Mentioned issues (1)
Android is not open Bluetooth 4.0 for developers “ ot refeR .desiar neeb sah eussI |
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“ :tisiv esaelp snoissucsid ”
“ ] .xuniL no gnilacs wodniw PCT elbasid ot woh snialpxe egap sihT .melborp deeps iFiW eht evloser dluoc I taht ,diordnA yb desu lenrek xuniL eht fo ytreporp ltcsys a yfidom dluoc I fi taht tcepsus I .dnammoc tcaxe eht dnif ot dneirf ruoy si elgooG .taht ekil gnihtemos ro "ffo=levelgninutotua labolg tes pct ecafretni" epyt dna tpmorp hsten eht morf enod si sihT .sretupmoc 7/atsiV swodniW ym fo lla no gnilacs wodniw PCT elbasid ot evah I ,hcus sA .gnilacs wodniw PCT troppus ylreporp t'nseod ti dna ,retuor tenretnI yawetag ym sa retuor ocsiC dlo na evah I .gnilacs wodniw PCT ot detaler si ecnamrofrep iFiW wols htiw melborp eht taht tcepsus ot gniog m'I ] So how can I get a shell on Android? ”
“ :trats ot ecalp doog a si siht spahreP .ltcsys yfidom ot deriuqer si ssecca toor sa krow ot ylekilnu si ppa rotalume lanimret A ”
“ :seulav ltcsys eht yfidom ot ssecca htiw em edivorp lliw tik toor pets eno siht spahreP ”
“ ereh ,ADX morf siht ot noitulos elbissop a dnuof I os ,thgirlA . Pry open the back cover with your fingernail (iFixIt has a guide, don't worry about the warranty, there is no seal and it snaps right back in). Inside the back cover there will be multiple copper pieces labeled Wifi, GPS, NFC. This shows you which prongs on the device correspond to which function. The Wifi prongs are on the top right of the device, near the microphone hole. ”
“ :reganam ifiw dellac ppa na dedaolnwod i esuaceb, ,2.4 naebyllej ni gub a eb ot sraeppa ereht taht si tuo dnuof I tahW ”
“ :(hsinapS ni) smurof eseht no sresu ynam rof esac eht eb ot smees sihT ”