. <> #439
Which Bluetooth SPP app? Is several in the store. Thanks <> #440
This is an important feature I was expecting to use on the n7 I bought 3 days ago and now I'm finding out Bluetooth is barely functional. Could maybe have used a warning about that on the play store page when buying it. Kinda frustrating. <> #441
I have an N7 and a Philips Bluetooth headset. I have had to revert to using a cable to connect to the N7. Problems with YouTube, One cast and Netflix. I tried using BTMono but it doesn't solve the issue consistently. Please fix this Mr Google. <> #442
Bluetooth SPP Test from Markus Mayer, but any app that lets you see the connected Bluetooth devices should do.
The Nexus 7 from ASUS seems to have a cheap Bluetooth controller chip which gets upset when there are too many devices are connected, so you just have to disconnect some of them. In the case of my Samsung TV set, I turned it off for a while. Now it's on again and Bluetooth too.
I wonder whether the Koreans also have witches.
BTMono is not necessary on the Nexus 7, it changes automatically if a Bluetooth device is detected. I am using a BeeWee BBH100 stereo, made in China, oh Dear. But it works.
The Nexus 7 from ASUS seems to have a cheap Bluetooth controller chip which gets upset when there are too many devices are connected, so you just have to disconnect some of them. In the case of my Samsung TV set, I turned it off for a while. Now it's on again and Bluetooth too.
I wonder whether the Koreans also have witches.
BTMono is not necessary on the Nexus 7, it changes automatically if a Bluetooth device is detected. I am using a BeeWee BBH100 stereo, made in China, oh Dear. But it works. <> #443
We have fixed the a2dp streaming stutter problem on N7. The next release should have the fix.
Sorry about the problem.
Sorry about the problem. <> #444
BRAVOOOOOO!!! <> #445
When will the next update be out. Thanks <> #446
I can't wait <> #447
Excellent news on the fix! Please give us a hint as to when we can expect it <> #448
Can you please confirm that the fix works for N4, N10 and GNex too.
Can you please confirm that the fix works for N4, N10 and GNex too.
Thanks.. <> #449
Great news...can't wait to try moving off 4.1.2 & taking the latest update when it becomes available! <> #450
ditto - great news, indeed! awaiting the update / fix! :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #451
Did you by any chance fix also the A2DP issue with Google Navigation (and Waze). None of the work with buetooth on 4.2 and 4.2.1
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #452
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #453
Did you by any chance fix also the A2DP issue with Google Navigation (and Waze). None of the work with buetooth on 4.2 and 4.2.1 <> #454
Do we (Galaxy Nexus owners) have possibility to understand if this patch will be available for our device too? Thanks google <> #455
since my Nexus 7 bluetooth is skipping like a scratched CD I had to bring out the IPOD Touch with my new headphones.....thanks Google/Android for fixing this problem ASAP <> #456
When can we expect AVRCP 1.3+ integration into Android? <> #457
Could you please confirm if the proposed fix will also fix Bluetooth issues in nexus 4? And bit just nexus 7?
Thanks a bunch
Thanks a bunch <> #458
Started seeing this recently in some of my streaming apps while using bluetooth headphones on my nexus 7. <> #459
On my Nexus 10, everything was working OK with 4.2.1, but today 1/17/2013, the BT keyboard works, but not the BT mouse. The BT mouse works fine on W7 computer. Everything worked fine on 1/16/2013, but overnight things deteriorated. I was ready to go out and buy a new BT mouse, but decided to try the BT mouse in W7 and discovered it was OK. Actually when I turned the Nexus on this morning, the Bluetooth was not on although it had been on last night. I have the unit plugged in, so low battery in the Nexus was not the problem. <> #460
Just got my Nexus 4 and have BT issues too. I have a Samsung H100 BT headphone and it disconnects when trying to make a call.
Hope Google will fix this with an update.
Hope Google will fix this with an update. <> #462
I'm unable to find my Bluetooth headset mw600 .the nexus 4 simply doesn't detect or pair with it. Google please fix it ASAP in 4.2.2 <> #463
Just received my bluetooth keyboard in the mail today but barely got to use it before it was functioning poorly. Half the keys never materalize into anything on the screen and it'll act as if i'm pressing other keys down forever, until it eventually just doesn't really communicate at all. So unfortunate I was excited about using my keyboard.... <> #464
[Comment deleted] <> #465
[Comment deleted] <> #466
In response #443, you indicated this was fixed. Could you provide a Check-in?
I was looking for the fix:,n,z
And was unable to find it.
Thank you
In response #443, you indicated this was fixed. Could you provide a Check-in?
I was looking for the fix:
And was unable to find it.
Thank you <> #467
I get stutter only on network activity. If I pin (pre-download) albums from Google Music, and make sure no apps are doing any network activity, I can stream music fine from my Nexus 7 to my Creative BT speakers. Any network activity at all, though — even just a periodic update checkin from the Facebook app — causes a stutter.
I think I remember reading that Bluetooth stereo audio basically uses WiFi as a back channel, so I wonder if the N7 cut corners by using the same radio for both, and messed up the task priorities (just an uninformed speculation). I'm definitely looking forward to the Android update that will fix this problem.
I think I remember reading that Bluetooth stereo audio basically uses WiFi as a back channel, so I wonder if the N7 cut corners by using the same radio for both, and messed up the task priorities (just an uninformed speculation). I'm definitely looking forward to the Android update that will fix this problem. <> #468
Having the same problem here, the heatset works kind of alright with my Galaxy Nexus, but it just won't work with my Nexus 7. Seriously Google, this is embaressing, and you will loose customers by the way you do not in any way even agknowledge the problems your customers are having. Bugs happen, but this is really silly. I was a die hard Google supporter but this made even me already look around for future alternatives. Please get a handle on the situation. <> #469
I am also having serious Bluetooth issues with my Plantronics Voyager Pro headset and the Galaxy Nexus on Android 4.2.1.
It seems to be making a connection at first, and when I try calling someone right after I activated bluetooth then it mostly works, but like 10 minutes later I get a call, push the button on the headset and nothing happens because the connection is gone and can only be revived by re-starting the phone.
This is very serious!! I NEED to be able to take calls while driving, and I am bound by law to use a headset or hands-free device (which are all bluetooth devices!)
There are only two things in a phone that I really need to be 100% working, one is making calls (duh) and the second is making calls using my bluetooth headset.
When this isn't resolved quickly, I am forced to buy another phone (Windows phone, maybe?) because as I said before, I absolutely need to be able to take calls while driving.
I really like the Galaxy Nexus, it was a perfect phone with Android 4.0 up to 4.1.1 - but then came 4.2.1 which made a bit more laggy alltogether. But I wouldn't mind too much about that. But like I said before, bluetooth connectivity is a necessity for my job, it is a security-relevant function (imagine wanting to take an important call when you are on the left lane going 160km/h, and then this stupid thing doesn't work) and it is something that every phone in the last ten years was able to do perfectly.
A phone without 100% secure bluetooth connectivity isn't a phone, it's a cripple!
It seems to be making a connection at first, and when I try calling someone right after I activated bluetooth then it mostly works, but like 10 minutes later I get a call, push the button on the headset and nothing happens because the connection is gone and can only be revived by re-starting the phone.
This is very serious!! I NEED to be able to take calls while driving, and I am bound by law to use a headset or hands-free device (which are all bluetooth devices!)
There are only two things in a phone that I really need to be 100% working, one is making calls (duh) and the second is making calls using my bluetooth headset.
When this isn't resolved quickly, I am forced to buy another phone (Windows phone, maybe?) because as I said before, I absolutely need to be able to take calls while driving.
I really like the Galaxy Nexus, it was a perfect phone with Android 4.0 up to 4.1.1 - but then came 4.2.1 which made a bit more laggy alltogether. But I wouldn't mind too much about that. But like I said before, bluetooth connectivity is a necessity for my job, it is a security-relevant function (imagine wanting to take an important call when you are on the left lane going 160km/h, and then this stupid thing doesn't work) and it is something that every phone in the last ten years was able to do perfectly.
A phone without 100% secure bluetooth connectivity isn't a phone, it's a cripple! <> #470
No bluetooth connection with Nexus 7 to Jawbone Jambox at all. <> #471
Same problem. Motorola S10 headphones, worked fine on 4.1.2, after 4.2, unusable....unless I turn off wifi. THen audio is OK. <> #472
How did this only receive a medium priority? What does it take for a field issue to get high priority?
I have not seen an answer to the question of when an update with fix will be rolled out. I expected there to be some lag with code from my Verizon Galaxy Nexus, but over 60 days and counting for a bug that has this effect to fix my Play Store purchased N7 is surprising.
I have not seen an answer to the question of when an update with fix will be rolled out. I expected there to be some lag with code from my Verizon Galaxy Nexus, but over 60 days and counting for a bug that has this effect to fix my Play Store purchased N7 is surprising. <> #473
@ #472: look @ #443 <> #474
Same problem for me with Logitech speakers, whether wi fi or not. <> #475
I don't know if anyone has posted it before. I got a small workaround solution. In WiFI Settings i
I checked 'turn WiFI off in Standby'. When I now play a Spotify stream and when I put the nexus 7 to standby mode (e.g. display off) there are no breaks.
Still this bug is really annoying, but if you just wan't to listen to music it might help!
I checked 'turn WiFI off in Standby'. When I now play a Spotify stream and when I put the nexus 7 to standby mode (e.g. display off) there are no breaks.
Still this bug is really annoying, but if you just wan't to listen to music it might help! <> #476
Can you please confirm whether this problem was fixed or not? I have just ordered Nexus 7 and the main reason was to connect it with my soundlink Bose system, to listen to music. It will be useless for me if there is still a problem. <> #477
Knock knock, Google. Are you there?
Thousands of people are struggling with the bluetooth issues on Android 4.2.1...
I've read that you've already fixed it on the Nexus 7.
So what are you waiting for?
Release the damn update for God's sake.
My tablet without the possibility of using a simple headset for Skype is like a human with only one arm and one leg.
You simply cashed in lots of money from us and now you just don't care.
What would happen if everybody started returning their tablets and phones with this bug?
I strongly suggest that you wake up and fix this yesterday!
Yes I wrote this on purpose. This is ultra high priority.
So please don't ignore us and instead of pushing sales first make things work.
Yours sincerely,
Miguel Carvalho
Thousands of people are struggling with the bluetooth issues on Android 4.2.1...
I've read that you've already fixed it on the Nexus 7.
So what are you waiting for?
Release the damn update for God's sake.
My tablet without the possibility of using a simple headset for Skype is like a human with only one arm and one leg.
You simply cashed in lots of money from us and now you just don't care.
What would happen if everybody started returning their tablets and phones with this bug?
I strongly suggest that you wake up and fix this yesterday!
Yes I wrote this on purpose. This is ultra high priority.
So please don't ignore us and instead of pushing sales first make things work.
Yours sincerely,
Miguel Carvalho <> #478
Thankfully, this bluetooth issue has been brought to my attention just in time for me to cancel my Nexus order. I expect plenty of others are doing likewise. <> #479
[Comment deleted] <> #480
I experienced the same problem since update to 4.2.0 (and 4.2.1 did not fix this), but it seems to be a problem of standby-modus, because for me bluetooth interruption acts like wifi interruptions: If it goes to standby without being switched off manually, it cannot reconnect without rebooting the phone and restarting router(wifi)/car(bluetooth). So if I switch off everything manually before going to standby it works...
In the logs was standing something with wifi und bluetoothpath not found or null. I reset the phone (Galaxy Nexus) a few days ago. The errors have not been reported anymore, but the issue was still there.
I hope medium is the highest priority possible ;)
In the logs was standing something with wifi und bluetoothpath not found or null. I reset the phone (Galaxy Nexus) a few days ago. The errors have not been reported anymore, but the issue was still there.
I hope medium is the highest priority possible ;) <> #481
Wow! Had been mildy annoyed at increased skips recently and couldn't attribute them to my WiFi connection (Laptop connected to WiFI plays music fine). Decided to investigate if this was a known issue and found this issue. lol I'd say it was "known" by now, or should be.
Nexus 7 with 4.2 and Creative bluetooth speakers. Skips with every app that I try to play music with, including Google Play. Worked glitch-free prior to update.
Utility of tablet reduced by at least 70% by this bug.
Nexus 7 with 4.2 and Creative bluetooth speakers. Skips with every app that I try to play music with, including Google Play. Worked glitch-free prior to update.
Utility of tablet reduced by at least 70% by this bug. <> #482
I can also confirm a relationship between wifi and the bluetooth audio issue. When using my Syllable headphones the music will stutter every time I initiate some wifi traffic. For example if I am listneing to music and click on a link in the browser, the music will stutter instantly for a second, as soon as the link has loaded the music plays fine again. This is on Nexus 7 with latest system updates (4.2.1) <> #483
So I think issue 36949180 is the same problem. <> #484
[Comment deleted] <> #485
I've this issue too.. using android 4.1.2 on my Galaxy GT 9300..
Streaming TuneIn Radio over Wifi while I'm using bluetooth speakers..
Streaming TuneIn Radio over Wifi while I'm using bluetooth speakers.. <> #486
the same Here in nexus 7 Google please help . <> #487
In android 4.1.2 is not yet fixed so comment #443 seems not truthful! <> #488
Still confirm this issue.
Nexus 7 4.2.1 - Bluetooth "slips" when wifi is downloading.
Galaxy Nexus 4.1.1 - Is fine.
Is this a Nexus 7 hardware problem? or software?
If software problem, can't Google do better than this?!
People are going to this situation for about a year!! This is not acceptable!
Maybe I'll return my Nexus 7 in warranty and report it as defective device.
Rodrigo - Portugal.
Nexus 7 4.2.1 - Bluetooth "slips" when wifi is downloading.
Galaxy Nexus 4.1.1 - Is fine.
Is this a Nexus 7 hardware problem? or software?
If software problem, can't Google do better than this?!
People are going to this situation for about a year!! This is not acceptable!
Maybe I'll return my Nexus 7 in warranty and report it as defective device.
Rodrigo - Portugal. <> #489
Seems like this issue is a remarkable failure for #1 and #3 for google's company philosophy. <> #490
[Comment deleted] <> #491
I am having bluetooth issues as well on Nexus 7 with 4.2.1. Bluetooth stutters when WiFi network changes or updates. There are about 3 WiFi hotspots on my way to the office. Listening to downloaded music on my device the bluetooth starts to stutter when the train passes these hotspots. Deactiving WiFi will relieve the problem. Google is sending me a replacement, but from reading the posts, it looks like it won't do any good if it is a software issue. <> #492
[Comment deleted] <> #493
Fix was announced on 1/14, it is now 1/27. Will this fix be released soon? And will it also take care of the issue of connecting to Wii and PS3 controllers? <> #494
I had this problem also. I disabled music app and musicfx app and disable network notification in Wi-Fi advanced. Then I downloaded winamp and equalizer from play store. Presto it works fine now.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #495
I'm having the same issue with my N7. The Bluetooth shutters badly when the display turns off. Hope this is fixed real soon. I use BT all the time. I tried all the workarounds and none have fixed it. <> #496
Can't believe this is still an issue not addressed and level is still medium.
Where are all the tech Blogger on this issue!
Where are all the tech Blogger on this issue! <> #497
Suffering from this issue as well. I have an Altec Lansing in Motion Bluetooth speaker set. I was explaining to a friend on mine how it didn't connect well and how they speakers were not worth buying due to their poor connectivity. Then he flawlessly connected his iPad mini and streamed Pandora from my wifi to my Bluetooth speakers. They worked well together for a few hours. I was embarrassed. Is this even slated to be fixed, has Google sent any communication? I guess you get what you pay for. <> #498
Same here. Sound stutters when wifi is on use. <> #499
Nexus 4 android 4.2.1 in safe mode
Jabra BT2080
Sound crackling to the point of inaudible and microphone picking up nothing.
Headset works flawlessly on ZTE Blade + Cyanomod...
(If you get what you pay for I'd be happy.)
Jabra BT2080
Sound crackling to the point of inaudible and microphone picking up nothing.
Headset works flawlessly on ZTE Blade + Cyanomod...
(If you get what you pay for I'd be happy.) <> #500
Just found this issue today when I paired my Logitech blue tooth headphones with my Nexus 7. Why has this been an issue since Nov? and the fix that has been found, not released? <> #501
i have this same issue using a a gear4 houseparty rise wireless speaker with 3 differant android devices huewei g300, samsung galaxy S 4.2 mp3 player and a galaxy tab 2 10.1
I have to plug in using aux if i want to play music via internet or if i want to use bluetooth i need to play from music stored on device, together causes stuttering although will play a couple of mins before problem occurs.
I have to plug in using aux if i want to play music via internet or if i want to use bluetooth i need to play from music stored on device, together causes stuttering although will play a couple of mins before problem occurs. <> #502
I am having the same problem. Stuttering while listening to Pandora. :( Sad Panda <> #503
Same stuttering issue on Nexus 7 running 4.2.1 when paired with Jambox. Brutal - totally unusable. <> #504
Nexus 7 running 4.2.1 when paired with Jaybird Freedom Sprint Bluetooth headphones. Works fine with iPod Nano and their Bluetooth adapter, also on my Motorola Droid Razr running Gingerbread.
Also at the gym the other day (first time I'd tried it) and it only stuttered a couple of times in an hour and I assumed signal loss. But today sitting at a desk it is terrible and the tablet is right next to the headphones.
Also at the gym the other day (first time I'd tried it) and it only stuttered a couple of times in an hour and I assumed signal loss. But today sitting at a desk it is terrible and the tablet is right next to the headphones. <> #505
Galaxy Nexus running 4.2.1, paired with Creative speakers (D200, and also multiple ziisound systems). Stutters during playback from Spotify, UPnPplay when streaming media via WLAN. (And no, honestly, it is NOT a wireless network issue, the bandwidth/quality is excellent and the AP is close.)
No stutter when streaming from HSDPA/3G. Or files that are local.
Playback via headphones is fine for all cases.
Wasn't a problem in 4.1.2. Considering a downgrade, Google seems unable to fix :-(
No stutter when streaming from HSDPA/3G. Or files that are local.
Playback via headphones is fine for all cases.
Wasn't a problem in 4.1.2. Considering a downgrade, Google seems unable to fix :-( <> #506
Seems like a workaround is to leave the screen on. Tried it today and worked flawlessly. <> #507
I have a new Alcatel One Touch 995 running ICS 4.0.4 and Rocketfish BT headphones (RF-MAB2). Up to now headphones worked fine with an old Windows phone (Windows 5).
Same problem with massive stuttering, every couple of seconds, music unlistenable. Two things in combination help the problem, but this is obviously not a permanent or convenient one:
1. Wifi off (Wifi on seems to produces longer skips every 15 secs or so)
2. Screen on (Screen off is the real killer: short skips every couple of seconds)
Whatever is happening with BT when the screen is on should be made a permanent part of the fix--along with eliminating the interference with Wifi.
Joining the chorus: For music lovers this is a MAJOR drag, please fix a.s.a.p.!
Same problem with massive stuttering, every couple of seconds, music unlistenable. Two things in combination help the problem, but this is obviously not a permanent or convenient one:
1. Wifi off (Wifi on seems to produces longer skips every 15 secs or so)
2. Screen on (Screen off is the real killer: short skips every couple of seconds)
Whatever is happening with BT when the screen is on should be made a permanent part of the fix--along with eliminating the interference with Wifi.
Joining the chorus: For music lovers this is a MAJOR drag, please fix a.s.a.p.! <> #508
One more question, at least until this bug finally gets fixed: There's an app (A2DP Volume) that automatically shuts off the Wifi when a selected Bluetooth device is connected. Does anyone know of one that keeps the screen on the same way? (!) <> #509
Adding my name to the stack. BT audio stutters every few seconds. I have it synched to an LG sound bar. Embarrassing for Google: my iPhone handles BT streaming flawlessly. As do all the 3 iPads and 1 iPad Mini in the house. The only device that can't stream BT audio is daddy's dumbass N7...
Thanks for that.
Thanks for that. <> #510
3 months and no fix? Been using my old phone with 2.3 for streaming audio via bluetooth to my stereo. Makes my 4.2.1 android device useless for this activity.. <> #511
Like everyone else, can not connect Wii or PS3 controllers to N7 32GB. <> #512
Similar problem here. My Bluetooth definitely cuts out when the WiFi is very active. <> #513
Same problem! The biggest Hitech company in the world can't fix.... Very disappointed. I Will Came back to Apple for the second time <> #514
[Comment deleted] <> #516
I'm running into similar problems. I use a bluetooth keyboard so I can write assignments on my tablet. Every so often, the signal cuts out or something and the key I was on sticks. Mildly annoying when it's a letter or space, damaging when it's backspace. Could be the keyboard, but after hearing the problems with bluetooth headsets and recording, it sounds like the same problem applied to a different device. <> #517
here is my third message regarding this issue since late november 2012 - i recently made the fatal mistake of unpairing my bt headphones from my n7 whilest attempting to troubleshoot this issue the best i could myself. now they won't even pair at all... lesson learned, i suppose - don't buy google products? *shrug* <> #518
This also happens to me. Come on, G. Fix it. <> #519
This also happens to me. Come on, G. Fix it. <> #520
Issue added an issue with id 41369 to.
This happens on a Samsung galaxy nexus running 4.2.1
It connects to my car audio. As long as i don't stream music it stays connected.
But when I switch to normal radio and back to bluetooth the connection is gone and the bluetooth icon is still active on the phone. The bluetoot can't be turned off other then restarting the phone.
This happens on a Samsung galaxy nexus running 4.2.1
It connects to my car audio. As long as i don't stream music it stays connected.
But when I switch to normal radio and back to bluetooth the connection is gone and the bluetooth icon is still active on the phone. The bluetoot can't be turned off other then restarting the phone. <> #521
Shutters every time when screen turns off. I can get it to work fine if the developer mode / leave screen on when connected to charge is enabled and of course the N7 is charging. <> #522
I'm having this issue as well. I just bought a pair of iKross bluetooth headphones. with Standard misic, it skips ever minure or two, but like everybody says when it playing audio from an online stream of any kind, it skips every two to thee seconds. I own an Nexus 7 32 gb. I'll test on my family's devices and see if they are experancing the same problem. <> #523
Same for me on my galaxy s3 and my samsung note 10.1 please fix this. <> #524
Infuriating to buy a 500 dollar Bluetooth speaker for my first and only Android tablet, try to fix the speaker for 3 days straight, end up returning the speaker to find out it was actually my Tablet. You say you resolved the issue but don't let us have it right away? I see that as a major flaw and I'm returning my Nexus. To think that I might switch from iOS to AAndroid... Google can kiss my ass. <> #525
I just spent $500 on a Nexus 10 and Google Play Music stutters about once per minute when connected to my Sony Bluetooth headphones. It's pretty disappointing since this tablet is an upgrade from a cheap Froyo tablet which did not do this and listening to music is one of my top tablet uses. At least it's usable unlike the stuttering some people here are having so I will accept it and hope a software update will fix it in due course. <> #526
When will a fix be out for the note 2. My bluetooth sync is horrible. <> #527
I used to hate Apple. USED... <> #528
I used bluetooth via samsung nexus for a week and today got issue of slow browsing. I thought it was about memory capabilities issues when internal storage running up to 85%. But after removed some apps it seems the problem still persist. Got msg "browser is not responding" Anyone experience it?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #529
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #530
Almost similar problem on Galaxy Nexus JB 4.2.1, Google plese fix the Bluetooth audio problems.. <> #531
To be honest I can't believe this is still not resolved. Priority is only medium and status is still assigned?? Come on Google! This is driving me crazy for almost 3 months now. <> #532
I bought a NEXUS 7 almost to listen music on my bluetooth speakers and I stupidly accepted the 4.2.1 update.. So it is simply impossible for me right to listen music from spotify or from google play. This drives me very angry.
Now I will soon regret to have bought a Google device and I would certainly not buy a NEXUS 4 (I thought about it to replace my iPhone) if the problem is not solved in 4.2.2.
Some people say on the net that this update would fix the problem. Can Google say exactly WHEN this fix would come?
Now I will soon regret to have bought a Google device and I would certainly not buy a NEXUS 4 (I thought about it to replace my iPhone) if the problem is not solved in 4.2.2.
Some people say on the net that this update would fix the problem. Can Google say exactly WHEN this fix would come? <> #533
Using a Nexus 7 with Kinivo headphones. When listening to streaming Google Play music, the stuttering is terrible when the tablet sleeps. Fine if I leave the display active, but this is a major battery drain. Please fix this! <> #534
Bluetooth also has problems during SIP calls, my old galaxy nexus worked fine. N4 just the caller can hear me, but i can't hear them. <> #535
I have the same problem, as everybody described <> #536
Thank you. The new 4.2.2 Update, which is rolling out currently, fixed my problem. The audio stuttering is gone and everything works fine. <> #537
I got my Nexus 7 three or four months ago and updated to 4.2 immediately after the notification popped up and to this day I still regret doing so. I really can't believe Google would do this idiotic thing. Sure, a new bluetooth stack is amazing news, but releasing it without proper testing is just plain stupid. C'mon I really don't think that your first nexus tablet should receive updates that are buggy and rely on the users themselves to test your software. Get a hold of yourselves Google because I just might like Apple for the first time in my life. <> #538
I can confirm that this issue is completely fixed on 4.2.2 on my nexus 7 <> #539
I too can confirm that the bluetooth audio skipping bug that has been plaguing us since november is fixed in 4.2.2 <> #540
[Comment deleted] <> #541
I did two tests with 4.2.2 on my Nexus 7 under high load conditions:
Test 1: video stream with BubbleUPNP/MX Player using BT audio. No stutter, audio in perfect sync.
Test 2: remote desktop session with Splashtop Gamepad THD, BT audio and BT mouse. In 4.2.0/4.2.1 I had audio stutter and the mouse did not work. Both are good in 4.2.2
Thanks a lot for this update!
BTW, 4.2.2 also fixed another BT bug. Apps can use Bluetooth SPP service again. Example: in 4.2.0/4.2.1 MyPhoneExplorer could not connect via Bluetooth, in 4.2.2 it works again.
Test 1: video stream with BubbleUPNP/MX Player using BT audio. No stutter, audio in perfect sync.
Test 2: remote desktop session with Splashtop Gamepad THD, BT audio and BT mouse. In 4.2.0/4.2.1 I had audio stutter and the mouse did not work. Both are good in 4.2.2
Thanks a lot for this update!
BTW, 4.2.2 also fixed another BT bug. Apps can use Bluetooth SPP service again. Example: in 4.2.0/4.2.1 MyPhoneExplorer could not connect via Bluetooth, in 4.2.2 it works again. <> #542
Unfortunately not been able to test this on a Nexus 7, but 4.2.2 (pre-versioning but with this fix landed) on a Galaxy S3 has vastly inferior BT stack than 4.1. <> #543
But they STILL have not updated the bluetooth stack to include AVRCP 1.3+ ... Very disappointing... <> #544
FINALLY i have 4.2.2
My Nexus 7 bluetooth is now running smooth, while wireless works hard.
Bose Soundlink makes me happy again :)
Thanks Google.
My Nexus 7 bluetooth is now running smooth, while wireless works hard.
Bose Soundlink makes me happy again :)
Thanks Google.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #545
Bluetooth Message Access Profile still broken in 4.2.2.
Needs a fix ASAP.
Needs a fix ASAP. <> #546
Confirmed fixed on my Nexus 7. Thanks Google, but critical bugs like this should:
a) never get out in the first place (Please start public beta testing builds!)
b) get fixed promptly and not take 3 months for a fix.
a) never get out in the first place (Please start public beta testing builds!)
b) get fixed promptly and not take 3 months for a fix. <> #547
Same, confirmed fixed on my Galaxy Nexus in 4.2.2.
But over 3 months to fix? Embarrassing.
But over 3 months to fix? Embarrassing. <> #548
Same issue with Nexus 7 streaming music from spotity through wifi to my JBL Micro wireless bluetooth. Fix ASAP please <> #549
Bug report on the Nexus 4 running 4.2.1 & 4.2.2:
While connected to Wifi, my bluetooth headset connects fine but, when I take a call, Wifi drops and bluetooth connection starts lagging/cutting out so as to be unusable. First seen in 4.2.1 but nothing has changed in 4.2.2. Worked fine on Galaxy Nexus running 4.2.1.
While connected to Wifi, my bluetooth headset connects fine but, when I take a call, Wifi drops and bluetooth connection starts lagging/cutting out so as to be unusable. First seen in 4.2.1 but nothing has changed in 4.2.2. Worked fine on Galaxy Nexus running 4.2.1. <> #550
Unfortunately, the bluetooth bit pool is still low and there is a ton of clipping in the high frequencies. <> #551
NOT fixed on N4 4.2.2. Issue description:
- handsfree get paired and connected, then discinnects and re-connects in around 30 seconds (it was around 1 sec on 4.2.1).
Handsfree is Jabra BT2080 and Jabra Stone (both work with other phones)
- handsfree get paired and connected, then discinnects and re-connects in around 30 seconds (it was around 1 sec on 4.2.1).
Handsfree is Jabra BT2080 and Jabra Stone (both work with other phones) <> #552
With my galaxy nexus android 4.2.2 streaming to blutooth speaker works fine. Even while wifi using
But connection to my peugeot car radio and handsfree phone only works when wifi is off. Before with android 4.1 it worked also with wifi on
But connection to my peugeot car radio and handsfree phone only works when wifi is off. Before with android 4.1 it worked also with wifi on <> #553
Bluetooth audio playback on my 16GB Nexus 4 with my Jawbone ERA was fine for about five songs, and now it's started to skip unusably often. Have power cycled Bluetooth on both devices. ERA will not stay connected now. Disconnects and re-pairs quite frequently now.
Running latest stock 4.2.2 build and am wondering how my Motorola Triumph managed to get this right under Froyo while Jelly Bean on a Nexus device is struggling.
Running latest stock 4.2.2 build and am wondering how my Motorola Triumph managed to get this right under Froyo while Jelly Bean on a Nexus device is struggling. <> #554
I don't know when i saw it first but certainly it at times crashes fully, which is at times soo tedious to handle. Please kindly help and do the needful. Regards <> #555
Its 98% better with 4.2.2. Still getting occasional hiccups when web surfing heavily. <> #556
When I connect my Nexus 4 to the car audio and play music (audio stream via bluetooth), after a few seconds the car audio disconnect and say 'check the audio player' and does it still after updating to android 4.2.2. Also the Nexus 4 reacts with a delay while playing audio stream over bluetooth. <> #557
Just upgraded my Google Nexus 7 tablet to 4.2.2 and there's no more stuttering
when using bluetooth speaker with wi-fi tunein or Pandora.
when using bluetooth speaker with wi-fi tunein or Pandora. <> #558
Appendix to post #556: I testet the Bluetooth Audiostream with HTC Sensation and the car audio over bluetooth. It works fine. <> #559
Upgraded to 4.2.2 BT Stuttering non existent on Nexus 4 :-) but When Left on connected to Portable speaker BT Connection will drop when Phone goes to sleep battery or mains (Daydream mode drops after about 15 Mins) . This situation is non-existent on my HTC One x running 4.1.2 I can connect to the speaker streaming tune in and put the phone to sleep plugged in or on battery and it will continue to play untill I Actually decide to stop playing.
This is either an issue with the nexus 4 or JB 4.2.xx whichever it is ... sort it out both are your products !!
This is either an issue with the nexus 4 or JB 4.2.xx whichever it is ... sort it out both are your products !! <> #560
I've updated my Nexus 4 from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 and BT audio streaming keeps stuttering in my car. ONLY when the phone is JUST NEAR the car's device, streaming works fine. I've tried with PowerAmp and Play Music app and I've had the same problem. <> #561
I have updated my Galaxy NExus from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 but while I had no problems with 4.2.1 connecting and using it with my car (a 2012 Renault Megane), now i do and the bluetooth stack seems to hang. Usually I have to disable bluetooth and enable it again to make ik connect. Sometimes I lose connection, and other times I still appear to be connected even though I'm miles away from my car.
Biggest problem ( apart from not being able to properly using bluetooth) is this bluetooth stack hanging seems to be related to wakelocks (12 hours and only 20% battery left. This is with only 1,5 hours screen time but with android OS wakelocks for close to 9 hours.
Biggest problem ( apart from not being able to properly using bluetooth) is this bluetooth stack hanging seems to be related to wakelocks (12 hours and only 20% battery left. This is with only 1,5 hours screen time but with android OS wakelocks for close to 9 hours. <> #562
Updated to 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 on the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 devices and stuttering is still a BIG issue for home audio and car system. Thanks google for getting my hopes up that you finally fixed this issue. Now hopefully the development community can step up and fix your issues for you. <> #563
I updated to 4.2.2. While I have no problems with Google Play Music and TuneIn Radio, I still have major straming and listening problems with Spotify... Does anyone have a solution? <> #564
Folks ... not sure if that only my N7 however the BT seems to be still broken !!
I actually downgraded to 4.1.2 couple of days after the issue started back in Nov (and all was working just fine of course) but then last week moved to 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 immediately.
Well ... back to square one :( same severe stuttering issues are back ...
Guess only thing now is to either move back to 4.1.2 OR directly to CyanogenMod !
I actually downgraded to 4.1.2 couple of days after the issue started back in Nov (and all was working just fine of course) but then last week moved to 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 immediately.
Well ... back to square one :( same severe stuttering issues are back ...
Guess only thing now is to either move back to 4.1.2 OR directly to CyanogenMod ! <> #565
This is still an issue with 4.2.2.with my Nexus 4 running 4.2.2 and with my Plantronics 975 headset the other caller cannot hear me speak although I hear them clearly over Bluetooth. Please fix this Bluetooth issue as soon as possible because this is a critical part of the phone. <> #566
I was really excited to get 4.2.2 on my gnex to fix the ongoing stuttering issue over Bluetooth in my car. So far it appears to be worse! <> #567
[Comment deleted] <> #568
When I turn my bluetooth on the phone(galaxy note 1) becomes unusable. It goes into a cycle mode were its like its starting up every few seconds, as such does not allow to turn the bluetooth except after numerous tries.In that state the touch screen becomes unresponsive, will eventually respond but after 20 to 30 attempts. the version on my phone is Android 4.0.3. Could this be what my problem is.
When I turn my bluetooth on the phone(galaxy note 1) becomes unusable. It goes into a cycle mode were its like its starting up every few seconds, as such does not allow to turn the bluetooth except after numerous tries.In that state the touch screen becomes unresponsive, will eventually respond but after 20 to 30 attempts. the version on my phone is Android 4.0.3. Could this be what my problem is. <> #569
I didn't have any stuttering before, but now on 4.2.2 I do. Galaxy Nexus with a Sony Smart Wireless Headset Pro.
At least the phone doesn't forget its pairing pin as frequently now, but if I could choose I'd take having to re-pair every now and then over stuttering sound.
At least the phone doesn't forget its pairing pin as frequently now, but if I could choose I'd take having to re-pair every now and then over stuttering sound. <> #570
After pairing, if I don't use the phone or the handset, my GNEX with 4.2.2 disconnect the handset...
After it, if there is a incoming call, I can't use my handset to answer :-(
Therefor my handset it isn't usefull!!!
please fix it!!!
After it, if there is a incoming call, I can't use my handset to answer :-(
Therefor my handset it isn't usefull!!!
please fix it!!! <> #571
Upgrade to 4.2.2 last night on Nexus 7. Excited to listen to music wirelessly again. The problem was better but still persisted. I repaired the headphones and now it is just like it was on 4.2.1 <> #572
Had this problem before and still have it on 4.2.2
Problem exists with all apps Play Music, Pandora, etc. irrespective of WiFi being On or Off.
Problem exists with all apps Play Music, Pandora, etc. irrespective of WiFi being On or Off. <> #573
With my galaxy nexus android 4.2.2 streaming to blutooth speaker works fine. Even while wifi using
But connection to my peugeot car radio and handsfree phone only works when wifi is off. Before with android 4.1 it worked also with wifi on
I have to add an issue. I still have problems to connect to car radio. Sometimes connection gets lost. Only the first time after booting the galxy nexus works fine.
But connection to my peugeot car radio and handsfree phone only works when wifi is off. Before with android 4.1 it worked also with wifi on
I have to add an issue. I still have problems to connect to car radio. Sometimes connection gets lost. Only the first time after booting the galxy nexus works fine. <> #574
Stil have the stuttering problem under 4.2.2
I'd say it's less than before, but still there.
I'd say it's less than before, but still there. <> #575
Nexus 7 with 4.2.2
Just upgraded last night and still have bluetooth stuttering issue. Doesn't seem to be as frequent as on 4.2.1 but definitely still there. Using Motorola S305 bluetooth headset.
Now considering selling Nexus 7 and getting something else. iPad mini? Bluetooth works flawlessly with my iPhone 4S so it's not the headset.
Just upgraded last night and still have bluetooth stuttering issue. Doesn't seem to be as frequent as on 4.2.1 but definitely still there. Using Motorola S305 bluetooth headset.
Now considering selling Nexus 7 and getting something else. iPad mini? Bluetooth works flawlessly with my iPhone 4S so it's not the headset.
Nexus 4 with 4.2.2
Just upgraded and still having same issue. My Bluetooth will connect but as soon as I try to answer or someone on other end picks up it drops. I then on the phone have to hit the Handset earpiece button and then hit Bluetooth button to get audio on my Bluetooth. Like some other people have mentioned it will also make the phone unresponsive, locks up. Needless to say this is a pain in the butt and needs to be fixed soon, not what I was looking for in getting this new phone.
Just upgraded and still having same issue. My Bluetooth will connect but as soon as I try to answer or someone on other end picks up it drops. I then on the phone have to hit the Handset earpiece button and then hit Bluetooth button to get audio on my Bluetooth. Like some other people have mentioned it will also make the phone unresponsive, locks up. Needless to say this is a pain in the butt and needs to be fixed soon, not what I was looking for in getting this new phone. <> #577
MS notebook mouse 5000 not connecting to my gnex since 4.2.1 and .2 didn't fix a damn. Here to whine about this unacceptable mess as everything worked like a charm in 4.1
What has me amazed is Google's disrespect for us and the fact that they don't even bother replying nor reading any of these threads.
I was a Google evangelizer but their absolutely dismal customer service killed me. I'm out.
What has me amazed is Google's disrespect for us and the fact that they don't even bother replying nor reading any of these threads.
I was a Google evangelizer but their absolutely dismal customer service killed me. I'm out. <> #578
Thank you for reporting the issues. We are following the reports closely and working on solutions.
Please keep reporting the problem with detailed information, such as Nexus phone model, build version, Bluetooth device make, model, procedure to reproduce the problem, etc.
If it's a different issue, please find the right thread or open a new issue. You can drop a url here.
Please keep reporting the problem with detailed information, such as Nexus phone model, build version, Bluetooth device make, model, procedure to reproduce the problem, etc.
If it's a different issue, please find the right thread or open a new issue. You can drop a url here. <> #579
I have this problem also; Nexus 7 with 4.2.2 (also happened with 4.2.1) - playing MP3s via Bluetooth to an audio device I get frequent interruptions. No problems using the same Bluetooth audio with other devices (pre-JB) <> #580
Wait so 4.2.2, which everyone was waiting for to fix BT audio doesn't even fix this? *facepalm* <> #581
Please also fix the local echo problem when making calls via VoIP using the built in microphone (speaker mode). No echo when headset plugged in but very often I use the Nexus 7 for conference calls as a a speaker phone and everyone on the call can hear their own voice echoing back to them. <> #582
By the way GNexus 4.2.2 (JDQ39) fix bluetooth issue with plaintronics discovery 975.
4.2.1 lost connection every few seconds...
4.2.1 lost connection every few seconds... <> #583
I found today that if I set my Nexus 7 display for 30 minutes before going off, the sound will NOT stutter the whole time the screen is on. As soon as the screen turns off, the stuttering sound returns.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #584
I had an issue with waze navigation not getting the audio on the car bluetooth (but streaming to media working). It is still here on 4.2.2 It works flawlessly on iPhone. It probably was a mistake to switch to android. Phone is Nexus4. <> #585
still not fixed! It has improved, Spotify works when I'm not surfing. Streaming vides with bluetooth sound is not working without breaks. Even the video is not playing back properly, when I turn off bluetooth it plays without any break. <> #586
Better but NOT fixed still stutters occasionally, agree with
#583 this does Not happen if screen active, but starts when screen times out
#583 this does Not happen if screen active, but starts when screen times out <> #587
FIXED... Using unofficial 4.2.2 update fixed problem on Nexus 7 (build JDQ39). Previously had Bluetooth skipping problem while watching Netflix and using Google Play Music (playing audio through big Jambox). <> #588
So still having problem with 4.2.2 JDQ39 stock:
* On GNex: after toggling on Airplane mode then off, or toggling WIFI and mobile data, BT headset connection becomes unreliable.
* On N4: After toggling Airplane mode: Can't even enable BT anymore.
My BT headset is Sennheiser EZX60
Let's see when it's fixed, would it take another year as it's half a year now since 4.2 was released?
* On GNex: after toggling on Airplane mode then off, or toggling WIFI and mobile data, BT headset connection becomes unreliable.
* On N4: After toggling Airplane mode: Can't even enable BT anymore.
My BT headset is Sennheiser EZX60
Let's see when it's fixed, would it take another year as it's half a year now since 4.2 was released? <> #589
on Nexus 4 with stock 4.2.2 - phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, on bluetooth earpiece, with terrible stuttering. A2dp streaming - stuttering. <> #590
This is still broken on stock Nexus 4. My original DROID holds better bluetooth connection over longer distances, through a wall or hand without stuttering than 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 Nexus 4.
This is serious because it makes the phone unusable on the go.
This is serious because it makes the phone unusable on the go. <> #591
My main problems were with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi causing YouTube HD video to pause and buffer constantly. I did some research and found like a few here have said that there is a conflict in the standards for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi that causes them to interfere with one another in the 2.4Gz band. Basically Bluetooth scans all the different channels and when it broadcasts on the same channel as your Wi-Fi router is transmitting on then they interfere with each other.
I tried everything I could to work around this. What worked best was changing the channel my router was using to 11. Also as I think someone else mentioned, it helps a little if you lower the channel width to 20Mhz. But even that was not perfect. I still had plenty of buffering and I couldn't stand it any longer. I finally broke down and got a dual band router. They are much cheaper now. I only paid $40 (Amazon) for a refurbished Linksys dual band router. Dual band means that it transmits on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. I changed my nexus 10 to use 5GHz only. Now it performs beautifully. I love it again. So if you are looking for the perfect fix then you might have to break down and update your router. That's my two cents. Hope it helps.
I tried everything I could to work around this. What worked best was changing the channel my router was using to 11. Also as I think someone else mentioned, it helps a little if you lower the channel width to 20Mhz. But even that was not perfect. I still had plenty of buffering and I couldn't stand it any longer. I finally broke down and got a dual band router. They are much cheaper now. I only paid $40 (Amazon) for a refurbished Linksys dual band router. Dual band means that it transmits on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. I changed my nexus 10 to use 5GHz only. Now it performs beautifully. I love it again. So if you are looking for the perfect fix then you might have to break down and update your router. That's my two cents. Hope it helps. <> #592
GSM Galaxy Nexus here. Today I flashed a brand new takju 4.2.2 factory image and restarted my phone from scratch. Bluetooth problems remain, as described here. Very disappointed. Using a LG HBS-700 headset. <> #593
I'm on Google's latest and greatest 4.2.2 on my Nexus 7. Bluetooth drop-outs when the screen is off STILL haven't t been fixed, rendering my Bluetooth devices essentially worthless. Google can build self-driving cars, but they can't fix a Bluetooth connection? Seriously? <> #594
@ comment #578
I am glad for your valuable attention paid to this issue. Mine is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, 16 Gb, 4.2.2 Jelly Bean os, maguru-yakju GT-I9250, bluetooth 4.0.
The problem generally occurs when trying to pair with another device, the bluetooth signals stands for a few minute an then disappears completely.
Kindly help by looking into the problem and ably rectifying it at the earliest.
I am glad for your valuable attention paid to this issue. Mine is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, 16 Gb, 4.2.2 Jelly Bean os, maguru-yakju GT-I9250, bluetooth 4.0.
The problem generally occurs when trying to pair with another device, the bluetooth signals stands for a few minute an then disappears completely.
Kindly help by looking into the problem and ably rectifying it at the earliest.
Regards. <> #595
Right now, would expect a better Key Lime Pie, truly Sharp, refreshing in all sense, to the producer and consumer alike
Thank you.
Thank you. <> #596
Listening to Spotify over BT in my car while connected to 3G produces a sound that as if the speakers where broken. It's primarily the treble that is bad. Too much distortion. I have tried connecting with 3.5 mm and then it sounds fine. I have also tried connecting my Nexus 10, which actually produces an acceptable sound. So the bluetooth receiver in the car can actually produce good sound. Could perhaps be that it doesn't use the 3G connection.
I have noticed that the phone produces a louder signal over BT than via the 3.5 connector. Could it be a bug in the BT stack that produces to high levels and thus distorting the signal?
Galaxy Nexus, Android 4.2.2.
Nexus 10, Android 4.2.1.
I have noticed that the phone produces a louder signal over BT than via the 3.5 connector. Could it be a bug in the BT stack that produces to high levels and thus distorting the signal?
Galaxy Nexus, Android 4.2.2.
Nexus 10, Android 4.2.1. <> #597
Same like #591 Wizznill describes.
Have Nexus 10 with 4.2.2 an Telekom Galaxy S3 (4.1.2). Both are paired to the same Philips SHB9100 Bluetooth Headset.
Watching Youtube HD produces a lot of WLAN traffic to the devices. Have a 50 MBit/10 MBit DSL link.
Activating Bluetooth on the Nexus 10 produces lower buffer load and interrupted video due to temporary WLAN link loss to the router. When deactivating Bluetooth the problem disappears.
But on the Galaxy S3 there is no problem with simultaneous Bluetooth and WLAN.
For does which have problems with pairing: switch off the WLAN on your device (and maybe your router ??) an try again to pair the bluetooth device.
Have Nexus 10 with 4.2.2 an Telekom Galaxy S3 (4.1.2). Both are paired to the same Philips SHB9100 Bluetooth Headset.
Watching Youtube HD produces a lot of WLAN traffic to the devices. Have a 50 MBit/10 MBit DSL link.
Activating Bluetooth on the Nexus 10 produces lower buffer load and interrupted video due to temporary WLAN link loss to the router. When deactivating Bluetooth the problem disappears.
But on the Galaxy S3 there is no problem with simultaneous Bluetooth and WLAN.
For does which have problems with pairing: switch off the WLAN on your device (and maybe your router ??) an try again to pair the bluetooth device. <> #598
update to #597
switched to 5GHz WLAN: issue does not show up again.
I assume that Bluetooth and WLAN do interfere in the 2.4 GHz band.
switched to 5GHz WLAN: issue does not show up again.
I assume that Bluetooth and WLAN do interfere in the 2.4 GHz band. <> #599
Toro CyanogenMod 2-24-13 Nightly. LG HBS-700 BT. Constant disconnects, stuttering, and phone calls results in a complete failure even when switching to handset.
The CM 1-21-13 EXP M1 worked just fine.
The CM 1-21-13 EXP M1 worked just fine. <> #600
Have Galaxy Nexus (yakju) with 4.2.2 stock and Plantronics M155. When the screen of the nexus closes the connection with M155 closes and when the screen lights up the connection with M155 re-establish, but not every time... <> #601
Nexus 4, 4.2.2 build JDQ39. On going Blue Tooth connections stutter, every second.
Can be eventually be cleared by stopping Blue Tooth and restarting. Very annoying when not working.
Blue tooth device using: Sound Wear SD10
(Also phone Keeps dropping WIFI Connection)
Can be eventually be cleared by stopping Blue Tooth and restarting. Very annoying when not working.
Blue tooth device using: Sound Wear SD10
(Also phone Keeps dropping WIFI Connection) <> #602
It's not just a Nexus problem, it's all 4.2.x. I have the following devices:
HTC One XL (Krait S4 version - Evita) with 4.2.2 AOKP.
Nexus 7 WiFi with 4.2.2 AOKP.
Samsung HS3000 apt-X bluetooth headset.
Since I updated my phone to 4.2.x the quality of bluetooth audio streamed to the HS3000 has been terrible. I haven't had dropouts or disconnections, but the high frequencies are all messed up, with static and cracking noticable.
I restored my phone to a 4.1.2 Nandroid to make sure it wasn't my headset / earphones / me going mad, and bluetooth audio quality was perfect again.
I have also been unable to successfully tether my Nexus 7 to my One XL by bluetooth. The devices pair and each shows the other as connected, the Nexus 7 says 'using this device's internet connection' but doesn't work and says 'network unavailable' when I ping from terminal.
This also worked flawlessly prior to updating my devices to 4.2.x
HTC One XL (Krait S4 version - Evita) with 4.2.2 AOKP.
Nexus 7 WiFi with 4.2.2 AOKP.
Samsung HS3000 apt-X bluetooth headset.
Since I updated my phone to 4.2.x the quality of bluetooth audio streamed to the HS3000 has been terrible. I haven't had dropouts or disconnections, but the high frequencies are all messed up, with static and cracking noticable.
I restored my phone to a 4.1.2 Nandroid to make sure it wasn't my headset / earphones / me going mad, and bluetooth audio quality was perfect again.
I have also been unable to successfully tether my Nexus 7 to my One XL by bluetooth. The devices pair and each shows the other as connected, the Nexus 7 says 'using this device's internet connection' but doesn't work and says 'network unavailable' when I ping from terminal.
This also worked flawlessly prior to updating my devices to 4.2.x <> #603
Nexus 7 4.2.2 JDQ39
Motorla S305
When first connecting bluetooth and then watching a youtube video, sound is fine. However, pause/play button on headset no longer works. Any disruption to the video (pause it, lock the device) results in lost connection. Also in general, bluetooth will not maintain connection to device when device is locked. Very frustrating for a Nexus device to have these problems.
Motorla S305
When first connecting bluetooth and then watching a youtube video, sound is fine. However, pause/play button on headset no longer works. Any disruption to the video (pause it, lock the device) results in lost connection. Also in general, bluetooth will not maintain connection to device when device is locked. Very frustrating for a Nexus device to have these problems. <> #604
This bug really sucks as I use bluetooth streaming to my bose soundlink II every day. It connects well but as soon as the screen of my tab turns off, the stream gets interrupted and shuttered. Please FIX it asap as so many people use their nexus for streaming!
Nexus 10, Android 4.2.2
Nexus 10, Android 4.2.2 <> #605
Appendix to #556: I tried the audiostream to my car audio with samsung galaxy s3 and it also breaks after a few seconds (same effect I wrote about lg nexus 4). <> #606
Figured out that there is stillt he bug with the image transfer via Android Beam. Nexus 7 with 4.2.2 and Galaxy Nexus with 4.2.2. Can't transfer images via Android Beam from the GN to the N7 - transfer isn't successful. <> #607
[Comment deleted] <> #608
Nexus 4
Stock 4.2.2
Build JDQ39
Still experiencing issues with:
- bluetooth refusing to start after some period of time. Never use airplane mode, disabled all apps, widgets, profiles, etc.. which might manipulate bluetooth.
- refusing to connect to earpiece (Moto H715) when already on. Have to connect in a "reverse" order of sorts.
* BT on --> turn on earpiece --> will not connect
* earpiece on --> turn BT on --> connects
Stock 4.2.2
Build JDQ39
Still experiencing issues with:
- bluetooth refusing to start after some period of time. Never use airplane mode, disabled all apps, widgets, profiles, etc.. which might manipulate bluetooth.
- refusing to connect to earpiece (Moto H715) when already on. Have to connect in a "reverse" order of sorts.
* BT on --> turn on earpiece --> will not connect
* earpiece on --> turn BT on --> connects <> #609
Galaxy Nexus
Stock 4.2.2
Build JDQ39
Bluetooth still not working properly. Until 4.2.0 my device connects my hands free (Audi A4 built in) and diconnects after a few seconds. Sometimes the connection returns while browsing apps. If not I need to restart Bluetooth or reboot my device.
Reseting and pairing the devices again does also not solve the problem.
Other mobiles work fine!
I need my hands free almost every day. Bluetooth is to unreliable in all 4.2 releases. Can I downgrade to 4.1?
Stock 4.2.2
Build JDQ39
Bluetooth still not working properly. Until 4.2.0 my device connects my hands free (Audi A4 built in) and diconnects after a few seconds. Sometimes the connection returns while browsing apps. If not I need to restart Bluetooth or reboot my device.
Reseting and pairing the devices again does also not solve the problem.
Other mobiles work fine!
I need my hands free almost every day. Bluetooth is to unreliable in all 4.2 releases. Can I downgrade to 4.1? <> #610
4.2.2, Nexus 7, Bluetooth just won't turn on, period.
Worked fine in 4.1. Please fix this- and fire the QA engineer that allowed this to be released to production!!!
Worked fine in 4.1. Please fix this- and fire the QA engineer that allowed this to be released to production!!! <> #611
for me same effect with music, and wiimote and other devices.......glooge plz! <> #612
Choppy playback over blutooth on Nexus 7, Android 4.2.2 for me too <> #613
I have to use cyanogenmod 10 (android 4.1.2) on my gnex to get a proper ad2p playback with bluetooth. High freqency sounds are awefull in 4.2.2. I hope they Will fix it in the next release <> #614
Wiimote pairing still doesn't work on 4.2.2 on Nexus 7. No route to host. <> #615
I have a disconection issue with my Ikross IKBT18 bluetooth headset and my Nexus 4. It is horrible that I have to use a wired headset when working out as it can become a danger to my phone and myself. <> #616
I bought my nexus 7 to be able to connect to a bluetooth datalogger over SPP serial port profile. It is impossible to establish a connection between the nexus 7 and the dataloggers bluetooth module.
I tried using another android device with android version 4.1 and is works great.
My nexus 7 is using android 4.2.2
I feel so stupid for buying this device
Do they not test these thing before the market them ????
I tried using another android device with android version 4.1 and is works great.
My nexus 7 is using android 4.2.2
I feel so stupid for buying this device
Do they not test these thing before the market them ???? <> #617
Are there ANY bluetooth headsets that DO WORK for VOIP calls? I've tried Motorola, 2 Nokia's, Plantronics, and a Jabra. <> #618
Galaxy Nexus, 4.2.2 - Bluetooth handset Plantronics M55. Headset alternating again and again and again between "Phone connected" - "Lost connection" when the Bluetooth is not actively used (music or call). Very annoying when used with the Google Maps Navigation, because it stops working between the voice indications ;)
I'm glad this issue have been repported here (and maybe linked with this one here )
-Bluetooth toggle just don't work without airplaine mode off/on routine.
-Bluetooth pairing seems clueless sometimes.
-It seems WiFi and/or GPS / 3G ON are creating some sorts of conflicts with Bluetooth, especially when datas are loading.
-Various lags.
-In my case, apparently not for all (seeing the comments above), Bluetooth runs smoothly when actively used (music, call, whatever playing continued sound).
Hope it'll be fixed soon.
I'm glad this issue have been repported here (and maybe linked with this one here
-Bluetooth toggle just don't work without airplaine mode off/on routine.
-Bluetooth pairing seems clueless sometimes.
-It seems WiFi and/or GPS / 3G ON are creating some sorts of conflicts with Bluetooth, especially when datas are loading.
-Various lags.
-In my case, apparently not for all (seeing the comments above), Bluetooth runs smoothly when actively used (music, call, whatever playing continued sound).
Hope it'll be fixed soon. <> #619
Can't use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at the same time. Wi-Fi drops or slows to a crawl. Using Bluetooth keyboard and mouse on a Nexus 4 connected to HD TV via slimport HDMI adapter. <> #620
The hangup/answer call buttons on my car fail to terminate/initiate a call since upgrading to 4.2.1. Same problem in 4.2.2, worked fine in 4.1.2. <> #621
Experiencing this problem on Nexus 4 running 4.2.2 . When using bluetooth to make any sort of phone call ( GSM, Viber etc ) and WIFI is ON the other party can hear me along side with a frustrating sound ...please fix this asap very frustrating ... <> #622
I've updated to 4.2.2 on my Nexus 7. This will pair with bluetooth devices (e.g. Sony Ericsson phone) and lists them as but won't connect. The bluetooth icon in the taskbar is greyed out even when bluetooth is supposedly on. <> #623
Nexus 10, android 4.2.2, JDQ39 build number, does not pair with logitech bluetooth keyboard. <> #624
Nexus 4, 4.2.2 - Wifi will drop out when streaming Tunein radio to my bluetooth speaker causing stuttering. <> #625
I can reproduce the error on my Nexus 4. Cannot connect to my computer <> #626
The issue changend. Nexus 7 with 4.2.2.
No stuttering anymore but my wifi is getting awfully slow.
Get even timeouts for websites when streaming from spotify.
NOT FIXED!!! Just changed the error
No stuttering anymore but my wifi is getting awfully slow.
Get even timeouts for websites when streaming from spotify.
NOT FIXED!!! Just changed the error <> #627
I don't get stuttering, because bluetooth audio just does not connect at all.
wifi/gps on/off makes no difference, there is something broken with the BT stack that stops it connecting and or making stable connections.
most of the time a known good Bluetooth speaker will pair but not actually connect.
Stock Nexus 7 4.2.2
z-500 logitech speakers
wifi/gps on/off makes no difference, there is something broken with the BT stack that stops it connecting and or making stable connections.
most of the time a known good Bluetooth speaker will pair but not actually connect.
Stock Nexus 7 4.2.2
z-500 logitech speakers <> #628
Nexus 4 - wireless and Bluetooth on; turn off Bluetooth move away from wireless location and Bluetooth will not turn back on. Wireless off still doesn't work. Power off then on device, everything back to normal. Seems like a wireless/Bluetooth conflict in the code. <> #629
My N4 connects with the car audio via bluetooth, plays music but does not work with voice calls. I have stock JB 4.2.2 on the nexus 4.
My old galaxy nexus worked perfectly with car audio - both music and calls.
My old galaxy nexus worked perfectly with car audio - both music and calls. <> #630
Selbes Problem: Nexus 4 + Android 4.2.2 + Diverse Webradios pausieren oder stoppen nach kurzer Zeit wenn über Bluetooth gestreamt wird.
Hoffe um schnelle fehlerbehebung.
Selbes Problem: Nexus 4 + Android 4.2.2 + Diverse Webradios pausieren oder stoppen nach kurzer Zeit wenn über Bluetooth gestreamt wird.
Hoffe um schnelle fehlerbehebung. <> #631
Google, Google, Google. Waited so long for this phone, saved up money to buy (! Your!) Product. What a shame. Same problems as everyone else, Bluetooth not working. seriously!. <> #632
Problem still seems to exist. Not as bad as before last update, but still very noticable. <> #633
I am facing the same problem with my nexus4! even though I updated to android 4.2.2, i can not use bluetooth for calling or receiving calls in my car. car mode:Mercedes B200 with Audio 20! but turn back to my old phones: nokia N8 and iphone 4s,it worked very well in the same car
! when can goolge fix tothis problem? !
! when can goolge fix tothis problem? ! <> #634
Nexus 7, 32G, android 4.2.2 - fine with spotify local sings, but cannot stream video with a Bluetooth speaker. This is pretty disappointing. Looks like my son has the better tablet after all, iPad mini. Very sad, Google. <> #635
ince 4.2.2 Bluetooth is much better behaved on Nexus 4 & Nexus 7, however there is an issue where playing music through bluetooth with dropout/stutter briefly every minute or so. This problem only occurs with the screen off and can be demonstrated using the Google music app to play both local and streamed files. Occasionally I can play everything will work without issue but 90% of the time the problem will occur.
I have been able to replicate the issue on both Nexus 4 & 7 running 4.2.2 using 2 7dayshop plug Bluetooth receivers. I know it is not an issue with the receivers as everything works fine if you keep the screen on the Nexus turned on.
I have been able to replicate the issue on both Nexus 4 & 7 running 4.2.2 using 2 7dayshop plug Bluetooth receivers. I know it is not an issue with the receivers as everything works fine if you keep the screen on the Nexus turned on. <> #636
Yeah, I'm still getting occasional (maybe once per minute) stuttering when playing audio over a bluetooth headset in Android 4.2.2 on my Galaxy Nexus. Really frustrating to have so basic a function still be so glitchy. I'm seeing this issue even when playing already-downloaded music via the Google Play Music app. <> #637
Same issue here. As long as the screen is on there is not a problem at all. After some minutes with the screen off music playback starts to stutter. I don't have this problem with tunein but with spottify. Please fix. <> #638
Had to chime in. I can say with 100% accuracy that NO Motorola phone with a version using BT 4.0 will stream music to either my J&M Audio Bluetooth helmet, OR my recently purchased Moto headset that says right on the box that it will receive streaming music from my phone. Hours on the phone with all parties: no fixes. "Connected (no media)."
$600 worth of paperweights for sale! (not including phone)
$600 worth of paperweights for sale! (not including phone) <> #639
Bluetooth still not fixed in 4.2.2.
Horrible, unusable quality. People on the other end can barley understand me, and music streaming is VERY poor quality. Come on guys who's working quality control on this?
Horrible, unusable quality. People on the other end can barley understand me, and music streaming is VERY poor quality. Come on guys who's working quality control on this? <> #640
Here is my problem...
I just bought nexus 4 a week old.. its had latest JB 4.4.2.
I'm able to pair my bluetooth but once disconnect then i've to start from scratch and it does not auto connect but i've turn on my bluetooth device in the pairing mode again. If i turn on my bluetooth device normal it wont connect even if i try to go in bluetooth setting and select the device. It says connecting but won't connect. If i unpair then i've to turn on device in paring mode to pair again.
Also the sound quality is horrible its cutting and hardly even for me to hear other side of the phone.
Google please fix the issue don't let me switch back to apple. I like andriod and the reason i bought nexus 4 is because i don't want to hack my device to get the latest upgrades so decided to by from google. But you are making me change my mind.
I just bought nexus 4 a week old.. its had latest JB 4.4.2.
I'm able to pair my bluetooth but once disconnect then i've to start from scratch and it does not auto connect but i've turn on my bluetooth device in the pairing mode again. If i turn on my bluetooth device normal it wont connect even if i try to go in bluetooth setting and select the device. It says connecting but won't connect. If i unpair then i've to turn on device in paring mode to pair again.
Also the sound quality is horrible its cutting and hardly even for me to hear other side of the phone.
Google please fix the issue don't let me switch back to apple. I like andriod and the reason i bought nexus 4 is because i don't want to hack my device to get the latest upgrades so decided to by from google. But you are making me change my mind. <> #641
Verizon Galaxy Nexus- Stock- never unlocked or rooted. Only ever had the Verizon-approved software. Bluetooth handsfree worked properly with my 2003 BMW in 4.1.1 (but A2DP had problems). Once the 4.2.2 update was pushed to my phone a week ago- handsfree car connection pairs, but bluetooth cycles on for 2 seconds then off for 2 seconds continuously. I did everything that I could think of (including factory reset) to no avail. Verizon is so slow with approving updates and patches that there is no way this will get fixed anytime soon, so I am going to have to learn how to unlock and root the phone to put 4.1.1 back on the phone (or buy something else).
It's really sad that a company with the resources and obvious talents of Google cannot or will not fix something so basic (and required by LAW in NJ if a phone is to be used while driving). I'm going to have to reconsider my choice of Android moving forward. I just don't have the time to learn how to modify my phone to make it work properly- and I shouldn't have to. Back to my wired headset- just like 10 years ago. Thanks Google...
It's really sad that a company with the resources and obvious talents of Google cannot or will not fix something so basic (and required by LAW in NJ if a phone is to be used while driving). I'm going to have to reconsider my choice of Android moving forward. I just don't have the time to learn how to modify my phone to make it work properly- and I shouldn't have to. Back to my wired headset- just like 10 years ago. Thanks Google... <> #642
I have to re pair the phone and the car every time I get into my Ford Fusion. Please fix this. I am not sure if the quality is worse also <> #643
[Comment deleted] <> #644
The problem I have is both the phone and media show connected. The phone works but the media player does not. I know the media player is linked because I can press the play/pause button on the car and it works but no audio. <> #645
Hello all,
My Nexus 7 runs 4.2.2. I connect it to an BT speaker and play audio, it has same stuttering issue as you all have.
Yesterday, I ran TurnIn app to stream a local internet radio to my BT speaker and supprisingly, the stuttering issue was gone. I tested many hours yesterday and also serveral hours today and the issue still gone. So stream local media has issue but stream internet radio OK. Does it relate to files system or flash memory issue? Hope this helps on solving the issue.
I upgraded to 4.2.2 before using BT stream, so don't know old version has same phenomemon or not.
My Nexus 7 runs 4.2.2. I connect it to an BT speaker and play audio, it has same stuttering issue as you all have.
Yesterday, I ran TurnIn app to stream a local internet radio to my BT speaker and supprisingly, the stuttering issue was gone. I tested many hours yesterday and also serveral hours today and the issue still gone. So stream local media has issue but stream internet radio OK. Does it relate to files system or flash memory issue? Hope this helps on solving the issue.
I upgraded to 4.2.2 before using BT stream, so don't know old version has same phenomemon or not. <> #646
I wish this issue would get resolved.
I would really like to pair my WiiMotes with my Nexus 7 & 4. :/
I would really like to pair my WiiMotes with my Nexus 7 & 4. :/ <> #647
using a bluetooth keyboard on my nexus 10 also causes it to jitter no matter what it's doing - each key press I make causes a few milisecond lagspike (so hitting keys repeatedly almost stops the device) <> #648
Hi all,
I have another finding.
The audio stuttering issue of BT streaming was gone after I changed the media player to Winamp.
So, TuneIn and Winamp are OK and android build-in media player has stuttering issue.
The issue is also go if I switch back to the build-in media player. This is strange. My N7 is version 4.2.2.
I have another finding.
The audio stuttering issue of BT streaming was gone after I changed the media player to Winamp.
So, TuneIn and Winamp are OK and android build-in media player has stuttering issue.
The issue is also go if I switch back to the build-in media player. This is strange. My N7 is version 4.2.2. <> #649
Still having this issue on my VZN Gnex. However, mine is specific to Netflix is seems. I use Play/Spotify quite a bit and don't seem to have any issues besides the EQ dropping off constantly. Netflix on the other hand is pretty much unuseable if i'm trying to listen via bluetooth headphones(have tried 3 different models of BT's). It will play fine for a minute then jump into constant stuttering and actually cause the phone to be only somewhat responsive untill it reacts to me hitting pause. <> #650
I'm on Android 4.2.2 (stock) on a GSM Galaxy Nexus, and I'm still having issues with Bluetooth music playback cutting out when using the Google Play Music app. There's also some subtle pitch shifting that sometimes happens at the same time.
I'm really hoping this can be fixed. Bluetooth worked great in 4.1!
I'm really hoping this can be fixed. Bluetooth worked great in 4.1! <> #651
Well done Google.
Been following these threads (there are about 30 on this bug tracker, tracking similar BT issues) for about 8 weeks now and I keep seeing the same trends:
Google won't take responsibility for the fault. One developer implies it will be fixed in Key Lime Pie.
Now, I would happily wait 6 months for that to happen, perhaps even plumping for an N5, but judging by Googles complete inability to recognise, communicate and fix the issue, I've just ordered a Galaxy S3 for £20 more than an N4. Google have simply failed to instil faith in their competence at fixing this and this is seen among other users on these threads.
So congratulations Google. Your incompetence is now not only losing existing customers, but also potential new ones. Which is a shame because the N4 seems like a great piece of kit, save for this one minor bug (I played on a friends N4).
I'll be unsubscribing from all trackers soon. Come Thursday, I just won't give a shit about the Nexus as a brand anymore.
For reference, I have borrowed an old HTC Wildfire (after my Nokia E5 gave up) and now want to give the phone back and get something a bit quicker. N4 was in the spotlight, but now I've voted with my wallet. 8 weeks is frankly, long enough and in fact, this issue has gone on MUCH longer than this.
I'm not advocating others jump the Nexus ship. Google may well get their act together. But for me personally, I'll be moving into a job role soon where reliability of features on a phone is more important than anything else.
Been following these threads (there are about 30 on this bug tracker, tracking similar BT issues) for about 8 weeks now and I keep seeing the same trends:
Google won't take responsibility for the fault. One developer implies it will be fixed in Key Lime Pie.
Now, I would happily wait 6 months for that to happen, perhaps even plumping for an N5, but judging by Googles complete inability to recognise, communicate and fix the issue, I've just ordered a Galaxy S3 for £20 more than an N4. Google have simply failed to instil faith in their competence at fixing this and this is seen among other users on these threads.
So congratulations Google. Your incompetence is now not only losing existing customers, but also potential new ones. Which is a shame because the N4 seems like a great piece of kit, save for this one minor bug (I played on a friends N4).
I'll be unsubscribing from all trackers soon. Come Thursday, I just won't give a shit about the Nexus as a brand anymore.
For reference, I have borrowed an old HTC Wildfire (after my Nokia E5 gave up) and now want to give the phone back and get something a bit quicker. N4 was in the spotlight, but now I've voted with my wallet. 8 weeks is frankly, long enough and in fact, this issue has gone on MUCH longer than this.
I'm not advocating others jump the Nexus ship. Google may well get their act together. But for me personally, I'll be moving into a job role soon where reliability of features on a phone is more important than anything else. <> #652
Galaxy Nexus
Build JOP40D
I only use bluetooth to connect my phone to my car system. After successfully connecting the phone, being able to receive and make calls, I can't turn the bluetooth off (the icon on top of screen stays blue even though the car is turned off). The on/off icon in system settings does not work, and I will not be able to reconnect to my car anymore. The only solution I have tried is restarting the phone.
I haven't noticed if this happens when I turn WiFi on or off, but I haven't had any problem with WiFi yet.
The bluetooth 'confusion' also seems to tamper with display sometimes. I can't open the phone when a call arrives. Again restarting the phone is the only solution.
Build JOP40D
I only use bluetooth to connect my phone to my car system. After successfully connecting the phone, being able to receive and make calls, I can't turn the bluetooth off (the icon on top of screen stays blue even though the car is turned off). The on/off icon in system settings does not work, and I will not be able to reconnect to my car anymore. The only solution I have tried is restarting the phone.
I haven't noticed if this happens when I turn WiFi on or off, but I haven't had any problem with WiFi yet.
The bluetooth 'confusion' also seems to tamper with display sometimes. I can't open the phone when a call arrives. Again restarting the phone is the only solution. <> #653
Sorry I forgot to add: maguro/yakjuux <> #654
Sound popping/skipping in car system (only Bluetooth audio I have). CyanogenMod 10.1m3 running android 4.2.2 on a galaxy s3. <> #655
[Comment deleted] <> #656
The controls for phone calls on my motorola bluetooth s305 headphones no longer work with my nexus 4 running 4.2.2. I used to be able to press the headphone and voice dial people in my gmail address book. The microphone and earphones still work after a call is initiated, but the controls buttons no longer work for making calls. If this could be fixed I would be ever so grateful. <> #657
I am having the same problem as #656 ( I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus running 4.2.2. My Bluetooth unit is manufactured by Unitron because I wear their hearing aids. I used to be able to press a button on BT unit and voice dial either contacts or to spell out the digits. I no longer get the prompt to speak the name or number.
I am able to talk using the BT unit on incoming calls or on outgoing calls which I place from the phone itself. But this is illegal when I am driving.
I am able to talk using the BT unit on incoming calls or on outgoing calls which I place from the phone itself. But this is illegal when I am driving. <> #658
This is a ridiculous issue. I have bought an entire sound system with bluetooth compatibility just to use it with my Nexus as wireless media player. I've had constant bluetooth problems since the first Android phone I've used. When will o all these connectivity issues be resolved? <> #659
I had a Bluetooth stutter issue when playing music to bluetooth speaker with my Nexus 7. It was a problem with both android 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. A factory reset fixed the problem. No more stuttering music. The factory reset is less of a hassle if you have you Nexus settings set to allow backups to Google servers. <> #660
Motorola Razr XT910 downloaded Android 4.1.2 yesterday, since then my Fiat Blue and Me cant read the received SMS text messages. MAP must have been removed.
When will this get fixed?
When will this get fixed? <> #661
My LG Bluetooth Stereo Headset worked perfectly with my Galaxy Nexus before 4.2.1. Now it frequently disconnects. I'm running 4.2.2 now, and there has been no improvement.
Steps to reproduce problem:
1. Turn on Bluetooth and headset power. Headset pairs with phone.
2. Play audio or video from various apps (Google Music, MX Player).
3. Turn off the audio or video that is playing.
4. Headset disconnects a few seconds later. Sometimes it re-pairs after dropping, sometimes it doesn't.
5. Sometimes Bluetooth locks up entirely and a reboot is required.
Correct behavior should be:
Headset should hold connection indefinitely.
Based on some research, it appears you've changed the Bluetooth software stack for 4.2.1, and supposedly fixed the issues in 4.2.2. But I have seen no improvement in performance since the "fix".
Steps to reproduce problem:
1. Turn on Bluetooth and headset power. Headset pairs with phone.
2. Play audio or video from various apps (Google Music, MX Player).
3. Turn off the audio or video that is playing.
4. Headset disconnects a few seconds later. Sometimes it re-pairs after dropping, sometimes it doesn't.
5. Sometimes Bluetooth locks up entirely and a reboot is required.
Correct behavior should be:
Headset should hold connection indefinitely.
Based on some research, it appears you've changed the Bluetooth software stack for 4.2.1, and supposedly fixed the issues in 4.2.2. But I have seen no improvement in performance since the "fix". <> #662
[Comment deleted] <> #663
I Trier the factory reset recommended above bit unfortunately the improvement lasted only a few minutes ön my Nexus 10 with 4.2.2.
Dö something soon or let us know us know hos long se need to wait!
Dö something soon or let us know us know hos long se need to wait! <> #664
Nexus 7, Android 4.2.2. Bluetooth remains completely unusable when paired with my Plantronics headsets:
- Voyager 520
- and M20
Yeah, they're not new, but they work great for calls via cordless phone, win 7, and iOS.
And with Android? -- absolutely impossible breakup & static.
If I knew a way to record what I hear from these, I would. I don't think that's possible.
- Voyager 520
- and M20
Yeah, they're not new, but they work great for calls via cordless phone, win 7, and iOS.
And with Android? -- absolutely impossible breakup & static.
If I knew a way to record what I hear from these, I would. I don't think that's possible. <> #665
This is a huge bug that needs to be fixed immediately. I will be rooting my tablet soon and reverting to Android 4.1 to fix this very issue.
Google seems to care less and less about customer feedback. Getting to be the new Apple. I may move back to *gasp* Windows tablets, since they actually respond to feed back and fix major issues.
Google, get your act together.
Google seems to care less and less about customer feedback. Getting to be the new Apple. I may move back to *gasp* Windows tablets, since they actually respond to feed back and fix major issues.
Google, get your act together. <> #666
Fix it please!! <> #667
This is a massive bug and I am very surprised it hasn't been fixed yet. Poor show, Google. <> #668
Just purchased Nexus 7 and updated to 4.2.2 and only got it rum mame and use controllers, and now learnt this is not possible! Can you fix this issue or I will have to root it and downgrade the firmware! Correct me if I am wrong but updates are supposed to be for the better, correct bug fixes and add features? The new update to me seems like a downgrade!! Also Battery Life seems to drain quicker! wish I had purchased the Ipad now!! <> #669
I have tried various paring methods, even changing the tablet's mac adress to a fixed mac adress and then "forcing" the pairing.
No dice
I love my nexii products. I only want them to work.
Rooting, downgrading to 4.1.2 did help, still unacceptable. GET A PROPER BLUETOOTH STACK NEXT TIME AROUND.
No dice
I love my nexii products. I only want them to work.
Rooting, downgrading to 4.1.2 did help, still unacceptable. GET A PROPER BLUETOOTH STACK NEXT TIME AROUND. <> #670
Android 4.2.2 bluetooth on my Galaxy S4 broke my car's builtin carkit (incl nav/stereo). Thank you Google. Glad Renault was kind enough to replace it at no cost. I was kindly advised not to pair the phone anymore, unless it had Android 4.0.4 on it. Figures. <> #671
YUp still not fixed on 4.2.2 on my Samsung Galaxy S4!! gone back to using my SGS2 then FFS that gets updated from 4.0.4 to 4.2.2 and the but is on that phone too!!!!!! <> #672
Same issue with my note2 and 4.1.2 <> #673
my spotify stops and studders and quits whenever I try using a bluetooth speaker
what can I do? spotify's solution to clear cache and uninstall/reinstall, etc. doesn't solve the issue. Ive had comcast out to check my internet connection too...still having same issue, and ready to stop my premium service and save 10 bucks a month
what can I do? spotify's solution to clear cache and uninstall/reinstall, etc. doesn't solve the issue. Ive had comcast out to check my internet connection too...still having same issue, and ready to stop my premium service and save 10 bucks a month <> #674
also....just got brand new chrome book and it will not even pair my blue tooth at all!!! <> #675
Love the new google music app (all access) but what's the point if it stutters constantly on car audio?
Didn't have this problem on my Verizon Galaxy Nexus until 4.2.
Didn't have this problem on my Verizon Galaxy Nexus until 4.2. <> #676
I never tried streaming music via Bluetooth from my two months old Nexus 4, but I'm experimenting serious problems related to audio calls over BT. I must say this nice smartphone is currently unusable in BT handsfree mode. I can't use it in my car or while wearing a micro-headset on the move, because all I get is no sound, or chopped, distorted, bad digitized voice. When I switch off wifi, BT sound improves a little, but it remains unusable.
Model: Nexus 4
Android: 4.2.2
Kernel Version: 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd
Build Number JDQ39
Bluetooth micro-headsets tried:
Southwing SH305
Nokia BH-216
Jabra EasyGo
Jabra EasyCall
Bluetooth car audio tried:
All devices listed are working fine with three different Nokia phones and two notebooks (W7 & Skype). I canceled another Nexus 4 purchase for my wife. I guess this issue has been fooling around for too long.
This is a serious problem, present at least from 4.2.1 and also reported under issue 36949180 .
Model: Nexus 4
Android: 4.2.2
Kernel Version: 3.4.0-perf-g7ce11cd
Build Number JDQ39
Bluetooth micro-headsets tried:
Southwing SH305
Nokia BH-216
Jabra EasyGo
Jabra EasyCall
Bluetooth car audio tried:
All devices listed are working fine with three different Nokia phones and two notebooks (W7 & Skype). I canceled another Nexus 4 purchase for my wife. I guess this issue has been fooling around for too long.
This is a serious problem, present at least from 4.2.1 and also reported under <> #677
There is a workaround for this issue : Mono Bluetooth Router. Try it. <> #678
[Comment deleted] <> #679
Same issue, checked for system updates or all application updates and I just paired my new device last night. Audio playing through my bluetooth enabled car stereo sounds like garbage. Very distorted at even low volumes. <> #680
Same issue. Droid4. Plantonics bluetooth. Have uninstalled the updates to the google apps. works for a day then right back to the same problem. Bluetooth is useless. I have to physically dial the phone # then click the bluetooth setting in order to use the bluetooth...kind of defeats the purpose don't you think. <> #681
Same issue. upgraded to verizon samsung S4 over the weekend, streaming music to my bluetooth speakers like have I have been for 2 years with my old phone, WIFI corrupted after 20 minutes. Had to get my old phone back out. Crazy and disappointing. <> #682
6 month no fix! Now i'm going to RMA my phone now, as long as needed to get it back working or my money back! <> #683
[Comment deleted] <> #684
[Comment deleted] <> #685
[Comment deleted] <> #686
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[Comment deleted] <> #689
[Comment deleted] <> #690
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OS: Android 4.2 JOP40C
When I stream music from my Nexus 7 to my bluetooth speaker system it is stuttering every few seconds - unusable. This everytime, especially when I stream music from over wifi (TuneIn, Spotify, Google Music Cloud App) to my Bluetooth speakers.
This didn't happened with Android 4.1.2 and I'm using it daily for many hours. Also on my Galaxy Nexus with 4.1.2 it's still running fine.