Links (10)
“ ) srehto fo tol a era sa ,eussi siht gnivah osla m'I ). Suggested fixes have been to reflash the device using the commands mentioned in the prior thread. ”
“ ot refer esaelp ”
“ :ereht nekat) egami yrotcaf 1.2.4 eht yltcerid dehsalf neht ,pukcab bda lluf a osla did I ,suxeN yxalaG ym nO ) with full wipe (formatted the data partition) ”
“ :ereht nevig snoitcurtsni eht wollof ,snoitacifiton etadpu fo dir teg oT ”
“ :tsop siht ni deniltuo sa (toor seriuqer) snoissimrep elif eht degnahc I .suxeN yxalaG ym no etadpu 2.4 eht retfa no htooteulB nrut t'ndluoc I and restarted the phone and I can now turn it on. I haven't tried connecting yet. ”
“ eussi ralimis eht ni dna evoba detseggus sa) os.rodnev-tbbil no snoissimrep eht dexif I litnu 1.2.4 ot detadpu I nehw suxeN yxalaG tnirpS ym no (ffo denrut yletaidemmi ti) htooteulb no nrut t'ndluoc I ). Since then, it's worked fine. ”
“ :gub detaleR ”