Mentioned issues (3)
Android is not open Bluetooth 4.0 for developers “ otni detroper dna ereh emaS |
Links (13)
“ ) tsop gniogno rehtona morf gnimoC ) on this very same topic. 4.2 made bluetooth audio from bad to worse! I have thoughts of breaking this POS Nexus 7. I'm tired of dealing with the force closes on Google apps on their own updated OS and having to find workarounds for every freaking thing that goes wrong on Android. ”
“ :elcitra siht tuo kcehC?gniyas m'I tahw gniyas elpoep ynam os era yhw nehT.smelborp htooteulb 7 suxen ym ot sdrager htiw"roivaheb lamron ton si tahT" etuoq dlot dna YTLAYOL REMOTSUC SUSA fo neiT yb deliame saw I thing that upsets me the most is their denial that a problem exists. ”
“ .yhposolihp ynapmoc s'elgoog rof 3# dna 1# rof eruliaf elbakramer a si eussi siht ekil smeeS ”
“ !emit tuobA .skeew wef a ni gnimoc si 2.2.4 naebylleJ ”